Hola jardineros Ya queda muy poco para poder cortar a las preciosas plantas Que ganas de catarlas Ya está la limpieza de raíces lista y solo queda esperar una semanita más
Nach dem Ich eine Woche mit Canna Flush und Osmose Wasser gespühlt hatte , habe ich Ihr kein Wasser mehr gegeben bis alle Blüten nach unten gehangen haben.. Da die Temperatur gerade recht hoch ist , habe ich die komplette Pflanze einfach aufgehängt, damit die Luftfeuchte langsamer entweichen kann.. Hatte diese Pflanze sozusagen als Test um zu sehen wie eine Automatik so wächst.. Hatte anfangs die ersten 4 Wochen auch nur eine 25 watt Lampe , dann 3 wochen lang 8 stunden 25 watt und dann 10 stunden 60 WattWatt und letzte 2 wochen 120 Watt , aber auch gedimmt auf 70 % Verbrauch Stromkosten 30 Tage 25 Watt 18 Stunden - 13,5 Kw 21 Tage 25 Watt 8 Stunden - 4,2 Kw 21 Tage 60 Watt 8 Stunden - 12,6 Kw 14 Tage 70 Watt 18 Stunden - 17,64 Kw Durchschnittlich mit Daylight zyklus 70 Tage lüfter 5 Watt 24 Stunden-8,5 Kw 70 Tage Abluft 15 Watt 24 Stunden- 25 Kw Verbrauch zusammen für den Grow ist 81,44 Kw Bei einen Kwh preis von 0,37 cent sind das insgesammt ausgaben von knapp 30 euros Und das Hydro system war nur ein 2 Liter kanister mit einen Aquarium Sprudelstein.
And we have arrived at the end, the last lady branded Zamnesia F1 Hybrid has been harvested, she is probably the most beautiful and largest of all and her name is Pineapple Express F1 Hybrid Auto. I talked about the harvest of the smallest plant last week if you want to go and see the second one go to week 8. As for this one it is definitely the tallest plant, I still have to weigh the dry buds, but it certainly seems to be the most productive plant, there is really a lot of weed in the dry room. Lots of weed in a short time guys don't overlook this factor, I know especially new growers love autoflowering plants like crazy and have also specialized in growing them: you can certainly see the advantage of finishing in 8-9 weeks instead of 12. 2 more harvests per year do the math guys that's a lot of more weed. Lovers of topping on autoflowering plants, an experimental practice for me on these plants and only recommended on strains that respond well and quickly, will be able to finish the plants in reasonable times without stretching out as if they had grown photoperiodic plants. Guys, if you have to do topping on autoflowering plants, either grow very fast F1 Hybrids or switch to photoperiodic plants, we have excellent strains. It makes no sense to harvest autoflowering plants at week 16, with F1 Hybrids even if you do topping you get to 12. Of course, if you need speed and want to do topping, the advice is to choose those that the breeder indicates as the fastest. Our Pineapple Express is burning with resin and very productive, see for yourself, James Franco and Seth Rogen would be proud of us. The main cola has a wonderful shark fin formation that drives me crazy, I photographed it from different angles but when I see the shark fin I become a schoolgirl. The level of ripeness is medium, halfway through the harvest window we have some amber trichomes, many milky ones but also something transparent still, I could have kept it a little longer but as I said several times: I don't like super ripe plants, the pistils were super ripe so for me it's a symptom of mold lurking, in the growbox now there are 40 degrees.... The heat is not a friend of the quality of the buds and resin. So speed also helps us escape the arrival of the most hostile climates. Really a lot of grass in a short time and I fill the jars and have good times. SUmmer and autumn are assured, see you for the super harvests of October-November the best of the year. Strong, fast, stable as promised by Zammi. Feeding is by Plagron with the Power Buds - Sugar Royal - Green Sensation + Alga Bloom combo that drives me crazy The lights are from Viparspectra p2000 and provide super light Tent & Air Music of the week +++ 432 hz frequencies to keep in line my Girls to Gaia. Site Description ZAMNESIA SEEDS - PINEAPPLE EXPRESS F1 HYBRID AUTOMATIC: FRUITY FLAVORS AND ENERGETIC EFFECTS Combining Trainwreck with Hawaiian, Pineapple Express F1 Hybrid Automatic brings a beloved strain to new heights. This autoflowering F1 hybrid cultivar ensures exceptional uniformity, reliability, and stability, making it well-suited to growers of all experience levels. If you haven't checked out the Pineapple Express F1 hybrid Automatic for yourself just yet, now is the time. GROWING PINEAPPLE EXPRESS F1 HYBRID AUTOMATIC It takes 8–9 weeks from germination before Pineapple Express F1 hybrid Automatic is ready to harvest. Thankfully, very little effort is required throughout the growing process, aside from a bit of maintenance, to ensure large, high-quality harvests. Thanks to its F1 genetics, Pineapple Express F1 Automatic offers superb resilience and uniformity, meaning all plants will have a similar height and appearance, and will churn out comparably large yields. Reaching heights of 50–70cm, Pineapple Express F1 Automatic is not an overbearing plant and can effortlessly slot into any setup. Once ready to yield, growers can expect returns in the region of 400–550g/m² indoors and up to 200g/plant outdoors. AROMAS, FLAVORS, AND EFFECTS OF PINEAPPLE EXPRESS F1 HYBRID AUTOMATIC Just one hit of Pineapple Express F1 hybrid Automatic treats users to a rich assortment of flavors and aromas. This strain offers strong pineapple notes alongside moments of citrus, spice, and pine, making for a mouth-watering blend that's extremely moreish. Bolstered by 21% THC and an array of cannabinoids, Pineapple Express F1 Automatic showcases an energetic and uplifting high that will have you feeling chatty in no time. So if you've been looking for a strain to enjoy with friends, Pineapple Express F1 Automatic might be just the thing. All F1 Hybrids and more and more and more on
