
Best Cannabis Strains for First-Time Growers

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Added 26 September 2023

Look up the cannabis cultivation process and you’ll run into more techniques than you can count, and you’ll also find many experienced cannabis growers employ strategies that may make growing cannabis seem like rocket science. But as a new grower, you need not worry so much. 

Cannabis comes in many varieties, and each variety has a unique need. Some cannabis strains tend to have an attitude whereas others tend to be as easygoing as a teenager that’s high on Girl Scout Cookies. The former tend to be less forgiving and the latter tend to be quite forgiving — you can make many mistakes and still end up with a successful yield. 

So, to answer the question, some cannabis strains are very easy to grow. These strains are tolerant to environmental changes, resistant to stressors, pests, and other pathogens, require less care and attention, and can survive well enough on minimal nutrients. These are easy-to-grow cannabis strains that any new grower can start with. 

What makes a strain easy to grow? If you’re wondering this, you’re on the right path. The way cannabis grows boils down to its genetics. If a strain has a phenotype that makes it more forgiving or easy to grow, it will be easy to grow as long as it is developing in a familiar environment. 

So, when choosing the easiest cannabis strains to grow for the first time, you need to look at the genetics of the strain. Of course, other factors do come into play — if the environment is not suitable, the plant may exhibit unexpected phenotypes — but genetics determine the boundaries of what the plant can and cannot do. 

But which are the best easy-to-grow cannabis strains for first-time cannabis growers? Don’t worry, we’ve got your back. In this list, we explore some of the best cannabis strains that are suitable for first-time growers and beginners. But before we do that, here are a few tips to keep in mind. 

Tips to Grow Cannabis for Beginners

Tips to Grow Cannabis for Beginners

If you're new to growing cannabis it's important to consider a few factors to harvest good yields. Here are a few pointers that can help:

1. Find strains that are easy to grow

We have named a few of the easiest strains you can choose in the next section, especially when you’re a beginner. However, if you want to purchase other seeds, keep in mind that it's crucial to choose strains that match your needs and level of experience as it will impact your cannabis journey to a great extent. Ultimately, you want results, so go for something that’s easy. Different strains vary in difficulty to grow so opt for ones that are meant only for beginners. 

  • Understanding Different Types of Cannabis Strains

Various cannabis strains differ in characteristics such as growth patterns, appearance, cannabinoid profiles, aroma, and flavor. We can categorize cannabis strains into three groups, including indica, sativa, and hybrid varieties.

Indicas are known to give you a body stone, typically have a bushier structure, and are easy to grow. They also tend to flower faster, making it perfect for beginners. On the other hand, sativas are associated with energizing effects and tend to grow taller and have longer flowering periods. It can be slightly challenging to grow sativas indoors, due to their height; however, they flourish outdoors. 

Hybrids, which are a blend of sativa and indica genetics, offer an array of effects depending on the specific hybrid strain. They can be an option for you as they combine the growth characteristics of both types.

  • Desired effects

When selecting a strain, try to keep your goals and the effects you desire in mind. For instance, if you’re looking for strains that may help with pain and relaxation, read the description provided by the seed bank carefully, so you can make better decisions. Typically, indicas are a better choice for those looking to gain relief from pain. Conversely, if you’re looking for strains that may help you get more creative, go for sativas. That said, if you want the best of both worlds, hybrids are your best bet. 

Coming to the effects, take a look at the amount of THC the strain can offer. Some people prefer high CBD with low THC. In such cases, go for pure CBD strains like Charlottes Web. 

  • Start small and experiment

If you’re a beginner with absolutely no experience in growing cannabis, it's best to start small with a few plants and experiment. This hands-on approach will help you learn what works best for your conditions, which will help you become a better cultivator.

2. Pick an Appropriate Growing Space

First off, you need to decide whether you’re going to cultivate cannabis indoors, outdoors, or in a greenhouse. This is because you need to manage the plant height. As mentioned earlier, indica strains are perfect for those who don’t have large spaces, and sativa strains are great if you’re going to grow outdoors. Lastly, you can take a look at the diaries of your favorite strains created by other growers. If you run into a problem while cultivating the plant, you can always ask questions

Apart from that, each option comes with its set of advantages and challenges. Indoor cultivation allows for more control. For example, you can fine-tune lighting, temperature, humidity, and other factors to maximize the growth of your plants. Due to this, you can cultivate cannabis all year round without being affected by changes. Also, it allows for more discretion as you can keep your plants hidden away from prying eyes. 

