Once again she passes my expectations, late to the show with trichome production. I'm surprised there is purple on the bud, maybe Purpinator does work. I thought I could see hints under the grow lights and thought my eyes were deceiving me, I was just being hopeful. But nah 2 of the 3(under the UV) have developed a beautiful tone of purple. I was never going to bother with a deep freeze but maybe the whole bud will change given conditions, that would be something, fingers crossed. 🤔 was a little skeptical that reducing temps humidity would change density, but it does, buds are solid something I've not been able to achieve before. Rule of thumb is never to surpass 60% RH in the flowering phase and try to progressively reduce it down to 40% in the last 2–3 weeks before harvest. The plant will react as it seeks to protect its flowers, responding by producing denser buds and a higher concentration of resin. Cannabis plants are sensitive to sudden temperature changes, especially in the flowering stage. Extreme heat or cold can impact bud density and overall yields. In nature as a defense mechanism from cold, the plant sensing sudden dips in temperature will attempt to remove the pockets of air within the bud, it achieves this by compacting itself in doing so to better protect itself from cold snaps which are normally indicators in nature that worse weather is on the way. The script to come. Removal of 660nm wavelength is the signal that triggers the plant to accelerate terpenes/flavinoids production in flowers, this is the mechanism the higher plant uses to attract potential pollination from further afield, survival of the species is no joke for the plant, it senses the sky around it has removed all the 660nm, the plant starts to focus on terpenes and flavinoids production if she has not been fertilized by this point she must attract pollination from a further afield. 3-day treatment, ZERO 660nm initiates accumulation, RH kept below 20% (harder than you think)(Dropping temps helps a lot). The plant can sense the humidity drought, the plant will close its stomata to prevent the release of moisture given the conditions. Two highly specialized cells, the guard cells that surround the stomatal pore, can integrate environmental and endogenous signals to control the stomatal aperture and thereby the gas exchange. The uptake of CO2 is associated with a loss of water by leaves. Control of the size of the stomatal aperture optimizes the efficiency of water use through dynamic changes in the turgor of the guard cells. The opening and closing of the stomata are regulated by the integration of environmental signals and endogenous hormonal stimuli. The various factors to which the guard cells respond translate into the complexity of the network of signaling pathways that control stomatal movements. The perception of abiotic stress (RH less than 20%) triggers the activation of signal transduction cascades that interact with or are activated by phytohormones. Among these, abscisic acid (ABA), is the best-known stress hormone released that forces closed the stomata. Terpene levels are the highest just before the sun comes out. Ideally, you want as many terpenes present in your plants as possible when you harvest. Cannabis plants soak up the sun during the day and produce resin and other goodies at night. The plant is at its emptiest from "harvest undesirables" so to speak right before the lights on. Boiling cannabis roots during harvesting slows down the drying process. When you boil cannabis roots, it shocks the plant, closing the stomata on the leaves. This prevents massive moisture loss through the leaves, leaving only the floral clusters actively losing moisture at a reduced pace. I've always run a strict 60/60 and it took almost twice as long to dry to a snap than previous grows where I didn't boil for what it's worth. Chlorophyll is good for the plant but not for you. When you harvest the buds, even after you flush them, if you flush them, they’re still filled with chlorophyll. Freshly cut buds are greener than dried buds because they still contain loads of chlorophyll. However, when rushed through the drying process, the buds dry but retain some chlorophyll, and when you smoke it, you will taste it. Chlorophyll-filled buds are smokable, but they aren’t clean. Slow drying gives the buds enough time and favorable conditions to lose the chlorophyll and sugars, giving you a smoother smoke. How the plant disposes of the chlorophyll and sugars by a process of chemically breaking them down and attaching the decomposed matter once small enough to water molecules which then evaporate back into the ether. Time must be given to the process to break down the chlorophyll and sugars. Think of it like optimizing the environment for decay. Then the Formative Mind ([at-oned] with Reason), he who surrounds the spheres and spins them with his whorl, set turning his formations, and let them turn from a beginning boundless unto an endless end. For that, the circulation of these [spheres] begins where it doth end, as Mind doth will. But to the Mind-less ones, the wicked and depraved, the envious and covetous, and those who mured do and love impiety, I am far off, yielding my place to the Avenging Daimon, who sharpening the fire, tormenteth him and addeth fire to fire upon him, and rusheth