
First Grow - Point out my faults plz :)

Approved by Sweet Seeds
4 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 6
20 hrs
Light Schedule
13+ conditions after
1+ nutrients after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
MrGreenMan MrGreenMan
4 years ago
Day 36 - Beginning of week 6 going strong for Dark Devil, less can be said for the other two but they’ve grown a fair bit in just over the past week after the N toxicity and other nute problems 🤷‍♂️ - CC and SAH new growth still coming through but I’m concerned about how slow CC is to show full flowering signs and not even preflowering signs on SAH yet. Going to reduce the Nitrogen even further, most likely by lowering the calmag to 1ml/L and maybe lower the other nutes slightly, see if things speed up for them as they’re very far behind at this point! - I have halved the calmag for each plant as the leaves are still looking kinda dark so my calmag has 1.8 Nitrogen, so hopefully they’ll look a little more lush over the next few days as there’s the chance it could be magnesium as there’s no clawing leaves - DD budlets are really starting to come through up and down the stems 😍 - Going to leave the LST for a while now and give the small ones a chance to grow without any aid, could do with these two being taller instead of bushy if they’re gonna fit in my tent lol Day 37 - My light is now at its max height so I’m damn praying this bad boy plant doesn’t stretch too much longer 😂 love how she’s grown Day 38 - They’re getting so big I might have to get rid of SAH!! She’s still not showing preflowering so might not even make full maturity but is looking good and growing well - Roots are coming through the bottom of each pot and way more on DD, glad to see the roots are all healthy! - Further slight defoliation to expose budsites and get rid of dying lower leaves, they’re responding well! Took several away this time to promote airflow as the tent is getting pretty full. Accidentally cut off a small side branch on CC 🤦‍♂️ Luckily only a small one - SAH and CC have both gained around a couple inches in height over the last few days which is pretty good considering it’s mostly sideways growth and they’ve been very slow prior - Also, they only look droopy after I water them, couple hours after they look very healthy! - Reduced calmag is showing more fresh colour in the new growth so I think they definitely don’t need the calmag I was giving them! Less is more as all the growers say - SAH has FINALLY preflowered about 2 weeks behind the other two 😂😍 so still a hell of a potential with her, just hope she’s not gonna take like 10 weeks to grow! - Bud formation on CC has yet to come but there’s plenty of pistols visible, just waiting for the top buds now! - Pruned some of the lower leaves to promote airflow as it’s getting pretty bushy in the tent and the last thing I need is mould or something Day 39 - Took very well to the defoliation yesterday and have shot up overnight. I told you guys they don’t always look like they’re drowning 😛 - Growth is very much alive now and the colour in the plants is wayyy better with less calmag. Can’t believe I was using that much for so long! You can clearly see all the tops now and I’ve also stopped LST on them as I want more height to match DD. Not fussed on a massive yield, I’d even be happy with 3 ounce for my first ever grow! That would be awesome. Any less and I’ll be a bit sad 😂 - Now SAH is preflowering I’ve switched nutes to the bloom blend I’ve been giving the other two. Upped the bloom mix for DD and will slowly increase With GHE feedchart -Can’t wait for the next few weeks but DD is getting worryingly talk for my light. Gonna have to find a way to lift it more! Some strong string maybe 🤷‍♂️The hanging kit is just too long for this monster. The tops are still looking pretty happy in all fairness so I’ll keep an eye on them and their growth closely while I figure something out Day 40 - DD and CC started flowering on day 22, SAH on day 38. SAH veg 28-42 days, flower 28-36. DD veg 28-36, flower 32-42. CC veg 21-36, flower 32-42. - Going off these times, CC flowered at the beginning, SAH at the end and DD before the window opened. DD is over 2 weeks into growth so I’ve upped the bloom nutes. DD should finish in around 2-4 weeks (I know the breeder guidelines are inaccurate most of the time). Doubt it will be two weeks to be honest definitely closer to 4 but she’s a fast grower so you never know! - Hoping to have them all