This plant was left in the corner and never had too much attention the toot system was not so good But! It’s very nice and dense with a potent smell of lime can’t wait to try. For sure Dutch passion is one of the best breeders I’ve used .. happy growing
The 3rd and final girl has been trimmed, weighed and placed into curing jars! She added another 78grams making the total come to 219grams! I'm fairly happy with the result of my first grow! Id like to thank the community here on growdiaries. Without the hours I've spent looking through diaries, getting ideas, and learning, I've found this site invaluable! I hope my fellow growers keep on taking pics and sharing their experiences! Being my first grow and having to deal with manitoba flood humidity during late flower i believe i ended up with a decent harvest sitting in my jars. I really look forward to growing another photo strain in the future and perfecting my results but I think I'll be doing a run of autos first so I'll be back 😎😎 Post cure edit: These frosty buds matured into a dream to smoke. They really kick your ass and leave you breathless in a nice indica daze. Would not recommend for medical use for anyone with lung issues or super old smokers... but if you got some young lungs and wanna get fucked up, some good old OG kush will get it done boy! Happy growing if you check this strain out! I really would like to thank Quebec Cannabis Seeds for giving out such quality freebie photo seeds. All germed, all were female! Hope you have the same luck!
Started off by just seeing if I could get the seed to grow . As the process came along I felling love with growing. Now I want to learn more and try new ways to grow
Nach langer Zeit ist es endlich soweit, ich habe sie geerntet. Bei dieser Pflanze habe ich mich dafür entschieden sie gegen den natürlichen Lebenszyklus outdoor eher zum Blühen zu bringen. Ich pflanzte sie in einen Hanffasersack den ich mit Erde auffüllte. Diesen platzierte ich auf einer Schubkarre. Wo ich wohne wird es manchmal schon im Oktober sehr kalt, sodass die Wahrscheinlichkeit für eine sichere Ernte realtiv gering ist (at this point i hope the best for my other outdoor plants). Ich rechnete mir aus wann der perfekte Zeitpunkt zur Ernte ist um noch im Sommer das Resultat genießen zu können. Ab diesem Zeitpunkt fuhr ich die Schubkarre jeden morgen um 8 Uhr nach draußen und um 18 Uhr wieder nach drinnen um optimale 12 Stunden Lichtzufuhr zu gewährleisten. Während den letzten Wochen der Blüte sind ein paar männliche Blüten aufgetaucht wie auch bei meinem indoor grow. Für einige war der Zeitpunkt der Ernte vielleicht zu früh, aber ich finde es so sehr angenehm zu rauchen und auch der Effekt ist in diesem Stadium optimal für mich. Die einzige Methode die ich hier verwendete ist das Pruning. Es erspart dir einen Menge Zeit beim beschneiden der Blüten und lenkt die Kraft auf die verbleibenden Blüten, um diese zu stärken. Nachdem ich bei meinem letzten outdoor grow viel zeit beim trimming verbracht habe, habe ich mir eine Erntemaschine gekauft (look at the video). Mit dem Ergebnis der Maschine bin ich zufrieden, da ich es per Hand in der gleichen Zeit unmöglich in der Qualität geschafft hätte. Die Blüten wurden ungefähr 2 Wochen bei guter Durchlüftung getrocknet, um am Ende wurden es 255g. Für mich persöhnlich ist es ein sehr gutes Ergebnis. Die Blüten sind schön fest und klebrig mit einem sehr süßlichen Geruch. Ich habe versucht ein paar schöne Fotos zu machen und habe meine Kreativität spielen lassen (my wife also got a great idea, you can guess which idea was mine ;D) If you have any questions feel free to ask. Im also open for criticism I hope you enjoy the pictures and the report stay safe and happy growing. ____ i will update the smoke report soon.