upon him through his senses, thus rendering him readier for transgressions of the law, so that he meets with greater torment; nor doth he ever cease to have desire for appetites inordinate, insatiately striving in the dark. All the nutrients it could ever need are in abundance, it eats nutrients based on its demand for growth, which is dictated primarily by available light. Plant growth and geographic distribution (where the plant can grow) are greatly affected by the environment. If any environmental factor is less than ideal, it limits a plant's growth and/or distribution. For example, only plants adapted to limited amounts of water can live in deserts. Either directly or indirectly, most plant problems are caused by environmental stress. In some cases, poor environmental conditions (e.g., too little water) damage a plant directly. In other cases, environmental stress weakens a plant and makes it more susceptible to disease or insect attack. Environmental factors that affect plant growth include light, temperature, water, humidity, and nutrition. It's important to understand how these factors affect plant growth and development. With a basic understanding of these factors, you may be able to manipulate plants to meet your needs, whether for increased leaf, flower, or fruit production. By recognizing the roles of these factors, you'll also be better able to diagnose plant problems caused by environmental stress. Water and humidity *Most growing plants contain about 90 percent water. Water plays many roles in plants. It is:* A primary component in photosynthesis and respiration Responsible for turgor pressure in cells (Like the air in an inflated balloon, water is responsible for the fullness and firmness of plant tissue. Turgor is needed to maintain cell shape and ensure cell growth.) A solvent for minerals and carbohydrates moving through the plant Responsible for cooling leaves as it evaporates from leaf tissue during transpiration A regulator of stomatal opening and closing, thus controlling transpiration and, to some degree, photosynthesis The source of pressure to move roots through the soil The medium in which most biochemical reactions take place Relative humidity is the ratio of water vapor in the air to the amount of water the air could hold at the current temperature and pressure. Warm air can hold more water vapor than cold air. Relative humidity (RH) is expressed by the following equation: RH = water in air ÷ water air could hold (at constant temperature and pressure) The relative humidity is given as a percent. For example, if a pound of air at 75°F could hold 4 grams of water vapor, and there are only 3 grams of water in the air, then the relative humidity (RH) is: 3 ÷ 4 = 0.75 = 75% Water vapor moves from an area of high relative humidity to one of low relative humidity. The greater the difference in humidity, the faster water moves. This factor is important because the rate of water movement directly affects a plant's transpiration rate. The relative humidity in the air spaces between leaf cells approaches 100 percent. When a stoma opens, water vapor inside the leaf rushes out into the surrounding air (Figure 2), and a bubble of high humidity forms around the stoma. By saturating this small area of air, the bubble reduces the difference in relative humidity between the air spaces within the leaf and the air adjacent to the leaf. As a result, transpiration slows down. If the wind blows the humidity bubble away, however, transpiration increases. Thus, transpiration usually is at its peak on hot, dry, windy days. On the other hand, transpiration generally is quite slow when temperatures are cool, humidity is high, and there is no wind. Hot, dry conditions generally occur during the summer, which partially explains why plants wilt quickly in the summer. If a constant supply of water is not available to be absorbed by the roots and moved to the leaves, turgor pressure is lost and leaves go limp. Plant Nutrition Plant nutrition often is confused with fertilization. Plant nutrition refers to a plant's need for and use of basic chemical elements. Fertilization is the term used when these materials are added to the environment around a plant. A lot must happen before a chemical element in a fertilizer can be used by a plant. Plants need 17 elements for normal growth. Three of them--carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen--are found in air and water. The rest are found in the soil. Six soil elements are called macronutrients because they are used in relatively large amounts by plants. They are nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and sulfur. Eight other soil elements are used in much smaller amounts and are called micronutrients or trace elements. They are iron, zinc, molybdenum, manganese, boron, copper, cobalt, and chlorine. They make up less than 1% of total but are none the less vital. Most of the nutrients a plant needs are dissolved in water and then absorbed by its roots. In fact, 98 percent are absorbed from the soil-water solution, and only about 2 percent are actually extracted from soil particles. Fertilizers Fertilizers are materials containing plant nutrients that are added to the environment around a plant. Generally, they are added to the water or soil, but some can be sprayed on leaves. This