
Peyote Critical+ Critical Kush RDWC #1

6 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 6
12 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
AN Sensi Bloom A B
4 ml/l
AN Voodoo juice
2 ml/l
AN Tarantula
2 ml/l
2+ nutrients after
Commented by
MrPlow MrPlow
6 years ago
Hey everybody. Day 41. I have been really busy, the garden has gotten out of hands. Tomorrow I will start flowering stage. Just need to go get the flowering nutes. Still havent gotten the hydroguard, my creditcard is locked so cant order shit now. But they still growing and not dead so I take it so that they can still be saved. Hope that they wont freak at the lights swap and scrog training. All the best, yours truely, MrPlow! Day 42. Today was a BUSY day. It was the last chance to clean the rez. I was a bit worried to put the net over them because it means there will not be a chance to clean them in any case, and there has been a battle with the algae and other root issues but if I want to grow them in scrog then now it is time. And I am a Scrog guy all the way, balls deep. And the shitty thing is that I still dont have the Hydroguard, BUT I bought every freaking root product Advanced Nutriets has ever made and added them to rez, hope that can keep them alive another 60 days. It has to work, I like the Scrog style so much im willing to take the risk of not cleaning the buckets until harvest. I think its a must when growing weed, if you are a commercial grower, it gives you the possibility to use every inch of the tent efficiently. And today was the time to start the flower phase as well. 42 down, 60 to go. ;) thanks for reading. Please leave a comment if you got improvement ideas or advices or any questions! Have a great day fellas! Plow! ;)
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MrPlowweek 6
@BeefWellingtons,Hello! I got the H202 ready, its 12% strong. And my system holds 250 litres. I have been reading from the forums that the calculation of H202 admount is 10xL(rez.size)/%(H202strength). So in my case 10x250/12=208,3ml. Now lights are off and Im scared shitless. Tomorrow soon as light go on I will add it to every single bucket one by one. 208ml/19= 10.9ml to every bucket. Wish me luck!
Cultusweek 5
I have had a few leaves look like that. Since it only seemed to be the older lower leaves i believe it was caused by pH fluctuation. So i removed those leaves and i have kept a closer eye on pH, making smaller adjustments more often and i haven't seen it come back yet. The B52 will definitly discolor your roots, and i have had similar concerns, but they were never slimey or smelly. i even rinsed them off after a water change once to be sure. But the Voodoo Juice seems to really be doing the job! Good Luck!
@MrPlow, pH perfect works best with RO water. However, as the nutrients are used up -- positive and negative ions are absorbed. This causes pH drift up and down. It definitely seems to help the nutrients stay in pH longer, but there are still pH swings -- from all of my experimenting. I had plants that I skipped pH'ing too (using AN nutrients) -- and some of the leaves looked exactly like yours. Let us know things go! We'll be watching.
@@Chi_Town_White_Boy, Fuck, you have a point, I havent even checkd the PH for weeks I have just trusted the Connoiseurs PH Perfect technology. Now I Switced back the Voodoo juice for the B52. And now the PH is spot on! No adjusting needed ;)
I've had leaves do this kind of stuff from pH flucations, like @Cultus said, too. @MrPlow, make sure you maintain the pH between 5.5 - 6.3, shooting for 5.8-5.9. Also, if you're using one of the cheaper pen pH meters, make sure you calibrate it at least every 1-2 weeks. They tend to drift up or down, and do so rather quickly. Keep us posted!