Hey Friends, end of week 13 from seed Buds are getting thicker Smell is getting stronger Bud structure is looking amazing, so far its been an amazing experience seeing this plant grow. I am watering every 3-4 days 1 full gallon of water mixed with nutrients. Leaves are green, looking healthy Trichomes are 98% cloudy 2% amber This week I had a tough time trying to maintain a steady humidity level, its been raining outside lately so humidity level goes up. QUESTIONS When should I begin flushing?
Update14/09/20 - Most of the girls afe growing nicely. 1 of the blueberry's is challenged (Pictured left). From sprouting there were a few mutations to early leaves. 1 leaf began to twirl as though re-vegging, branches were very short and growth very slow. All other plants growing nicely. Ph 6.0 Humidity 50% Co2 Water temp 22c Day temp 24c Night 18c. With the Blueberry, I decded to top at the 4th node. Branches were small or really almost non-existent. I also gave it the 'Kyle Kushman' Chiropractic proceedure, by firmly squeezing the branches (similar to super cropping although no bending just popping inside of branches, as branches are way to small to properly Kyle Kushman so I tried it this way) to hopefully form knuckles and push energy up into the lower branches, and together with the topping will hopefully prove a great idea and really bush out the bottom branches and strength the over all plant. I am aware that this may push the plant into flower, although going by my previous grow (2nd Grow diary) my Auto Blueberry has been slowed in growth by 2 weeks by topping and lollipopping in mid veg, so either way it's OK which way it goes "Flower or slowed growth. As long as the plant can have an opportunity to grow at it's full potential. I know this type will give the plant the right direction to place its energy to grow properly. (The plant needs help) 14/09/20 - Defoliated and light LST bending branches out lightly. 16/09/20 - White widows, Blueberry OG & Brooklyn Sunrise have begun to show signs of sex, exactly 5 weeks + 3 days (Day 38) from Seed for the Glueberry, 1 x White Widow & Brooklyn Sunrise. 2 x Blueberry & 1 x White Widow is exactly 1 week behind 4 weeks & 3 days (Day 31) Continued with LST with bending only for training. Blueberry that was topped is progressing nicely although still very stunted. I'm OK with that as all others are growing nicely. * The structure of nodes etc on White Widow, Glueberry, Brooklyn Sunrise & the Blueberry left untouched is awesome! Works well for LST. These WW, BS strains in Kratsky are really bushing out with branching & leaves everywhere, as opposed to the Glueberry & Blueberry is well structured with the perfect amount of branching to leaves, with very little LST *
Update 14/09/20 - All systems ahead at this stage. Plants are drinking approximately 2.5 litres per day and reservoir is constantly filled and Ph checked daily. Ph average 6.1 Humidity 50% Day Temp 28c Night 20c Seems to be Approximately 3 weeks left on Colorado Cookie & one of the mixed bag as well or may be slightly ahead, by possibly a few days. Time schedule looks as though 1 of the mixed bags 1st, then Colorado Cookie, 3rd Second mixed bag (lightly topped) then may a week or 2 will be the Blueberry. The next weeks 4 weeks are exciting!!! I'm excited to see how much more they fill out from this point! They may exceed my expectations!! 14/09/20 - I increased the nutrients slightly as the Blueberry was a little light green as opposed to all other plants that have that have lush green into flowering as well as a little extra flower boost to try to fatten up the buds. 5 mls extra of Flower Booster 25 mls per 10 ltrs. 16/09/20 - Realised that Mixed bag x 2 & Colorado Cookie only have approximately 3 - 4 weeks, so I decided to begin to reduce the nutrients instead on the 3 girls. Blueberry is at least 2 weeks behind so I have continued to feed her 1/4 nutrients and 20mls bloom per 10 ltrs. Did another defoliation on the Blueberry and this will be the last time for her until later in flower. very light defoliation of bud sites to Mixed bag x 2 & Colorado Cookie. * The Colorado Cookie has a magnificient fragrance, the Mixed bag as I'm not sure what they are they do have a Citrus fragrance. Trichomes have begun and are still clear An eye must be kept on Trichomes from here * 17/09/20 - Systems are good and everything moving along nicely.
