
VOTE NOW! August 2017 with Female Seeds!

Hello Growers,

IT IS TIME for you to make a choice between all of these amazingly beautiful August Diaries and vote for 1 (or 5 if you are a Master) to be awarded with a gentle STORM of SEEDS provided by our favourite Female Seeds friends! GrowDiaries HIGHLY advises you to roll a joint, go to the AWARDS page, and look through all of the contestants' Diaries. Make your choice wisely, do not conspire, do not beg for votes, GrowDiaries Team and @DabCrab personally is watching you carefully this time!  We want a fair game, true or not , Fam? 

TEN most voted Diaries will be getting:

1 pack of 10 seeds of C99
1 pack of 10 seeds of Skunk Special
1 pack of 10 seeds of Auto White Widow x Big Bud
1 bottle of 250ml of BIO Finale Top PK by BioQuant
1 bottle of CBD oil 10ml by MediWiet


GD Team


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Best of luck to all, choose wisely with voting since there are.lots of diaries kicking asses this month. πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘Š
@BigDaddyK, i believe it has nothing to do with you :)
@WhiteWidow,which one have you all voted for ?
You are all winners. You've cared for these ladies, spent time with them, catered to their every need (likely more than your wife) and are now reaping the rewards for what you have sown.
@Tazard1, πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ thats the mindset! πŸ‘Š
@Tazard1,absolutely right πŸ‘πŸ’ͺπŸ˜‰
Everyone here is welcome to join our group conversation where we primarly exchange experience, get to know each other, discuss abbout common stuff, 2 new memebers from yesterday can approve we no conspiracist =) Congratulations to everyone and thanks for votes, its my first grow ever and i like the place i am currently at. And of course best of luck to all, we have a week more to vote.. =)
@WhiteWidow,i think the groups awesome have been taught so many things through the group how to lst how to get my lighting right how to germinate at a better rate how to adjust my plants to get maximum lighting and has for voting I vote for who I think deserves it that's not necessarily the group either people are aloud to socialise out side of grow diares there's no law against that last month I voted for the winner he's not in the group i won't be accused of anything of the sort have had over 200 likes in the last 2 days and not from the group I chat to any one on here I'm not ignorant I'm following 82 diarys I comment on all of there diarys every update with out fail you don't have to be in a group to be liked that not conspiring and considering grow diares will have access to every Body account in pritty shore they can check who's cheating for votes or likes no one from the groups has been banned has of yet so we can't be doing anything wrong I hope I don't get these issues when I become master because I got 3 successful diaries up have got 10 diarys doing now with 26 plants in total when I pull the 20 photoperiods I'm doing 40 plants 2 tents 8 different strains so I'm saying it now I will deserve that status when I achieve it and no one goner tell me differently about that and if winning a daft contest which I'm goner state my aim ain't to win it when I joined diarys it was to show every one what I was about and what I could do to learn new things to see other people strains so count me out of it because I want no part in winning diary of the month has long has people like my plants that all that matters to me and I like what every one is doing on grow diares you all amazing and i will enjoy future grows from the site peace
So many great harvests this month. Everyone looks to be doing a fantastic job at everything they are trying to accomplish and it seems many people are besting even their own expectations. Best wishes to everyone. Happy voting! Cheers!
@PharmaZ, Truthfully and honestly I've tried. I have nothing against the guy. I think he's a decent grower. The only reason I ever even said anything back is because he refuses to stop being offensive and disrespectful all over my interview and diaries. He's clearly and openly stated that he has no intention of ever stopping harassing me. He doesn't believe I deserve my title despite the fact that I've tried to be nothing but friendly and helpful to everyone I've met and spoken with. I've apologized to him very sincerely for anything he thinks I've done to offend him and asked him to stop this. I believe my personal count for asking this to be over is up to 5 times now. He has no intention of stopping as I've already clearly stated as has he in multiple posts. His goal is to be so toxic towards me that I either leave the site or lash out at him to get myself kicked off the site. I'm frankly embarrassed for him but then again I'm no better for saying exactly to him what he's said to me. All I know is that I'm attempting to be reasonable and he will not. I have since vowed to never respond to anything he says or comments on any of my posts. He can bother and harass me as much as he'd like and he will not be receiving a response from me. I've asked @GrowDiaries to put a stop to this and they basically fell silent. I've asked for some kind of block function so that he can no longer see my posts so this just stops so we shall see how that goes. I just want to post my content, get help myself, and help other people. Thats what this place is about and thats why I'm here. I just hope he realizes it as well. I'm sorry for commenting anything I did against him no matter how much it was provoked and possibly true. I hope he find it somewhere in his heart to just let this all go and move on. My offer to him still stand. I delete all my comments if he deletes all his. Never talk to one another again and just move on. Heck, I'll settle for just moving along and never talking or commenting on each others posts ever again. Thats my offer and everyone here can see that.
@WhiteWidow,I m not having anything to do with it , do you have a special handshake ?
@BigDaddyK, ok man. Show.them here then..
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Good luck to all, there are some really good journals/growers which completed whole weeks of growth. Let the fun begin! πŸ‘Œ
@Tazard1, Yap me too, but i liked and will do always spare strains. πŸ‘ŠπŸ‘ Cheers
@CANNASIM, I purposely only reported 1 strain in mine so it would qualify.
@konopCh, @BigDaddyK, nothing against any particular grower, specific diary, or this contest, but I think that would be a fair rule, in the creation there was a field that only single strain diaries apply for the contest, did I miss interpreter? @GrowDiaries in my case I liked better tΓ΄ divide the strains, feels more organized. πŸ™ƒ Cheers
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Hey @growdiaries, I would like to see some kind of option that let's you put the model of the lighting you're using so it shows a more clear picture of how many watts per grow space, some of us struggle to calculate that and others might find the misinformation to be intentional. So let'say in my lighting info I would put "Marshydro 300" and that draws 150 watts so it would then know how many watts during the whole grow and also watt per gram when harvest info in uploaded. I know we probably need a catalog of many of the lights but improvement needs work.
@CaciqueCayacoa, What we really need is for @GrowDiaires to fix the grams per watt calculation on the harvest. Currently it divides the grams per watts per plant which is incorrect. The calculation needs to take place for the whole diary. So the whole diary is 6 different plants all harvested at 6 different times then the overall calculation needs to be for the entire weight of the diary as a whole divided for the watts for the entire diary. There are a lot of incorrect calculations happening in the harvests for the diaries that need to be addressed. My grams per watts should be .658 for my entire account as a whole. Not .11.
@CaciqueCayacoa, this is interesting @GrowDiaries, it would be important to have a custom field in these cases @Tazard1 πŸ™ƒπŸ‘πŸ» Cheers
@CaciqueCayacoa, I use multiple light types for flowering HPS, LEDs, and an IR. I veg with a LED and 6 cfls. Since it only allows 1 light I just put in the largest. Actually right now the HPS is dimmed to 600. No way I can account. First 5-6 weeks of flower it was on super lumens. Of course I documented it in my diary notes.
Good luck everyone! Many awesome diaries do considere this month, it will be hard to choose!πŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜Ž Best wishes for everyone and as usual, Happy growing! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘ŠπŸ»
Got my joint rolled & I'm gonna start checking em out now. Good luck growersπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘„πŸ’¨
Hope you like my coop from royal queen seeds. Northern lights automatics.. i done canna butter and caramel cake both so good. I posted photos on my week 11 happy voting
Wish luck to all πŸ˜‡
Good luck to everyone as we enter last 2 hours. I see its a struggle for that 10th place so best of luck to all