chopped by Christmas time but no idea if that’s possible with just under 6 weeks to go! Hopefully the small ones start their stretch soon! Their height is gaining so I’m happy so far - My prediction for harvest, DD around the 14th December (4 weeks away), CC will probably be slightly later and SAH too, both around Christmas day I reckon maybe after but definitely before NY! But I really hope it’s not that late, want some dried bud to taste for then so DD looking like my best shot 😂 - Managed to raise the light a good few inches more and then raises CC and SAH up on boxes to maintain as much of an even canopy as possible. DD should stop growing taller soon and has more or less stopped growing already, main stretch definitely over thank god! - Input ppm is 530 ish for DD and 480 for the other two. Seems they like not too strong nutes which is good. Runoff is coming out very close as I’m still watering twice a day and they’re loving it. No build up whatsoever. Read a lot into coco pH too and I’ve stopped caring about runoff pH for the last couple weeks and my plants have been growing more than ever, so glad I’ve figured that out! - SAH pH has now been raised to 6.2 with the others and I’ll maintain that for the rest of the grow - Getting more excited for harvest by the day! Day 41 - Gutted, my fan fell from the tent and snapped the main cola off CC. Luckily happened in front of me so I taped the branch as it was still attached by skin on the plant so I really hope it can pull through. Feel a bit heartbroken with all the work I’ve been putting in and these shit times. Not what I needed - Seeing trichomes starting to develop on DD Day 42 - Last day of week 6 already, damn. Loving the growth and stretch has started on the smaller two but unfortunately the main cola on CC didn’t recover over night so I just took it off completely. It luckily wasn’t very big yet and the side branches are bigger as I had ties the main cola down anyway and CC was looking good regardless! -After stunting SAH has really picked up and is gaining a good amount of height. In a week I wouldn’t be surprised if she was as big as DD, supposed to be an XL strain too so will be interesting to see how much she stretches
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Grow Questions
MrGreenManstarted grow question 4 years ago
The Sweet Amnesia Haze on Day 13 (last photo in week 2) has crinkled leaves. It’s only it’s second set of real leaves and I give it the same water I give to the other plants with the same properties. Does it look like there’s anything wrong?
Leaves. Other
Shagrathanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi there! Most probably those leafs are damaged from being inside the seed shell or something. When leafs develop they are really really fragile to damage and even the slightest touch can make them wrinkled. I would give them few more days before doing anything differently
MrGreenManstarted grow question 4 years ago
The cotyledon leaves are dying on one of my plants, but these brown spots have spread across lower leaves that were damaged by the shell. Is this natural or is it a problem I’m unaware of? Not over-watering and pH is fine. Brown spots have appeared on tips of next leaves up now!
Leaves. Other
GMSgrowsanswered grow question 4 years ago
Your ph needs to be at 5.8 for soiless.
MrGreenManstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hello growmies out there! Doing my first grow and LST going down well, was curious a bout defoliation of all those massive fan leaves and the ones that have got the brown spots.. Can I defoliate them slowly?? Sorry to ask I just ain’t sure how much stress the plants can take! 😊
Techniques. Defoliation
DoDrugs420answered grow question 4 years ago
As a first time autoflower grower... ...i'm gonna go with no. But... If you really must do it apply different methods of defoliation on each of those, this way you can learn what happens when you removed X leaf, and what happens with Y leaf, and what happens with removal of X and Z leaves... i think u got the point by now. But i wouldn't do any defoliation if i was in ur shoes. (Don't belive me? Read it from the pro's)
MrGreenManstarted grow question 4 years ago
I’ve just read that you have to add calmag before the micros. I wasn’t aware of this specific order. My plants have been struggling, is there a chance that because I’ve been adding calmag as the last before pH, this is the cause of my issues?? What other problems can this cause?
