
13 Best Autoflowering Strains You Can Grow Outdoors For Massive Yields

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Added 28 April 2024

Autoflowering cannabis strains are fun and easy to grow. You don’t need to think a lot, and when grown outdoors, the process becomes even simpler. All you have to do is sow the seeds, water them daily, and within a couple of months, they will start growing buds. 

But there are so many options on the market; which one should you pick? Granted, we’re spoilt by choices, and sometimes, deciding what’s best can be confusing. Worry not, we’ve got your back. In this article, we will explore fifteen amazing autoflowering strains that grow well outdoors. 

An Overview of Autoflowering Cannabis Varieties

An Overview of Autoflowering Cannabis Varieties

Autoflowering cannabis strains have transformed the cultivation landscape as they are a great choice for both beginners and seasoned growers. Unlike traditional photoperiod strains that rely on changes in the light cycle to trigger flowering, autoflowers naturally transition from the vegetative or growing stage to blooming based on their age, typically within 4-6 weeks after sprouting. Some strains may take longer, but you can expect to see pistils any time after the 4th week. 

Autoflowering strains are genetically composed of a mix of cannabis ruderalis known for its self-flowering characteristics along with either indica or sativa. This genetic blend allows autoflowers to thrive in various settings whether it's a small grow tent, a huge garden, a greenhouse, or your balcony. 

Benefits of Autoflowering Cannabis Varieties

Benefits of Autoflowering Cannabis Varieties

Autoflowering strains have several advantages over photoperiod strains, so they are a popular choice among many growers. 

1. Speed

Autoflowers are super quick, and you can expect to harvest most strains in just 8-10 weeks from seedling stage. This swift turnaround is ideal for growers aiming to achieve lots of yields within a single growing season.

2. Compact Size

Autoflowers generally have a small stature compared to photoperiod plants, making them well-suited for limited-space cultivation. Their diminutive size not only enhances stealthiness but simplifies maintenance as well. 

3. Growing Ease 

Autoflowers are easy to cultivate and even beginners will have great results as they automatically bloom without much effort. They don't follow light cycles so you don't have to manage too much. 

For example, photoperiods need at least 18 hours of light during the vegetative stage. They will flower only when you switch to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness. With autos, you don't need to do any of that. Whether you provide 18 or 12 hours of light, they will flower automatically according to their inner clock. 

In addition, photoperiod strains are very sensitive to light leaks as they rely on the light. Even a small light leak can make the plant revert back to its vegetative stage, known as revegging. Sometimes, the plant will start displaying abnormal patterns. You may even see the plant start developing seeds, known as a hermaphrodite, due to all that stress. Therefore, you should be very careful about light leaks when growing photoperiods. 

Light leaks don't matter too much for autoflowers. If you want good yields, provide 18 hours of light for the plant’s entire life cycle and you'll have a great harvest. 

Last but not least, autoflowers don't require extensive maintenance. A little bit of LST where you bend the branches to the sides of the container and pruning will work very well.

In addition, outdoor growers don't have to fret over schedules and spend more time with the plants, enjoying the cultivation process. Although the yields won't be as massive as photoperiods simply because they are larger and spend more time in the vegetative and flowering phase, autoflowers are in a league of their own. Also, don't forget that you can fit more plants in the same tent compared to photoperiods and also harvest faster, leading to good yields. 

4. Strength and Adaptability

Autoflowers are tough and can adapt well to different environmental conditions. They can handle changes in temperature and humidity levels, making them a good choice for growing in challenging climates.

5. Discreet Growing

Because of their size and quick flowering time, autoflowers are popular among growers who need to be discreet such as those growing in urban areas or where there are legal constraints.

Varieties of Autoflowering Cannabis Strains

Varieties of Autoflowering Cannabis Strains

Autoflowering strains come in an array of options with many different flavors, scents, and effects to cater to varied preferences. From indica strains to energizing sativa hybrids, there is an autoflower strain for every taste and desired impact.

Indica Dominant: These strains are known for making the user relax. They possess some sedative properties and are preferred for their ability to alleviate stress, pain, and sleep troubles.