Hard hitting high and easy grow, super resistant to neglect and recovery from nutrient burn was fast
Chopped on Day 70 (September 6th, 2020) 9/6/20: Hung her to dry after taking off most of her fan leaves. I decided to hang the whole plant this time around to see if it helps my dry quality. Will update with pictures soon. 9/12/20: Trimmed her up today after feeling that the nugs were crispy and dry. First couple days of dry we were experiencing a bit of a heat wave and high humidity levels (fluctuating from 60-75%). During the final days of drying we had rain and then it cooled off and dried out lowering my rh in the tent to around 50%. That crisped the nugs right up in 2 days and I decided it was time to pull her out and trim her up. The nugs were so incredibly sticky and smelled of chem. They are really dense despite their look especially the main cola nugs. Still smelling a bit like hay but I'm confident that the curing process will take care of that. I am curing with Boveda 58% rh packs in each jar and a hydrometer as well. Not going to test a nug until at least a week or two of curing or until I run out of Sour Crack lol. Will update with a smoke report. 9/28/20: So it's been just over 2 weeks of curing so far. When I first put the nugs in the jar, I was worried they were a bit too dry/crispy for what I was hoping for, but after 2 weeks of curing the nugs aren't as crackly sounding in my hands. I cured with Boveda 58% rh packs and mason jars as seen in the pictures. **SMOKE REPORT** 9/28/20 - 2 weeks of curing: The smell of this strain is a really unique one, or maybe the pheno that I got is. It smells fruity for sure but it has this gas smell to it that almost smells chemical but in a good way. I marked down tropical above because the combo of pungent fruit almost brings out a sweet cocktail aroma. After really thinking about it, I've never smelled weed with a scent quite like this one! The smoke was smooth in my freshly cleaned bong and I'm decently high. I feel pretty tired but I'm ready to do something like game or make music. I don't feel hungry (yet) but my throat is begging for a drink. I'm happy that I have now smoked my own home grown weed twice!
Hola jardineros Ya queda muy poco para poder cortar a las preciosas plantas Que ganas de catarlas Ya está la limpieza de raíces lista y solo queda esperar una semanita más
Jardineros una semana más dándole al lío! Ya queda poco para cortar Todas las plantas tienen su limpieza de raíz y están listas para que las pongamos a secar
Una semana más con las preciosas plantas que ya están a dos semanas como mucho para ser cortadas No os imagináis las ganas que tengo de probarla Mi sino en toda la cosecha ha sido la maldita araña roja; pero hemos ganado 🤣🤤😘
Una semana más jardineros💚💚💚💚 Pues aquí la tenemos; aguantando la plaga de arañas y siendo fuertes a las inclemencias del tiempo. Ya les queda poco y ya les hice el lavado de raíces
I started out cutting off the big fan leaves and after an hour or so, I began to remember it took me 7-8 hours per plant just chopping and cutting large fan leaves... So! I thought to myself, “fuck this shit”.... I continued cut/hanging with no fan leaf trim, 1st plant took 2.5 hours and second plant 2 hours. Laziness is bliss. I will add “harvest week”, and numbers after 7-day dry period.
