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Grower of the Month August 2022

Shipped by Sponsors
34 Growers participating
2 years ago

Grower Of The Month contest aims at highlighting the effort of users brought to expanding our community. Vote for most helpful members, most positive attitude and most valuable mentoring skills.

How & When

  • prizes shipped worldwide by Sponsors
  • winners are picked by number of points received for answering Grow Questions
  • only selected answers to Grow Questions with diaries are counted
  • THREE winners


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@m0useketeer, crimson I thought you gave up on GD. Its either him, or the So called "GrowerOfTheMonth", who wasn't GOTM, he was KOGOTM,, and no, its not king of, its KickedOffGOTM still trying to shoot me down. Maybe if you use what the ukraines are using, a good javelin you might get me. But until then, keep hating. Even your name reeks of there big egos, whoever you are. 'Solid advice', from you!!!!! I'd rather ask GD, that way, as no advice would be better then anything you got. And what you are referring to, " me leaving", was a mistake, I held my hands up 2 it, and the person who I accused has forgotten it, so what on earth did I do to you, (musta been 1 of the cheaters I called out, and you couldn't escape your bad name, (shit really does follow you around when you stink of it) . So I was wrong, (what's your excuse for making a new account, need a new smell), you musta been ran off the site. Go back to trolling and leave the real growers who want to help ppl and not drag 'em down. How about you show us who u really are, and stop hiding behind fake accounts. Or are you that, well, petty. OOO and BTW,, just ask me on what I plan to do. You don't need to follow me. I really musta burnt your bacon.
@Coopmc @Haymakerdan @Barneysfarmer10 @Budbitman @BuzzingHighAbove @greatwolf @antekirtt @CannaCultivation @Pjm70 @ExoticoSativo @Youthman @Growladyeastmidlands @@@hillman @GrowCN @Oozle @Sup3rNov4 @masterofsmeagol @@Alchemy_Aotearoa If, as I am expecting, I win the prize for placing in the top 3 of the August Grower Of The Month contest, I would like to "share the loot" with any of you who may want some seeds (or the bong!). I'm doing this because, perhaps unbeknownst to you, you were also on the leaderboard as having answered at least one question that another grower found helpful to their grows. I am also offering this to you because all of you are either Newbies or Apprentices - not Masters or Grand Masters or Gurus. I will not be giving out all the seeds as I WILL want to keep at least a few for myself but if you are interested in trying one of the strains the sponsor has indicated above, please DM me. First come, first served. And thank you for helping other growers!
Hey everyone! The seeds have now all been spoken for... thanks for all your time and knowledge given to help other growers!
@Youthman, look at your private messages... the little airplane thingy on the bottom right hand side of the page.. if it's green, you have a message!
@GrowingGrannie, ah wow thanks! I appreciate it! But I'm late right? Ahahha
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This has gone off the rails. Fake accounts masquerading as real accounts replete with the real account's profile pic but with just a TWEAK of their name, posting crap that's meant to look like the real account's answer, nasty comments being made about other growers inside of questions when all that's needed is to answer the question and let the grower decide what makes the most sense to THEM ... I, for one, would love to see @GrowDiaries shut this competition down NOW and not award any prizes to anyone - and never run this contest again. Even the growers who come to ask questions are noticing the toxic atmosphere... and this doesn't help ANYONE. @m0use @dutchdoobie @ernest_twwg @hashy @gottagrowsometime @Ezzjaybruh @GanjaReaper
@GrowingGrannie,félicitations pour ta victoire ..mais comme je l ai déjà dit sur se système les gens on tendance à devenir face et méchant pour 10graines ..j ai pour ma part pas eu une seul réponse validé (lol) pas grave profiter vien les gagnants félicitations
@Hashy, I do love all the fucked up shit that happens in GOTM. it just got its official seal of "WTF" with this kerfuffle. Wondering where Dutch's troll is on the questions. I think they have one in their diaries and that's also annoying.
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Anyone taking bets on who DoobieTheNewbie REALLY is???
@GrowingGrannie, Elementary, my dear Watson.
@Hashy, SHIT!!! You mean the jig's up? How did you KNOW?!?
@GMSgrows, and @m0use is really @growinggrannie, @growinggrannie is really @dutchdoobie, and @dutchdoobie is really me. The circle is complete.
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All quiet on the GOTM front! And I'm loving it... @Hashy @m0use @gottagrowsometime @GanjaReaper @Chow_13 @ernesttwwgg @Ezzjaybruh @DutchDoobie
Hey @DutchDoobie, why'd you remove all those nice comments you made here?
@Ezzjaybruh, certainly is... and probably a many more like him... How I wish GD could fix this site so this kind of thing is a rarity.
@GrowingGrannie, sad thing is the true culprit is still lurking.. almost certainly
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I'm rooting for @dutchdoobie.
@m0use,yup score removed lunatic hero zero out hahahahahaha
@GrowingGrannie,dutch cuck have 0 plants harvested /0 grams dried.Excellent result 0g/watt hahahaha,big buds and great harvest!
