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  • at least one of your answers must be picked as a solution to a "Grow Questions" by its inquirer
  • can win once in 3 months

Grower of the Month April 2022

Shipped by Sponsors
59 Growers participating
2 years ago

Grower Of The Month contest aims at highlighting the effort of users brought to expanding our community. Vote for most helpful members, most positive attitude and most valuable mentoring skills.

How & When

  • prizes shipped worldwide by Sponsors
  • winners are picked by number of points received for answering Grow Questions
  • only selected answers to Grow Questions with diaries are counted
  • THREE winners


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Most positive attitude is part of the above mentioned criteria for selecting winner therefore all wieners have been voided
But did we learn some cool growing techniques and how to spot when our plants have issues.. this used to be a good place to get some sage advice. It seems to have become the norm now for this to be just a shit show each month where a group of the same growers who like to just shit on each other.. All that energy wasted over a couple of free beans ... I just don't get it...I wish I had as much free time as some on here seem to have.. 🍿🍿🍿 Grow well growmies.👍🏼
@GrowingGrannie, it took about 5 seeds of this brand to get one to germinate, I should have known then this breeder is shite.
@Hashy, Then it's definitely NOT an autoflower! I once bought some seeds they SAID were photos but they turned out to be autos... all my autos go into flower in week 3-4 no matter what I do! :-D Have fun with that grow!
@Theia, I have a big rucksack but she won't fit in, tried yesterday before I put her in a separate tent on 12/12
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Popcorn in one hand Eyes roll, thumb scroll, laugh at men Wasting lives away That's a BudXs Haiku (tm)
@BudXs, you’re a true fuckin poet..
Most positive attitude is part of the above mentioned criteria for selecting winner therefore all wieners have been voided
Can we have some good seed suppliers for this contest, non auto flower seeds, some other good stuff...I WANT THE CHANCE TO CHEAT TOO.....👹
@GMSgrows, oh shit yeah, spikes on front spikes on the wheels, flame thrower at the back. Would take down a tank.
@Hashy, And those wheels with spikes like the chariots would top it all off....
@GMSgrows, awesome cash in hand. Was thinking of maybe a flame thrower on the back to make it look cool as fuck when I'm peddling with flames coming out the back. I'd have to peddle fast though.
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All you contest trolls need to stop your bs. It's pretty obvious that grow diaries is struggling. Way too much on their plate plus programming issues. Try to be a solution, and not more of the cause or more bs.
@Dazed_And_Confused,I agree with you. Spider farmer is really bad for selecting winners that are already sponsored by them. There’s sponsoring somebody and giving them three equipment why are they selecting them as a winner of the contest or somebody else should’ve won.
@Dazed_And_Confused, which is a fine example of there being too much to do and not enough people to take care of it properly.
@Roberts, If they properly selected winners the trolling would be less. Take - Second and forth place do not qualify. - Second place does not qualify. If they actually responded when tagged then the trolling here would die down. How can you be a solution when your completely ignored!!!!
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I think we all need to chip in and send @gottagrowsometime some buds. Then he can smoke a joint and chill the fuck out. Shit hes smoking on now cant be healthy for him
@astrogirl, Well clearly you haven't won anything in the last 3 months, not on this account no. If you didn't on your real account what is the whole point of this account. You are a cheat by way of a look hole or not, it's sad to see you get prizes that other ppl deserve. Really really sad. @GrowDiaries match his address to whomever it really is and make up your own mind as what to do, or not thanks GD
@astrogirl, @astrogirl, As for u. Well, goes without saying, Cheater, as for Roberts. Yup I was wrong, but any1 would of made the jump. He was following you, he was on your GN and I made a jump. I WAS WRONG. How many ppl throw out straight accusations of this person is cheating bla bla bla. Yup, I made mistake, I'm human, @Roberts again . As for you NotRoberts, or GrowerOfTheMonth whats your excuses for still actively participating in the contest when clearly u are a poxy cheat. Anyways I'm done calling out cheaters, Nbuds right, as I even said you'd be best of holding a cup it'd be quicker, not make up a 4months and plan out cheating. Oh and btw, Don't be trying to cash in on the NotRoberts thing, cause when I first said it you could have done the guy a favour and poxy said it wasn't Roberts. Not once did you say it wasn't, but why would you, it's just a pity I was stupid enough, again whats your excuses. Anyways enjoy your 12 free seeds you are taking away from actually ppl who need merch. And actual awards ppl want, u are just doing it for merch not cause u wanna help ppl. Anyways my point even replying to your crap. Do the right thing. Take yourself off, or reveal you u truly are and show us a set of balls. And it just proves my point you are a winner of the contest. They only give out that cheap FB board on some of them. If I was bothered I'd go thru the recent FB comps but maybe if some1 wants to out this cheat then go for it.
