
NEW Updates on Ratings and Reviews of Breeders & Nutrients



Hey Family!

We've got some AWESOME updates for you today!



Every time you publish your harvest in a diary, you are asked to grade the strains and nutrients you have been using in a particular GrowDiary. Well, we have decided to put it all up in a new fantastic and more useful, in our opinion, way. Now the ratings of any active diary strain will be automatically added to the average grading score of a strain, which you will be able to see in the new Breeders section. In turn, the final score of each strain will be added to an average breeder's score. Now you will be determining what place a particular breeder will take in the rankings. Exciting! Due to that, we will require you to evaluate strains when publishing your harvests. Please be aware that the ratings of strains will completely depend on you now, so be wise snapping those stars!



Basically, the more diaries appear on GrowDiaries, the more statistically correct data appears in the ranking.



Meet our new consolidated indicators of g/watt and g/plant for the Breeder and Nutrient manufacturers!Just so you know, the indicator digits are calculated using the average score of the harvests data of the corresponding breeder and strain manufacturers. These indicators will now be here to help you compare breeders and their strains. Also, we added the same indicators for each grower :) Just because we can. That is not even it, growies! We also included data tables to show you how the strains behave when using different types of lamps and grow mediums. You can find those in the Statistics section on the Breeder/Strain page.





All the data is calculated based on your diaries!


To further highlight the idea of how much you will be contributing to the ratings and to the newly updated sections of Grow Diaries, we would like to specify two conceptually important aspects that will help us to improve your experience using our Web! The first one is the Harvest. Here you can see the exact info about g/watt and g/plant data and the total amount of the harvest collected.





And the second is your amazing informative reviews of genetics, your stories and emotions. We believe that, thanks to these two new features, our users will now be able to get a better idea of how the GrowDiaries participants evaluate breeders, genetics, and fertilizer producers.




Analyzing you feedbacks we now decided to ask you to comment not only on an individual product, as it used to be earlier but on the fertilizer producer itself. We believe that this way your reviews and feedbacks will be more helpful to the other growers while deciding which products to use in their own GrowDiaries. At the same time, we also value your one-to-five star evaluation of each bank. This helps us to correctly calculate the ratings, so cheers to that, guys! 

We were so excited to post these updates because finally now most of the data on GrowDiaries seems complete and logical.  What do you guys think about the new changes? What ideas do you have considering the two new sections of the website? How do you feel about the rating and the new g/watt and g/plant system?

Please let us know in the comments below. We are always happy to hear back from you. And please stay tuned to our Journal updates! 

Peace, my Growers





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Nice update. Im really looking foward to get Advanced nutrients in the future, lets see that stats and see if worth the effort to get it since is almost imposible to get it in Argentina.Would be nice to add stats about gow medium and method.
Awesome! I may speak just for me, but I love some data! Great innovation folks :)
Just another reason I'm proud to use this site and document my grows.... Thanks this only gets better EVERYTIME oh yeah did I say that y'all rock
Sweet.going to make to make the app that much better!!
Great way to check out how your grow compares with others and to help improve on your numbers as well!! Number don't lie folks!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
Nice update. Im really looking foward to get Advanced nutrients in the future, lets see that stats and see if worth the effort to get it since is almost imposible to get it in Argentina.Would be nice to add stats about gow medium and method.
Nice update. This will really help new growers trying to decide what to grow first. Looking forward to contributing.
Brilliant stuff! Picking my first strains to grow was very difficult. So excited to use GrowDiaries data next time I buy seeds!
Data rules! Great stuff!! :) The only thing that I'm a bit curious about is the difference between non-organic nutes and organic, how are you gonna solve that? I mean, growing organic usually don't produce quite as much as growing using non-organic, right? Same thing when it comes to hydro/soil/coco... Just some thoughts. ;) Besides that, awesome!! Keep it up!!
can someone explain me please how to calculate g/watt properly ? :D i mean if i have 4 plants under 400w hps, how should i calculate g/watt per each plant? IMO dividing total watt to plant qty (how i did in my grow, 400w/4plant=100w/plant ) seems incorrect, but i don't know so i need your opinions ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘for example instead of 1 - 400w lamp if ihad 4 - 100w lamp above each plant, because of they are in the same tent, each plant take advantage of other 100w lamps' fotons as well ... and i think there is loss because of volume too,so can we tell this benefit-loss compansate each other and possible to say 100w/plant or is there a formula for this, how ? thank you guys!!
@crys7alship, I just make a global and divide, like 4 plants 300g in a 600w HPS = 0.5g per watt. DUnno if its correct since i also grow multistrain, but is the more logical way i found.
I'm glad I found this site. Awesome page. Keep it up GROWDIARIES!
I dont like that i HAVE to grade a strain...My 1st try as a failure, but the seeds where age old and i would have loved to skip grading the breeder for it.Also how about adding a "Died" instead of harvested? That would allow to close the diary in a meaningfull way.Besides that i love the site so far ;) Also @crys7alship raised a valid question... if i have a LED that is "called" 300W , but the lamp "consumes" 130W...