Share Grow went well with no hiccups I took some clones and will definitely growing these strains again as I feel I can push them a lil bit more
this was an amazing grow!! Some things ive come to notice were. *1* no more seeds directly in the big pot. NEXT TIME ILL GROWN THEM IN A SMALL CONTAINER BEFORE TRANSFERRING THEM TO MAMA POT. *2* i raised these babys with minimum of additives. Every 2 feedings. NEXT TIME IN FLOWERING IMMA GIVE ADDITIVES EVERY TIME WATERING. * the big pot needs a bit more water then 10L every watering. SWITCH IT UP TO AN 15L of water instead of 10L I am a very happy grower with my grow room havin very steady temperatures so these are no problems over here. Next round i think i will ad a little bit of co2 to see if it makes any differences. These plant made me happy from day 1. They grew in a steady pace and gave everything they got. The one big strong plant gave me almost 300gr in the end.😍😍😍 So now i have made some clones of him and we will see what they are going to do next round. ( follow my attack of the clones diary) Very nice strain very very strong plants. Defo a recommendation for anybody who loves a good taste and a stong high I hope you guys find my diary usefull and i hope to see you guys in me next diaries Greetings Freddy grow
Day 58 - As you can see, buds are looking full but still looking like they want to go a bit longer, checking the trichomes frequently and seeing a lot of cloudy.. think i saw the first few ambers too. Any how, we shall keep going. Flush time soon. Day 62 - Looking good, smelling better.. really fruity and sweet. Seems ripe too. Feeds lowered and a little flush. Buds are rock hard, very dense and sticky. Looking forward to harvesting. She will be ready by day 63, but I'll see weather or not ill let her go longer. Stay tuned. Day 64 - trichomes ready, little flush and shes ready for the chop. Beautiful smelling strain and easy to grow. Very hard dense gassy and sweet buds. Once dry and cure, will be back with a little update.
Terrible weeks weather again so I brought my plants in and bought some cfls woke up in the morning and one had fell off cabinet and burnt one plant to a crisp !! Lesson learnt
In Questa nuova settimana, sto avendo dei problemi con tutto il ciclo di irrigazione, e con l ossigenatore. I tubi che portano l’acqua alle piante sembrano essere saturi di residuo della soluzione, ed inoltre l ossigenatore non porta abbastanza aria all interno della vasca e l’acqua risulta essere torbida. Se qualcuno della community può darmi dei consigli ne sarei molto grato
3 days ago I watered the plant but didn't realise the bottom of the pot was still quite damp. This resulted in me overwatering it. I only realised when the plant dropped all its leaves and looked like it was dying... I was so panicked I forgot to take a picture! I fixed the issue by having my small USB fan on the plant and soil for 2 days straight and it seems to have worked. The plant has shot up and also the leaves have picked up alot. The only issue is there was some slight colour loss from the edge of the leaves which is I think because of too much water.. I'm hoping when I next water and feed this could correct itself
This week went fast, she is flowering at a nice rate, leaves not too damaged, just the tip drying of under hot super hps and fans, so just removed all the old damaged fan leaves, cut in half those shading under growth and tucked those healthy one when possible. She looks greyish in strong light compare to the other strains, a true grey back gorilla lol, trichomes all over buds, smell is so interesting, pine, lavenders and citrus with some other terpines blend I cannot identify yet. Fed her some Epsom salt only this week.
Day 52-64 (Day 54) I’m going to thoroughly inspect each plant and remove bananas if found. So far it’s only been the one on #7 but I don’t want to take a chance. I’m also going to give a watering with some runoff. (Day 55) Can’t find anymore bananas but that one. I will probably find a few bag seeds but who knows. It’s way too late for pollen to really have effect anyway. These 5 plants finish nice and early compared to my other tent flipped on the same day. I would never take this strain 65+ days like last time. I would do 56-60 days next time I flower this strain (Day 58) Holy shit this tent is fading like crazy now. They are starting to show some beautiful autumn colors. #1 #5 and #7 are definitely done. #3 and #6 could use a little more time so I’ve decided to take them down on the 24th. I haven’t seen anymore bananas and the one that popped out on #7 has shriveled up and receded. (Day 63) I’m seeing what look like seed pods starting to form in some of the main colas on my picture perfect pheno. #7 is showing 3 or 4 little bananas too. All of the top buds are definitely done so I’m going to harvest as soon as the lights come on tomorrow. I’m going to give one last watering right now and then harvest. I’ve noticed that harvesting a watered plant will extend the dry time by a few days and that’s exactly what I’m looking for. A nice slow dry. Plants are being full plant hung + dry trimmed and tent is being kept at 60-65 degrees and 60-65% RH. Cutting everything down was a pain in the ass. I had to individually cut each square the scrog net so it wouldn’t contract and squish all the buds. I chopped down my other tent as well so I have no other plants in flower right now.
