The Lavender by Seeds Mafia had some difficulties at the beginning otherwise it would have become even more super, I was wrong but the plant is still nice and produced about 25 grams dry. We like main colas and the cannabis has a nice texture.
Good day to all my friends and visitors here on GD. Decided to finally finish this diary, I took my time with his one ;) Now we cut the second POGP auto plant, the first cut you can find in week 17. The plant from week 17 weighted 660g. wet, this one finished at 1,85kg. wet. The girls where autoflower but thanks to me starting this grow in cold day temps (14 degree Celsius) the started flower really late, maybe that's also the reason for all my problems with this strain during the grow?! The two plants where different phenotypes, the smaller one (from Week 17)though small had nice hard flowers, the bigger one as the only plant from four I grew during the growop started foxtailing. Both of them branched nicely the smell was quite strong and awoul xD like gasoline and something rotten, it smelled so bad i checked a couple times under microscope for any signs of mold in the flower and to my suprise I found nothing. Thank God later during drying the smell would subdue to a more generic "hazediesel" smell -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SE7000 done it's magic with this grow as with all my other grow ops. For anyone who is interested in obtaining this efficient and affordable light fixture ($ to gram) here's the link: A shout out to SSSC for the gift of genetics: Thank you all for your companionship on this voyage, I hope you enjoyed it at least as much as I did. Also thank you for this awesome year together here.
Las plantas se ven bien, hice una pequeña defoliacion para sacar las hojas grandes que hacian sombra directamente sobre otras ramas. Ademas quite algunas de abajo que me complicaban un poco a la hora de regar.
Not bad at all, chopped on day 73. It should / could have gone a little longer, but it was dying. After the lockout it stopped eating and drinking, and with the new light they had to much heat and the tops started drying up. One morning I opened up the tent and felt like the smell was burnt away, I lowered the temps and started flushing until it was smelly again and chopped it. Waiting for the new box to come in.. should take another 10 days max. Starting a new happy adventure ;) See you there
La planta ya tiene al rededor de 76 días mientras el banco sugiere cosechar de 70-74 días, estamos atentos a que los tricomas comiencen a tornearse cafés, el 10% para cosechar, al parecer está a menos de una semana.
This is the 2nd MSNL strain I have tried and the genetics are great. She got the longest time in the tent as she is a standard photoperiod and the rest of the grow where fast flowering photoperiods. I trimmed her after 16 days of drying and got 35g of decent buds and 9g of ok buds. Power used for whole grow in 114 days. Lights=201.7Kw (201.7×0.25)(=£50.42) Rad=212.23kw (212.23×0.25)(=£53.05) 201.7÷114=1.769kw per day light average. Average 100w for veg Average 150w for flower. Light average for grow 125w. Stats for the grow. FFNA2410=42g FFNA2411=45g FFNA2412=43g Acapulco Gold=44g Expected hash from trim 28g Total=174g 174÷125=1.39g/W
This was my first time growing ganja faremr seeds. Will definately grow more of these. Really loved growing them.
