
1st auto grow

5 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 10
18 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
Commented by
northernMike northernMike
5 years ago
Hello everybody just about to start week #10, day 62😛 started to flush the L.B with straight water as I noticed the trichomes are getting milky with the odd amber ones here and there. 2L water per day The Northern Lights is a couple of weeks behind but is packing on the weight.feeding little bit 2ml/liter sensi-cal mag,2ml/liter big bud,1ml/liter overdrive😎 the buds are getting bigger every time I look in the tent👌 I picked a usb microscope, really hard to focus😵 specially after 2-3 cups of coffee😝will post more when I get the hang of it👍 Thanks everybody and Grow Big💪
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Grow Questions
northernMikestarted grow question 5 years ago
Hi, has anyone grown lambs breath autoflowering? Were they short and stuby like mine? how long from sprout to flower? PKG. says 7 weeks, just curious how accurate this is. Any help would be great Thanks😎
Plant. Other
Mr_Weeds_Autosanswered grow question 5 years ago
I haven't personally but a few people on here have such as @KiloChase and @Alberta780. @Alberta780 has one that is 39" inches at the moment.

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northernMikeweek 10
@bmvape,It's exciting alright, they are starting to change colour fairly quick Patience is holding up😶 just watching those buds get bigger and BIGGER💪crazy!! can't wait to enjoy😛 Grow Big
PrairieFrostGrowweek 8
They are looking good for your first go at it!! The hardest thing for all growers is.........patience😣👍 Gaia Green recommends last top dress at roughly 4 weeks before harvest. Looking back it appears you gave more at Week 7. Since it takes a week or two for those nutes to become available to the plant, your girl may not flush out the way you want. Autos are tough and I sure as heck don't have them figured out either! I followed a comment by a grower with more experience than myself and stopped top dressing the medium roughly 5 weeks before harvest. Some will say that is too soon because you sacrifice yield.......others will say they don't care about the extra grams they want a super clean one right answer but rather personal preference. 3 to 4 weeks at minimum make sense to myself. Seeing that you are Jets fine.......check out Mr Canucks Grow on YouTube.......he has the Gaia Green line dialed in using coco!!!😀 Patience is the parting comment.......from experience.......sometime less is more👊
@northernMike, yeah......realized that afterwards as well.......taken some good hits at the blue line that way......dummy:) Stay warm!
@PrairieFrostGrow,Hey thanks for the comments. I'll check it out.👍 I like to keep my head up and stick on the ice, lol, hurts to much with your head down👊 Grow Big💪
@northernMike,IMHO Matt is the best on Youtube........freaking cracks me up every time!! His humor and his early videos with big dabs were great.....I relate to his video gaming accents and! I ran Gaia Green this summer because of him as well😀👍 Tea's are the next level moving forward with organics and that was all new this summer......hey, I followed some of Matt's instructions for that as well! What works well for me, in my limited experience, is to take a grow back to old school planning......I pull out a calendar, or print off several blank months from the computer, and work it out on the paper with a pen. What day did they pop......breeders comments for weeks (IMHO add 1 week....2 depending on flushing preference) until harvest. Then you can work back your rough time for flush and this also tells you the last time to top dress........Gaia Green says 4 weeks/Matt works with 3 weeks I believe......whatever your numbers you decide. This gives you the basic outline for your grow and allows you to plan a bit more with Organics. Very simple and very vague but you have to let the plant lead the journey anyway😀 You may go longer or shorter depending how veg is going and how that pheno actually is growing for example. I can be a bit anal myself and actually keep laminated sheets I can write on pined up in the grow room for each run......sometimes you are in a hurry and just need a quick reference to that last amount or date or just need to write down ppm quickly and come back later😀 use them all the time👊 Until next time fellow grower......Keep your head down and your stick on the ice!!!!
