
Ontario Outdoor Trees

5 years ago
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 24
14 hrs
Light Schedule
9+ conditions after
2+ nutrients after
Commented by
ButtersStotch ButtersStotch
5 years ago
-Well I believe I got the PM under control. I can’t 100% say which method worked as I tried both Apple cider vinegar and milk. The first 7 days I sprayed every night with acv (10ml/quart) and the PM would disappear and then reappear the next day. I upped it to 15ml/quart on the last night. The following day I sprayed the girls with 40/60 milk water during the day as I guess the milk needs the sun to work. I really think the milk has worked and I still keep finding PM every other day on leaves that are hidden in the canopy(assuming they’re leaves I’ve missed). I’ll keep reapplying milk as I find PM and will keep this updated. -These things take a lot of maintenance! From the frequent feeding, mixing of nutes, picking dying leaves and constant tieing up of branches due to the weight of the buds. When it rains man they get heavy and droop bad and I find new ones to tie. -I’m going to invest in a leaf blower to save me when it does rain, I’d like to use it every morning but I leave the house at 430 so I doubt my neighbours would appreciate that. I’ll just have to try and shake the dew of as best I can. -can’t wait for these girls to be finished! -Update. (Sept 19) just checked the trichomes out of curiosity, i though they had 3 weeks left at least. 5-10% amber and none clear. No more food flush starts now! They hunt been fed in 3 days and I want to harvest when the trichs are <=50% amber so maybe next weekend or the weekend after will be chop day. I have nowhere to dry them except an outdoor shed so I think I’m going to break and by.a 4x8 tent and an 8” fan to put it all in my basement and vent out the chimney to dry. I have no clue how many jars I’m going to need, I wanted to use 1L jars but I’ve read Mold is more prevalent in the bigger jars. I can’t beleive the end is this close!
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Grow Questions
ButtersStotchstarted grow question 5 years ago
This is my first outdoor grow and I’m just wondering if anyone can tell me roughly when flowering should start if I live in eastern Ontario
Other. Bugs
Stickanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hi @ButtersStotch! As soon as you will have less than 13 hours of daily sunlight, so in Ontario this will happen by the end of August / beginning of september: Happy growing! 👊
ButtersStotchstarted grow question 5 years ago
Been discovering these little burns and holes on all the plants, Pic 2, 3 and 4. I'm assuming the burns are the precursor to the holes but I'm unsure, maybe they're not related. Any clues as to what this is. I want to stop it ASAP Rocky
Leaves. Color - Mottling
1 like
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hey there ButterStotch, as you're growing outdoors this kind of "unexplainable" spots will pop . basically its tiny bug bites, you can tell by how they're clustered together. As this isnt really a big deal yet, there's not much you can do, these mysterious bite marks comme and go. If you want you can always add bacilus thungerensis (BT) which should control any potential outbreak. Meanwhile do check your plant up and down, especially under the leaves and the area near the pot. You're looking for aphids or spider mites which will appear as microscopic black dots. If you do find any, i recommend the BT but if not, well welcome to the wonderful world of cultivating outside ! 🚀
ButtersStotchstarted grow question 5 years ago
I believe I fixed my nute lockout a couple of weeks ago. But since flowering has started I’ve been getting a deficiency on the older leaves from the bottom moving to the top. I’m wondering if this is A nitrogen deficiency as I’ve backed off on the nitrogen since I’ve switched to flowering nutes. I’m not really sure how to proceed or if I’m even right.
Leaves. Other
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sKitzOanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hey brother. Hard to tell without some testing, but she looks hungry. Looks like she’s consuming lower growth to support her flowering efforts. The issue could be the pH of the medium causing your plants to not be in the right range and therefore not getting what they need. Only way to tell for sure is to test the run off next flush or feed. I think your could accomplish this by pushing a pot up on one side with a brick/stone underneath, then similar on the other side. Just need to get something like a Tupperware under there to collect and test. At a minimum test the pH and adjust your next feed accordingly. For example, if your soil is high 6s/low 7s you need to feed with a lower pH 6.2 ish. If it’s in the range you can make more minor corrections to aim for the sweet spot. Lastly if you can test the EC/ppm of the run off, it can tell you how much the plants are consuming in between feeding and watering.
