Some really nice cherry here rosing runs are great on this strain good returns and the rosin has a slight wax texture to it glad i had chance to grow this will be deffinatly growing again
Great overall growing experience. I feel like I learned a lot and can’t wait to see my progression as I continue to grow! Thank you following along this far if you have! 💕 Please go check out my profile and social and continue to follow along! Keep growing!
The stretch has definitely begun. No issues whatsoever. I turned the lights up to 250W and bumped the PPM to 950. Thinking about adding another LED to tent - these things are going to be out of control! The GSC in the 64L res is almost exactly on the same schedule as the 1L, which is 5 days older. the 1L is obviously in the lead in terms of size, but the 64L isn't far behind. I honestly think they'll both end up being almost identical...
Well to say I am happy about this girl would be a understatement . She was so good and even though I neglected her for a while she was so good to me with the harvest . The team at dinafem have outdone them selves with this strain I had hot, humid,wet ass conditions for a month and she was strongest plant out doors I had .. Very resilient and good for that kind of climate Canadian wet weather she was the queen and I will grow her again ...The thing is if I had taken better care of her lack of time she was out of the way ,then the amount I would have right now would be crazy next year I'll try again lol cheers and thanks canna family so much follow along on instagram @cannibal19888
Yeah this strain finished in 9 weeks just like the guidelines say, tons of golf ball sized nugs. I could have got a better yield if I topped her earlier but I'm really happy with this grow. $20 investment and a quarter pound of weed in return. Outdoor plants really require very little to no maintenance, so if constantly pruning and training isn't something your interested in then go outdoors mate. In terms of how I grew this girl I just used a bit of cal-mag and amended the soil with organic nutrients before flowering. The organic notes saved my ass for flower. The yield may not be as much as many outdoor plant but again my first outdoor grow. I'm happy with the quality over quantity too. Thanks for all for stopping by!
Smell is coming on. Showing decent bud growth over first 3 weeks. Final defoliation done recently. Still only using PH balanced water with no additional nutes.
this one was on a cold spot, and didn't grow large, but very easy to grow, nice compact bud, very light smell, can be grown indoor without filter if you grow a couple of 'm. wonderfull strain, i will try this one again in the coming year in a soilles setup
Next week i will stop feeding her with grow nutrients, but decreasing (reduce) doses. I am brazilian guy, so i dont write very well and not understand somethings 😅
Sorry guys 🤦‍♂️🏾 I do have a daytime job/career and due to a busy few weeks, updating this didn’t make my list of priorities. However, maintaining my babies did and I am happy to say that although you had to wait it was not for nothing as this lady is looking lovely and actually going in to Week 11. I will start back updating and posting. I do have pictures from prior weeks and they will be posted to my IG. Thanks for following and keep growing !
I had suspected that these wonderful young ladies would require more time to reach peak Harvest and i was correct. Allowing these the extra week has allowed for some excellent weight gain and additionally allowing for more Trics to form and start to change color. Using my mag glass i have determined that now is the time to start my pre harvest. I have removed some of the larger leaves allowing for more light to penetrate lower down the plant, this has now allowed the lower nugs to finish of and bulk up the best they can. I feel the Harvest of the Purple Queen is imminent however finding the right moment will be more tricky. As this is the last Flowering week update i will be posting on this Strain. I would just like to say a big thank you for everyone who has been following and adding likes along the way. The next post will be the Harvest post which i will update once this has been completed along with my results, Weights and most importantly the review. Happy Growing 😇
It's the 4th week of Flower!! I've gotta say, counting weeks is tough and I always get it mixed up. 0-7 days is 1 week. So this is week 4, days 21-28. I do some reason feel like the 28th day should be the start of week 4 but it doesn't work that way...idk sorry bout the rant! This week I wont do a day by day as nothing has happened per those days. Except for Thursday. Day 27 of flower. Every Thursday we water in the Teas and recharge. I also, lollipopped her this week and removed some of the larger fan leaves. CMOG is the heaviest plant as it is and some great spacing between buds ensure hood light penetration. She is getting super stinky and frosty too!! Cannot wait for 1 more week for her to really pop!!