Heat stress and few other issues. Was away for quite a few days so that hurt a bit. All things considered, she is doing great.
Well, I think the time is upon us.. they’ve just finished there second week of flush, I was hoping to get a third, but the feeding has slowed right down, I’m glad it’s fell this weekend as I can closely watch them.. The plant I mentioned slowing down last week, it pretty much kept the same, but the trichomes are clouding nicely, all RH and temperatures sitting the same 24/7, been struggling to keep the temp and humidity down this week, the harder the dehumidifier works then… yh I know that you know😂…so I think realistically next weeks update will be a harvest, I’m not rushing these at all, don’t be surprised if my next grows finished by time I’ve dried and cured these nicely, although, I’m very tempted to press the whole of the small plant into rosin .. maybe bubble hash rosin🤷🏻‍♂️ either way I’m getting stoned👊🏻.. thanks again and hopefully my next organic one goes just as good💥… I’d just like to say thank you to everyone, the advise, and some of the diaries on here are amazing, and without you knowing, you helped me out sooooooo much, so thanks again👊🏻.. check out my organic diary! It’s starting to get busy!💥
the girl got a lot of heat sun and rain this week :D everything looks good she is already starting to bloom :).
the girl got a lot of heat sun and rain this week :D everything looks good she is already starting to bloom :).
Ayyy, look at her growing! i was away for a weekend and look at this jump. The first broken off stem attached itself after taping it. the Second branch i broke off, i tried to attach a cutting from another branch, fixated it with tape and a metal clamp. Which did not work but i think it's because i let too much green on it, so i dried up before it could fix itself. MAYBE. It's just my observation but i want to try every method i can think of, trying to attach a broken off stem again, and I will be successful finding the best technique for me. And i will share it, if i found it! Next time i will remove almost any green so it's just a little stump, i think the shorter the cutting the better. What do you say about the Training so far? (:
There was mold on the bud at the end of one branch, that plant left with me to dry.
Es ist soweit! Am Freitag habe ich die fünf Easy Buds nach knapp 11 1/2 Wochen abgeschnitten und geerntet. Leider musste ich feststellen, dass eine Pflanze ziemlich stark befallen war. Ich vermute eine Milbenart oder möglicherweise Fliegeneier. Unterhalb der Blätter waren etliche dunkelgelbe und dunkelbraune Eier, die man auf den ersten Blick kaum erkennen konnte. Bei genauerem Hinsehen sieht man jedoch, dass sich der Befall auf die ganze Pflanze ausgeweitet hatte. Glücklicherweise blieben die vier anderen Pflanzen verschont. Aus diesem Grund trockne ich die Pflanzen auch getrennt voneinander. Die befallene Pflanze wollte ich nicht direkt wegwerfen, sondern erstmal trocknen lassen. Im Nachhinein werde ich schauen, wie ich mögliche Schadensbegrenzung betreiben kann. Die vier gesunden Pflanzen werden in einem geschlossenen Zelt in einem Trocknungsbeutel getrocknet. Die befallene Pflanze habe ich in dem Folienzelt aufgehängt und mit einer Plane abgedeckt. Nach wenigen Tagen der Trocknung sieht soweit eigentlich alles gut aus. Die Eier scheinen nicht mehr zu schlüpfen, sondern fallen von der Blüte ab oder verschrumpeln zu Kompost. Ich hoffe, dass es dabei bleibt. Der Geruch hat sich nach dem Abschneiden deutlich verändert. Schon nach der kurzen Trocknungszeit kann ich einen intensiveren Geruch feststellen, der sich noch nicht so richtig beschreiben lässt. Die Blüten waren stark mit den sogenannten "Sugar Leaves" verwachsen, weshalb ich sie grob getrimmt habe, um sie zum Trocknen aufzuhängen. Nachdem die Blüten vollständig getrocknet sind, werde ich die Buds noch einmal einzeln trimmen und durch meine Trimm-Maschine von Vevor jagen. Der Ernteprozess hat zu zweit circa eine Stunde gedauert. Die Pflanzen waren zum Zeitpunkt der Ernte noch sehr gesund und kräftig. Die Verwurzelung war trotz des geschlossenen Topfes sehr gut. Die schönste Bud hat definitiv die zentrale Pflanze, Greta, ergeben. Nass hätte ich den Bud auf mindestens 12 g geschätzt. Ein Gesamtgewicht des nassen Pflanzenmaterials habe ich nicht ermittelt. Sobald alles trocken und fertig beschnitten ist, werde ich das Tagebuch um den trockenen Betrag ergänzen. Stand jetzt würde ich schätzen, dass der Ertrag aller Pflanzen bei circa 40-50 g liegt, was mich für meinen ersten Grow ziemlich zufrieden stellt, besonders in Anbetracht dieser wirklich sehr simplen Strain. Mehr Infos und Fotos folgen in Kürze, wenn das Curing beginnt. Bis bald! :)
