10.06.2023 RACCOLTO_RED HOT COOKIES Sweet Seeds 🌱 142 giorni dal seme 🌼 70 giorni fioritura ⚖️ 2895 grammi non secchi totale di 4 piante Tutto è andato per il meglio in questa corsa. Le 4 piante di Red hot cookies si sono dimostrate veramente forti. Colori stupendi a fine fioritura, non rossi come speravo, profumo di terra, dolcezza e aspro mescolati con note di gas, un profilo terpenico molto interessante. Lo scrog effettuato da me, non credo abbia dato il massimo potenziale di queste piante, con il tempo migliorerò anche questo aspetto, ma spero di stare su 1 hg a pianta di media. Aggiornamento a breve con peso a secco, foto dei fiori ripuliti e rapporto sulla potenza di questa varietà. Ringrazio tutti quelli che sono passati a vedere il mio diario, a tutti i like i commenti e ai consigli.. un grande love a tutta la community di growdiaries 💚🙏
Well the apricot has finally surcome too budrot and I have removed but expect it too return as it allways seems too 🙄 Such a shame as shes started really letting off her beautifull smells I hope but dint see her making it too harvest 😔 so sad too see the last outdoors auto nearing her end but we shall plod on and leave her be too see what comes of her 🌱 Great smell coming from her i must say 😍💚
I put 318 grams of wet bud into my dry tent, my target variables are 60F/60RH for 2 week, with the current temps and high out side humidity we are averaging 66F/58%RH so not to far off - these buds will probably be done at 10 days - looking forward to updating this as harvest report when I trim up.
The cycle of the strain is really easy too grow given the correct conditions. Overall great strain too grow I found a few issues having a mixed strain photoperiod/autoflower tent whichbin future will not be happening again. Flower at end not all there the heats being experience has been hard too control but stil pushed through. The younger bonsai got the chop days earlier with the older tropicana too follow, I'll be returning too the tropicana ff range too run only ff range too get full potential in future and focus on those solely. The end flower was hit with high heat but has been put in for a long cure too see what we can save wheather that be for rosin or flower 🌱 Dry weight after the high heat it's been put through was roughly 38gran for the older girl and just over 26gram for the shorter bonsai with around a total of 64 excluding testing smoke what not...
She's doing great. Heats been giving me a little problem still but no more fungus I can see an the bugs havent bothered her much. I've noticed that I let her go kinda long 😅 I still would like too flush her before cutting down so like what 2-3more weeks? Should I go ahead an start flushing?
Wow, growing this beauty was amazing. She totally changed my perspective on autoflower cannabis plants! As well Seedsman! You guys rock! Seriously, I loved growing her from start to finish she took off in her living soil set up. The only thing I would change is having a bigger pot next time and being more watchful of my watering. But all in all she grew great threw veg, nice and strong branches, deep green and lush growth, and she followed that with a beautiful flower cycle. What more can I say?!? Will be looking forward to the next Seedsman competition 😉
What up Growmies, this one grew hella fast maturing in 9 weeks from seed to harvest fast. Buds is true to their name. This one has some serious resin on the flowers reminding me of some sort of a gelato Gorilla glue cross, but we shall see when it's released! I could be far off lol. I had no problems growing her. She was really easy and happy her whole life. She's a great one for extractions! Thank you grow diaries and thank you fastbuds for the opportunity to show the world my organic gardening skills! I appreciate all the support from the growing community here on grow diaries. Big thanks for my followers!