@Wicked_Stix, haha, I agree.
Ojalá los administradores de la app (Growdiaries) puedan ver las respuestas que dieron como solución cada participante del sorteo, y así pueden verificar las cuentas que hicieron las preguntas. Y poder anular o descalificar de ser necesario. Es muy fácil, solo es agregar un par de lineas de código mas proyecto. Esta podría ser una solución al problema y saber si realmente alguien hace trampa o no. Buenos humos a todos! 👌 Lo siento por mi inglés, es pésimo. jajaja xD
@WeedManiacLove, if any account has even 1 cheated Question they should be wipped completely not just the questions they chose to cheat on, it's not a thing, were you can pick and choose. A cheating question found on and account should void the whole entry. (I get some ppl are baited. But when it's as clear as the cheating was in this month they need to be wipped. And accounts created just for cheating should be out too. OUT OF GD
@WeedManiacLove,we said it bro! 👏
@roberts, cheating lol. @Gottagrowsometime, dude you have accused probably one of the most active members on this site, look through his diaries, you will notice he doesn't need to cheat for free seeds or any equipment. I do see your frustration as cheating in this contest can be really annoying. Even if @roberts, has won in the last few months it doesn't stop him from helping others out, and really his advice is usually sound. My advice is if you think there is something dodgy going on then report it to the growdiaries team, last year I spotted a few bogus accounts and reported them and within a week they had been removed. Just calm down before throwing out wild accusations.
@gottagrowsometime, time to delete your account as you promised you would do fairs fair gottagrowsometime commented 24 hours ago @astrogirl, @Roberts if I'm wrong I truly am sry and ill cancel my own account
@Roberts, Roberts, bro. I'm so sorry. And whomever it is that is cheating with the name GOTM I'm also sorry. But I am right, you clearly are some1 who has won has is by passing the rules. Which is wrong, but in no way does it make it ok with what I said and for that, I'm sorry. To you and Roberts. It was wrong of me. I am sorry to any1 who I offended. And Roberts I seen your message about you follow every grower, I get that. But GOTM hasn't even got up a diary, and I seen you were following him and seen you were in his growers network, meaning he was on your account and liked u. That's where I made the jump, and wrong/right it doesn't matter. How I went about it had no class and was of poor taste on my part. Again, sorry man, congrats on your 1st place SF win btw.
@Hashy,Thank you. Someone who can step back and see the big picture. It a shame I can't try to provide assistance to others without slander. @gottagrowsometime you owe me a deletion of your account. Seeing as I am humble person a detailed public apology in which you have seen the errors in your ways is all I require. You can keep your account.
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Just for the record I am not the grower of the month profile. Which is really stupid to think since his picture, and my picture are totally different people. Gd can do IP address checks even. Check whatever you like cause there is no connection. I have zero reasons to make other accounts nor time. You folks doing all this accusing people are likely the ones cheating, and trying to shift attention away from yourself. There is a lot of bs. I help people to help them. Yeah I get more agressive with it when I can collect a trophy. Even if I can't, doesn't mean I can not help a fellow grower. So leave me out of your nonsense. As far as following people I am over 9,800. So following a new profile is not uncommon for me.
Only one way to prove that.... DNA TESTS! Wheres Maury when you need him!
No winners 😂 bahahaha
I been helped by a great grower to summarize it better. My English and thoughts maybe not clear for all, so : there is some questionable links between @CanarianGrow92 and @@TGrower2001 - looking to be a fake account created for boosting up the other, not fully sure. 1) tgrower2001 likes all of jr1992 comments in a contest from Dec and disappears from the map once jr is disqualified from winning it. 2) previous interactions on the meme contests looks like jr1992 created fake diary just to win meme contest, so whats so different from creating fake accounts/questions if they have exploited the site in the past? a quote was taken from the diary memo in that contest. "created this diary for the monthly meme contest :)" did not have any strains growing in it and from what I can tell has been removed since. 3) tgower2001 likes jr1992 active diaries and every week in them. there are a few other likes given out to other users but its still all 98% jr1992. 4) tgrower2001 asked 4 questions 5hrs ago and jr1992 answered them all within the few minutes they where posted and won all of them but one. 5) tgrower2001 single entry diary on week 1 in flower is also suspicious, also created just 5 hours ago and happens to coincide with the questions forming. very suspicious. same with growerofthemonth/notroberts , using photos of a indigenous leader in BC Canada teaching people how to grow weed yet posting UK relevant link for mental health crisis? Does not seem like a CEO in BC CANADA would need to compete for free seeds or have UK relevant info. Let alone would they soil their image by engaging in trash talk on this website. lot of weird shit flying aorund this month other then the normal questionable answers users provide. Could be total wrong would need input from all the parties involved but does look like a classic fake profile account, @growdiaries @fast_buds
@AsNoriu, Estoy de acuerdo contigo, y he visto muchas cuentas falsas más. Cuando me di cuenta que estaba respondiendo pregunta de cuentas falsa solo deje de responder con la misma frecuencia. La trampa hace que todo esto pierda el sentido. Lamentable!