method is called foliar fertilization. It should be done carefully with a dilute solution because a high fertilizer concentration can injure leaf cells. The nutrient, however, does need to pass through the thin layer of wax (cutin) on the leaf surface. It is to be noted applying a immobile nutrient via foliar application it will remain immobile within the leaf it was absorbed through. Fertilizers are not plant food! Plants produce their own food from water, carbon dioxide, and solar energy through photosynthesis. This food (sugars and carbohydrates) is combined with plant nutrients to produce proteins, enzymes, vitamins, and other elements essential to growth. Nutrient absorption Anything that reduces or stops sugar production in leaves can lower nutrient absorption. Thus, if a plant is under stress because of low light or extreme temperatures, nutrient deficiency may develop. A plant's developmental stage or rate of growth also may affect the amount of nutrients absorbed. Many plants have a rest (dormant) period during part of the year. During this time, few nutrients are absorbed. Plants also may absorb different nutrients as flower buds begin to develop than they do during periods of rapid vegetative growth. 432 Hz is said to be mathematically consistent with the patterns of the universe. Studies reveal that 432 Hz tuning vibrates with the universe’s golden mean PHI and unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity and magnetism with biology, the DNA code and consciousness. When our atoms and DNA start to resonate in harmony with the spiraling pattern of nature, our sense of connection to nature is said to be magnified. Another interesting factor to consider is that the A=432 Hz tuning correlates with the color spectrum while the A=440 Hz is off. Audiophiles have also stated that A = 432 Hz music seems to be non-local and can fill an entire room, whereas A=440 Hz can be perceived as directional or linear in sound propagation. Once you adopt the idea that sound (or vibration in general) can have an equalizing and harmonizing effect (as well as a disturbing effect), the science of harmony can be applied to bring greater harmony into ones life or a tune to specific energies. There is a form of absolute and of relative harmony. Absolute harmony can for example be determined by the tuning of an instrument. The ancients tuned their instruments at an A of 432 Hz instead of 440 Hz - and for a good reason. There are plenty of music examples on the internet that you can listen to in order to establish the difference for yourself. Attuning the instrument to 432 Hz results in a more relaxing sound, while 440 Hz slightly tenses up to body. This is because 440 Hz is out of tune with both macro and micro cosmos. On the contrary, 432 Hz is in tune. To give an example of how this is manifested micro cosmically: our breath (0,3 Hz) and our pulse (1,2 Hz) relate to the frequency of the lower octave of an A of 432 Hz (108 Hz) as 1:360 and 1:90. It is interesting to note that 432 Hz was the standard pitch of many old instruments, and that it was only recently (19th and 20th century) the standard pitch was increased. This was done in order to be able to play for bigger audiences. Bigger audiences (more bodies) absorb more of the lower frequencies, so the higher pitch was more likely to “cut through”. One of the oldest instruments of the world is the bell ensemble of Yi Zeng (dated 423 BC), tuned to a standard F4 of 345 Hz which gives an A= 432 Hz. The frequency of 345 Hz is that of the platonic year! Similarly many old organs are tuned in an A=432 as well; for example: St. Peter’s Capella Gregoriana, St. Peter’s Capella Giulia, S. Maria Maggiore in Rome. Maria Renold’s book “Intervals Scales Tones and the Concert Pitch C=128 Hz” claims conclusive evidence that 440 Hz and raising concert pitch above scientific “C” Prime=128 Hz (Concert A=432 Hz) disassociates the connection of consciousness to the body and creates anti-social conditions in humanity. The difference between concert pitch A=440 Hz and Concert A=432 Hz is only 8 cycles per second, but it is a perceptible difference of awareness in the human consciousness experience of the dream we share called existence. Upon orgasm, man releases dopamine, "dope", self-explanatory. A woman releases oxytocin, an extremely strong bonding agent. But there is a catch, the more people you use it on, the less bonding will occur. Promiscuity was sold with "Feminism". For the first time in history, there are more women above the age of 30 with no children than there are below. I was randomly reading around and had a little chuckle to myself when i read this, “In women it is usually accompanied by muscle contractions in the uterus, vagina and rectum, and sometimes in other parts of the body. In addition, the little known female ejaculation may occur to a greater or lesser degree, which is nothing more than a transparent liquid composed of different substances such as prostate antigens, enzymes, glucose and fructose secreted by Skene’s glands." My first thought was "Wonder what the NPK ratio is on that" Maybe I'll start my own specialized fertilizer company. Just bottle up some squirt and call it "Fannies Fluid", PACKED FULL OF ENZYMES! HIGH IN CARBOHYDRATES! BOOST YOUR PLANTS WITH ANTIGENS! Maybe just set up a lemonade stand.
