Significant change this week with the light schedule from 18/6 to 12/12. She has developed nicely with her canopy growth. The N13 has plenty of auxiliary shoots sprouted at every angle her stem is robust and she stands at 53cm. From here on she will receive phd balanced water with amino acids as requntil week five!
Hello growmies 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾🌲🌲, 👋 Girls still beautiful, the end is arrived 🏁🏁, Keep flushing Neighbors said stop to the party, Trichromes should be ready, smeel is so so strong 😱😱😱😱 💧 Give water each 2/3 day 2 l Water + Flash Cleaner (3 ml/l) PH @6 💡Mars Hydro - FC 3000 50% 28 cm Mars Hydro Fan kit Setting 9 Have a good week and see you next week 👋 Thanks community for follow, likes, comments, always a pleasure 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾❤️🌲 Mars Hydro - Smart FC3000 300W Samsung LM301B LED Grow Light💡💡 https://www.mars-hydro.com/fc-3000-samsung-lm301b-led-grow-light Mars Hydro - 6 Inch Inline Fan And Carbon Filter Combo With Thermostat Controller 💨💨 https://www.mars-hydro.com/6-inch-inline-duct-fan-and-carbon-filter-combo-with-thermostat-controller Anesia Seeds - High Mars 36% THC🌲🌲 https://anesiaseeds.com/product/high-mars/
Week 16 (Harvest) 30-1 First day of darkness. Temperature: 27.9 degrees (lights on) 18.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 65% (highest) 48% (lowest) 31-1 Second day of darkness. Temperature: 24.5 degrees (lights on) 19.5 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 65% (highest) 50% (lowest) 1-2 Drying day 1 The Saparot is ready to be harvested! Before chopping her down, i took a lot of pictures. I was able to remove most of the soil to see the rootball. I hang plant as a whole to have a slow dry. The exhaust fan is on setting 4. 2-2 Drying day 2 Temperature: 19.1 to 17.5 degrees Humidity: 62% to 57% I changed the exhaust fan to setting 2 because setting 4 was a bit high in my opinion. 3-2 Drying day 3 Temperature: 19.9 to 18 degrees Humidity: 62% to 59% I changed the exhaust fan to setting 1, as someone told me that it was enough air movement for drying. 4-2 Drying day 4 Temperature: 19.8 to 18.5 degrees Humidity: 62% to 59% 5-2 Drying day 5 Temperature: 19.9 to 18.8 degrees Humidity: 62% to 59% Today i checked on the drying plants and the buds are shrinking a bit, they are getting a little bit crispy on the outside aswell, I hope they wont dry as fast, and i aim for a 12/14 day dry. Cant find the temps for 6-2 to 2-13. I do have a video when she was at the half of the dry process. 14-2 Trim day, yay! She was easy to trim, the buds are nice and dense, and there was not a too high bud/leaf ratio! She dried for 14 days. End results: Dried buds: 81 Grams. Dried Trim: 18.5 Grams. I am really surprised how good these genetics are! If you like CBD, i really suggest trying JYM Seeds out! The Saparot smells very fruity almost like a fruity coctail. The buds are super dense, and very bag appealing. After some months of curing the sweet fruity smell changed to a more sour smell, but still smells amazing! To be honest, i cured her a bit poorly, burped too less, and because the buds are so compact she holds moisture better then normal, so she tastes harsh, but thats on me. I have a pack of JYM's Sour Fruit aswell, so i will for sure try it out again! And my hope is already very high :D Thanks for following my diary, and feel free to check my others out aswell! See you at the next one!
Some high-stress training was required. Fartbutt (the plant on the right) outgrew the container again, so I intentionally snapped the top to prevent further upward growth (I left it attached so it could still form a central cola.
Questa bella ragazza, ci ha lasciato letteralmente a bocca aperta. Dopo un piccolo problema durante le prime settimane di vita (foglie che presentavano punte ad artiglio verso il basso), la BISCOTTI 🍪, ha saputo riprendersi velocemente producendo dei buds gonfi e grossi! La cima principale era talmente grande che al suo interno ho trovato un pochino di principio di marciume, prontamente rimosso. Molto forte il suo odore durante l'essicazione.