Sativa Dominant: Sativa autoflowers provide uplifting and cerebral effects that make them suitable for those looking to use cannabis when they are working. They can boost creativity, focus, and sociability.

Hybrid: Hybrid cannabis plants, known as autoflowering hybrids, bring together the characteristics of both indica and sativa strains to create an experience of relaxation and euphoria.

Important Considerations When Selecting Outdoor Autoflowers

Important Considerations When Selecting Outdoor Autoflowers

Choosing autoflowering strains for cultivation involves considering several factors to ensure successful growth and harvesting. Here are some essential factors to take into account:

1. Climate Adaptability

Autoflowers adjust to many climates and grow without too much hassle. Still, you should take into account the climate conditions of your growing area as certain varieties may be better suited to your local environmental conditions.

Consider selecting plant varieties that can withstand the temperature conditions of your area whether you live in a location with a hot, cold, dry, or humid climate. For example, if you reside in a region with high humidity levels, opt for strains that are known to resist mold and mildew

2. Availability of Space

Next, assess the space you have at your disposal for cultivating. It's essential to consider your height limitations and opt for autoflowering varieties that stay within those boundaries, especially if you aim to keep your plants inconspicuous. Additionally, evaluate the space for your plants to thrive as some strains tend to spread out more than others. It's crucial to align your goals with the desired yield and harvest time. If maximizing yield is a priority, explore strains that are genetically able to produce lots of buds. 

One advantage is that since autoflowers grow very quickly and most strains are ready to harvest within 8-10 weeks after germination, you don't have to worry too much about planning your schedule. Indoors, you can grow them any time you want. However, since you'll be growing outdoors, you have to select strains with flowering times that suit your conditions. You should also plan in such a way that the plants get lots of sunlight. Outdoors, it's not possible to provide 18 hours of bright sunlight in most regions, so do the best you can. 

In any case, go for varieties with quick flowering periods as the faster they flower, the faster you can harvest them and sow seeds once again.  

3. Go for Good Genetics

Whether you're looking for great yields, extensive trichome production, or anything else in particular, you should select seeds that have the genetic ability to do so. For example, you cannot get abundant yields from a plant that's meant specifically for stealth purposes. 

And, since you're growing outdoors, make sure you look for varieties that exhibit resistance against pests and diseases. Also, delve into the flavor profiles and effects of the strains you're considering purchasing because the taste matters a great deal. Imagine growing a strain that smells like garlic when you actually want something that reminds you of strawberries! If you're a beginner, the effects are very important as you should choose strains that won't overwhelm you too much. Some strains are so strong that they can knock you out and you'll hesitate to try cannabis for a long time. To prevent this, choose strains according to your tolerance and scale up slowly if you want. 

4. Assess your Ability 

Lastly, factor in your expertise level when making strain selections. Your familiarity with cultivation practices will play a role in ensuring a great growing experience. If you're just starting out with growing cannabis, go for strains that are forgiving of mistakes and don't need a lot of attention.

On the other hand, those with plenty of experience might want to try out more challenging strains that come with unique flavors, effects, or growth traits.

5. Pay attention to the breeder’s reputation 

Look into the reputation of the breeders or seed banks that sell the strains you're interested in. Pick strains from known breeders who are known for their top-notch genetics and consistent characteristics.

In addition, take a look at customer reviews and feedback to get an idea of how certain strains perform and how reliable they are. 

Good breeders will only sell fresh viable seeds. After all, you're paying a lot of money for the seeds, so it makes sense to go for something that's worth it. Do not make the mistake of going for dirt-cheap seeds. This is not to say that cheap seeds won't grow well — they can — but it's very rare and you don't want to try your luck in this aspect. 

By taking these aspects into account you can choose the autoflowering strains that match your preferences, climate conditions, and space constraints.

Best Autoflowering Cannabis Strains to Grow Outdoors

Best Autoflowering Cannabis Strains to Grow Outdoors

Now, let’s take a look at some of the best autoflowering strains you can grow outdoors and get massive yields. 

