
First Grow: Wedding Cake Auto

Approved by Barney's Farm
4 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 1
20 hrs
Light Schedule
9+ conditions after
Commented by
MrPubieHead MrPubieHead
4 years ago
DAY ONE Both seeds I attempted to germinate via paper towel/baggy method about 2 days ago grew a nice taproot after 1-2 days, about 3cm each. My grow tent has been taking forever, so unfortunately I had to ghetto-rig a grow closet until then. So I went ahead and planted them this morning anyways. I put them in a solo cup each in a mix of a little organic coco coir and vermiculite, with mostly Fox Farm Ocean Forest. I was hesitant to put the little fellas in it, since I had heard it can “burn” them. However, I couldn’t find anything better in a pinch. I was nervous to leave them too long in the paper towels. So I figured I would just give it a shot, since I had heard people say it worked fine in different forums. I was able to test the pH of the soil I used, which was about 7.0. The meter I bought is crappy, so I will look into buying a better one. I did not test the pH of the CVS distilled water I used (fingers crossed) but I didn’t use a lot anyways. I put enough to make the soil moist, then put the seed in a shallow hole with the tap root down. I then very lightly watered over the seed, literally drops from my fingers. I am using four small blue/red LED grow bars, each with a supposed wattage of 10W. They are cheap ones I bought on Amazon, which I planned on using as supplemental lighting for the sides of my grow tent, but figured they would do a fine job for the first week alone, or when I am able to set my tent up. All of them are on, but at 50%, and about 10-12 inches from my soil. Concerns: Soil “too hot”. Lights too close/not strong enough (or the inverse). PH of water not optimal. Too much or too little water. DAY TWO 1200: I hooked up my bigger LEDs (32W each) in replacement of the small LED bars last night when I got home, but still not in my grow tent🤬 Hopefully that will arrive soon. They are about 2 feet from the light. I noticed the humidity was dropping, about 31% when I saw it this morning, at 70 degrees. So I decided to put a bag over them for now. It’s been an hour and it’s a back up to 40% now and rising. The temperature is also 77 F at the moment. I also realized I never gave them any darkness, so they went over 24 hours with light the first day. I figured it’s no biggie, I will just give them 4-6 hours of darkness now. 1700: I gave the plants some darkness, about 5 hours. Just turned the lights back on. I removed the plastic baggie that was over the plants after only an hour, and put a small humidifier on low right next to the plants. My grow tent finally came in, so I will be setting it up when I get a chance, most likely tonight. DAY THREE 1600: FINALLY set up my grow tent. It took me a while with all the delays, but I have it basically set up all the way. I just need to invest in some hangers, since I didn’t buy enough for my needs. Then I will be able to set my lights up correctly. For now, I still just have the two LEDs hanging about 2.5-3 ft from my two seedlings. One has sprouted up pretty fast and tall, while it’s sibling had just started to expose its self from the soil. I again watered them very lightly and carefully. I also poked small holes in the bottom of the solo cups. They are on top of a box to get them closer to the light, since I don’t have enough hangers. I do not have the exhaust in-line fan going, nor is my main light. I do have a little 4” oscillating fan going at low. Temp is around 77 with a humidity around 50%. I gave them about 4 hours of darkness this morning. 2100: 81 F and 40%H. A little bit ago I had got temporary hangers until mine arrive, so that the two LEDs are hanging about 22” from the top of my taller plant now. My next step will likely be attaining higher quality hangers so that I can have all three of my lights set up correctly. DAY FOUR 1200: No changes made, really. The soil looked dry this morning so I gave them a good watering with the same water. Temp was about 83 with 40 humidity. I’ve been giving them their darkness period between noonish and fourish. I would like for it to be when it is actually dark out to keep it close to natural as possible, but this has been working for me. Both plants are out of the soil with their first leaves exposed. 2100: I tried to set up my Sun System 315W LEC earlier but it seemed to get too hot too quickly. It went from like 80 to 90 in a matter of minutes, with my fans going full speed. I was impressed with how bright that thing is, but also how hot it was. So I have my two LEDs back up, this time with a little 100W LED 5000K bulb as support in a clip light. I have an evaporator humidifier on its way, along with a few other small items. That will include some 5 gallon fabric pots for me to transplant the two girls into. As of now, I have the two LEDs about 21” from the top of the plants, with the single LED bulb kind of at an angle from the side/top about the same distance away. The temp is high 70s with humidity around 50%. I noticed my smaller plant had yellow on the tip of one of its leaves, almost looks like it’s starting to turn to brown now. I’m definitely keeping an eye on it. Both plants have had the same conditions up until this point. I am hoping it is not the notorious FFOF “burn” that I was reading about. DAY FIVE Both plants look pretty much the same as they did before, just slightly bigger. The smaller one almost caught up in height to its sibling, though. It’s yellow tip on the leaf has completely turned to brown, but the rest of the plant seems healthy. I have been keeping an eye on the soil and watering carefully about daily at this point. Temperature stable around 80 +/- 3 degrees. Humidity stable at 41%. I would like it higher, but the humidifier increases my temperature beyond what I prefer. I am already at the max of my preferred temperature, really. I have ordered a few items/supplies for my tent, including an evaporative humidifier to replace my warm air humidifier. Hopefully that’ll increase humidity without increasing temperature. The lights are all the same distance and such, as are the fans. No changes have been made to these. Im still feeling bummed that the heat from my LEC 315W increased the temperature too drastically. I was really hoping to see what she can do. I am hopeful that I can change the location of my tent somewhere more suitable for temperature and humidity management. That being said, I am considering alternatives in case I am unable to solve that lights heat problem. DAY SIX The taller plant is starting to grow another pair of leaves. Otherwise, it appears as healthy as yesterday. The other hasn’t changed much either. I watered them again a little more this time. I lowered the lights an inch or so. I added an evaporative humidifier, we will see how that affects temperature and humidity. Otherwise, I haven’t changed anything. Been doing about 20 on 4 off. DAY SEVEN The evaporative humidifier has been working great. The temp has been down a bit and the humidity is up a bit. I may attempt my LEC 315W again. For today, nothing too different. Same lighting, darkness period, watering, etc.
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MrPubieHeadweek 1
@Ferenc, Much appreciated man! I’ll need all the luck I can get lol
Ferencweek 1
Good Luck! @MrPubieHead
@MrPubieHead, Congrats! Enjoy!
@Ferenc, Much appreciated man! I’ll need all the luck I can get lol
shin3week 1
those lights are for sure not enough. Don't worry about pH, it comes after. What soil are you using ?
@shin3, thanks for the input👍🏻 I appreciate it a lot! I will probably swap out the small LED bars for my bigger LED lights later (I was kinda in a rush this morning) But I have each seed in a solo cup of a mix of a little organic coco coir and vermiculite, with mostly Fox Farm Ocean Forest (probably like 80% FFOF).
DoDrugs420week 10
Beautifull choice on that Wedding Cake Auto.