
Update and Optimization

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Added 03 January 2024

Dear Growers, we are excited to announce that our website has recently undergone a significant update, aiming to enhance your experience and bring a slew of new features to the platform. However, as with any major upgrade, we've encountered some unexpected challenges and bugs. Our team is actively working to address these issues, and we appreciate your patience and support during this process.

We understand how crucial a smooth and efficient user experience is, and we are dedicated to resolving these problems as swiftly as possible. Your feedback is invaluable to us during this time. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please do not hesitate to reach out through our feedback form, email us directly, or leave a comment below this article.

Together, we are committed to making our website not just functional, but exceptional. Stay tuned for further updates as we continue to refine and improve our services.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

✅ List of Resolved Issues:

  • Email Changing
  • Notifications Label
  • Chat - New Messages Label
  • Brands - Products - Show All Products
  • Edit Week - Weeks Limited (Was max. 13 Weeks)
  • Harvest Ounce Converting
  • Some Users Not in Growers Page
  • Unexpected User Logout
  • Approval of Diaries by Brands
  • Last grow questions on Grower profile
  • Sorting photos in Week edit
  • Comments list not changing after switch page
  • User online - label. In chat
  • Increase daily photos limit
  • Diary views - updating every 1-2 days
  • Chat - link to user profile
  • AI spam detect
  • Security fixes
  • Sidebar Following List - Load All and Follow Strains/Brands
  • Issues with short list weeks in diary header.
  • Notifications: Alert users if there are additional ones...
  • Smoke report now separated by harvest.
  • Scrolling shorts.
  • Disappearing Grow-Questions.
  • Complaints about Grow-Questions and User Profiles.
  • Broken sour taste.
  • Error messages similar to comments.
  • Manual diary cover uploading.
  • Calculating the harvest section.
  • Adding harvest for custom seeds.
  • User profiles redirect to the FastBuds brand page when their name is clicked in any chat.
  • The chat no longer sends messages automatically when hitting Enter. It's annoying to click 'send' every time.
  • The chat window no longer minimizes automatically when clicking outside of it.
  • Chat/Grow questions strip text formatting, like line breaks, which are used to create paragraphs and spacing.
  • Opening the chat always brings you to the top of the page instead of leaving you at your last scroll position.
  • Refreshing them automatically scrolls you to the top of the page, instead of keeping you at your current position.
  • Complaints about User Profiles.
  • Wrong links in chats
  • Mentions and notifications.
  • Uploading files using TOR browser.
  • Disappearing trophies.

Ongoing Issues:

  • Wrong datetime
  • Special characters and disappearing text in comments/weeks/questions