However, it can be costlier than outdoor growing. You’ll need to invest in lighting, ventilation, and climate control systems. At the very least, you’ll need a sturdy grow tent and lighting. Plus, you need to pay attention to the electricity bills. 

On the other hand, outdoors, you don’t have much control, but you will spend a little less as you won’t have to purchase equipment such as tents, grow lights, etc. The plants will also benefit from natural sunlight, which can potentially lead to higher levels of cannabinoids and terpenes. Oh, and don’t forget that the yields will be humungous compared to indoor cultivation. 

But, since you can’t control the environmental conditions outdoors like you would indoors, the plants are susceptible to weather fluctuations, pests, and diseases that can have an impact on both yield and quality. Outdoor cultivation also relies heavily on weather conditions, so you will be at the mercy of the weather most of the time. Finally, there’s also a risk of losing your plants to thieves if you don’t protect the plants. 

Coming to cultivating in greenhouses, it’s very similar to outdoor cultivation but in a balanced manner. The difference is that they shield plants from weather conditions while utilizing sunlight. You can also manipulate the growing conditions slightly, but not as much as indoor cultivation. Although building a greenhouse requires an initial investment, the ongoing expenses are often lower than those growing indoors. The challenge, however, lies in maintaining the environmental conditions including the temperature, humidity, and ventilation. Additional expenses may be involved in this process.

So, think about the pros and cons of all these options, and make the right decision.

3. Invest in Quality Genetics

Purchase seeds from reputable seed banks so you get great genetics. Read reviews about the seed banks and find out about the experiences of other growers. It’s crucial that you invest in good genetics because you can do everything possible to get good yields, but it will all be for naught if the genetics aren’t good. Get this step right and you don’t have to worry much as cannabis plants are quite easy to cultivate once you get the hang of it. High-quality seeds are more likely to produce healthy and robust plants.

4. Provide Proper Lighting

If you intend to grow indoors, invest in the right lighting system. We can’t stress how important this is. Try not to invest in cheap systems just because they save some money. However, this doesn’t mean that all inexpensive systems are useless. If you do some research, you will find the right system for your needs. Common choices include high-intensity discharge (HID) lamps, LED lights, and compact fluorescent lights (CFLs). You must ensure the light spectrum matches the growth stage of your plants (e.g., blue light for vegetative growth and red light for flowering).

5. Environmental Control

It's crucial to maintain a suitable environment for your cannabis plants. This includes controlling temperature, humidity, and airflow. Use fans and ventilation systems to prevent mold and pests from causing any damage.

6. Good Soil or Growing Medium

Choose a balanced soil mix that contains the right mix of all macro and micronutrients. Cannabis plants need specific nutrients at different stages of growth including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. It is important to conduct research and adhere to a schedule. However, you must never overfeed the plants as this can burn the plants and reduce the yields drastically. 

Consider using a hydroponic system for cultivation if you can. Make sure the pH levels are appropriate for growth, which typically range around 5.5 to 6.5 for hydroponics and 6.0 to 7.0 for soil-based cultivation.

7. Watering Schedule

Overwatering can cause root rot and underwatering can stress your plants. Find the right balance and ensure you water your plants only when the soil is sufficiently dry. Remember to adjust the pH at all times.

8. Training and Pruning Techniques

You can train the plants and prune them regularly to increase the yields. Training techniques such as Low-Stress Training (LST) and Topping allow you to control the shape and growth of the plants and increase the yields as well.

9. Pest and Disease Prevention

Regularly inspect your plants for pests and diseases so you can take action before it’s too late. Although it’s pretty easy to get rid of pests during the vegetative stage, it’s slightly more challenging to do so during the flowering stage.

10. Harvesting and Drying

Make sure to harvest your cannabis plants at the right time by observing the color of the trichomes. Once harvested, dry your buds slowly and cure them for at least 6-8 weeks to enhance both the flavor and potency.

Remember, successful cannabis cultivation requires practice and experimentation. Don't be discouraged by initial setbacks; learning from mistakes is part of the process. Now that you know more about cultivating cannabis, let’s get to some of the easiest strains that you can choose to grow as a beginner. 