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Clonex · Growth Technology
Calcium Nitrate ·
Monopotassium Phosphate ·
Potassium Nitrate ·
Potassium Sulphate ·
Trace Elements ·
Magnesium Sulphate ·
Hydrogen Peroxide ·
Regenaroot · CX-Horticulture
Calcium Nitrate ·
Monopotassium Phosphate ·
Potassium Nitrate ·
Potassium Sulphate ·
Trace Elements ·
Magnesium Sulphate ·
Hydrogen Peroxide ·
Calcium Nitrate ·
Monopotassium Phosphate ·
Potassium Nitrate ·
Potassium Sulphate ·
Trace Elements ·
Magnesium Sulphate ·
Hydrogen Peroxide ·
Growth Enhancer · CX-Horticulture
Hydro A · CX-Horticulture
Hydro B · CX-Horticulture
Armor Si · Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic · Terra Aquatica
Calcium Nitrate ·
Monopotassium Phosphate ·
Potassium Nitrate ·
Potassium Sulphate ·
Trace Elements ·
Magnesium Sulphate ·
Hydrogen Peroxide ·
Calcium Nitrate ·
Monopotassium Phosphate ·
Potassium Nitrate ·
Potassium Sulphate ·
Trace Elements ·
Magnesium Sulphate ·
Hydrogen Peroxide ·
Calcium Nitrate ·
Monopotassium Phosphate ·
Potassium Nitrate ·
Potassium Sulphate ·
Trace Elements ·
Magnesium Sulphate ·
Hydrogen Peroxide ·
Calcium Nitrate ·
Monopotassium Phosphate ·
Potassium Nitrate ·
Potassium Sulphate ·
Trace Elements ·
Magnesium Sulphate ·
Hydrogen Peroxide ·
Calcium Nitrate ·
Monopotassium Phosphate ·
Potassium Nitrate ·
Potassium Sulphate ·
Trace Elements ·
Magnesium Sulphate ·
Hydrogen Peroxide ·
Calcium Nitrate ·
Monopotassium Phosphate ·
Potassium Nitrate ·
Potassium Sulphate ·
Trace Elements ·
Magnesium Sulphate ·
Hydrogen Peroxide ·
Calcium Nitrate ·
Monopotassium Phosphate ·
Potassium Nitrate ·
Potassium Sulphate ·
Trace Elements ·
Magnesium Sulphate ·
Hydrogen Peroxide ·
Calcium Nitrate ·
Monopotassium Phosphate ·
Potassium Nitrate ·
Potassium Sulphate ·
Trace Elements ·
Magnesium Sulphate ·
Hydrogen Peroxide ·
Calcium Nitrate ·
Monopotassium Phosphate ·
Potassium Nitrate ·
Potassium Sulphate ·
Trace Elements ·
Magnesium Sulphate ·
Hydrogen Peroxide ·
Calcium Nitrate ·
Monopotassium Phosphate ·
Potassium Nitrate ·
Potassium Sulphate ·
Trace Elements ·
Magnesium Sulphate ·
Hydrogen Peroxide ·
Calcium Nitrate ·
Monopotassium Phosphate ·
Potassium Nitrate ·
Potassium Sulphate ·
Trace Elements ·
Magnesium Sulphate ·
Hydrogen Peroxide ·
5-12-26 Hydroponic · J.R. Peters, Inc.
Calcium Nitrate ·
Monopotassium Phosphate ·
Potassium Nitrate ·
Potassium Sulphate ·
Trace Elements ·
Magnesium Sulphate ·
Hydrogen Peroxide ·
Calcium Nitrate ·
Monopotassium Phosphate ·
Potassium Nitrate ·
Potassium Sulphate ·
Trace Elements ·
Magnesium Sulphate ·
Hydrogen Peroxide ·
Calcium Nitrate ·
Monopotassium Phosphate ·
Potassium Nitrate ·
Potassium Sulphate ·
Trace Elements ·
Magnesium Sulphate ·
Hydrogen Peroxide ·
Calcium Nitrate ·
Monopotassium Phosphate ·
Potassium Nitrate ·
Potassium Sulphate ·
Trace Elements ·
Magnesium Sulphate ·
Hydrogen Peroxide ·
Calcium Nitrate ·
Monopotassium Phosphate ·
Potassium Nitrate ·
Potassium Sulphate ·
Trace Elements ·
Magnesium Sulphate ·
Hydrogen Peroxide ·
Calcium Nitrate ·
Monopotassium Phosphate ·
Potassium Nitrate ·
Potassium Sulphate ·
Trace Elements ·
Magnesium Sulphate ·
Hydrogen Peroxide ·