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I feel some of them are not fully resolved like quoted above but lets give it another week to see what happens. LOVE the fact they are reaching out and communicating this though. it was needed, hopefully more of this will happen moving forward.
So hears a few things that are still outstanding "a lot of them have been fixed now" - User profiles redirect to fastbuds brand page when clicking on their name in any chat. - Chat removes text formatting like line breaks to create paragraphs and spacing. - Contests keep asking for shipping information that should be linked to the users profile. - Can not edit any info from settings-personal info on profile settings, regarding addresses can only view it or delete it - Missing GOTY contest for the past year. - GOTM Page does no resize properly. all bars are the same and are way to big. - Translate/show original for none English text is no longer working/visible. - Some chat windows are missing the buttons "complain and ignore" just have remove chat. - Notifications no longer hyperlink to the item they are notifying you about. - Selecting a diary for contest like DOTM no longer shows user diaries in circles that are avilable but are now in a drop down list, all older diaries seem to be available for use even if they have been used before in previous DOTM contests. - Emoji's are eaten in chat messages you can see them and as soon as chats refreshed they disappear, sometimes it leaves a blank placeholder if all you sent was a emoji other times gone all together. They work on other parts of the site fine. - Can edit/delete the start of a message thread on pages when someones already replied, Before it lock it out from replying or deleting it. Maybe a good thing? - Any form entering your mailing address like contests, it will add in "%20" to any space in the data and when entering multiple times it does not remove your address and adds in another %20 right beside the existing one unless its only one work long. Eg. m0user%20%20gr0ws 123%20street%20st. vs m0use gr0ws 123 street st. - When clicking chat on a users prifilepage, the chat window no longer pops out and allows you to chat, it does load the persons name into a new chat but you have to open chat up and then go from there. Things that have been fixed that I have noticed. - Chat top/head icons above "remove chat/complain/ignore" no longer redirect to Mephisto brand page. - Chat now shows notification icons. - Chat now shows green arrow indicating a new chat is available. - Site no longer logs you out every time you close the browser. - Site no longer errors out from opening pages in tabs. - Site no longer errors out from opening pages from bookmarks. - Site now loads users profiles, before was real hit or miss. - Can now delete your answer on a grow question - Hyperlinks no longer have a bunch of script/code on them. - Hyperlinks in chat now are hyperlinked/direct to the page typed. - Chat NOW auto sends when hitting enter. - Chat NOW auto minimizes when clicking outside of the chat window. - Opening chat NOW does not always brings you to the top of the page vs leaving your scroll position. - Opening chat NOW does not always brings you to the top of the page vs leaving your scroll position. - Opening new pages or refreshing them NO LONGER forces you to the top of the page vs your current position. - Notifications are NOW working on Tags "@m0use" - Can NOW load older comments on threads on any page, anything past 3 comments NOW shows load more. - Sometimes the questions page is broken and will not show any questions. - MOTM contest can NOW upload more then 1 meme, - Can NOW load older grow questions sites does not errors out. - Notifications NOW load properly when clicked, eg "+2 others liked your comment", normally clicking revels the 2 others who liked it - The bell notification icon on top of page is counting notifications correctly now. - Grow questions no longer removes text formatting like line breaks. This is just what I can remember right now, I'm sure there are more, maybe others will add onto this list. PLEASE DON"T REPLY TO THIS SO I CAN EDIT IT AND ADD ON ANY NEW ISSUES. ALSO was there a threat to GD and this is why this update was rushed? Did anything get leaked... again?
also have my dutch passion master grower gold trophy missing in combat hope they fix it all
Thanks for keeping us informed.
Will the harvest and smoke report get sorted so it doesn't mix all the pictures up. As soon as you add pictures into the smoke report it then slots them inbetween pictures from harvest report. Another thing that would be good is being able to do a diary on the fly and it not show what you have done for each week until you get to the end of the week and then publish it so people can see that week. If that makes any sense.
@m0use, I just tried the smoke report out on my latest diary today to see what's fixed but there wasn't even a 'Smoke Report' option in the 'new week' menu. I was able to select 'edit smoke Report' using the settings button on mobile in the top right, and from there I uploaded pictures. This time they did not get mixed in with the harvest week photos, which was a pleasant surprise. BUT, I cannot reorder the smoke report photos no matter what I do. 2 steps forward, 1 step back, eh?
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It does allow you now to not enter any photos in smoke report, that's what I did on my latest harvest. no photo mess up.
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Most important stuff got fixed for me. Sadly those few problems still stand out to me. - if more then one one person is liking my post, i can't see who the others are if they also liked it. in the past i could hover over the "+1" "+2" and so on it would show me a list of all people who liked it then, this does not work anymore since the update. - on the diary it shows the lights multiple times, instead like in the past once with a "x2" if run the same light two times. so i use 2x xs1500 and it shows four times for me because of 2x flowering and 2x veg, instead of 2 times with a "x2" mark besides it. - defoliation and scrog shows multiple times, for example defoliation in week 6 and 9 but then there is another defoliation entry just for week 10, so two times defoliation instead of just one with week 6. 9 and 10 i also wonder, when clicking on shorts (which i will never ever use like on any other side) i get a dark mode, which is really awesome. but as soon as i change to another category i will get the white mode again and i can't seem to find an option to change it. is there a way to use the dark mode everywhere on the site? thanks for fixing stuff, it was really bad but at least now it's usable again.
@AsNoriu, found the issue with my text as soon as it gets to a part I use the = and less then symbol or = and greater then symbol it then screws it up. It won't even let me post it in the comments. Also I like using emoji for certain thing like water, calendar, scissors and they don't show up anymore.
You are right it's working now, awesome! The other points got fixed too. Really great how fast they did it, didn't expected it. Now im happy 😍
@Hashy add more text, i had same issue yesterday, adding more, sorted it @Wicket they sorted +1 or whatever number, you can see now who watched you.
