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6 years ago
@John007, hi John thank you for this cool message! :) Like you, me too i am going for a stealth micro grow, and that first diary apart from being my first one i wanted to stay as stealth as possible, something that i could do in a pc grow box if i had one but my grow space is not much bigger than a pc grow box anw. Will see, how the buds will develop, while i am hoping for fat buds i dont think i will achieve it because i still have a lot to learn and i m preety sure i had quite a number of mistakes in this diary as well. Currently my biggest issues are controlling the temperature at night with low temperatures i can see the bad effects on her, trying to improvise on that and also i have an issue with proper bloom fertilisers, where i come from my local gardening shop un this period doesnt have blooming fertilisers which is a pain in the bud and i m trying to improvise on this issue by adding what ever i can find. Not having the right fertiliser for the blooming period can return much smaller buds that what you would expect :( My review remains the same about the strain as it was in the beginning. Indeed in the past autos were in a disadvantage but i firmly believe that nowadays there are a lot of autos that are as powerful as photoberiods are. Autos in my opinion are better for beginners and for people who want to grow stealthy and a small stash for themselves. In the future i would love to try actually more autos but hindu kush auto surely is one strain i will be coming back again and again. I hope i ve got you covered :)
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
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