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Mrs_Larimarweek 5
Nice Upgrade of your Lights here, well done. after looking in your Diary, I got to say its a well prepared and well done grow. Iam Impressed for a " first Grow" its looks awsome. keep on growing. Chosen the best hobby in the world. and one thing is fact too, its absolutely addictive to grow
@Mrs_Larimar,Hey good morning Thank you very much for checking out my diary,your opinion means alot👍 You are 100% correct to say it's addictive😵 every time I walk by the tent I have to open it up to have a look and a smell, lol Have yourself a great day and Grow Big💪 Thanks again
Alberta780week 6
I've went over your grow and I feel like you were Calcium deficient since week 3 or 4. *Calcium is huge to fight heat stress, helps nutrient uptake and important role in Photosynthesis. In my opinion, your grow will work out fine!, but, you have affected your maximum yield. LST and Defoliation paired with calcium deficiency is huge stress on your babies! Defoliation of leaves with Cal deficiency will lead to smaller buds and more leaves. Plus hot temps, both air and soil, will disrupt root growth adding to your nutrients not being able to fully uptake with lack of Cal. Calcium is #1 and should be Continuously added from week 2 or so up to flush! Some notes can be mixed with water and sprayed directly on to trees in emergency cases. Practice makes perfect, I harvested to early my first grow with Cal Deficiency too!!!! Your temps look good for flowering, drop your Humidity to 30 Humidity to prevent rot during flowering. Nice to see CO2 and fan going. Nice lights!! Happy grows and knowledge is power! I'm harvesting tonight I think. Check my lambs breath posts in a day or 2. :) Peace
@Alberta780,Hey thanks for replying I see that advanced nutrients makes somethng similar,so I will pick some up for the next grow.👍 that C02 can did not last very long,empty already, will figure something longer lasting,(exhale) Opened all the bottom vents in the tent turned up the exhaust fan 30-35RH%👌 also picked up a microscope camera to check trichomes, $28 on amazon,we will see, will post pics when it arrives (1 week) thanks again and Grow Big!!
DonaldTrumpweek 6
7 weeks is the flower time. That does not include the veg time. Veg time could be 2.5-5 weeks depends on the stress you give the plant. More stress less veg. 👍👍 Trump
@DonaldTrump, thanks for the info, I'll have to be patient awhile longer Grow Big!!
bmvapeweek 9
Looking good, looking healthy. So do you have a harvest date in mind already? I’m still only 4 grows old here but it looks like those girls still could really get fat with a little more time. Unless you like what you see with the magnifier, let them grow! Autos seem to plump up real quick especially 70-80 days in.
@bmvape,It's exciting alright, they are starting to change colour fairly quick Patience is holding up😶 just watching those buds get bigger and BIGGER💪crazy!! can't wait to enjoy😛 Grow Big
@northernMike, it’s an exciting time getting close to the finish line. The first grow was the hardest to be patient with, but it’s a lot more fun to grow while you can enjoy your own stash!
@bmvape,thanks for getting back to me. think I will will do the same, stop watering on thurs. let them dry out fri-sat. harvest sun.😁😬 little bit nervous but I think I'm ready. will post more pics before the chop😎 Grow Big!!
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Smowkabowlweek 7
Look good Mike. All I can say is let'em grow and learn. I wouldn't try too much with autos until you see how fast things happen. I try not to stress'em too much. peace
@northernMike, That urge to have to intervene will go down the more confidence you build in your setup and the more consistent results you get. At least it did with me. Some times it's good to just slow your role as the grower and just let the plant do it's growing lol.. I remember early on seeing things and being like omg what is that. I have to fix that, panic, fix things and create other problems lol..
@Smowkabowl,Thanks for the reply and advice.👍 feels like I should be doing something all the time😕 I looked through a little microscope(60x), all I can say is wow😲 Pretty excited, can hardly wait. Thanks again, Grow Big👊
Islandweek 13
Nice Job bro =)
@Island,Thanks much, started another grow couple weeks ago😛first time growing a photo in the tent(gelato)👍 Later! Grow Big!!