Here the girls are on day 43 of flower. Lost track of the diary but had to share these beautiful ladies with you. Terps are a stank dank b.o and a sweet dank out of the 2 Jelly Donutz phenos. Also have 2 Orange Creampop looking fabulous. Good thing the nets up cause they would be falling over. I think they are still stacking on weight. One pheno is turning really purple daily
Ladies are looking good, I’m liking not having to pull tarps to have flower this early…. But the quality isn’t quite there. My dad is flowering gdp auto and runts auto indoors. They are a lot smaller but a lot prettier. I’m sure my temps have been the root of all my problems. Wishing the buds would fill out, they are getting runny and larfy. Well I have a few more seeds for next year but I’m thinking autos are not for me. I have started to see some botryis and have been cutting it out. Mainly seeing mold on the two hermies, but also seen some aphids on one of the hermies I got mad and cut it down! Then I poured gas on the infested bud and burned it…. Growing is not for the faint hearted;)
Con 79 dias lavado de raices a todas. La aparición de botritis ha forzado el lavado a todas ellas para no arriesgarme más. Dejo un histórico del tiempo que han sufrido las Auto desde el dia que pasaron a exterior. Un tiempo generalmente nublado y bastantes dias de lluvia. Es lo que tiene el exterior, se depende muchísimo del tiempo y esta vez ha salido así. Otro año será diferente y saldrá mejor o peor. De la jack tube que sacar parte del apical que se vió afectada por la botritis por lo que la altura seria áproximada.
Really happy to harvest this girl. Made sure I pushed her to the max. Just about 70 days. She was done around 65. 14hrs into pre fower and beyond. I find that with High ppf with less hrs. Makes for much better phenos. Really happy to say. This is SUCH A 100% TOP strain. And it'll be 500% a auto that I'll repeat Mind you I've hardly ever repeated any strains. Except mimosa X orange punch auto and super lemon haze. And a few CBDs. So, if anything that should speak volumes to me saying this is a tip top strain. Going to run her with one of their new autos, apple strudel is meant to have very high terps. All about the taste. And this Apricot Auto from Fastbuds has this in spades.
Eccoci qui... Scusate per il ritardo ma sono stato super impegnato, SIAMO ENTRATI NELLE ULTIME SETTIMANE DI FIORITURA!! Ormai si vede una maturazione costante giorno per giorno ed ha tutte cime come PIETRE, durissime e super colorate!!! Grazie a @KhalifaGenetics e @xpertnutrients per la collab e a tutti per il supporto🔥🌲❤️
Eccoci qui... Scusate il ritardo nella pubblicazione ma sono statoo super impegnato, ora finalmente rimetto in sesto le settimane con questa pubblicazione, MANCA DAVVERO MOLTO MOLTO POCO!! Sono ormai interdetto da STRAIN 1 è davvero WOW non ci sono altre parole!!! Grazie a @KhalifaGenetics e @xpertnutrients per la collab e a tutti per il supporto🔥🌲❤️
Welcome back to our Gary Payton grow diary! As we move into Week 9, our Gary Payton plants are continuing their transition into the flowering phase. However, we've encountered a potential issue that needs immediate attention. Week 9 Highlights: This week, it appears that we might be experiencing a pH issue, something that hasn't been closely monitored while growing on Allmix. The symptoms suggest that nitrogen is locked out, as evidenced by yellowing leaves and stunted growth in certain areas. To address this, we will start pH-ing the feeding solution to ensure it falls within the optimal range for nutrient uptake. Hopefully, this adjustment will resolve the nitrogen deficiency. Other than this issue, the plants are developing as expected and continue to stretch. The first bud sites are becoming visible, indicating the near end of the pre-flower stage. This is an exciting development, as we can now see the beginnings of what will become the mature flowers. Upcoming Plans: We will closely monitor the plants for improvements after adjusting the pH of the feeding solution. It's crucial to ensure that all nutrients, especially nitrogen, are available to the plants as they continue to develop. The TrolMaster-controlled 4x4 tent remains essential for maintaining optimal growing conditions, and regular adjustments will be made to support the plants' needs. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue this journey with our Gary Payton plants and work to resolve the current issues while observing their transition into full flowering. Stay lifted, Salokin