@HerbalEdu, You are very GREAT Person !!!! I though this community is more like You ..... Hope one day it will ! Huge Respect !
@AsNoriu, i m disabled and retired at home that's why i have time to answer the questions,i refresh the question pages pretty often and can observe various cheaters more or less obvious behaviours.
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HA! way - 2 - go @GrowingGrannie, Top 3 now. All you have to do is hold onto it for the next 96hrs Keep the momentum going and you'll take 1st! 🎉 o.O shit top 2 now😱 48hrs left!
@m0use, Doing my best, m0use! Doing my best! We need to get weedmaniaclove to light a fire under his ass! :-D
@GrowingGrannie, OO SHIT! You took 1st and time to spare. Keep it up! just wish for weedmaniaclove would take out the 2nd or 3rd place as well.
@CRiSPrGrow, hey... it doesn't make ME blush! LOL!!! My KIDS are the ones blushing and not wanting to talk to THEIR kids about what I'm growing! Honestly, this younger generation... 😂
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Congratulations to AsNoriu and gottagrowsometime you both tied for First place in the "Karen" Award for being the most prolific Whining Complaining and Annoying Tools on Grow diaries for the last couple of Months in a row!! 👑 🏆 🏆 Scroll down for your Award...... 🖕
@Grey_Wolf, well you’ve helped me a lot, not with questions but by putting up nice outdoor shit for years wolf. Fuck me some cunts take this shit too seriously,, all for a few free beans!? Big fucking deal,, these guys really need girlfriends. Fuck em wolf
@gottagrowsometime, ""And btw had snake got your tongue, as I sent that message 15hrs ago and you seem it after i wrote it"" probably because I live in Australia and when you wrote all that Bullshit I was fast asleep 😏 I am not sticking up for cheaters as up to now you haven't actually even identified any cheaters its all in your head mate until they are caught out for real its just you making a Big Note of yourself makes you sound like a Disgruntled Woman by the name of Karen If you think you know for sure they are cheating Show facts and Tell Growdiaries themselves rather than spreading your Innuendo on here . If anyone has even noticed that Ive stopped updating my own diaries is because of this site going downhill fast and Dickheads constantly complaining and accusing eachother of cheating isnt helping it get better. Im taking a break as are a lot of other seasoned GD members might come back if it Improves GreyWolf out . Thanks to all my followers for the support during my time here. 👍
@Grey_Wolf, there's nothing poor about old Roberts. And again I made a mistake. Yeah I get I call our cheaters. And I complain about them..But think about this and hopefully the penny will drop for you. You are complaining about ppl complaining about ppl who have actually admitted to cheating. Yes, I called out Roberts and U explained y i made a jump. What's your excuse for complaining about ppl complaining about actually ppl cheating. Tell me, what is it I'm doing wrong that they aren't that you only complain about the ppl calling out cheaters and not the actually cheaters themselves. And btw had snake got your tongue, as I sent that message 15hrs ago and you seem it after i wrote it, really you knew your whole point was turned on its head and the only ppl who agree with u are the cheats. So yeah speaks for itself Anyways I'm done with this convo bro. I really don't get why we had to fall out and try make tools out of ppl who are trying to make the comp fair by calling out actually cheaters who admitted to openly cheating. And another thing. I've seen you bitch and moan with lots of ppl on here just cause you didn't like what they wrote and yet you tend to pick on ppl who are actually pointing these ppl out, how about trying to solve the problem instead of adding to it? You are right top though, Roberts would grow better in his sleep..And for you to even being that up it very petty and really grasping at anything you can, because in reality you know you are poxy 100% wrong and yeah. Can't wait to read your 15hr awaited reply. Pop out Google and start typing, "how do I make a situation I tried making fun out of ppl, but in reality all I did was shine a light on my own hypocrisy. Have a think about it bro. Seriously no digs or back fighting. You are complaining about ppl who are complaining about ppl cheating, and not just random accusations, which if they were I'd agree with u, as I did to Roberts and I held up my hands saying I was wrong without it having to be disproved. Only proves I'm human and make mistakes and can own up to it, not stick up for cheaters and try put a stop to ppl complaining about cheaters. Tell us all, where is your reasoning behind i???? Or where you just bored and really have no idea as to why you took to their defence instead of coming to the aid of the ppl who deserve the awards and who haven't chested. I bet you. If you were in the running you would be complaining just as much as I'm nearly sure I've seen u complain about ppl cheating in comps u were in, I might be wrong on that though, so sorry If I am. Anyways man, you are not gonna stop me for sticking up for the ppl who deserve these awards and it's it right to complsom about the ppl calling out the cheaters but I think you got it wrong and just don't like me or whoever and had a dig and had no idea what you were talking about....CLEARLY. All the best Grey Wolf
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Has there been any cheating going on this month.🙊
@GrowingGrannie, it's probably frozen up again like it does with diaries. The diaries section is working fine so might just be this bit that's frozen. Happens from time to time.