Lots of grass, in a very short time with a sure success without equal. This is the Watermelon Candy F1 Hybrid. No joke guys, no false advertising, here we are doing serious tests, I am a good grower but what I can do you can do too nothing humanly alien here the aliens are the vegetables. Here we should try to understand what a great job the breeder has done and notice the differences from the common mortal plants. The first is the speed, guys the plants were born the night between the sixth and seventh of April and were both harvested on the eighth of June. Do some calculations, it is very little really very little time. What is not little is the grass, look at the result on the scale, cleaned to the maximum of all the stems trimmed well. The scent is fruity, sweet and inebriating, the resin is really abundant despite the harvest in June with 35 degrees in the growbox... These plants resist very well to heat and probably also to cold other plants would have made open flowers, airy without sense... Here they are tough guys, very tough and heavy, compact. I am very happy with these two plants, one is slightly more mature but you can see from the trichomes that more or less we are on both. I am not one who likes to harvest the super mature plant, but before teams of big growers arrive to explain the rule of trichomes to me I tell you: there are many milky trichomes, some amber and purple in the areas where there was a bit of foliage and still some transparent but few and all milky. So here we are guys we have many plants to harvest we also have to decide what to do first. The similarity between the two plants is evident, they are not identical, exactly twins, but that would have been disturbing, here we have great similarities in height, type of flower and many little things in their place. For me, a successful experiment, try to grow these plants respecting at least the basic rules of cultivation and even if you are a beginner you will be happy. You can come and look for me or talk to me at any time, now I have grown these plants and I know how they behave I can give all the answers you want. I waited to try as you can see before speaking and on these plants I put my signature. Very suitable for: growth with topping, given the speed, it is recovered very well, rapid growth and infinite continuous cycles (do some calculations, how many cycles you can do with a plant that you harvest in 60 days, it is not difficult!), beginner (little fertilizer in the veg phase and a lot in the flower swelling phase, they swell quickly, it is normal), indoor and outdoor. Really fast and profitable plants like I had never seen before. I have to compliment Zamnesia I am thrilled with these performances, autoflowering plants are getting better and better guys don't be afraid and don't listen too much to the wise old hippies or at least learn to take them with a pinch of salt, cannabis has gone light years ahead of the first super worthy anarchist research. Now we are ahead let's adapt to the times. In flowering I used Plagron fertilizers because with other brands I was going into deficiency, so the health in addition to the good genetics that gave us beautiful and healthy girls is also thanks to those who make the food. I recommend to everyone these plants have a fast growth and if in any case they do not need a lot of fertilizer in the vegetative phase, when they swell the flowers like crazy they really need fertilizers for flowering give them right in the quantity recommended by Plagron and you will have no problems. Fertilizers and soil are therefore Plagron https://plagron.com/en The light is wonderfully functional and powerful and is made in https://www.viparspectra.com/ The growbox is not sponsored but I love it, I love the brand and especially the Ducting Flange air circulation system best of all. https://www.secretjardin.com/ You can find these Watermelon Candy seeds, all the F1 Hybrids and much more on the Zammi website https://www.zamnesia.io/it/ N.B. Collaborations with all other seed brands are stopped at the last plants that I am finishing, kindly do not ask me for sponsorships for seeds, all other forms of collaboration are open (Lights, growbox, fertilizers, soil, tools) thanks. Follow me on instagram @bread_n_buds Music of the week