Moin moin ihr growmies! Die Woche war von der Entwicklung her echt Top die Damen werden fetter und fetter das einzige was mir Sorgen gemacht hatte war das dadurch das die buds zu legen an Gewicht die Äste sich zur Seite und nach innen gebogen haben deshalb habe ich mich dazu entschieden meinen Rahmen des ScroG netzes zu installieren und die Äste dort dran zu befestigen damit sie sich nicht gegenseitig beschatten oder gar schlimmer noch abbrechen. Ich Weiss sieht scheisse aus aber es hilft werde in der nächsten Woche noch einmal leicht die schere schwingen damit auch die untersten buds noch die Chance haben aus zu Reifen sonnst war diese Woche wieder nicht viel los 😂👍 ich muss sagen ich bin echt begeistert von der Bio tabs Palette super einfach in der Handhabung und das ich den Ph Wert mit green buzz nutrients fahre war genau die richtige Entscheidung die beiden Produkte funktionieren 1 a zusammen ich mein die Bilder zeigen das es funktioniert und dabei noch so einfach....! Ich hatte kaum Arbeit beim düngen und trotzdem meiner Meinung nach bis jetzt ein bomben Ergebniss euch allen ein schönes Wochenende und Happy growing!
Start of week 2 ladies are growing like beast gave them all botanicare kind bloom and base also gave them open sesame from fox farm line just gave 1/4 of the recommended dose. Was using Gaia green bloom but got a dwc grow going now and the botanicare is working better than anything I've seen before. 1st week went very well with the botanicare feeding plants really love it not sure what I'm going to do as the tent is way 2 full and stretch is not done yet.
Just noticed as I was putting the gsc away that its got 3 branches coming out at every node ive heard of it but never had it so I'm looking forward to seeing her flower as I assume she will have more/bigger flowers will show in the video next week
This is actually 10 days into flower, i forgot to post pictures at week 1! We will be flushing in 3 days (at around week 2 of flower) and then a few days later will be introducing flower nutrients.
It's been a beautiful strain to work with, the flowrs are definitely worth it after all this time, the quality is definitely high. However this pheno of ak420 smells very different from the other 2 phenos I've grown along with her. The flowrs are beautiful, very solid and frosty nuggets, I smoked a few little nuggets when trimming but I'm excited to taste the big buds, hope you guys enjoyed the process. I want to say that this pheno #1 has a different smell compared to the other 2 phenotypes of ak420 that you can see here on my page as well, so stay tuned guys! Overall result is very nice, good quality, strong weed, sticky, stinky. I can say that it's very great and also you can get them for a very cheap price so it's a very good investment if you're looking for a powerful and affordable strain. Cheers growmies! ❤️💚💛💎👨‍🌾
I'm very happy with this grow. It has shown me a lot and I even got to figure out things I was doing "wrong" and what I can do to improve yield. I'll have to apply this on my next grow. Stay tuned :)
Quality strain but my buds could have been denser/chunkier, growers error, my first LST and I stressed her into flower too early