
Growers Disqualified

Unfortunate News.

@ClubRiot, @Yakamoz, @Joint were disqualified from participating in all the November contests due to suspicious activity.

Again, Growers. We want a fair game. We do contests to support the growers community, no cheating will be tolerated. Don't agree? Feel like we've missed someone? Have any ideas how we can keep the contest going and make EVERYONE happy while avoiding cheating? Please let us know in the comments section below.


GD Team  


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Instead of all this crazy shit going on on here its really simple guys every account u think is fake make a UFOS section GD take all accounts u think are Catfishing then lock em out of the account until yall figure out a verification process u have to take in to consideration half the people if not more are growing where its still illegal like myself cause u can believe one thing i will never get on here with a real VPN because i dont trust none of yall and from the snitching ive already seen on here there isnt one person on here who trusts anyone and if u do u STUPID u gonna have this kind of HATERADE in every site u on u really cant stop it (Ok im high ramblin on🖕)Im sure GD has a big ass head ache behind this and needs help just watch who u chose to help u A LIL FAKE INTERNET COP can really destroy this site😧😧✌️✌️
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@growdiaries Why is the account of the drama stirrer still active? I would expect 80% of the problems here could be eliminated by terminating the accounts of a few trouble makers. It’s really not that difficult to behave nicely and chill out about “winning” especially if you’ve got some nice weed. If you harvested and kept a nice diary where you improved your cultivation skills, I don’t care what yield you got—you’re already a winner.
@TheFairyBudMother, Ngl now i feel like a true winner
Shit is really stirring now. Becoming afraid to comment on people’s diaries without getting a label. I actually enjoy talking to people or leaving a positive comment. I have no one to talk to (aka: my wife is my only friend 😖and she understands zero about gardening nonetheless special gardening) where I am about growing. For two reasons, one being that people simply don’t know what I’m talking about and two I have to be very discreet. This is my only outlet and really factual learning source. I hate reading through forums. I learn better by seeing. I’ve gained a ton of knowledge just surfing through all the diaries and seeing different styles. I get anxious signing in to see what’s new. Come on people. Is it really going to take all the big dawgs removing themselves from competitions? Idk about anyone else but seeing the top dawgs perform and do what they do makes me want to get better and have a plant compete with them. I know it’s part of the reason why I want to be better (also want to smoke+grow the dankest smelliest best weed possible). If we keep throwing labels around carelessly this will turn into those bullshit forums where everyone argues there way is better. Point them out and let Growdiaries sort them out. There’s a seat for every ass unfortunately and no matter what GrowDiaries does people will find a way to cheat. It’s up to us as a mass to carry on doing what we love and not let bad people ruin it because by the looks they are getting what they want and I know I can’t stand that shit as I’m sure you can’t either. Easier said than done. Some of the suggestions above are solid. I like the idea of judges deciding the diary of the month and them stating why that’s a phenomenal idea. At least until the clowns are rooted out or if it works keep it the way it is. This won’t be the last time a competition is changed or a cheater pointed out so instead of negativity let’s all roll some of that homegrown nasty bubonic chronic and shoot some suggestions maybe even vent a little and move forward and try our best to mold this site into something to be reckoned with. Only way to sort this out is to pull together and not let the knuckle heads win.
@KbKush, okay I've read this whole convo. I use the word cunt as the world fuck because I'm British. But if I was called a cunt I would fucking blast the person who called me it. You can insult a woman on the internet, but it's like calling a man a bastard or idk. The word choice is the problem here not the fact he got upset. Why not say bitch? I've been called a itch many times and Hate done but cunt is very personal word to women. Just my two sense😋 Peace and love everyone
^^^^ Just goes to show you that sometimes even weed can't make a obtuse crass person nice and friendly.
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Funny how the behaviour of the few affect the many - I think in any system where there are rewards people will circumvent the rules,maybe there should be a jury of 12 growers, they can decide and cannot give themselves prizes.and have to state why they felt that the diary deserved a prize.
@BigDaddyK, solid
Guess we're all here for the same reason. Cannabis! Some have more, some have less passion. Each one teach one. 😘 Greetz.
I really hope all this doesn't affect future contests.. I've had such a rough year with my plants getting ripped and just trying to get my passion back under control. This site give me hope that one day the whole world could grow without problem and yes I know I sound like a hippie :) Honestly though, were all adults and we should treat this site and everyone with respect. It's a privilege to even have this site up and running; and to be able to have giveaways! Common.. we can be smarter and better than this. :)
@Cannabisqueen, Nicely said 👊 keep Growing 👊😎
@Cannabisqueen, You are right, Growing is the important part, prizes are not. Don let cheaters ruin this, we all know who deserves a prize when we see an amazing plant, and we do not need a contest to ratify what is a fact.
Instead of all this crazy shit going on on here its really simple guys every account u think is fake make a UFOS section GD take all accounts u think are Catfishing then lock em out of the account until yall figure out a verification process u have to take in to consideration half the people if not more are growing where its still illegal like myself cause u can believe one thing i will never get on here with a real VPN because i dont trust none of yall and from the snitching ive already seen on here there isnt one person on here who trusts anyone and if u do u STUPID u gonna have this kind of HATERADE in every site u on u really cant stop it (Ok im high ramblin on🖕)Im sure GD has a big ass head ache behind this and needs help just watch who u chose to help u A LIL FAKE INTERNET COP can really destroy this site😧😧✌️✌️