@DutchDoobie, I don't think it will zero you out, It might get removed from your score though. so -1 lol not a biggie.
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If one of the top 3 made a mistake by awnser a fake question, the number 4 with only 10 points can get the 3th place. This is why i don't compete anymore, one must do alot of effort and doesn't get/hold any protection/rights from GD LOL. For now, congrats and goodluck @GrowingGrannie , @DutchDoobie and @M0use.
@GrowingGrannie, I have send many emails,reports and chats with all evidence. They never replied lol. It's not that i don't want to help out growers anymore, it just cost alot of time which i don't have at the moment and yes, getting easily fukt over also don't motivate me. Might try in the future, but that chance is low.
@GanjaReaper, I can't answer that... I don't know what happened nor do I know if you pleaded your case to GD with a list of links to all qualifying questions you believe you had won... I'm sorry that experience has made you decide you don't want to help growers any more... all I'm saying is that the contest isn't the ONLY reason to answer questions.
@GrowingGrannie, well somehow I got kicked from 3th place in May... So I don't think GD does proper investigation. Some might deleted their questions to troll me, but i counted it afterwards and still had more points then the number 4...
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the corn is starting to rumble out of the popper, seen lots of nice tidbits of drama in the questions today.
@m0use, here is the company that ownes GD. Apparently this is a frivolous and amateur site and i don't even know why I came here in the first place...
@Whitewizard, what??? how do you know who owns the site and by their first name? I'm curious of the owners of this domain and your relation to them or how you came about this information.
@m0use,I have already reported this stupid dutch cuck 100 times, the other dutch fool who fucks first dutch fool is called sebastian and he is the owner of this site, obviously that second dutch jerk doesn't care who are members of the site, so let the fools be on the page but I'm leaving this crapy place full of hate unless the second dutch fool sebastian who only cares about money starts removing these lunatics from the page.
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@M0use!! Wait up!!!! @Hashy's got you going too fast on that trike!!!!
@Hashy, I have the power!!!!!
@GrowingGrannie, there is no stopping @m0use, sniffing out the auto big cheese.
@Hashy Hey, you riding @m0use around on that trike??? Seen him squeaking as he passed by...
@GMSgrows, @m0use is stuck to the front wheel, really annoying, everytime he does a revolution he squeaks. The quicker I peddle the more frequent the squeaks.
Best answer yet!! [quote] ... Genitals I mean ... genetics ... [end quote] Thank you @ezzjaybruh
LOL. Everybody trying to sell themselves as if they seeking a job. Love the CV @DutchDoobie had a feeling you weren't new to this my any means, nor did you claim to be, Good to have experienced Growers join in. This should be a fun month to watch. Very close race, good to see 3 experienced growers up front. Way to go DutchD, m0use and GrowingG
i should probably jump in and do one of these 🚀
@ernest_twwg, hopefully you come in 3rd should anyone be kicked out.
@CRiSPrGrow, I have fun just trying to help people and offer my $0.02 and if I place, it's a bonus. My answers don't get selected very often, but it's worth it to help younger and beginner growers and bring a different perspective to the table. It will also help build the community of the site, so win-win!
@GrowingGrannie, i know right ?
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Oh @m0use... good on you for putting that "disclaimer" in your answer!! I've copied it and will put it in MINE as well!
@m0use, agree ENTIRELY!!!
@GrowingGrannie, its nice to let people know whats up, I've updated it a bit, feel free to reword it in any way that suits you. Ideally there should be a pop up when posting new questions that says all that garbage anyway for the person so they know. Should not be the responsibility of the other users on the site to tell new comers how things work or in most cases don't work lol.
Come on people let's keep the trash talk to a minimum. Growers asking the questions want advice/reassurance and its up to the more experienced growers to lend a hand and help out. I'm not saying I'm the best grower in the world or have mastered growing. I fuck up regularly, but when I fuck up a grow I have learnt something. A lot of these questions are from people on their 1st grows and want to at least reach harvest. Remember we are looking at pictures of plants and most times the pictures aren't always great quality, one grower may see one problem another grower may see a different problem, both growers may be completely wrong. It's all a matter of opinion. @growdiaries do actually ban people from the site, they don't seem to have a list of rules for this but they do remove accounts from people being wankers. Perhaps the question tab on diaries should say something to the grower about waiting for multiple responses as there is a competition running for growers answering these question. This sites stats are a bit false, the status side of things can be false, eg I am a master grower because I hit whatever it is for likes during my time on here, I wouldn't class myself as a master grower, some people hit master level in days with no diaries by spamming. That shows how false the status thing is. Gram per watt is also false, if you have 1 light in the tent/room and 4 plants under it then it's classing each plant recieving all the light, it doesn't account for 4 plants sharing 1 light. I was growing for 16 years, then I hit 5'8 and stopped 🤣