www.radionula.com +++ 432 hz frequencies to keep in line my Girls to Gaia. Site Description ZAMNESIA SEEDS - WATERMELON CANDY F1 HYBRID AUTOMATIC: BUDS BURSTING WITH FLAVOR If you've been looking for a flavorful strain with superb genetics that's effortless to cultivate, the hunt is over. Thanks to reliable F1 hybrid genetics, Watermelon Candy F1 Automatic showcases the highest degree of productivity and efficiency. This strain takes everything you know and love about the original, and packages it in a plant with even greater potential. GROWING WATERMELON CANDY F1 HYBRID AUTOMATIC Derived from Watermelon, Candy Kush, and ruderalis, Watermelon Candy F1 Automatic is a finely tuned medley of genetics. This cultivar is fast to flourish and reliable to grow, no matter where you choose to grow. Taking just 9–10 weeks from germination to harvest, she provides a uniform growing experience culminating in a huge haul of buds for her size. Reaching heights of 65–80cm, Watermelon Candy F1 Automatic stays pretty grounded, making her perfect for smaller growing areas where space is a commodity. It also means you can fit more plants in if you have the room! Once ready to yield, growers will see a return of 400–450g/m² indoors and up to 100g/plant outdoors. Moreover, Watermelon Candy F1 Automatic is highly resistant to pests and disease, making it an ideal strain for newcomers and fans of low-maintenance cultivation. AROMAS, FLAVORS, AND EFFECTS OF WATERMELON CANDY F1 HYBRID AUTOMATIC If we haven't already sold you on the power of F1 hybrid genetics, the proof is in the pudding. Watermelon Candy F1 Automatic is teaming with terpenes and cannabinoids, making for a lively high coupled with huge flavors. Just one hit is all it takes to sample rich fruitiness mixed with sweet candies and a slight earthiness to back it up. And with an average THC content of 23%, the effects are euphoric at the start but settle into deep relaxation soon after. Whether you're chilling alone or with friends, Watermelon Candy F1 Automatic will see you right. So seeds of all brands, in addition to these great F1 Hybrids and the entire Zamnesia line, fertilizers and everything related to the world of cannabis, you should buy them from the best online store in the sector www.zamnesia.io
A big hello to all the cannabis growing gardeners...and all the other visitors that came across my grow journal. Just on harvest day I was summoned on a long quest...around 700 km. will be away for three days. I will update this diary as fast as i"m back. For now just the photos as no time for anything. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now cannabis smell is overpowering in my grow room I can finally write something about Spider Farmers 6-Inch Inline Fan with Smart Controller and Carbon Filter :) As my grow room gets really stinky at times i always invest in a top shelf carbon filter almost twice the size of the one provided by Spider Farmer, to my shock Spider Farmer carbon filter absorbs the smells wonderfully well. No smell leaks and that just when the fan is running at 5 out of 10 levels of output. The smart controller is something completely new to me, and had a lot of fun experimenting with it during the veg and early flower, when the smell began i needed it to run full time at level 4 or 5 to rid the fragnance. All in all the whole combo is a great deal. If you are not as keen on technology the set without the controller is awesome on it's own. But to have some extra options open, the controller at the device throws at you a ton of settings you can use to optemiase you grow enviornment. The SE 7000 is hanged at 40 cm. over the canopy and runs at 520W. This whole grow's main sponsor is Spider Farmer. You can easily obtain all the great grow equipment we use at: spider-farmer.com A big thank you to Jessie and the whole Spider Farmer crew for supporting me with the newest technological advancements in horticulture. Thanks to them what i do here is possible. Thank you Mafia Seeds for giving me the opportunity to try out your stock. seedsmafia.com/en/feminized-cannabis-seeds/moby-dick-feminized.html Plagron did send us their Contest package for the Power Buds competition . Thank you for your visit, please leave a like and hope to see you beck here in about a week.