1. Wedding Cake Auto

The autoflowering version of Wedding Cake offers the same sweetness and growing convenience as the photoperiod one. With a THC content of up to 24%, it produces a cerebral, euphoric high that’s perfect for solo adventures or group shenanigans. It is highly relaxing, so don’t worry if you fall asleep. 

If anything, smoke Weeding Cake Auto for its stunning flavor profile that leaves a lasting impression on your tongue (and heart). The autoflowering strain has vanilla and citrusy notes with hints of wood — it’s refreshing. 

Building upon the ease of growing the original Wedding Cake, its autoflowering counterpart streamlines the cultivation process even further. While occasional pruning may be necessary, providing adequate water, nutrients, and care yields desirable results within a short nine-week timeframe. 

You can expect harvests of up to 150g per plant, making Wedding Cake Automatic a rewarding choice for growers of all levels.

2. Sour Jealousy Auto

Sour Jealousy Auto is a strain that embodies the qualities of autoflowering genetics. With its features, effects, and lively flavors, it has become a favorite among cannabis enthusiasts and cultivators alike. The lineage of Sour Jealousy Auto can be traced back to two known varieties. This hybrid strain merges the Sour Diesel with Auto Jealousy's autoflowering genetics to create a resilient plant that thrives in outdoor settings. 

While Sour Diesel, recognized for its strong scent and mood-lifting effects as a sativa-dominant strain brings its diesel-like flavors, potency, and energetic high, Auto Jealousy — a strain celebrated for its abundant resin production and ease of care — passes on its auto-flowering traits to Sour Jealousy Auto.

Sour Jealousy Auto showcases qualities that set it apart as an option for outdoor cultivation. One of its standout features is its rapid growth rate. From germination to harvest, this strain typically matures in 9-10 weeks, making it perfect for growers aiming to harvest more within a single outdoor growing season.

Sour Jealousy Auto also displays resilience and can endure various environmental obstacles that are common with outdoor cultivation. It exhibits resistance to pests, diseases, and unfavorable weather conditions, guaranteeing a great yield.

Sour Jealousy Auto grows really tall. So much so that it's one of the tallest autoflowers you can find today. Typically, you'll need to provide support to photoperiod plants since they grow very tall and produce way too many buds; however, autos don't need any support. Sour Jealousy Auto, however, definitely needs some support due to her sheer size. 

With the ability to grow to almost 150 cm, she will be your neighbor’s envy and your pride for sure! Sour Jealousy Auto exhibits adaptability to various climates, allowing for successful outdoor cultivation in diverse regions. Whether facing dry summers, cool and humid conditions, or anything in between, this strain can flourish even with minimal intervention. 

Thanks to her enormous size, she can produce almost 600 grams of purple resinous buds per square meter if you take proper care of her. Autos couldn't produce as much yield as photoperiods earlier, but as you can see, they are just as good as photoperiods now.

To ensure Sour Jealousy Auto grows well, pick a sunny well-ventilated outdoor area with lots of bright sunlight. Opt for a top-notch organic soil blend that drains well to support healthy root development.

Water the plants regularly, keeping the soil moist but not waterlogged. Avoid overwatering to prevent issues like root rot.

You can take advantage of the strain’s size by employing two training techniques such as topping and LST to enhance productivity. Make sure you prune and trim away any growth that obstructs light as well. 

Coming to the effects, expect a strong high as she has tested well over 29% THC. While perfect for those with experience, beginners need to approach her cautiously. 

One good thing about Sour Jealousy Auto is her resin production. With so many trichomes, she is simply perfect for creating various types of concentrates if you want to try anything other than plain buds. 

3. Wedding Cheesecake Auto

Wedding Cheesecake Auto is an autoflowering strain that blends the desirable qualities of Wedding Cheesecake and ruderalis genetics. Renowned for its growth, bountiful yields, and potent effects, Wedding Cheesecake Auto stands out for its performance.