Chi_Town_White_Boyweek 4
Hey brother! I don’t think you have a root issue. This happens to my plants too. The first time I saw it I fought it for weeks and then threw the plant away, stupidly. This is likely due to b52 - you’re going to get staining when you use it. The only way I’ve found to “clean” my roots is to flush - or just don’t feed it when it’s due. After a few days of being hungry it’ll start eating the junk on the roots themselves. Unless you see slimy, mushy roots - you’re good. People say ‘smelly roots’, but if you’re not familiar with that smell then, you could confuse it with the less-than-pleasing smell of a week old DWC reservoir. Mine always have tannish look overall, with sometimes brown spots where there’s a big tangle (like your photo). It took me a while to figure out - but it’s the B52. PS: I use Hydroguard and Hygrozyme in addition to the cleaner lineup from Advanced Nutrients. Both are cheaper and work great if you want to swap them out for Voodoo Juice (Hydroguard) and Sensizyme (Hygrozyme). Again, I think you’re roots are fine.
@MrPlow, You'll be fine adding some VooDoo Juice next rez change. They say to do it anyway for weeks 1 & 2 of grow, too, and you might not be far off (if these are autos). Regardless, you shouldn't have any issues using some extra VooDoo Juice. But consider picking up some Hygrozyme or something -- its cheaper and you'll get good results. Just keep in mind that the nutrients are brown, so your roots will likely have some staining from that. Another thing about DWC is that the hydroton (clay) can cause some of that brown staining too. Make sure you rinse the hydroton as much as possible when you plant new plants. Regardless, you're going to get some staining like this. Your roots dont look bad. Take a look at my Sour Diesel plant. The roots on that don't look white at all. Yours look very white with a bit of browning where it's clumped up. Also, are you sure they're slimy? When I first saw this browning, I also thought it was slimy -- but when I saw root rot -- I realized the difference. Sometimes that brown look can appear to be slimy, but as long as your roots are still strong and have that individual strain feel/texture, then I don't think it's root rot. Root rot really smells like pure shit. And it causes the roots to turn very mushy and lose that individual strain spaghetti-type texture. I think you're fine -- I think what likely happened was that the roots got stained from B-52 and started banding together. That can sometimes lock in that brownish color if the clump gets super big. Again, I wouldn't worry about it too much. 21°c isn't terrible. I try to keep mine between 62-68°F. You've got a chiller, but if you're still having problems -- throw a few ice bottles in a couple reservoirs. Since they're all connected, it should bring the temps down a bit for all of them -- right? That is seriously my "chiller" solution -- frozen water bottles. Cost is free and they last about 3-6 hours depending on how hot it is outside and in the tents. I can't give you too much advice about the water pump, but that sounds like a feasible plan. The only thing I could think of is that a bigger waterpump will likely generate more heat -- so it might not be the solution. What about your air pumps? Are those generating a lot of heat? I notice that when I added a 10ft air tube to my setup, the temps of my air go way down. It's like the heat from the air pumps don't travel all the way down the tube so it cools down a bit before it gets to the buckets. Might want to try doing something like that. Just remember that both air pumps and water pumps will generate heat. Let me know how it goes. Good luck brother!
@@Chi_Town_White_Boy, Really, I already thought I was doomd. Its fuckin hard to find hydroguard here. But I sopped giving them voodoo juice like the AN nutriet calculator in their website adviced and they instantly look slimyer and more brownich and plants more pale and discoloration on lower leafs. I thinking putting them back on voodoo juice on the next rez water change. Do you think it I good idea. Because it takes me a week atleast to get my hands on hydroguard. And is there any idea or can it even be used together with voodoo juice. I just fear alot for my roots cause I just turned on my third 600w hps lamp and now the rz temp is above 21°c petty much all the time. I think if i replace my 1000lph waterpump with 1500lph one, it could rotate the water faster trough the chiller and that way lower the rez tempreature. What do you think? Thanks! - Plow
BeefWellingtonsweek 8
Wow, great job bro! Now lets see those roots? Check out my hydro grow for what the hydroguard did for my roots, they look like snow flakes.
@BeefWellingtons,There you go! I just added a photo of one Peyote Criticals roots, it was perfect timing because now there is no solution while changing the waters. The Scrog is in the way so cannot lift the plant to get the roots out of the water, only way to get photo of them is to get rid of the water. What do you think, not pearly white but not that bad?