ButtersStotchstarted grow question 5 years ago
When using a Apple cider vinegar/water mixture is it ok to spray the entire plant, leaves bud and all to combat Powdery Mildew (PM)? I’m assuming it’s ok and may help prevent the PM from infecting the buds leading to bud rot?
Leaves. White powder
souljasamanswered grow question 5 years ago
In general, I don't think its all that great of a thing to spray anything directly on the buds. I've never tried spraying my buds with anything so I don't know 100% if apple cider vinegar would harm them. I tried to dig up some information on using apple cider vinegar to kill PWM and found quite a few articles, but none specified if spraying your buds was okay. They all just said to spray down all affected leaves. In my search for info, I did a few other remedies(Baking soda, Milk, Hydrogen peroxide) that did actually mention that you should spray the buds. One person in the comments of one of the sites I was reading stated milk did wonders for their PWM. I will quote the comment here: "the way to use it is as follows dilute 400ml milk to 600ml water allow solution to stand in an open container in the sun for about an hour then spray entire plant, the science behind this is that milk, when exposed to direct sun and air, builds up natural antifungal and antibacterial enzymes that kill the powdery mildew on contact." I hope this helps and good luck in your battle!

Show by Week
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OntarioBigGreenweek 24
Getting closer ...looking good
Mrs_Larimarweek 22
Its no issue that the leaves turn purple/ red. and discoloring is no problem too, they are coming near to their end, and " autumn _leaves appear"....... i love that stage very much, the red is from the colder temperatures, and the dicoloration is from the reduced cholorophyll.. some plants turn purple/ red... the discoloring shows you the ripening of the plant
Mrs_Larimarweek 17
hi i dont now if i already mentioned it... give them a good flush to slove saltbuiltups, after that you can feed them. and food comes to them.. give some sugar/ molasses after the flush too feed bacteria in the soil after such a long growing period salts like to builtup over the roots, if you flush them out roots can absorb again....
@Mrs_Larimar, Thank you so much, problem solved!
@ButtersStotch, sounds great, sometimes easiest things get forgotten
@Mrs_Larimar,I realied I've been using nutes for 17 weeks with little rain and no flush, this has to be it. I gave them a big flush and they seem to be doing better!
Mrs_Larimarweek 20
it was good to give them more space ( you are having a nice big garden) and does your dog love it too to mnch some leaves=?
@Mrs_Larimar, he bit one when it was a seedling and stunted it for a couple weeks, I gifted it away and it’s turning out awesome for that person. As for Gunner (my dog) he doesn’t even bother with them anymore. Definetly a good thing!
Mrs_Larimarweek 24
That was a great Show. Iam really looking forward to grow Legal... you can use bettr Spaces for the Outdoors and dot have to stay in stealth. Congrats to your shiny grow...... looking forward to 2020
Mrs_Larimarweek 24
I dont know if i would wait for so much amber in an outdoor.. if temps are low and if it rains...... I would go for Harvest now..... before mold spreads But like always... your Decision But on the other Hand , i think if i look at the overall buds she could develop bigger ones in the remaining time.... How about giving the Girls a roof=?..... ( just look on my previous Outdoor of the Shaman.... greetings
Mrs_Larimarweek 23
I whish you more Weesk of dry and Sunny Weather, and yes, autumn is around the corner. we all hope for a good autumn with warm and dry days
Mrs_Larimarweek 18
Yaaay thats great to see them back in a fresh style, looking very strooong. iam happy that flushing helped them.... happy growing
Mrs_Larimarweek 16
well what can i say , tha havent been said.... ummm... you got a lovely jungle there, very nice shaped girls...