@MUDBUG, I’m with mudbug on the vpn part.
I personally think incentivizing people to comment for the sake of likes in order to top a contest is disingenuous even if it promotes engagement. I don't give a shit about the contests here. I started to grow cannabis, I took pictures, and none of the people close to me seemed to care / wanted to hear about it on the regular so this site was just a great place to catalog and archive progress while seeing what other people are doing. I think making fake accounts to like comments and vote and whatever is just as much "cheating" the system as commenting on every diary in the system with a vaguely nice or hollowly non specific encouragements in hopes for likes on said comments. There was some guy out there asking the same question about his week 3 flower plants seem to be behind, and needs help, etc, and asked the same question to like half the diaries I've randomly checked out lately, as just one example. If anything, I think contests should be lotteries where GD picks a winner by some sort of RNG or formula weighted by grower activity in that grower's own diary. That would encourage people to spend the time to make their journal quality better as opposed to making blanket engagements. That's my opinion, but like I said before, its about growing the plant well, not winning random shit or accolades.
No offence to dab I class him as a friend but he’s shouldn’t of been 1st has he stated to use countless times that he was being spammed on the votes and now some 1 who by right should be 1st and getting recognition for he’s hard work won’t get that recognition no offence to dab because he diary was a top ten diary but it’s wrong either way
Heres my suggestion. Start by deleting every account that doesn't have a diary that isn't owned by one of the sponsors. Then remove every account that hasn't been active in over 2 months. Once that happens it'll be immensely easier for myself and other members to navigate through the membership of the site. Once there aren't 200+ nonsense accounts of the site, if a few suspicious accounts pops up it'll be a lot easier to detect suspicious activity. There also needs to be an authentication of accounts beyond the email system setup. I think Newbie accounts shouldn't be allowed to vote. I also think the site needs to add a few new admins to the team to better police all these accounts and cheating practices. We need permanent IP bans and ISP router number bans on these people making fake accounts. I counted at least 20 fake accounts most likely made by one or two people last month. It'd be simple to prevent it from happening again. I've got experience doing this as I've managed a few online forums before. Just drop the permanent ban hammer. I know there were 4 people who's accounts were removed from the site. It could easily be any one of those fellows or a collection of them perpetrating this. Just a few thoughts from your high AF DabCrab :D
@DabCrab, Somebody need teach you how to respect others..😉 hahaha all your account because u want to be admin on site. You open all and scream wall some fake account like some fake account voted my diaries... @growdiaries be fair!
@Joint, Wasn't the first time your account got deleted enough for you Konop? Apparently not as you made 20+ fake accounts to vote for everyone in an attempt to have us all disqualified.
you are the provocateur. 😂 you have to prove. Do u have my ip for this ? Need banned your account u win some contest with fake vote not im.. 👍😉
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An idea could be to "Verify" accounts before allowing them to vote. Verification could be as easy as having them take a photo with a piece of paper with the current date and username written on it, next to their current grow, and adding it to their diary. If anyone thinks something suspicious is going on (similar grow setup/room with a different username, etc), a "suspicious" button or quick message to @GrowDiaries about it could help them ask for re-verification or something similar. These are just ideas, but I agree that there needs to be something to curb the cheating and trolls. IPs aren't a good way to do this (Because, TOR), but could be used to catch some cheating.
@GrowDiaries please remove any fake votes from my diary. I would appreciate it. I believe there is more than 1. Thank You.
@TheFairyBudMother, I voted Brett
@Teamdirtbag2, you got my real vote!
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How do I enter for diary of the month?? Cheers guys
@Auto_King, Hey mate, it should automatically add you since you just harvested. I harvested on of mine yesterday and it hasn't shown up yet, but it did last time so I'd just wait a few days and keep an eye out. :) Edit: I just went back hit the Join Now button on here: and it added my diary straight away. :)
Burn baby burn
Hmm, what is going on? I would like to join the Think Tank. That is the reason why I do not make Reviews or do think about participating except the XMAS special.
We all know who else did it , Badcrabs
@Growdiaries has made an official statement that I am not responsible and have nothing to do with the creation and activity of the fake accounts.
everyone smile and think 420 everyday
Additionally to my first idea the proven participants can not elect theirselves and have to assess their decision. It could connect the people more together and hopefully in a more friendly way. It is easier to prove the diaries which are taking part.
It could be better if only the participants can vote for each others. Because spreading the message of growdiaries will ever have this effect I guess.
Hypothetically, if one lived in a very discrete growing area, would prizes be voided based on those demographics? I don’t really need sponsorship or freebies, it’s nice to say “I did it my way,” I’m just curious how that works out for people who have to remain discrete until it’s commercialized in their state.
Why has this not continued on?