ตัดแล้ว Harvest เล่นเอาซะเหนื่อย แต่ก็มีความสุข ไม่อยากจะเชื่อว่า Aeroponics จะทรงพลังได้มากขนาดนี้ ชอบโดยรวมแล้วชอบมากๆเลย สุดยอดสุดสุด และถ้าปลูกต่อไปจะหาวิธีปลูก ป้องกันการอุดตันของหัวฉีด
Guys, Ladies Gents we made it!!!!! Hanging to dry will do smoke updated and let you know how much we yeilded here!!!! hahah Holy Shit im excited. This is fully my forst organic living soil Grow and she turned out amazing I am never going bacl to bottled bnutrients hahaha I say that but we seee Im digg and loveing all ORGANIC Ill be back with more info and a smoke review She smells amazing gave me some thick sticky stanky coals!!! much love thaks for checking her out love yall
Ladies, gentlemen, and all the wonderful beings following this journey, I am thrilled to announce that we have reached the highly anticipated harvest week for our beautiful PCRs. This has been an incredible journey, and now it's time to reap the rewards of our hard work and dedication. The PCRs are nothing short of perfection. Their frost-covered buds are a sight to behold, glistening like they've been kissed by winter's breath. The trichomes are abundant and sparkling, making these ladies look absolutely stunning. The aroma is intoxicating, a true testament to their strong genetics and the care they've received. Upon taking them out of the tent, I was amazed by their strength and resilience. Despite my best efforts to make them dance, these ladies stood tall and proud, requiring no support at all. This just goes to show the exceptional quality and sturdiness of the PCR strain. Aptus Holland's Enzym+. This product is a game-changer, breaking down dead root material and turning it into usable nutrients, ensuring our soil remains rich and fertile for future grows. Speaking of which, I do plan to reuse the soil, thanks to the amazing benefits of Enzym+. This enzyme product not only helps with nutrient uptake but also keeps the soil ecosystem healthy and thriving. Here's the final stats for this week: TDS: 130 PH: 6.8 Temp: 21°C A huge shout-out to Aptus Holland for their incredible products that have consistently supported my plants' growth and health. Also, a massive thank you to Art Genetix for creating the phenomenal PCR strain that has brought so much joy to this grow. To all my fellow growers, followers, and the entire community, your support and encouragement mean the world to me. This journey wouldn't be the same without you. As we move forward, let's continue to spread love, positivity, and the joy of cultivating these amazing plants. Stay tuned for the final results and more updates as we dry and cure these beautiful buds. Until then, keep growing, stay positive, and never stop believing in the magic of cultivation. Peace, love, and happy growing! Genetics - P.C.R. @Art_Genetix_Team https://artgenetix.world/ Nutricion @aptusholland https://aptus-holland.com/ LED Power @Lumatek and @viparspectra As always thank you all for stopping by , for the love and for it all, i fell blessed to have you all with me for one more love journey Thank you Thank you Thank you , you guys are great and have been amazing , thank you for everything ! #aptus #aptusplanttech #aptusgang #aptusfamily #aptustrueplantscience #inbalancewithnature #trueplantscience #dogdoctorofficial #growerslove
 With true love comes happiness , Always believe in your self and always do things expecting nothing and with an open heart , be a giver and the universe will give back to you in ways you could not even imagine so ! Friendly reminder all you see here is pure research and for educational purposes only Growers Love To you All Discount Codes : @thecannakan DOGDOCTOR 15% off @theneutralizer PORKIT5-DOG 15% off @kannabiaglobal DOGDOCTOR 30% off @seedsmangenetics DOGDOCTOR 10%off @terpyz.mutant.genetics DOCTOR 15% off Have a fantastic week!
Week 3 update, everything's shot up in growth and looking very healthy. Vanilla Creme Fraiche is looking very healthy she has 7 finger leavers with a nice amount of stretch between each node the explosion of growth is a joy to see. Tropical Creme Fraiche has shocked me she's the biggest plant in the tent and showing no signs of slowing down, she grew some 9 finger leaves and has a nice green to her. Grape Agate is looking great with 7 finger leaves last week she was the smallest plant but now she's catching up in size and looking very happy. Exotic OZ has a slight odor already of gas undertones and has 7 finger leaves. All the plants are on a very nice track and very close in height at this point, I will top the plants this week to try to create a wider canopy and promote more upwards growth. I plan to defoliate lower growth once the plants recover from topping, I am very excited to start training these plants. A few notes on the conditions this week, the average dew point was 68.4 degrees F and the VPD was averaging at 1.30kPa, I am pretty happy with these conditions and will try to maintain them. I’m happy to share this grow journey with you all, peace, love & happy growing.