Mrs_Larimarweek 15
Its no big issue to have some yellow leaves at the bottom. You can give them agood flushing for to wash out some possible saltbuiltups from feeding, but for me the Girls look perfect
Mrs_Larimarweek 13
happy Canada Day too. lovely outdoor grow here.. iam going to follow up
Mrs_Larimarweek 24
Congrats to your Diary of the Month!!!
@Mrs_Larimar, same to you!
Silky_smoothweek 24
Congrats on your amazing grow and harvest....🙏🙏🙏
Njaakweek 24
Like the drying pics especially :) Your grow looks a lot like my brother's. Big soil pots outdoors are hard to beat. Congrats!!
sKitzOweek 17
Hey brother, nice looking Ontario trees! I figured i’d Toss my 2 pennies in the jar. Reading your diary for the past few weeks, it looks as though you’ve been feeding/watering with a pH of 6. I suspect a lot of your deficiencies are created by too low a pH. In dirt, you should be around 6.5, with some swinging between 6.3-6.8. IMHO 6.0 is way low and likely causing some lock outs. Have you ever tested the runoff from the bottom of the pots? Another good way to see what the pH of your soil is. I suspect if you get that pH up your girls will be much happier, and you’ll likely use less bites, saving you some coin. Good luck, flower time ya almost upon us ON growers!
@ButtersStotch, I keep seeing people using promix and like it. Good to know.
@ButtersStotch, right on man 👍. After that flush, and getting to where our sun is, they will need some food real soon. That pro-mix doesn’t hold it, and from what I can see in the pics, your meri-stems look stretchy. Let the fun begin 🤘
@sKitzO, thanks man! my water was ph'd to 6.5 and it solved the problem so far. Need to get some PH up. Much appreciated!
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WeedTheNorthweek 24
Well done!! 🇨🇦🙏
@OhcanaDAbiz, same to you!
Njanneweek 24
Congrats! I love Crop King Genetics :) What a fun first legal grow season here in Ontario too! Can't wait for next year. In the meantime it's time for some winter autos 😬
@Njanne, congrats to you too! Gunna get set up and try some of my last free seeds from Humbolt! I do love crop king so let’s see how these girls turn out.
sKitzOweek 24
Looking good brother. If you have an 8 week strain they should be done sometime late the week of September 30th in Ontario, the trics will let you know for sure, but that first weekend in oct is always chopping time round here. Clearly mold and outdoor issues can mess that up, so it’s all up to you. A bud wash will get rid of all your WPM, and if it’s good enough for Jorge, it’s good enough for us 😜
@sKitzO, Yep watching the Trichs closely now! and funny you say that I just watched the video on Jorge bud washing haha i will 100% be doing that. Just ordered that tent and fan too so all I need now is a boat load of jars!
DD_420week 23
Dang weather! I vote 12 months of the year to be 23 during day and 16 at night. Outdoor is a whole new ball game from indoor hey 😀 here’s to hoping your crop pulls through.
@DD_420, I second that!
sKitzOweek 20
Looking great brother! They are quite shapely ain’t they Do you plan to or have you considered pruning inside the canopy? Our fall’s can tend to be well... moist to say the least. Thinning them out will allow more air through them and will help to ward off bud rot. It also has the benefit of allowing the majority of the plants growth, and therefore nutrient uptake, to focus on the main budsites that get way more sun, thus allowing our desired donkey dicks 😆 Regardless, they are looking fine. Bring on the flower power!
@sKitzO,I appreciate your input man! Anything from an experienced grower like you is awesome! I did thin them out quite a bit, I’ll update in my next weeks update. Your grows looking amazing too btw! Time to pack on the weight!
Hellishjamweek 17
Looking real good devil, that one in the end looks super wide!!! 🌲
@Hellishjam, Thanks! shortest but definitely the fattest.