The lineage of Wedding Cheesecake Auto traces back to a mix of Wedding Cheesecake and ruderalis genetics, as mentioned already. Wedding Cheesecake hails from Wedding Cake and Cheese varieties. It inherits the scent of vanilla from Wedding Cake and the earthy cheesy flavors from Cheese. 

The incorporation of ruderalis genetics brings autoflowering characteristics to Wedding Cheesecake Auto. This enables the plant to flower automatically without dependence on light cycles, making it well-suited for outdoor cultivation.

With a speedy growth cycle that just takes 10 weeks to complete her life cycle, Wedding Cheesecake Auto grows large and tall, often touching heights of about 130 cm. If you train her well, you can expect monstrous growth with each cola looking like a baseball bat. In ideal conditions, you can expect anywhere around 500 grams per square meter, but if you put in more effort, she can reward you with even 600 grams! 

The effects of Wedding Cheesecake Auto are simply incredible with more than 24% THC. Looking for something that combines cerebral euphoria with physical relaxation? Wedding Cheesecake is the one for you. What starts with a euphoric feeling sparking creativity and joy continues with a body buzz that eases your tension and stress without making you overly sleepy. 

If anything, you should grow this strain just for her looks. The sugar leaves look almost pink and the orange pistils draw a sharp contrast with buds that have hints of blue and green. 

Her flavor profile is equally impressive, merging the cake taste of Wedding Cake with the creamy cheese flavors of Cheese, offering a unique sensory experience. The aroma is delicious with hints of vanilla, earthiness, and spice.

Wedding Cheesecake Auto displays explosive growth right from the start. She loves hot climates with lots of sun, so make sure you pick a spot that offers bright light. 

As an autoflowering strain, she doesn't need a lot of attention but provides good-quality nutrients and maintains the right pH so she doesn't experience nutrient deficiencies. 

4. Poundcake Auto 

Poundcake Auto stands out as a sativa hybrid that thrives outdoors yielding generously and offering great effects with minimal upkeep. It's renowned for its harvests reaching up to 600 g/m2 and growing to heights of around 150 cm in just about 10 weeks. Boasting a THC content of up to 28%, it delivers a high that’s tailored for social gatherings. In other words, she gets you talking as you feel relaxed and drop your inhibitions. You may feel your spirits lift as you enjoy engaging conversations filled with laughter.

Poundcake Auto not only fills you with a sense of happiness and vitality, but it’s a great strain to use just before you want to tackle a tough project you’ve been staving off for months. It gets your mental gears turning, and you’ll find that you’re able to solve complex issues effortlessly. Then there’s a body buzz that creeps in gradually. Despite leaning towards sativa, you may be caught off guard by its couch lock effect. Thus, take it easy if you’re enjoying this strain for the first time. 

Coming to the taste, Poundcake Auto tastes like a concoction of berries and cream accented by the gentle sweetness of fruits and hints of hazelnut. Its creamy white resin coating exudes an aroma reminiscent of hazelnut and vanilla ice cream drizzled with berry syrup. When you take a deep puff, you'll notice a berry flavor with hints of sweet cream, making you feel like you just had a jam-filled vanilla cake. Yum!

The flowers are completely coated in resin, making her perfect for those yearning to make concentrates in the comfort of their homes. 

On top of all these amazing qualities, you can grow Poundcake easily, even if you don’t have a lot of experience. She performs well without issues, yielding more than most typical autoflower strains, making her one of the best choices for growers looking to get great yields in a short period. 

If you take good care of this strain, she can grow up to 90-150 cm outdoors. Expect at least 600 grams per square meter of dense buds with shades of light and dark purple along with vibrant sugar leaves that turn into lovely orange and pink hues as they mature. You can take advantage of her tall stature and train her well. Using LST can significantly increase the yields. Do not forget to provide support or she may collapse under her own weight. A tomato cage or bamboo stakes will work well to prop up its branches.

5. White Widow Auto

White Widow is one of the legendary cannabis strains that also comes in an autoflowering variety, and what do you know — it’s one of the best outdoor strains you can grow. It’s an offspring of Critical+ Auto and White Widow, offering a lighter THC content that produces a gentle and functional high. 