Harvest Report: The Swift Journey of Blackberry Auto Greetings, fellow cultivators! The moment we've all been eagerly awaiting has arrived – the harvest of my Blackberry Auto. This beauty has moved through her life cycle with astonishing speed and grace. Let's take a moment to reflect on her incredible journey from seed to harvest and celebrate the fruits of our labor. Seed to Sprout: It feels like just yesterday when I planted the tiny seed of Blackberry Auto. Nestled in a Root Riot cube, she sprouted with vigor, her first delicate leaves reaching for the light. The conditions were perfect, with temperatures at a steady 28°C and relative humidity at 95%, creating an ideal environment for her early growth. Transplanting and Early Growth: As she transitioned to a small pot filled with rich soil and Mycor Mix, Blackberry Auto continued to thrive. The Mycor Mix, with its blend of various mycorrhizae species, worked wonders in enlarging her root system and facilitating nutrient uptake. Her early growth was nothing short of spectacular, setting the stage for the robust plant she would become. Rapid Vegetative Phase: Blackberry Auto quickly outgrew her initial pot and was soon transplanted into her final home – a 16L AutoPot. This setup allowed her to drink as she pleased, supported by the precise hydration of the AutoPot Aquavalve. With a foundation of Aptus All-in-One Pellets and Mycor Mix Soil, she had everything she needed for explosive growth. Her leaves grew enormous and lush, and her branches spread wide with gentle low-stress training. Swift Flowering and Stunning Development: Entering the flowering phase, Blackberry Auto didn't slow down. Her buds formed quickly, each one a masterpiece of nature. The colors were a sight to behold – deep purples, vibrant magentas, and hints of dark blue. The aromatic symphony filled the grow room, a testament to her potent genetics and the meticulous care provided. Natural Brilliance and Final Weeks: Observing her rapid progress, I ceased all feedings to let Blackberry Auto showcase her natural brilliance. Her final weeks were marked by a dazzling display of colors and an incredible pace of bud development. Each day brought new marvels, as her buds swelled and her trichomes sparkled like a constellation. A Heartfelt Reflection: From the moment she sprouted to her final days of flowering, Blackberry Auto has been a true wonder. Her speed and beauty have exceeded all expectations, and it's hard to believe how quickly she reached this point. This journey has been a testament to the magic of cultivation and the resilience of a well-bred strain. Acknowledgments and Gratitude: As we celebrate this harvest, I extend my deepest gratitude to @fastbuds_official for creating such a remarkable strain. To Aptus Holland, my main sponsor, your support has been invaluable in nurturing this beauty. A special thank you to Grow Diaries for providing a platform to share this journey, and to the community for your shared passion and camaraderie. 🌱💚 As we move forward, I eagerly anticipate the trim and smoke reports, where we'll dive into the sensory delights of Blackberry Auto. For now, let's revel in the joy of a successful harvest and the extraordinary journey that brought us here. Genetics Blackberry Auto @Fast_Buds Food - @aptusholland @aptus_world As always thank you all for stopping by, for the love and for it all , this journey of mine wold just not be the same without you guys, the love and support is very much appreciated and i fell honored and blessed with you all in my life
Its the beginnig of week 4 and by now the growbox is complete. It was truthfully said a lot of hard work and starting from the beginning again and again... But I DID IT! Cheers to all growers!
Good morning, everyone! Today, I bring mixed news from our garden. Unfortunately, the news is not the best for our beloved feminized plant. As we can see in the picture, the stem is quite thin and fragile, which compromises the healthy growth of the plant. As we know, the stem plays a fundamental role in the structure and development of the plant. It provides support for the branches and leaves, allowing them to carry out photosynthesis. Additionally, it is through the stem that water is transported from the roots to all parts of the plant. Despite having placed a support that has helped a little, only the next few weeks will tell how her development will be. I am sharing my experience with plant growth, and you are invited to follow this mystery with me. Will she reach flowering? What will be the maximum height she will reach? I will document each stage, and together we will discover the outcome of this story. On the other hand, the news is promising for our automatic plant! Since the last update, it has grown another 4 cm. The temperature this week has been quite favorable, with plenty of sun and little wind. By watering it with pH 6.5 - 7 water and using quality soil, I am confident that it will continue to thrive and reach the 5th week of vegetation in great condition. I will continue to monitor and share the progress of both plants. Until the next update! check out my instagram: @_see_weed. maybe you will like the content Loving all the processes. Can U SeeWeed?
Good bud and visible trichome development.😍 Stretch seems to be slowing down by the end of this week. Another round of MegaWorm and Guano powder spread on the soil this week. Temperatures and and watering needs are increasing as the light is set to 100% this week. 160W of LED on about a third of a square meter should push these plants to some nice yields.🙌