Best Cannabis Strains for Beginners

Best Cannabis Strains for Beginners

1. Blue Cheese

The Blue Cheese strain is a resilient yet easy-to-grow cannabis variety that’s popular for its rich aroma with dominant earthy tones. No wonder it’s named after a type of cheese that has a pungent flavor; but don’t let the name deceive you — Blue Cheese has a flavor profile of blueberries and strawberries paired with herbs and earth. 

This strain is 80% Indica with a THC content of up to 20% and CBG content of 2%, which makes this strain an excellent stress reliever. Blue Cheese is also a popular aid for depression, anxiety, ADHD, and BPD. 

Coming to the high it produces, while it is potent, it is a slow-acting high that takes its sweet time to arise. But once it arrives, it’s a breeze to experience, especially if you’ve had a rough day.

Let’s get to the meat of the matter: how easy this cannabis strain is to grow. It’s hardy and resilient to common growing mistakes that many new growers make, and it grows best in a mild climate but it can handle minor fluctuations. 

Additionally, this strain is versatile enough to be grown indoors and you don’t have to worry much about mold in an indoor environment, either. Just make sure the indoor temps are slightly cooler and it gets enough nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, and silica. Ideally, keep the humidity low, too.

With minimal care and basic maintenance, Blue Cheese can grow up to five feet in height and produce 550 grams per square meter of yield indoors and slightly higher outdoors. And expect it to flower during the seventh or the eighth weeks outdoors. 

2. Blue Auto Mazar

Blue Auto Mazar is a fantastic autoflowering strain that’s easy to grow for first-time cannabis growers. This potent cannabis strain is a cross between the legendary Auto Mazar and Auto Blueberry, and the result is incredible as it combines the nature of both parents. In fact, some Blue Auto Mazar seeds tend to show a blend of traits from the parents!

This strain is 75% Indica and is known for producing lateral branches, so you’ll need to give it some space to grow wide. Under the right conditions, Blue Auto Mazar can grow up to 80 to 100 cm and produce a fruity aroma with peppery or spicy undernotes once the buds start developing. 

And since it is an autoflowering plant, it only needs around 70 days to grow from a seedling to a mature cannabis plant that’s ready for harvest. During harvest, the buds tend to appear lime-green and fat, full of resin, and only a few leaves — even the post-harvest work is easy!

A first-time cannabis grower should expect a yield of around 100 grams per plant, but once you understand the plant and build up your skills, you can almost double the yield with Blue Auto Mazar. And the result will be sweet cannabis buds that will sedate your body, like a high-quality Indica strain. 

Blue Auto Mazar is a fruity cannabis strain that produces a delicious flavor and relaxing effects, and it is a decently yielding cannabis plant that is easy and quick to grow. There’s no reason why a first-time cannabis grower shouldn’t choose this unless they are looking for something specific. 

3. Northern Lights 

What can be said about Northern Lights that hasn’t been said already; this cannabis strain is so popular it deserves to be experienced by every cannabis lover, regardless of their individual preferences. Luckily, this strain is also quite easy to grow — it’s one of the reasons why it has gotten so popular. 

No one knows where this strain came from, but the most popular theory credits The Indian (a Washington breeder during the 70s) for producing this. Over the years, Northern Lights has seen many varieties, with #1, #2, and #5 being the most popular; this strain has even won many awards like the High Times Cannabis Cup, and is a parent to many other incredible strains like NL#5 x Haze, Nordle, and Super Silver Haze.

Northern Lights is an Indica dominant strain (95%) and contains up to 21% THC and negligible CBD, since it is a cross between Thai and Afghani varieties, it produces a sedative high that’s euphoric but don’t be surprised if you experience a couch lock! 

Northern Lights is so popular that it has grown in most cannabis growers' backyards at least once; even today, thousands, if not millions, grow this strain every season, which has made this strain superbly stable to grow and the growth patterns are predictable. This quality ensures you always know what to expect and how to fix common problems with this strain. 

While we may not be so sure about its history, one thing we are sure about is that this strain was bred in the 70s to reduce the height and flowering time of the plant to keep the growth discreet. As a result, this strain only grows up to five feet (and slightly taller outdoors).

If you are growing this strain, it is recommended that you experiment with the SoG method to squeeze out the yield. And since this strain flourishes in sunny Mediterranean and Continental climates, replicates a similar humidity and temperature indoors. It will flower for up to eight weeks.

Once it is harvested, you’re in for a treat. The strain is rich in terpenes like humulene, myrcene, and pinene, which produce an earthy and piney aroma and flavor with a relaxing high. It’s an excellent strain for managing insomnia, anxiety, and stress. 