BeefWellingtonsweek 6
I read there that you can't get hydroguard yet. Get some h202 concentrate solution and give it to the system. Now I have seen roots discolored from nutrient stain, and have seen voodoo juice do that...however they are looking pretty dark. Research hydrogen peroxide in dwc and you'll see many people use it, just not with organic nutrients. You can't use it with Organic Nutes. (Not sure if you are organic or not?)
@MrPlow, so I did more research on this and you want to treat them with a 3% peroxide solution. You will have to do the math on that, but that is the number. What we are trying to do here is not kill root rot as much as kill the bacteria that causes it. Yes, the peroxide will digest a case of root rot but the strategy is to prevent it. If you had a clump of dark, slimy root rot, you would want to cut that away. This will be more research for you to do. However I think you are well on your way for some healthy, happy roots! For future treatments, I have seen that people are mixing water with the peroxide and then adding it. Note that this will cause pressure from the peroxide so use a container that can handle additional pressure. Take some pictures of one of the darker sets of roots so you can compare the changes later on. Good luck!
@BeefWellingtons, It done now! They didnt die instantly so that is a good singn. :) now im thinking was that strong enough. I might just ad the 10ml to those buckets everyday for 5 days. (After that I run out of the stuff) That must kill all the root rot for good!
@MrPlow, don't be scared, be brave. All will be ok.
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BeefWellingtonsweek 4
Yes, hydroguard is worth it! Yes, amazon can send it to your country, yes you should get it asap. I have seen several browning roots come back after hydroguard, and while your chiller is excellent, the hydroguard will fix browning root issues in less than a week. You will be amazed and the product sells itself. Don't wait, order it asap. Also, you can put extra or more powerful air stones in each basin to help as well.
@MrPlow, I'm not sure why Amazon won't ship to you this product mate. It could have a compound not allowed in your area, it could be as simple as that 👍 Like you said. I don't think you need this, things look back on track to me mate 👊 All the best ✌️ Mark..
@DinafemSeeds, Yeah, now Im conviced. I will add that to my nute selection but I have great trouble getting it. Most shops including amazon wont send it to my country for some reason. Whats the deal?!? But as you can see from latest photos the problem is not that bad anymore, the voodoo juice has made them grow alot of healthy root mass around the damaged parts of the root system. the waterchiller has made a big diffrence too I belive, algae growth has slowed down at least 50% and oxygen levels in solution skyrocketed, I can almost see them grow by looking at them :)
@MrPlow, I don't know this brand personally but have heard great things by many hydro growers 👍 Keep us posted on the root issue buddy. We we hope you get it under control 👊 All the best ✌️ Mark..
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BeefWellingtonsweek 3
That's a serious setup you have there. I'm going to watch it, curious how 1 600w led will handle all those plants. Good luck on your grow! Going to be massive at some point.
@BeefWellingtons, Hahaha, yeah, I do! :) got it mixed up.
@MrPlow, do you mean cm?
@BeefWellingtons, Allright, thanks for the advice, I'll try to fix the light info. The tent is (300x150x235mm) so is like a room within a room, haha. ;) Yeah, its gonna be epic, today I just bought watercooler so once I hook it up it should boost the growth even more by letting the nute solution absorb more oxygen. Im very exited with this grow. :D
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BeefWellingtonsweek 5
At the risk of sounding silly, it looks like a calcium deficiency. I would get a cal-mag supplement and put it in there. That said, it could be due to your root issue which is a more important issue imo. You have pythium forming in your roots by the looks of things. This will turn into root rot and kill your plants. Just Google hydroguard and get it sent overnight. They need that asap. It will save your plants, and you will love it. The faster you add it to your buckets, the faster they will recover. Good luck!
@MrPlow,if that is the worst of the root issues, you might try dunking them roots into a hydrogen peroxide/water mix for the time being. That will kill the bad bacteria (but also the good), but it might keep her going for another week. I did it a few times, it didn't seem to harm the plant at all.