Blackberry Breath #3 (JOTI) · Custom Breeder & Strain
Blackberry breath #4 · Custom Breeder & Strain
Blackberry breath #5 · Custom Breeder & Strain
Blackberry breath #6 · Custom Breeder & Strain
Blackberry breath #7 · Custom Breeder & Strain
Fission 300W · Custom
GT 60"x60"x80" · Vivosun
Fish Emulsion ·
Organic cal mag ·
EM1 Microbes ·
Molasses ·
Fish Emulsion ·
Organic cal mag ·
EM1 Microbes ·
Molasses ·
Nature’s pride Green aminos ·
Element XX kelzyme ·
Fish Emulsion ·
Organic cal mag ·
EM1 Microbes ·
Molasses ·
Nature’s pride Green aminos ·
Element XX kelzyme ·
Nature’s pride veg ·
EM1 Microbes ·
Nature’s pride Green aminos ·
Element XX kelzyme ·
Nature’s pride veg ·
Boogie brew compost tea sample ·
Langbenite ·
Dr. Marijuana bacill ·
EM1 Microbes ·
Nature’s pride Green aminos ·
Element XX kelzyme ·
Nature’s pride veg ·
Boogie brew compost tea sample ·
Langbenite ·
Dr. Marijuana bacill ·
Marine phytoplankton ·
EM1 Microbes ·
Nature’s pride veg ·
Dr. Marijuana bacill ·
Marine phytoplankton ·
MagnifiCal · Remo Nutrients
VeloKelp · Remo Nutrients
EM1 Microbes ·
Nature’s pride veg ·
Dr. Marijuana bacill ·
Marine phytoplankton ·
Oyster Shell ·
Glacial Rock Dust ·
EM1 Microbes ·
Marine phytoplankton ·
Bottled water ·
EM1 microbes ·
0-0-15 kelp extract ·
Marine phytoplankton ·
Bottled water ·
Bottled water ·
EM1 microbes ·
3-2-4 insect frass ·
Destiny launch ·
0-18-0 bat guano ·
0-0-15 seaweed extract ·
Destiny launch ·
0-0-15 seaweed extract ·
Nature’s pride bloom ·
0-0-15 seaweed extract ·
Day 54-64 (June 14th-24th) (Day 55) I got a good look at all of the plants in the dark and all of them are quite faded out except for black garlic and the blueberries. Running multiple different strains that all feed differently would be a nightmare on a larger scale! (Day 56) Everything is looking on point and happy. Plants are drinking about a liter of water every 36 hours. (Day 59) Jack Herer #1 has some of the most wild looking foxtails I’ve ever seen. Not a very desirable trait but it’s cool to grow. It’s smell is pure bliss, it’s now matured to a mango funk. I will do a more in depth look at each strain after dry. Jack #2 is starting to pop fresh nanners. I think it is from stress due to lack of nutrients and/or heat stress from where it is in the tent. Both jacks are feeding really hard I’ve noticed. If these bananas get any worse I will just harvest early. Blueberry #1 is developing miniature seeds in its calyx’s and is starting to foxtail like crazy. It almost looks like it’s reveging. Earlier in the season I pulled off an entire bud that was covered in developing seeds but I couldn’t find anymore after that. I will likely find a few bag seeds in this pheno and Jack #2. Blueberry #2 is still terpless and frostless but it’s really starting to fill into it’s structure now. It’s getting impressively dense but that all it has going for it. This one needs to go 65-70 days at least. BAOGC #1 is so beefed up and chunky I love it. The main cola will be a good 6 grams and the lowers are thick gram nugs too. I will let this one go until day 65 BAOGC #2 is much smaller but a super hard feeder. It was one of the first to start yellowing. This pheno is pretty average in my opinion. It stacks a little tighter but has small buds TWOG #1 has this strange velvety look to it’s frost, something I’ve never really seen before. Although it’s a little on the leafy side. It filled out super early and is ready to harvest now. Both are fading out with black streaks on the leaves. TWOG #2 checks every box for quality so far. This might be the perfect strain and I’m sad I didn’t get a clone of it. The only thing wrong with it is the long trichome stalks and lack of resin heads. It is also an early finisher. I will probably take both TWOGs down on the 21st. Black garlic is just mouthwatering. This plant literally looks wet with resin. It was super airy at first but slowly filled out to the point it’s one of the denser plants in the tent. Cant wait to smoke this stuff. (Day 63) Well, every plant in here is looking done except the jacks and blueberry #2. Since I’m harvesting my other tent tomorrow I might as well give everything the chop before I risk bagseeds. I’m going to give a final watering right now and harvest tomorrow. I’m going to be drying in my flower tent kept between 60-65F and 60-65% RH. I will do a full plant hang to extend the dry time for as long as possible. Guess that’s a wrap then. I will give a detailed breakdown of my errors and final thoughts on the run next week after the dry is completely done. ✌️
Starting out as hydroponics but I was running into root problems and just was not getting better even as she went into pre flower so I had to make that decision to repot her in a soilless medium and from there she just took off. I've never grown an auto flower plant before but miss brulee did well even with all them root issue. In flowering she just showed us what she is made of and because of that little rough start and the results I got in harvest I'll give her a shot again 😁.
Been hot this week, one of the plants in the corner is growing monster buds with not so much resin and started foxtailing a little never had this. Must be some kind of hear stress. There are some crystals but not as much as the others which are dripping but it has the biggest bud so go figure. Happy growing