She has been in a heat wave this past week with no rain. I watered her 2 times in the past 7 days to help deal with the hot sunny days. Week review: Heat wave,watered twice and she is having no issues dealing with the outdoor environment. 😍
7/1 Chopped these babies down. Now they’ll be hung in the dark (full plant) at about 60/60 until they’re ready to go in jar. Hopefully about ten days, but these are small so idk if they’ll go that long. Will update when we get there Tried to update smoke report but it just keeps erroring out. I’ll try it again another time. :/ Meanwhile, I’ll leave some info here. This hasn’t even cured yet and wow. Wasn’t thrilled with what I could see the yield would be.. still not thrilled, but damn. The shits good. Perfect density, smell, and taste. It’s loud af and definitely potent. It’s pungent with a hint of sweet but not too much. Would absolutely grow again, but would grow more plants since the yields not there .. at least for me. 5.2 ounces - 2 plants. Buds no trim ;(
week intel: its time for second pruning they grew up too fast and need second pruning as below : first i remove big fan leaves and only leaves then let them rest for 1 day then the second part of pruning will get done that is removing branches based on these conditions: 1-if the branch is very low and never can make it to the top , 2- if branch is in shade even after pruning fan leaves , 3- if there are too many branches at the small space then non of them will get resources so if there is no space for branch then , they must get remove. everything is perfect! stresses : pruning big fan leaves and lower branches + a little E.C stress around 1.7 once a week feeding: i feed them 3 times this week with this order : day 1 : i feed them heavy with silicate +base nutrients(calcium & micros + Bloom) about 884 ppm - 1.7 e.c to cause a little stress. day 3 : i feed them low dose of Feeding Booster + Karbo Boost around 325 ppm - 0.6 e.c to let them recover a little but not fully recover still a little stress will caused. day 5 : i feed them with low dose of Top-Max + B-52 around 213 ppm - 0.4 e.c to let them recover the stresses to get ready for another stress next week. guide of the week : no more stresses from now on till the end and from next week i'll reduce the amount of nitrogen and calcium to below half to the end.
Hey today last day... Baby is through.. it was scrubbed a bit by the hail on wednesday... I'll cut them off whole and hang them up in a cool place. Next time harvest day... I've already eaten strawberries.. it smells very good. smoke sample was made, was able to dream/sleep wonderfully chilled for an hour. Very relaxed and calm turn++ not so good: extremely dry mouth after getting up + throat... Taste light and pleasant smell strong.. All in all, I would recommend but rather indoor
Ajout d'une plaque pour éviter les algues , encore du scrog et defoliation, vidange et renouvellement du réservoir d'eau , on remplit encore le filet et go 12/12
42 Days The lady has gained less height. But she has gained width. It's impressive what she's already wearing. There hasn't been a break from watering since the last update. Now it is 57 cm high and fits nicely in my laundry cupboard.
In the second week of the 12/12 cycle i've encountered no issues. I've did some more pruning and underneath the screen I've removed pretty much every leaf. I gave them tapwater with Plagron nutrients once this week. Rest of the week they received 1000 ml ph adjusted tapwater (ec 0.48 – ph 6.1) each every other day. The cobs stayed at the same height(40 cm/15.7 inch) and power (208 watt) as last week ended (DLI 30.2 – PPFD 699) On day 48 (6th day of this week) I raised the power to 240 watt at a distance of 46 cm/18.1 inch, giving a DLI of 32.4 – PPFD 750 I've sprayed them for one last time with a CannaCure solution (30 ml CannaCure + 150 ml tapwater – ph 6) Temperatures stayed between 20.4 – 25.7 °C (68.7 – 78.2 °F) and humidity levels between 47 – 65 % That's it for this week, up to the next 1! ✋ Do you want to grow this strain? 👉 https://www.barneysfarm.us/pineapple-chunk-weed-strain-15 👈