@GanjaReaper, I've read mixed things about the brand but I like their products from my experience. g13labs breeder not to be confused with the g13 strain.
@m0use, G13 weed is considerd as really good in my Country(Netherlands).
@m0use, I'd love to see some ILGM, but as Hashy stated, they probably want nothing to do with this mess.
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Congrats on your placing, guys! You three shelled out a lot of good advice this month, you deserve it.
@ernest_twwg, and YOU gave some really good advice, too!
Thanks GrowDiaries for removing @DutchDoobie & @DutchDoobie2 & @DutchDoobie3 accounts, dude was toxic AF. I'm sure they will be back with an alternative but its calm for now. 👍
Congrats to my friends...👍
Sad day when a person in 2nd is causing more drama in the questions after the contest is closed. Why are you continuing to be a prick @DutchDoobie? You're sending @GrowingGrannie DM's asking for help on the very subject you where so critical of her advice on. I can recall your rude comments on her grows that have since been deleted, saying shit along the lines of "all you grow is budrot." It bad enough she has to hide her diaries to prevent you from harassing her on them. Go ahead and be a troll, they will kick you out of the contest if they deem it necessary. I've have just heard your also harassing others in the DM's... grow up, what your dysfunction? @GrowDiaries please fix this child, they are not a supportive member of the community.
@DutchDoobie, I did not troll you, I simply called out your BULLSH!T LIES!!
@m0use, your last was epic - EPIC! And spot on... I can personally attest to all of it.
@DutchDoobie, did you miss the entire 1st post? You did not say yes or no, I've already explained that so might want to reread it. The reason I am calling you out on your bull shit is because you are a prick, plane and simple. Why are you still aggravating users when the whole thing is done and over with. To your suggested advice though, No one in their right mind would set up a fan outdoors to blow on their plants when the wind is free and plentiful. A fan would not rid the air of it's humidity.... You are the one who started off by commenting something on a diary that was hostile, then you remove it because you can't take a dose of you own behaviour reflected back at you?? How does that make sense.. If you put shit out, and get shit back, you're the soul proprietor of your own problem bud. Yet you blame others and say your the victim... lol ok then. Not once did I go into anyone's grows and give advice that was unwarranted or spam a question accusing someone of being in menopause or harass other by spamming their diaries and inboxes. Shockingly you did all of that, and multiple times. Yet you're still not the problem in your mind are you? Seems to be a common theme here, wonder if it plays out in real life like that. To add to all this, you enabled the trolls and supported them because you were trying to "make friends" to find out who they where, your just a massive joke. Thanks for the little heart in my dm's after you posted this message, just confirms what I already know: You're a waste of time and a dumb troll with 15 yrs of growing experience, Good Riddance
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It would probably never happen but I ask the question anyway... what would happen if there was a tie for 3rd place? Would there then be FOUR winners and the two tied for third BOTH get a medal and the prizes from the sponsor? That would seem reasonable - but I'm just wondering if anyone actually knows... @Hashy @m0use @Ezzjaybruh
@GrowingGrannie, they do not. their communication is none existent and something are left in the air. this was in part of my interview, but they scraped that answer.
@GrowingGrannie, it’d probably be up to the sponsor. There’s so little actually hashed out as far as details with these contests. GD just does as little as possible and MIGHT look into an issue if it arises at some point. But probably not
@m0use, well THAT'S weird.. you'd think they would explain it! Maybe they do, privately?
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If I win, I will be sharing some of the seeds with others, If anyone is in Canada hit me up I will post you some. Won't be for months though as these things take time to finalize and ship out but I'm starting the process now. Also no idea what the packsize is. 25 seeds by 7 strains is not an even number. nor is 23 seeds by 6 strains if they listed one as a three pack. Maybe its the following 5 x3 packs 2 x5 packs or a bunch of 1's and some more 5packs IDK. Does not make sense when they say one is in the 3pac and rest are not. unclear.. @SeedsMafia Can you shed some light on how many seeds per strain are getting shipped out?? & If they are locked into the strain options you have put into the infographic. Thank you :D
@SeedsMafia, excellent! Thank you so much for responding!!
@GrowingGrannie, Hi! Yes, species are limited, the list of seeds is provided above, on the pano.
@SeedsMafia, Hi there! another quick question, I hope... you list certain strains as being the ones you are offering - are the winners limited to THOSE strains? Thanks!
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