It’s a balanced high with 12% THC that won’t overwhelm you. Still, it blends cerebral stimulation and relaxing body buzz, so it’s ideal for booting creativity or just unwinding after a hard day’s work. The flavor profile is sweet with earthy aromas. We love smoking this, no doubt. 

This strain grows best in warm, sunny, and dry climates. And it has quite a fast-growing cycle. Outdoors, White Widow Auto can yield up to 160 grams per plant, and you can expect harvest time between April and October. 

6. NYC Sour D Auto

NYC Sour D Auto, favored by Mike Tyson himself, offers an invigorating high. The strain has a lot to offer apart from her calming properties and unique gassy flavors and scents. 

The makeup of NYC Sour D Auto stems from the fusion of NY Diesel and Sour Diesel Auto strains. This blend results in a sativa profile that uplifts with energetic effects. You can imagine the high already, can’t you?

The effects kick in rapidly, bringing forth waves of euphoria, enhanced creativity, and physical relaxation. Its lively high makes it perfect for moments when you need a quick pick-me-up. The flavor blends diesel and lime, providing a distinct and enjoyable experience.

When grown outdoors this strain can reach a height of 150cm. It does well indoors too, but you’ll get better results outdoors. The strain needs just 12 weeks from start to finish and you can expect at least 150-180 grams per plant easily if you provide ample sunlight and nutrients. Although she loves hot climates, she will not mind cooler climates either. 

For best results, plant the seeds in the ground or in containers. Ensure the soil remains consistently moist without becoming waterlogged. Given its size, you can train her by bending the branches to the sides of the container and she responds pretty well to it. 

7. Apple Fritter Auto

Ideal for growers looking for a flavored strain with great effects and quick growth cycles, Apple Fritter Auto ticks all the boxes. A blend of Sour Apple Auto and Animal Cookies, Apple Fritter Auto has great genetics to boast of. This Indica-dominant hybrid boasts a THC content of 23%, so you can expect a strong high without getting too uncomfortable. 

This strain brings about a feeling of happiness and calmness that’s ideal for winding down at the end of a busy day. The taste resembles that of apple pastries along with strong hints of fruitiness and sweetness. 

Outdoors, the plant can grow up to 110 cm and you can expect anywhere from 150 to 180 grams after 11-12 weeks. You can keep the height short by training her extensively. Trim fan leaves to improve air circulation and light exposure for bud sites located at the bottom, promoting the development of bigger and more potent buds.

8. Northern Lights Auto

The next autoflowering strain for the outdoors is Northern Lights Auto, which is based on the timeless classic loved by us for its sweet smoke, potent high, and balanced effects. Even though it is an auto, it still grows quite tall, reaching up to 20 cm, so it’s not a discreet plant by any means. 

Yes, it grows tall, but it has a growing cycle of around 9 weeks. And it produces a decent yield of up to 200 grams. What’s more, this is a pretty low-maintenance strain, so even new growers can grow it with ease. 

You can expect a subtle, uplighting high that’s relaxing from Northern Lights Auto. Thanks to its potent THC content of 14%, it also has various medicinal benefits for chronic pain, migraine, stress, and arthritis. Its best quality is its flavor profile. It’s fruity and pungent with undernotes of sweet earthiness. 

9. Royal Cheese Auto

We all love cheese strains for their unique aroma and taste profiles — who doesn’t like cheese, anyway? Royal Cheese Auto is a fantastic example of such a strain, featuring Skunk genetics that is super easy to grow. 

This strain is compact but still delivers a decent yield of 160 grams per plant in an outdoor environment. Plus, it grows with vigor and without complications and has a harvest time of under 10 weeks. 

With a THC content of up to 15%, expect a potent high from Royal Cheese Auto. the high is quite calming and relaxed. You’ll also love the flavor and aromas of this strain; it’s skunky and cheesy with a pungent undernote. 

10. Amnesia Haze Auto

Amnesia Haze is yet another classic cannabis strain that’s also one of the best-selling ones in coffee shops around the world. It’s adored for its incredibly high flavor, and in its autoflowering version, it’s easier than ever to grow. 