Hello growmies 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾🌲🌲, 👋 Here we go, it's the end 🏁🏁, eep flushing, Go to harvest, didn't really check the trichromes, I need to harvest now, start to be impossible with the smeel, several neighbors complain to me.. 💧 Give water each 2/3 day 2 l Water + Flash Cleaner (3 ml/l) PH @6 💡Mars Hydro - FC 3000 50% 28 cm Mars Hydro Fan kit Setting 9 Have a good week and see you next week for the harvest ✂️✂️👋 Thanks community for follow, likes, comments, always a pleasure 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾❤️🌲 Mars Hydro - Smart FC3000 300W Samsung LM301B LED Grow Light💡💡 https://www.mars-hydro.com/fc-3000-samsung-lm301b-led-grow-light Mars Hydro - 6 Inch Inline Fan And Carbon Filter Combo With Thermostat Controller 💨💨 https://www.mars-hydro.com/6-inch-inline-duct-fan-and-carbon-filter-combo-with-thermostat-controller Anesia Seeds - High Mars 36% THC🌲🌲 https://anesiaseeds.com/product/high-mars/
*UPDATE 04/21* Full Biobizz schedule 8th week fertigation for OG Kush Lower leaves gradually come to a chlorotic state due to N movement to the top. An expected outcome due to no N administration since weeks. *UPDATE 03/24* Irrigations for Amnesia Haze @1.8 lts of cal mag treated RODI water @0.3EC pH 6.5 *UPDATE 04/24* Pics uploaded since a long time ago. The Amnesia is already at peak blooming, rather short and to the highest limit of nutrient uptake with significant clawing and dark foliage with nothing else going wrong whatsoever. Nutrient burn is virtually non existent but the plant is clearly in its limits and anything more than that should bring it to halt and burn. Orgatrex is the culprit here. It took some more than needed and it cope rather good:) Testing for this strain has concluded, same goes for the OG Kush which bulks up rather slow. Nutrient administration for both them plants is over from now on. The young one is half a week old. And it ll take the place of one of them along with a BCN Critical from seed stockers.
Hallo zusammen 🤙. Das war es für sie. Die Buds sind steinhart und der Geruch ist einfach Hammer. Sie riecht süß aber auch sauer irgendwie. Kann man schlecht beschreiben muss man einfach riechen. Wir sehen uns in 3 Woche mit dem Erntebericht. 🤙🤙🤙 Sie erhalten 25 Prozent Rabatt in unserem Shop Mindestbestellwert beträgt 75 Euro https://greenbuzzliquids.com/en/shop/ Code: GD42025
April 23 Fading leaves and turning purple. I'm making sure to do my due diligence in removing all dead leaves between the buds as they die, so that I'm not having dead leaves stuck in the bud as it dries. Trichomes aren't quite where I want them yet. The ones nearest the light are orange, but not much orange is anywhere else.
Well that was a special day, it always make me sad in a way, but this time, I enjoyed the moment a lot. As I wrote in a reply to a comment, things can always be better, and they are with good decisions at the right time. This is the middle plant, not planned for this cycle but one of the 3 Tropicana didn't germinate so I took the Gorrilla Girl I had left from the last cycle, and I'm quite thankful for that! It's so nice to have these geneti contrasts, colors, aromas, shapes. Many thanks for all the help you gave, precious. 19/04/2024 lower popcorn buds seems dried already! But still branches don't crack on bends. Will check again on Monday.