@BeefWellingtons, I am open to all ideas, I think Cal-Mag might be a good addition to basic nutes. I will get hydroguard asap. Ill order it as soon as my paycheck comes. But its from over seas so it might take week or so to arrive. Tomorrow Ill add Voodoo juice as an first aid. Thanks for helping me! We got a great community here, lots of support! Thanks bro!
DinafemSeedsweek 7
What a beautiful looking room filled with lovely looking plants that are now starting there flower stage 👍 A packed room so this should be fun 👊 All the best ✌️ Mark..
@DinafemSeeds, Hey Mark! It is indeed beautiful! Thanks for checking out my girls! You have been there from day 1, you didnt bullshit when you told youll be watching, mad respect! I will be happy to keep you updated. So buckle up your seatbelts! The REAL show is now just about to start! ;) -Mr.Plow
BeefWellingtonsweek 7
EGhads man!!! Freaking Forrest you got there. Better start recruiting trimmers asap.
@BeefWellingtons, Indeed! I just removed 2 plastic bags FULL of leaf and "never gonna make it" branches and it made almost no differece to the looks of the room! :D now all of them have at least few of white hairs so ITS ON! let there be buds!!
Freedoniaweek 3
Wow nice set up! and nice girls!! Good luck bro!
@Freedonia,Thank you so much for your support! Feels good to know people notice the effort! :)
BudStinkWeedweek 2
@MrPlow, You'll do great 👍 All the best Mark..
@BudStinkWeed, Thanks, mate! I'll Try my best!
SeedLoverweek 1
Good luck on these :) great strains!
@MrPlow, yeah PeyCritical is just something! You'll see it has beautiful colors and the smell is flowery and smooth to my nose. Btw it grows with short internodes if light is at good distance and it grows hard!
@@SeedLover, Thanks! :) Yes they are! CriKu is a trusted old friend but first time with Peyote, cant wait to see her fully grown!
Chi_Town_White_Boyweek 2
Looking good, brother! You're using small netpots, what 3" or 4"? Do you plan on keeping them in that size the entire life of the plant? Just curious. I use the 6" but have considered downsizing -- just not sure what advantage there is. Good luck with the grow this week! 💪
@@Chi_Town_White_Boy, Yeah, Im impressed myself! :) I think they are 4" dont know whats the advantage with small ones, maybe less light leaks to solution. But seems to work great so think I'll go all the way with those. Thanks, to you too!
RastaMouseweek 1
Nice. Go with grow
@RastaMouse, Thanks! Go with grow bro! ;)
DinafemSeedsweek 9
Your in week 4 of bloom so the stretch should be over now my friend. This should allow you to focus on managing the plant canopy and we will start to see those buds develope now 👍 Looking good from here mate 👊 All the best ✌️ Mark..
SeedLoverweek 9
Hi there, your garden is an Amazonian forest, beautiful! My noob advice would be to supercrop the colas that are too high, WITHOUT breaking the stem's structure (no snaps), I did that with my previous garden and it worked out very well!
BeefWellingtonsweek 9
Glad to hear the hydroguard worked for ya bud. Looks like your Forrest is doing good as well!
BeefWellingtonsweek 8
Time to build a fricken tree house up in that forrest!
bobo420week 1
Good luck with the grow ;)
DinafemSeedsweek 1
Good luck with this grow my friend and thank you for including our Critical+2.0 in your selection. We won't let you down and will be watching with interest 👊 Good luck mate, your off to a great start 👍 All the best Mark..
@MrPlow, 100% not a robot mate. That's a healthy tray of seedlings ready to party 👍 Good luck for the next stage and I'll drop back in on the next update 👊 Beep, beep, bop All the best Mark..
@DinafemSeeds, Thank you for your support! Means a lot to me! Awesome seeds you make! (I hope I didnt reply to a robot, I would look stupid.) ;)