Mrs_Larimarweek 13
Happy Harvesttime... and stay strong^^.... while you wait for the buds to cure
@Mrs_Larimar,Thanks Much👊 So far so good, keeping my fingers out of the cookie jar.LOL😜 Just waiting on the next grow, seems to be growing O.K. week 8, crazy how fast they grow. Have a good one,Later, Grow Big!!
Denzulweek 13
Some truly lovely colors on those buds. Almost there! Fantastic work. Keep it going and well wish till the end of the journey growmie.
@Denzul,Hey thanks very much👊 It's my first grow, means alot 👍 thanks again Grow Big!!
bmvapeweek 11
Congrats on a nice grow! Glad you stayed patient, I had my harvest day too! I will be posting after she’s dry. It’s the frostiest grow I’ve had so far and looks like yours are the same way. Will be real nice after a couple weeks of curing. Good luck on the next one!
@bmvape,Thanks Much🙏 Will be keeping a eye out for your pics. My Northern Lights is starting to really smell, kind of piney and sweet at the same time😛 Luck with the cure Later👊
ButtersStotchweek 10
You're first Auto grow looks awesome man! I haven't grown Lamb's Breath yet but have had nothing but great results from CKS and their auto strains!
@ButtersStotch,Thanks for taking a look Harvested the two L.B. Last night, the whole house smells.... pretty good😛 Will post pics shortly Later Grow Big💪
JP148week 10
Nice job. Good things come in small packages..
@@JP148,Hey thanks I sure hope so😏 3-4 more days before harvest I'm thinking, can't wait😵 will post more pics before the chop👍 thanks again and Grow Big!!
DeaneRweek 6
Looking good! You're gonna like this one! Let me know if you have questions. ✌️
@DeaneR,Thanks for taking a look👍 I am already drooling a bit😋everytime I look in the tent, lol Grow Big💪
JP148week 7
Pretty girl. Good job
@@JP148,Thanks Much👊
JP148week 12
Gonna be fine weed. Try to save some for long slow cure. 🤩
DeaneRweek 4
Effn fungus gnat! I hate those bastards!
@northernMike, I used a product called Gnatnix? in previous grows. Its basically an aquarium sized gravel made from glass. It's a pita to remove when it's time to top dress with the Gaia products. I purchased a little shop vac fom Home dep. that I only use in the garden, vac it out and wash it before replacing. Helps keep the adults away from the growing media and slows down their egg production. The diatomaceus earth also works well when dry. Not so sure once it gets wet. I also cover my pots drainage holes with black landscape fabric (weed barrier) from the inside before filling the pot. Also consider using mosquito dunks (Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (B.t.i.)) soaked in your water. Those little buggers attack the larvae.
@DeaneR,the sand and the diatamaceus earth(hard to say never mind spell😶) seemed to do the job fairly quickly,along with yellow sticky tabs. sand dries up the top layer, a little harder to water Grow Big👊
Smowkabowlweek 13
Nice job! Enjoy the fruits of your labor and stay medicated. When I grow a new strain I try not to stress it out with LST or defoliation. Some autos are very sensitive so I like to see what they do naturally. Peace
@Smowkabowl,Thanks, the Lambs Breath is very intense, I highly recommend😎 The northern lights just went into jars, will update soon but the finger hash was impressive😛 I like to experiment a little as I have very little experience so I don't have much to compare to yet, working on that😏 Thanks again and Grow Big!!
Alexaweek 11
Yummy results Mike! :)
@@Alexa,thanks much🙏
JP148week 12
Beautiful, love the snow covered buds. Nice grow 👍
@@JP148,thanks alot🙏 It sure put on the sugar lately. today was the last day of flush, dosed it with a wholle gallon (4liters) of water this morning. time to let her dry, then dark, then chop-chop😛 Later, Grow Big!!
Skathaweek 11
Looks great man, you'll have to let me know what the finished product is like.
@Skatha,Hey thanks alot Will do,I trimmed a couple smaller buds so they should dry pretty quick, hopefully try in a day or two😛 Later.👊