And here we are ready with another flash strain from the Zamnesia Seeds family: Wurlz F1 Hybrid. Ready in 63 days, it was already ready the day I picked the Watermelons but sometimes choices have to be made during the harvest phase. Our two Wurlz immediately show the kinship with the just harvested Watermelon Candy, the shape of the flower, the way of flowering are really very similar, the Wurlz are similar to each other but a little smaller than the Watermelon which were two huge beasts. Here we are around 70 cm but nice full especially one but they are really similar, ripe, full of resin, another really effective strain. The consistency of the flower is really interesting, ladies and gentlemen these flowers were composed in a very short time it seems incredible but that's how it is and the quality is all there, absolutely all of it and to tell the truth something more than average is evident. However you judge with your own eyes, I am just a humble servant of this divinity called Cannabis and I am here to try what good Zamnesia produces and to test its characteristics, come with us and you will taste the light of paradise. Oh the light of paradise my friends... Plant one and two are really very similar, one more productive, one slightly more mature but both came out on the same day, I'm in a tropical area and we're at 40 degrees in the grow, the plants are flying outside around here now, but I unfortunately nothing for now. We will have the video and smoking review very soon. The feeding this time is totally from Plagron, we used the Organic line as we like it with the additives Power Buds, Sugar Royal and the now legendary Green Sensation. In my opinion if I drink it I will become superman, but I won't try it :) Even the soil is Plagron the very simple and cheap Lightmix: my friends reproach me for choosing organic fertilizers but the soil pre-fertilised with a bit of mineral. The little there is the plant absorbs in the vegetative phase and when it goes into flowering the plant eats only organic, it seems cheap and functional to me but I want to try coconut especially the new Plagron product and the associated fertilizers. Feeding is by Plagron with the Power Buds - Sugar Royal - Green Sensation + Alga Bloom combo that drives me crazy https://plagron.com Strong, fast as the wind, stable as promised by Zammi. https://www.zamnesia.io/it/10669-zamnesia-seeds-wurlz-f1-automatic.html The lights are from Viparspectra p2000 and provide super light www.viparspectra.com/ Tent & Air www.secretjardin.com Music of the week www.radionula.com +++ 432 hz frequencies to keep in line my Girls to Gaia. Site Description ZAMNESIA SEEDS - WURLZ F1 HYBRID AUTOMATIC: EFFECTS TO LEAVE YOUR HEAD IN A WHIRL! As the end product of combining Runtz with Watermelon Candy, Wurlz F1 hybrid Automatic showcases a reliable, uniform, and, above all, easy growing experience. The resulting buds offer mind-blowing flavors and soothing effects, making Wurlz F1 Automatic more than worthy of being on your radar. GROWING WURLZ F1 HYBRID AUTOMATIC As an autoflowering strain, it takes just 9–10 weeks for Wurlz F1 Automatic to move from germination to harvest. Fortunately, there's very little required other than a bit of maintenance along the way. This is partly due to the F1 genetics that make this strain robust and uniform, resulting in plants that reach a similar height and provide a similar (large) yield. Moreover, Wurlz F1 Automatic is highly resistant to disease, pests, and other ailments. Reaching heights of about 65–80cm, Wurlz F1 Automatic is not an overbearing plant and can fit into smaller spaces with zero fuss. Once ready to yield, growers have the potential to see a return in the region of 450–500g/m² indoors and 50–150g/plant outdoors. AROMAS, FLAVORS, AND EFFECTS OF WURLZ F1 HYBRID AUTOMATIC After Wurlz F1 Hybrid Automatic wows you with its easygoing growing experience, the best is yet to come: the smoke test. Teeming with terpenes, this cultivar offers a fruity and candy-like flavor tinged with just a little bit of pine for good measure. In terms of effects, Wurlz F1 Automatic is bolstered by 24% THC and a finely tuned array of cannabinoids, making for a soothing, physically relaxing, and, in larger amounts, couch-locking high. So settle in with some of your favorite friends, snacks, and movies; this is relaxation at its finest. www.zamnesia.io Sorry guys too much photo but I love this matter so much smile fast if im boring. I love cannabis and cannot stop shoot especially in macro time.