4. Durban Poison 

We’ve already covered Durban Poison in our list of the most delicious cannabis strains, and it makes an appearance here as well. Durban Poison, as intimidating as it sounds, is a very forgiving and friendly cannabis strain that’s a pure Sativa landrace from South Africa. Don’t worry, you can still grow it in a variety of conditions and still get to enjoy a potency of up to 25% THC. 

This is a potent cannabis strain but its high is friendly and approachable, not intimidating, and it produces a clear high fairly quickly, which tends to amplify the sounds and sights around you. If you’re in the right state of mind, you’ll achieve a buzzy head high that’s cerebral and there won’t be a couch lock, so you can use this to fuel your creative endeavors. 

The Durban Poison is like coffee — it wakes you up and gets you going — and it is known for not only making music better to listen to but also making the user chatty. And it is also a terrific medicinal strain as it can help you with ADHD, PTSD, anxiety, and depression. 

Durban Poison is a landrace and has a long history; hence, it is quite stable and excellent for new growers — just like Northern Lights. Even a first-time grower can raise this plant without a lot of hassle, and sometimes, it can even get to 10 feet if the climate is right, i.e., warm and slightly humid. 

For the best results, keep the temperatures between the 72 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit range and train it with LST or pruning. Under the right conditions, the plant will mature within eight weeks and produce a plentiful yield. 

Smoking your yield will be an excellent experience as the flowers are dense with trichomes — they almost shine. The first thing you’ll notice is the aroma, which is skunky with hints of licorice, but smoke them and the dense smoke will fill your lungs with sweet piney and licorice flavors. 

5. Jack Herer

Jack Herer is known by many names like The Jack, JH, Premium Jack, and Platinum Jack, but all these names have become synonymous with one thing: a perfect hybrid cannabis strain that produces a balanced cerebral high! This strain is a cross between Northern Lights #5, Shiva Skunk, and Haze, and it contains up to 24% THC and up to 1% CBD, which makes it an uplifting cannabis strain that can relieve stress, anxiety, and chronic pain. 

This legendary cannabis strain was named after Jack Herer, the famous cannabis rights activist who was affectionately called the Emperor of Hemp for his contribution to the movement. And this strain does live up to his legacy! 

Jack Herer has a rich aroma with fruity top notes, and when smoked, it produces a sage-like aroma with an herbal flavor that’s often compared to potpourri. It gets this thanks to terpenes like beta-caryophyllene, limonene, myrcene, phellandrene, pinene, and terpinolene. 

Jack Herer has dark green leaves and often produces an orange tint on the pistils, and the buds are lush with sticky resin. And getting these shining buds is fairly easy, whether you grow this strain indoors or outdoors. Just remember to give your plant a Mediterranean-type climate. 

This strain is also quite resistant to diseases, molds, and pests, so you don’t have to worry much about those problems in most cases. Although, this strain is prone to overfeeding, take a conservative approach with your nutrient solution. Usually, it is recommended to use a silica-based fertilizer which gives this plant great stature and a yield of up to 510 grams per square meter. 

Jack Herer was developed in the Netherlands a couple of decades ago, and over the years, this strain has become the go-to strain for many cannabis lovers. It’s a worldwide strain that is popular in both recreational and medical circles, and has won nine Cannabis Cup awards! You can’t go wrong with this one. 

6. Hindu Kush 

If a cannabis strain can grow in one of the most treacherous parts of the world — the Himalayan mountains — it can grow almost anywhere with little ease. And that’s the Hindu Kush, one of the most popular landrace cannabis strains that is native to the Hindu Kush mountains of India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Tajikistan. 

This strain is a parent to some incredible strains like Rainbow Sherbet, Las Vegas Purple Kush, and Zammi Special, and if you’ve ever consumed the Himalayan hash, it was probably produced from the Hindu Kush strain. 

Thanks to the difficult conditions, this strain has evolved to grow buds that are lush with resin — it’s a defense mechanism to protect the buds from harsh environmental conditions. Lucky for us, that’s exactly what we want! The resin-rich buds produce a subtle, earthy flavor profile with a hint of sandalwood, which is a joy to taste.

Hindu Kush also has a THC content of up to 19%, so it is a potent landrace strain that produces a sense of calm and it can help with nausea, stress, and pain, too. This high is powerful and lasts a long time, so be a bit careful when trying it for the first time as it can sometimes be too much for first-timers. 