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So some of the item above are legit copy and paste from my written text below, and these two items are not fixed but listed as fixed? -User profiles redirect to the FastBuds brand page when their name is clicked in any chat.- it 100% still goes to fastbuds. and I am talking about clicking their names in the chat feed not at the top of the chat window. -Chat/Grow questions strip text formatting, like line breaks, which are used to create paragraphs and spacing.- Chat is still not allowing custom formatting. no line breaks allowed all squished into one chunk unless you send many smaller messages but not the same. I also updated that list below. there is more to be added on but I can't debug your site for nothing lol. but here is one other one for you, a gift if you will. Questions linked to a diary week, do not link to the diary in the question being asked, they used to do this before, thus people need to click on the inquisitors profile and find the diary then go to the week that its about, hopefully they only have one on the go. Hears another freebie, when a business messages you it does not highlight on the business tab in a red circle how many new messages like it used when your in the common inbox of messages and Vice Versa. However the green arrow does populate showing you have a new message but when u open it it looks like there is none.
@AsNoriu, I can send weblinks, but it does not hyperlink them half the time. the person has to copy and paste them. but it does not outright block me. as for chat. let say we are talking in a convo. the big chat bubble with your name and advtar at the very top directs to your profile. but if you click the mini bubble icons of your name in the chat feed where we talk. it goes to fastbuds brand page for me. this is on any single chat or group chat. before the head icon used to direct to mephesio brand page. its weird how that got mixed up. the clicking chat on a users profile is weird for me too. does not open chat and auto populate the window to enable chat. need to open it manually but it does load the person profile you click chat on that you are trying to chat with. I'm just not going to upload any more diaries till its all sorted out. should only be anoher 3 weeks I bet.
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@m0use, tested on you and few others, from chat goes to user. But if you go to user, press chat - nothing happens, you have to go to chat, then window is already open to talk to that user. Business chat not highlighted to me too. Just answered few questions, letters and words missing !!! Plus not allowed to share link were person could find more info. Still a lot to go !
The other problem that needs fixing asap is the inability to drag and drop pictures in the diary weeks. Some of my diaries have pictures of nutrients in-between each day of pictures and it just looks messy. You used to be able to rearrange the pictures but now you can't. Please fix this!!!
@@GreenThumbedGrower, Thank you for your comment Regarding photo sorting. if you are using a mobile device. Try holding your finger on the photo and then dragging it up or down. You will understand when you can start dragging - a green highlight will appear. On the desktop, sorting works as usual. If this doesn’t work for you, write to us in the contact form with a screenshot of the screen, we will try to solve the problem as soon as possible.
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There are still couple problems with questions: - no notifications about answers for your question - remove question does not work - selecting answer does not work
Something is wrong again, you click on a diary of a follower in the left panel, it shows that you clicked it and will remove the number beside the name. But if you refresh the site the number is back and it looks like you never watched the diary. So you don't know which of the new diaries you already watched. It was working fine for a week now :( /edit Its working again, thank you for the fast fix.
Also every time I post something it says 11 hrs ago or is this because of time difference between countries 🇦🇺🍻
Why and how youtube link is a scam , spam or whatever your blockade calls it .. Why i cant post it ????
@Hashy, i said Hash Guru ;)
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@AsNoriu, I tried replying to your question about your live stream hash making. My cheeky response was going to be but I'm not making hash for at least a month.🤣
@AsNoriu If i open the link it says not available, video removed from uploader. Maybe this is the reason it can't be posted? I don't know :(
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i have diary in bookmarks and cant throw it out from list, despite me not following it anymore likes were reseted, i can like things i liked before you can influence view count when you are logged in, previously owner of diary could not influence view count PLEASE, just PLEASE, let people view photos in new tab, now it goes straight to download. when you answer questions or just go through peoples diaries you need to view photos in max res, now you just spam my hdd or phone galery many were sorted from Mouse list, still huge work upfront all the best in sorting them !!! a day ago report form was not loading, havent checked today when creating new diary week entry i needed to reedit it few times, once photos were lost, later in 3 cases i needed to delete/edit my nute list, changes were not holding, just going to last weeks list you can like your own answers in question section, that doesnt add to total like count, but still stupid ;) Some text is gone if you go through and edit your mistakes before posting. A second ago i had to reedit 3 times for that phrase to be as i entered....
@ami, i dont want download, read what i wrote, read it few times. I cant open photo in new tab, any photo. It goes straight to download, i dont need crap from people whom i help, havent seen any page behaving that way. Stupid and beyond !
i saw download icon where opening gallery think it is what you looking for
There's been no mention about translation of language's, still can't read half the diaries on here now😡
@HIAZ_urbanbudfarmer, can only agree, now two tabs always opened GD and google translate ...
I'm unable to post my harvest weight in ounces, only grams. Also, the nutrient company Advanced Nutrients is missing from the nutrient list in the diaries.
Since yesterday i can't click on any diary any more. The Profile will load but diaries not, i am unable to click on anything then, nothing will happen. Like its loading something or so, when i try to click too much chrome or firefox will tell me i should have to wait or leave the site, like it's crashed. Only happening on diaries, the rest of the site including profiles will work. Doesn't matter which browser and same is happening on the phone. Its like the browser would crash. I see other people can update their diaries or even like comments on profiles, but for me it doesn't work anymore. Why is that and what can i do?
I can't participate in the DOTM January contest, it doesn't allow me to post any of my blogs :( oh
You should also add the ability to remove questions from your account.
@GrowDiaries, drag is possible, i just found out, but clumsy, icons too big, not fun on mobile ... plus it has to highlight, but sometimes browser thinks that you use left mouse click, instead of activating photo. And please, PLEASE !!!!!!!! Stop all question deletion, diary hides if those questions are in GOTM event. So many trolls. I had 3 points few days ago, now 2, saw other people lost points too. Last january i was trolled out from win in same manner. I dont care about prizes generally, but it really annoying when you think that you achieved, but then troll reality hits. Btw a person whom many suspect for having not one acc and trolling that event has VERY SIMILAR nickname as person you answered. Either stop prizes , either sort it. Thats your worst and very dirty spot. All the Best !
@@GreenThumbedGrower, there are 2 grow-questions in your profile, is this true?
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4 months old and the sites still shitting the bed on a regular. Good Job, Pay Yourself On The Back Twice. lol
All my grower notifications won’t re set. Even if I unfollow a certain grower/seed bank. Please take a look. Thank you.
My Dosidos diary won't open