
First time grow

Approved by Royal Queen Seeds
6 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 8
18 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
Commented by
Highrish Highrish
6 years ago
Week 8. Plant 1 45 cms. Doing way better than expected considering her decapitation a few weeks ago. She is growing several large buds. Plant 2 70 cms. Doing good but with a several of her leaf tips burnt. I flushed her out a few days ago but I dont think that stopped the nute burn. Maybe its something else???????? Plant 3 88 cms. The runt of the litter. She got big very quick. Plant 4 63 cms. She is doing well. Northern lights auto. Growing a bit slower than her neighbours but not too worried about that. Some of the pistils are starting to turn yellow and brown, a very good sign, I hope.; Generally happy overall
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Grow Questions
Highrishstarted grow question 6 years ago
Hi Ive noticed yellowing of older leaves. Is this normal? near harvesting or is this something to worry about? Plants are 9weeks old. Fast Eddy autos. PH run-off for the 3 plants is between 7.0 and 7.2. See photos Thanks
Leaves. Color - Pale
Athosanswered grow question 6 years ago
Actually, at this point stop all feeding and give the plants pure water. That will force it to take the nutes it need to finish from what remains on the soil and it's leaves. You will see a lot more yellowing. This will improve the taste of your weed and make it less harsh.

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Stickweek 8
@Highrish, I'm also using BioBizz nutrients, running with this schedule : , with a rotation between 'dry cycle' & 'plain PHed water' & 'PHed water with nutrients' (1 day nutrients, 1 day water, 1 day dry, etc..). Happy to help, I hope you'll get a great yield!
Highrishweek 1
Hi. Thanks for that. The climate here doesn't really allow outside growing at the minute, still way too cold. The daytime temperature doesn't go above 10c or 11c and way too many nosy neighbours. Once these girls pop their heads out i'm going to put them into their grow tent. Its a small 60cm x 60cm tent, suppose its enough for 4 plants.
Highrishweek 5
Hi all. I need some advice. My plants have started flowering, small white filaments. I need to know if I continue feeding them as I'm feeding them now or start them on the flowering feed. Or leave the flowering feed till next week? Also need help with lighting, do I switch now or leave it for a week or so? Any feedback would be great. Thanks
@bobo420, Dont worry about it. Thanks for the advice. Ive already switched the lights and they seem to be loving it. From tomorrow on ill be reducing the veg nutrients and gradually introducing flowering nutrients. I think they are doing fairly well up till now.
@Highrish, sorry just saw this. use can continue to feed them nutrients while they stretch lowering them and increasing the flower nutrients. As for the light you can switch it if you thinking about the light spectrum
Highrishweek 4
Disaster strikes. An electric wire that was badly hung over plant1, got somehow un attached and fell on plant 1 and broke the plant. I was away for 3 days and didn't see the damage until I got home.
@bobo420, I think so too. The rest of the plant seens to be ok but I reckon at harvest time she wont be giving too much.
@Highrish, she's going to be fine ;)
Highrishweek 3
I'm just wondering if it's too early so start LST or maybe wait another week.
@CBD_Sweden, Too late by 2 days. Not too worry, its sall part of the learning curve;
@Highrish, Wait another week, she will get stressed otherwise.
realdannyjonesweek 2
Getting your lights right is a constant learning experience. As different strains stretch more and some stay squat naturally, so it can be tricky to know where to put the light, especially if you are growing multiple strains simultaneously. I tend to try and keep my light around 60cm from the plant and move up when I need too. Some strains keep pushing the light further away and some not so much. They are happy staying smaller. I use HPS so I get a lot of radiant heat from the light source, so again, if you're growing with LED it may be different!My main advice would be not to worry about it too much, your first few grows will be full of learning experiences.
Hi Danny. Thanks for that. As a first time grower i'm trying to get the best from my plants, which i know just isnt possible. A lot of hit and miss involved. I'll just keep playing by ear for now. Anyways I think the plants are doing fine for now considering my bad experience in trying to grow anything like spuds and tomatoes. Still a long ways to go yet
Experimentgreenweek 9
Hi I was looking at your grow from the beginning and I only have 1 possible recommendation, autos need good hours of light to bulk up..especially during the veg cycle. I wouldn't say 24 hours of light, but definitely 18-20. Since its an auto it doesn't necessarily need that reduction of light down towards the 12-16 range. Maybe give that a try next time? Once their not tiny seedlings, boost those babies up. Happy growing and congratulations on making to flowering and harvest time.
Highrishweek 8
@Stick Thanks for getting back so fast. Unfortunately thats not my backyard, belongs to the local farmer. I water/feed the plants every 2 days alternately. Always with ph corrected water. I dont think i'm over-feeding them cause i'm only using between a third and half of recommended dosage for the nutes. Some of the pistils have changed colour to a nice amber colour and the trichs are starting to be milky. I only moved the girls outside to take the photos. Cant grow outside here yet, still too cold at night, temperature between 4c and 8c,daytime at most 15c to 18c. Nosy neighbours too. I'll take your advice and flush them for a few days.