While smoking this strain may be a bit too much if you don’t have experience with potent cannabis, growing it is not. It’s an easy-to-grow strain for beginners that is adept to indoor and outdoor setups, although it prefers warm conditions. 

During the growth stage, you’ll have to give this strain a lot of light and nutrients for the best results. It grows for up to six weeks when it develops an intricate root system, large leaves, and thick branches, which is why giving it the right conditions is a must. Under these conditions, this plant can grow up to six feet in height — it’s not super tall so it’s manageable.

Usually, Hindu Kush flowers for up to nine weeks, during which you’ll have to be a bit more careful. Hence, this strain is recommended for first-time cannabis growers who have some experience in gardening already. If you are one of them, you can easily squeeze out a yield of 14 ounces per square meter with this strain! 

7. GG4

Never heard of this one? You probably have but don’t recognize it yet due to the abbreviation. GG4 is nothing but Gorilla Glue #4, which is a popular cannabis strain. This strain is a Sativa-dominant hybrid with a distinct look. GG4 buds are dense and glazed with glittery trichomes, and the hairs on the buds tend to stick out — it almost looks like the buds are dusted with snow!

GG4 has won many awards and it is also one of the most potent cannabis strains on this list, with a THC content of up to 25% that can sometimes even go up to 32%, and it is only recommended for first-time growers who are not first-time users. And since it has genes from Sour Diesel, Chocolate Diesel, and Sour Dubb, it is a sedative strain that often produces a couch lock. 

But GG4 shines further in the flavor department. With terpenes like beta-caryophyllene, limonene, myrcene, linalool, and pinene, this strain is known for its chocolate and diesel aroma with hints of earth and pine, and when burnt, it produces an earthy and peppery flavor with a hint of wood. 

This is an easy strain to grow, but it does grow tall — up to 203 cm — so you’ll either need a lot of space or some training to manage its growth. Otherwise, give it the bare basics climate as per the seed bank’s recommendations and it will be harvest-ready before you can finish your pre-existing stash of cannabis. 

GG4 thrives in warm climates with temperatures ranging between 70 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit with RH of 40% to 50%, but it will need a lot of light — it’s best to grow this plant outdoors so it can bask in sunlight. If you’re growing indoors, your best bet is LED lights. 

As for the nutrients, this plant requires a lot of nitrogen during the growth stage, and it is recommended that you use organic soil amendments like worm casting or compost to give this plant a nutrient boost during its growth. However, avoid overfeeding it — it can cause a lot of problems with this strain. 

GG4 has marked its spot in many cannabis lovers’ stashes around the world thanks to its easy-to-grow nature, rich flavor profile, and potent high, and it is an ideal choice for experienced users looking to grow their first cannabis plants. Remember, enough light and the right nutrients are all you need to grow GG4!

Summary: Best Cannabis Strain for First-Time Growers

At first, you may find the world of cannabis cultivation daunting or scary — there is a lake full of knowledge that’s hard to grasp at first glance. But growing cannabis need not be so difficult! If you choose the right cannabis strain, you can grow your first cannabis plant with great success. Of course, experience is the best teacher, but you have to start somewhere, don’t you?

Hence we’ve put together this list of some incredible cannabis strains such as:

  • Blue Cheese for its resilience and forgiving nature 
  • Blue Auto Mazar for its fantastic yield despite the minimal effort 
  • Northern Lights for its stability and predictable growth pattern
  • Durban Poison for its friendly and approachable nature 
  • Jack Herer for its rich aroma and flavor profile 
  • Hindu Kush for its resilience and rugged origins 
  • GG4 for the experienced user 

Remember, this will be your first cannabis plant so it won’t be perfect. You’re likely to make some mistakes and that’s natural. You’ll get better with experience. So, observe your cannabis plant, keep a growth journal or grow diary, and don’t let setbacks discourage you. It’s easy to focus on the yield and all that, but don’t do it just yet — focus on learning as much as you can. 

These cannabis strains mentioned above are resistant, easy to grow, and forgiving for most growers, and they are popular enough to make it super easy to find all the information you’d ever need to grow and train them. Choose the right growing setup, whether indoor or outdoor, set your goals, purchase the seeds from a reputable seed bank, and you’ll be on your way to becoming an excellent grower in no time. 

Growing cannabis is a blend of art and science (and of course, a lot of patience). Stay tuned to our blog for more such guides on growing cannabis. 


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