Feeding. Other
GMSgrowsanswered grow question 4 years ago
I would say your ph of your medium is out of whack. Check your runoff ph and ec levels, flora series has cal/mg so when you add to your medium if your in coco you only add 100 to 150 ppm 0.2 to 0.3 ec once every week or two.. and only if you see a deficiency. If you add cal/mg take away that amount from your other nutes so your total ec remains the same. Right now you should be 5.5 to 5.9 ph in the coco and ec should be 1.2 to 1.4 ec 600 to 700 ppm. Cheers
MrGreenManstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hello everyone, I’ve been an idiot and not buffered my coco prior to growth and this could potentially explain the problems I’ve been having I believe?? Can someone advise if this is the case and what I can do from here. Can I flush with calmag to fix it??? Or am I totally screwd
Other. Other
ActioPaulianaanswered grow question 4 years ago
No you are defintly not screwed. Your plants look fine, hence you still have time to correct the issue. Get a good Calmag supplement, preferably low in N, so it wont change your nutrients ratio too much. Maybe run one fertigation with only Calmag added to the water (and pH corrector if nessercary). Just add as much Calmag as possible to get your current target EC. From there on, just add the Calmag to your regular feeding mix, at least at 50% of the recommended dose. You might have to reduce the amount of other nutrients to maintain acceptable EC. Good luck!
MrGreenManstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hello everyone! Done a bit of research into ppm and just got a meter and I just wanted to ask everyone’s opinion for autos what the best values to aim for would be for different stages of growth? Found General Hydroponics feed chart and I’m currently keeping to that.
Other. Other
Canadamade420answered grow question 4 years ago
Hey I also use the GHE chart and I have found it works great. I do go a little above the chart as I add purpinator to my water/nutes starting week 5 of growth at 2ml and then all the way up to 20ml(4L) for week 11. Happy growing
MrGreenManstarted grow question 4 years ago
My Sweet Amnesia Haze XL has struggled, mainly due to my rough skills. Just wanted to know if anyone has experienced autos taking 5 weeks to flower? My plant still has no preflowers but has started growing again since it was stunted. Could I have delayed it?
Plant. Other
DrGanjanswered grow question 4 years ago
If this has been delayed and is an auto, it probably wont reach full maturity now as the lifecycle is preset from the seed. It could also be the sativa genetics. I've heard some phenos of Amnesia can take a whopping 20 weeks from seed to harvest! That's an obscene time for an auto so it could just be that otherwise or a combination of both. Hope this helps
MrGreenManstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hey everyone, hope you’re all safe! Following the GHE feed hart on their website and it’s working wonders for my plants, however I was wanting to know when I should increase the bloom nutes? It says to up them in “mid bloom”, but when exactly is that?
Buds. Other
smoke24answered grow question 4 years ago
Check the flower time for the strain you are growing. If it says 8 weeks, then 4 weeks after flowering started would be mid bloom. Happy growing.
MrGreenManstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hey everyone, it’s been 11 days now since I noticed a Nitrogen toxicity, and I adjusted feed to 650ppm and notes in ratios according to GHE feedchart (numbers in diary). Just wanted to ask if you all thought they still look like they need less Nitrogen? I could reduce calmag?
Leaves. Other
NobodysBudsanswered grow question 4 years ago
GHE is a multipart system? which has the highest N total? ensure it also isn't the portion with the trace elements and other smaller bits. Reduce that portion of the formula mix. This will reduce N will maintaining other levels as best you can. Calculate your PPMs .. is cal-mag necessary? Magnesium can cause very dark green leaves too in high concentrations. It very well may be, and if you did this investigation when you picked it out, you can ignore me... but if it is used just because others seem to use it alot, do a little background work and see if it is actually needed or not.
MrGreenManstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hey everyone, just wanted to say it’s great to find a community that’s actually like this! Love seeing support all over the place. On that note, my plants have been recovering very well. Anyone got any yield predictions? Or general pointers? Always appreciate the love
Other. Other
Shagrathanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi there! One factor when estimating yield is the power of the light. With leds 1g/w is easily achievable and even 2g/w is possible. So with plants that size and 190W light, my estimation is somewhere between 200-300g's They are looking happy!
MrGreenManstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hey everyone, someone said that I need a better light but I though my plants were growing well? My light is a decent one, cost over 100, 190W. I thought my plants looked like they like the light I got, anyone see any reason that they need more? I stunted the smaller two btw
Setup. Lighting
Mooncatanswered grow question 4 years ago
I mean better lights give bigger yields but your plants are looking fine (even if a bit stressed on the pictures😜) so dont worry and just finish it with that one... If your unsure you could put the 2 shortys a bit higher up that prob. would solve most light related ,,issues,, here. Cheers😋
MrGreenManstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hey growers, I just wanted to ask if anyone knows where I can find info on the ppm of each nutrient required by our plants? I’m aware they need no more than 120-130 ppm of Nitrogen for autos but I wanted to know the rest of the nute requirements if anyone could assist? Thanks all
Feeding. Other
Shagrathanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi! you can check the diaries of Nobodysbuds 'cos he shows what PPM levels he's using. Here is one table that shows different PPM's at differnet times with different lights. It is just a guide line t ho
MrGreenManstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hey everyone! I’m coming close to harvest on my Dark Devil Auto and I know that the leaves start showing deficiencies near harvest. Could someone just confirm that’s what’s happening to my plant as it’s my first grow and many sure 😅 thank you 🙏
Feeding. Deficiences
Mosherd7answered grow question 4 years ago
Phosphorus deficiency. Darker green leaves, purpling of stems, turning glossy or shiny. Usually when buds forming and getting bigger and Phosphorus gets pulled from the fan leaves. If not fixed, next step you will see will be pretty soon and those tiny brown spots are gonna take over quickly and turn leaves brown and crispy. Id add more florabloom to your feeding schedule. Or if you are already at a high dose. Spread the nutrients over into the next feeding that you normally do just water. Also, you do seem to have a bit of nitrogen toxicity. The claw doesnt stay that bad for weeks once the issue is fixed. Id dial your added Cal/Mag back a bit, as your FloraMicro has calcium, magnesium, and nitrogen already. Looks good though. Easily fixed.
MrGreenManstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hey everyone, wondering if you can all help me identify this nutrient problem? Believe I over did Nigrogen a while ago, and that’s fixed now, but what are these markings? Should I add more bloom nutes? All info in my diary. Thanks everyone
Leaves. Other
The8thChevronanswered grow question 4 years ago
I'm guessing its not taking up enough PK. This could be due to too much calmag or you simply need to add more. Glad the N problem is fixed, looks like that was pretty rough!
MrGreenManstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hey everyone, in mid and late flowering with my autos, all experiencing similar problems and I’m inclined to believe it could be due to a lack of Calcium? Could a Ca deficient plant cause these symptoms which resemble a PK deficiency?? I’m 100% adding enough bloom
Feeding. Deficiences
MrGreenMananswered grow question 4 years ago
The runoff ph and ec is on point and calibrated and I water twice a day (frequent fertigation) with runoff. It’s no buildup, it’s an imbalance of nutrients but I’m not sure whoch
MrGreenManstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hey everyone, can someone take a look at my diary most recent pics. Sweet Amnesia Haze showing some deficiencies but no idea what it is, more micro needed? Using plenty bloom. All info in diary is accurate and coco runoff ph and ppm is on point
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
Robertsanswered grow question 4 years ago
You are cal mag deficient If all your numbers are in check as you say. Coco coir is a great substance to grow in beside the fact it absorbs cal mag really bad. I have about a 30 percent in my pots but after base nutrition amounts, I add 1 to 1.5 ml to a liter extra cal mag to compensate. I think I am still on lower side honestly. Good luck and happy growing. Enjoy the buds, look tasty. 🌲🌲🌲👊

Show by Week
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MrGreenManweek 6
@@Blacklisted, what makes you say that out of interest? The two small plants I stunted but they’re growing now and I thought the light was more than adequate? They’re growing well with it no?