@Highrish, I'm also using BioBizz nutrients, running with this schedule : , with a rotation between 'dry cycle' & 'plain PHed water' & 'PHed water with nutrients' (1 day nutrients, 1 day water, 1 day dry, etc..). Happy to help, I hope you'll get a great yield!
Highrishweek 1
Finally made it to the end of the first week. If anybody has advice or comments to give it, would be greatly appreciated. To be honest I dont know if im doing things right or wrong, but could always be better. I'm finding it hard to up the humidity even with a wet towel in grow room, no space for a humidifier. I live in a house where the humidity is set at a constant 45%-55%. Temperature control isn't an issue, static around 25c daytime and 20-21c night-time. Air flow isn't a problem either. I had to lower the light to 70cm cause the first 2 plants, for me, were starting to stretch a little. Seem to have fixed that problem. At 70cm height above the plants i have 13000 lumens of light for the 4 plants. Too much,,, not enough??????? I just dont know. Trying to trawl through the internet jungle of lumens, PAR, etc😶 and i'm basically very confused concerning my lights. Any feedback would help.
Highrishweek 1
BucketBrigadeweek 9
Can't wait to see the final results. They look great!
@BucketBrigade, As long as there is some pain relief. Thats all that I want, and thats all that matters. Hopefully in about 10 days i'll be harvesting.
@Highrish, In the end, I think that's all that matters.
@BucketBrigade, Yeah, me too. I dont think the final weight will be out of this world but i've learned good lessons on this grow and going to put them into use on the next grow in a few weeks time.
Experimentgreenweek 9
Hey also read you're new like so many of us, its great you're switching to a green alternative medicine. I love that! For plants to thrive we need to be able to give them bright light, fresh air and a nice breeze blowing around them, water ( soil ph 6-7, hydro 5.5-6.5), a healthy growing medium soil or others, nutrients( sometimes less is definitely more, which you seem to be doing :)), a good temperature, and of coarse love and attention. There's so many good and educated people on here who are always so helpful, seek them out and I'm sure they can offer more advice than just good luck. I hope your new medicine is good to you.
@Highrish, I hear you on the re starting weed. I smoked when younger too but when I failed my 1st college math class I realized that math and weed didnt go well together. Now ive had to try a variety of strains and only 1 didn't give me that anxious uncomfortable feeling, strawberry cough. Those autos sure are amazing and resilient to abuse of many things...but nutrients seem to be one of their downfalls..because if you mess up the plant its a ticking time bomb and maybe won't have the time to fix the problem. I hope it all turns out good for you. I saw a person on here that does a continuous auto grow, every 3 weeks he harvests and germinated new seeds. The banks have really done well with the available strains in autos now too.
@Experimentgreen, Thanks for all the advice. Aletrnative medicines is the only way foreward for me. Having tried for many years different methods , natural and not so natural, i decided to try the green stuff. I used to smoke a lot in my younger days. I'm kinda nervous about re-starting the weed but at the minute even if I get pain relief for 3 or 4 hours, that would really help a lot. The next grow will be done differently. My grow area is a bit crowded at the minute, so maybe 2 or 3 plants next time. As for the lighting, 18 hrs minimum to start with.. The estimated growth peroid for these autos is 8 to 9 weeks from seed to harvest. Thats why i'm thinking very near to harvest time. As what Stick said with the feeding and watering, i'm doing that already. One day with nutes, one dry day, one day with pH'd water and one dry day. The dry days depend on the dryness of the medium. If too dry I give them the water they need. No point in making them too thirsty. Maybe in one week i'll start flushing them and start getting ready to harvest them.
bobo420week 4
Good looking plants, nice and healthy, good job!
@Highrish, doing great, they seem to be enjoying themselves ;)
@bobo420, Thanks for that. Just doing what I can to keep these girls alive and well.
Anatomweek 7
Nice Highrish looking good 😊
Smelling good too
CBD_Swedenweek 4
I will follow this grow. Its a lovely strain and i love the effect of it. You can check my whole grow in my diaries. Good luck and happy growing.
@CBD_Sweden, Thanks. I picked this strain cause of my backpain and medical after-effects. Just sick of it. If I ever get to a harvest i've planned to keep half of the harvest to smoke and the other half as oil. I've been looking at your diary for the past 5 or 6 weeks and i'm trying to follow but as being my first grow its not too easy. But getting there bit by bit. With a little help from yourself and others in this community it should be ok.
bobo420week 8
Beautiful photos ;)
bobo420week 5
Coming along nicely ;)
bobo420week 3
Nice update, looking good and healthy ;)
bobo420week 2
Coming along nicely ;)
Robafocoweek 1
hi bro good luck with the grow.. are u gonna do outdoor? or pass to indoor in a while??
bobo420week 1
Good luck with the grow ;)