Harvested on day 94 / flowering 61 21 Grams of buds after manicure and drying. ------------------------------------------------------------ 🎪Harvest report in my 1M² box with 16 plants (5 strains): Total 291 grams of dry, manicured buds. I set myself a goal of at least 300 grams. So I'm not entirely satisfied on this point. I think in the next grow I will use other techniques , like LST, topping and larger pots to try to improve my yield!✌️☮️ ------------------------------------------------------------ 🔥❄️Drying : In my 1M² box 8 Days in the dark Temperature : 14-18°C Humidity : 50-75% Extractor+ carbon filter ON 24/24h ------------------------------------------------------------ 📜Links : 🌱Zamnesia Gelato seeds : https://www.zamnesia.fr/5671-zamnesia-seeds-gelato-feminisee.html Food for your plants 🔥🔥👍 https://www.greenhousefeeding.com/ 👨‍🚀My Instagram 🌱❤️️: https://www.instagram.com/hou_stone420/ --------------------------------- ☮️Thanks for your visit ! 💚☮️
En primer lugar agradecer a TrolMaster el equipo Tent-X. Ha llevado el control de los parametros ambientales de mi armario a otro nivel Me ha permitido ajustar los niveles de extracción según necesidad, y gestionar picos de temperatura y humedad que de otra forma no hubiese sido posible, ya que te envia una notificación a la app de tu Smartphone cuando se sale de los rangos que tú mismo puedes definir! Además tener graficos diarios, semanales y mensuales de los parametros de temperatura, humedad y VPD es una maravilla para hacer seguimiento y seguir mejorando! Y por ultimo nombrar la tabla / grafico de VPD que te permite saber en que rango estás Un equipo muy recomendable! -------------------------------------------- Día 90 (15/04) Wedding Cheesecake FF tiene una densidad y un olor queso con galletas delicioso! Día 91 (16/04) Riego 0,5 Litro H20 sin nutrientes. TDS 225 PPMs - pH 6,6 Día 92 (17/04) Estas plantas están muy sedientas en la fase final! Riego 1 Litro H20 sin nutrientes. TDS 225 PPMs - pH 6,6 Día 93 (18/04) El olor empieza a se tan intenso que sale a través del armario a pesar de tener un potente filtro de carbono 😍😍😍 Día 94 (19/04) Mañana la cosecha! Ultimo riego con 0,5 Litro H20 sin nutrientes. TDS 225 PPMs - pH 6,6 Día 95 (20/04) Fiesta de la cosecha! 💪 🚀 🎉 😍💥💨😁 💦Nutrients by Gen1:11 - www.genoneeleven.com 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE - www.pthorticulture.com/en/products/pro-mix-hp-biostimulant-plus-mycorrhizae 🎚️Controlled by TrolMaster TCS-1 Tent-X System Main Controller - https://www.trolmaster.com/Products/Details/TCS-1 ----------------------------------------------- Cosecha Reporte de Peso húmedo & Peso Seco de Wedding Cheesecake FF by FastBuds ⚖️ Total peso húmedo 310 gramos ⚖️ Total peso seco TBD 💦Pérdida de H2O durante el proceso de secado TBD 🎨Colores Los colores han sido muy bonitos, con un color verde vibrante que en la fase tardía de floración ha sacado colores morados en las puntas de los cogollos 👃Olores 💐Floración Fuerte olor a queso (de ese que huele a pies), base de tarta hecha con galletas y mantequilla y toque de frutos rojos del bosque (fresas, frambuesas...) 🏜️ Secado TBD 🍗 Curado TBD 🍽️Sabor A definir cuando esté bien curada en el reporte de humo Variedad 💪Resistencia Una planta resistente aunque no ha soportado el peso final de los cogollos doblando sus ramas. Necesita de soporte (cañas de bambú o similar) o red SCROG 🏋️‍♂️Entrenamiento: Se ha adaptado bien al LST realizado. 🌱Vegetativo: Un vegetativo de crecimiento con tipica estructura indica con una gran porra central 💐 Floración: Un paso a floración rápido (5 días desde 12/12), un strecht más contenido que sus compañeras de armario por ser un fenotipo más del lado indica, destacando una gran porra central y unos satelites igualmente densos Genetica: El resumen sería un perfil terpenico impresionante por la mezcla definida antes y unos cogollos muy gordos y densos con este fenotipo indica. 👨‍⚖️Conclusión: Una cepa muy muy recomendable! A ver cuando se seque y se cure con que sabores nos sorprende!