The auto retains all the characteristics of its photoperiod variety. As such, it has a spicy and sweet taste with notes of earth and pepper. Yes, the flavor is deliciously intense, but the smoke is surprisingly smooth, too. You’ll keep wanting to smoke it more and more. 

The high, on the other hand, is uplifting and sometimes psychedelic. It’s bound to boost your mood and even give you some perspective. This is why many users prefer this strain for mood disorders and stress relief. It can even be a great strain to smoke with your friends. 

When it comes to growing this strain, it is easy to grow, thanks to its Haze lineage. This one matures within 11 weeks and each plant can yield up to 150 grams of buds. Just be careful of one thing: don’t overfeed it as it is quite sensitive to excess nutrients. 

11. Stress Killer Auto

Stress Killer Auto is a medicinal cannabis strain with a high CBD content and around 11% THC content. It won’t make you high, but it is quite a stress buster, as the name suggests. It’s a hybrid of Lemon Haze, Ruderalis, and Juanita la Lagrimosa, which makes it a compact strain. 

The flavor profile is quite sharp with zesty lemon and citrus profiles, that will wake up your taste buds. Stress Killer Automatic remains appealing to beginner growers, occasional tokers, and veterans seeking a change. 

Stress Killer Automatic offers more than meets the eye. Its standout feature isn't just its enticing aroma or delectable taste; it's the clear, functional high with immense medical value that it consistently delivers.

This is recommended for medical cannabis growers and a delightful option for recreational users craving balanced citric cannabis. Relax, de-stress, and exercise patience with Stress Killer Automatic for optimal results.

12. Gelato Auto

Gelato Auto is the kind of autoflowering strain that ticks all the boxes for outdoor growers. To start with, it’s got a short life cycle of only nine weeks. Still, it’s got an impressive THC content of 26%, making it one of the most potent strains on this list. 

This autoflowering strain is a derivative of Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies and Sunset Sherbert. As a result, it grows into a lush green medium-sized plant, and the buds are coated in resin with golden pistils peeking out. It simply looks delightful. 

Coming to the flavor profile, you can expect sweet and earthy notes with hints of citrus and ice cream. It’s an enticing flavor profile, sure to satisfy taste buds. Once you enjoy the taste, you’ll then be met with an energizing and motivating high. It’s euphoric but expect fits of laughter, too. Not recommended for new users, though. 

Gelato Auto is one of the best strains you can grow outdoors since it is short and discreet, reaching up to 100 cm in most cases. You can still expect a decent yield of up to 200 grams per plant under the right conditions. We recommend light defoliation nonetheless to keep the canopy manageable. Also, be warned, it smells a lot. 

13. Zkittles Auto

This cannabis strain may not be the most popular out there, but it deserves your attention nonetheless. It’s one of the best young strains on the market, and it even won the 1st prize at the Emerald Cup in 2016. It’s known for its high content that produces a happy, relaxed body buzz that lasts a long time. 

Even the flavor profile is awesome and exactly what you’d expect for a strain that rhymes with Skittles. It’s full of berry notes with undernotes of sweet candy and chocolate. You’ll feel like you’re smoking Skittles.

Growing it is pretty easy and even new growers can cultivate this strain without much fuss. Expect it to grow up to 100 cm under the right conditions and harvest by week 12. 

Summary: 13 Best Outdoor Autoflowering Strains You Can Grow Outdoors For Massive Yields

These are the 13 best outdoor autoflowering strains that you can start with. As you can see, there’s something for every type of grower and user. Whether you want a medicinal strain, a delicious strain, or a highly potent one. 

Pick your flavor and start growing. But remember to always procure your cannabis seeds from reputable seed banks that give you all the information you need. The product page will list special instructions you may need to grow the seeds properly along with a certificate of analysis that gives you an insight into what to expect.

Autoflowering strains are inherently easy to grow, but if you pick the right strain and high-quality seeds for your cultivation, the process can be even better. So, what are you waiting for? We know which strain we are picking (hint: it rhymes with Skittles), which one are you picking? 



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