JooseyBuds__BLMweek 9
You are killing it my man. Always be open to learning and advice, and quit being so hard on yourself lol ;) This community is great for that. Either way, keep it up. You clearly have a niche for this if you are this successful during your first grow. You've picked some great genes! My one piece of advice is start to study the curing process. That process is just as important as the growing process itself. Happy growing!
@MrGreenMan, Of course! I am on here frequently if you ever need advice, although Im no expert. And do not forget, curing starts the second you chop your plants! So the environment they dry in is super important! I aim to keep it between 60-70F and 40-50% RH. I am currently hang-drying a Pineapple Express! I average about 7 days before they are dry enough to trim and jar.
@JooseyBuds__BLM, Awh thanks man is good to hear someone experienced thinks I’ve done a decent job! 😂 Funnily enough I’ve already fully researched curing, got mini hygrometers, mason jars, drying to the right amount planed and everything! I really want the best weed I can get! Thanks for the advice it means a lot! Love this community!
Sweet_Seedsweek 13
Congratulations! 👏 A good harvest, with a super delicious appearance. 😍 Thank you very much for trusting our strains, and sharing your experience. And thank you very much again for the score of 9 out of 10!! 👏😍❤️ We hope you enjoy the harvest 👌 ✔️✔️✔️ If you are going to start a new diary, send us a message and maybe we can help you by sending some seeds. Sweet smokes! -Apolo
@Sweet_Seeds, love to see a company like this making the effort with customers keep at it and I’ll message at some point soon!
heizenweek 11
Nice grow mate, plants are looking good, keep it up, imma follow this one upclose.
@heizen, cheers! Pretty happy with my first attempt so far!
DreamITweek 13
Enjoy harvest mate 🤠👊🍀
Igrowneilweek 13
I see no problem with the girl as she's coming close to harvest, keep p.h in soil good and keep a close eyes on her leaves that there's no underlying problems ... but amazing grow pal
CachimboDaPazweek 13
Looking so good brother. Good luck with your grow Happy Holidays, Happy New Year and keep it lit. God Bless You
Canamatoesweek 12
Nice job! Happy holidays ☮️❤️
pepitogrilloweek 12
good looking purps over there!
Qlimaxweek 11
DreamITweek 7
Enjoy Growth😁🤟🌲🍀
Ferencweek 5
Good! Keep up @MrGreenMan
Sweet_Seedsweek 2
Thank you very much for sharing a new diary with some of our strains. 😊 We hope you enjoy it. 😋 Sweet smokes, - Apolo
Ferencweek 2
Good Luck! @MrGreenMan
mrjohnson1995week 8
@mrjohnson1995, 😂 you’re such a child why don’t you just stop being selfish and irritating and you literally said “overwatering” on a grow diary... clearly you’re the one that lacks the intellect to form an comprehensible sentence together 🤷‍♂️
@mrjohnson1995, lol never overwatered my plants. Why don’t you just concentrate on not killing yours lol
Sweet_Seedsweek 4
Try to get a meter of Eq. You will be able to get better results. 😉 Sweet smokes! - Apolo
@MrGreenMan, I second this. An EC/TDS meter will help keep track of how much you girls are eating, so you can adjust accordingly. It is also very helpful during flush, as you can make sure you flush all the nutes out of your pots. oh, and obviously measuring the PPM of your feedings. I use mine frequently. Keep up the great work famo
@MrGreenMan, Yes, EC. Sorry! If you control the electrical conductivity levels, you can prevent excess salts. 👌 Sweet smokes! - Apolo
@Sweet_Seeds, eq? As in a TDS/EC?
iHateSativaweek 13
Happy Smoking My Friend
Charliepugdogweek 13
Beautiful flowers mate enjoy the fruits of your labour
Syrunzweek 13
Smokwiriweek 13
nice progress, keep up the good work mate 👌💪
Jd1971week 9
In my opinion too many plants in the size of tent and to Bigger pots