@Hashy, have a question for you... I think something weird is going on with the questions page... it's been 3 full hours since the last question was posted up... this doesn't feel normal... any idea?
@Hashy, I found out I was in this competition by accident, really... I had never looked at the contests because it wasn't what I was on this site to do but one day, after my Tangerine Dream diary was finally finished and I was a little proud of it, I thought I'd take a look... I've entered it in the Newbie contest I think (I won't win but that's just fine...)... anyway, I was scrolling through the other contests just kind of interested to see what was going on and there was THIS contest with the little button that said "Withdraw" and I thought WHAT??? So I took a look and was gobsmacked to see I had about 5 or 6 solutions and was kind of in the middle... read through everything and figured out HOW I got into it and then just decided to make a go of it.... It's been fun, it's been rewarding to help people - I get a little concerned that I haven't given someone the right advice and have screwed up their grow but I do what I can do ... it would be so much different if I was actually standing AT their grow... But even then, folks can fuck up. I had to be out of town for about a week and left a fellow growmie to tend my tents... well, she diagnosed a deficiency as an excess and I've got a LOT of work to do to correct that - but mistakes happen, don't they - and in the end, we all do what we think is the right thing. Blah blah blah... just tell me to shut up... you probably can tell I needed to just kind of ramble... it's been an ordeal...
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Delighted to see GD take action. Every1 up on that board derseves it and congratulations guys. (Except 2nd he was 1 of the cheats, and actively closed down Q) Enjoy your prizes. 🍾
delicious ! 🍿 deffo in my top 10 this month 😅👌
You know, it is really depressing to read through these comments. I don't know how I "joined" this contest as I only found out about it today and yet... I'm on this website to do two things: 1) keep a diary for myself of my grows so I will have something to refer back to in future grows and 2) to learn and help others to learn how to improve their grows and solve problems. I feel really sorry for those who have only time to gripe and complain about someone else on this website. I feel sorry for people who have to resort to taking their insecurities "public" by posting them as a "question" on the question page. This isn't what I expected from this community and it makes me very, very sad. It makes me question whether I want to be part of this community.
@Wicked_Stix, That’s right. Come to the dark side. This site is trash.
@Wicked_Stix, I'm right behind you, right behind you....
@GrowingGrannie, i for one think you're a great asset and i've got my fingers crossed for granny gold this month - stick around, ignore the grouches - i'm sure folks appreciate a bit of positivity 🚀
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I have to say, the best thing from my prize kit (seeds included) was the fabric pots. Some real nice craftsmanship on those babies.
@Ezzjaybruh, they are nice 👍🏻
I'm delighted to see some1 actually take 1st that deserves it. As for 2nd, 3rd &4th please remove yourselfs to make it fair for the ppl who deserve these prizes. Good to see the comp still has some decent weight to it. So it's gonna come down to either @GrowDiaries looking at complaints and acting according to their findings. Or it'll take the ppl who know what they talking about in a wide range of stuff and they'll get picked no matter how the top 3 under 1st close down as many Q as they want. Guess it still puts me out of being able to compete if I wanna hold up against ppl who close down their own Questions, (which btw, are the most easiest questions ever, shows their limted knowledge if they can't even think of a hard enough question, TO ASK THEMSELEVES 🤣🤣 yes, it's annoying but bordering on being well, silly that you just have to laugh. And before ppl start in with their remarks about us few complaining, just think of this, YOU ARE THE FEW WHO COMPLAINS ABOUT PPL COMPLAINING ABOUT CHEATING. So, before you complain about my comment think of that. Good luck to you all.
m0use + = Openly admitting to exploiting the system but doing it so wrong it does not benefit you in anyway. Rich, like fat free gravy...