Hello Growmies! As we wrap up our Red Banana Pudding journey, let’s reflect on the final harvest week. This strain, while challenging due to mold issues in phenos 1 and 2, has still managed to produce a commendable yield under controlled conditions, showcasing the efficacy of our cultivation approach. This week marked the end of our grow cycle, culminating in a final wet weight of 1632 grams. The plants were grown under the FC4800, dimmed to 65%, thus utilizing about 108 watts in a space approximately 0.48 square meters. Final Harvest Metrics: Wet Grams per Watt: We achieved an impressive yield of 15.11 grams per watt, highlighting the efficiency of our light setup in energy to yield conversion. Wet Grams per Square Meter: With 3400 grams per square meter, our cultivation space was utilized to its maximum potential, ensuring every square inch contributed to the total yield. Plants per Square Meter: We maintained an optimal density with 6.25 plants per square meter, balancing space and plant health effectively. Wattage per Square Meter: Our energy utilization stood at 225 watts per square meter, indicating a well-managed energy distribution across the growing area. A huge shoutout to Trolmaster for making such an amazing contest happen, and to GD for providing a platform that unites us all. The journey with Red Banana Pudding, despite its challenges, has been incredibly educational and ultimately rewarding, demonstrating the potential of careful strain selection and meticulous grow practices. Stay tuned as we transition our setup for the upcoming Barneys Farm diaries, which promise to bring more excitement and learning to our growing community. Stay Lifted!
Die letzte Woche. Da bereits einige Pflanzen in der vorigen Woche geerntet wurden, ist unsere Zauberkiste nun deutlich leerer als in den letzten Monaten. Ich persönlich werde bei dem Anblick schon fast melancholisch-😢😀 Aber auch mit einem lachendem Auge denn der Geruch und das Aussehen der Buds ist wirklich fantastisch. Wird können es kaum erwarten sie alle nach und nach abzuernten. Warscheinlich werden wir dies auf mehrere Tage verteilen, da wir uns die Arbeit etwas einteilen wollen. Aber wir wollen mal nicht jammern 😝
My first grow was a rollercoster ride of emotions. Hope and worry have taken turns throuout the whole grow. Harvest day has finally come. I'm not so happy about the color of the trichomes. There are still too manny clear trichome heads, but the overall apearance of the plants made me think that maybe the plants are not able to ripen completely. The color of trichomes hasn't changes much in the last 2 weeks. I've been flushing for 3 weeks now, so there shouldnt be much nutrients left in the soil. All the leafs are yellow and rotting. Since I had budrot on Plant #2, I am worried to get more budrot through the rotting leafs. So I decided to harvest now, in order to save what I have grown so far. Yield: Plant #1: 532g (wet with stem) Plant #2: 475g (wet with stem, missing main cola due to budrot) I expect a yield of about 100 g of dried buds.
Afghan Original was developed by crossing several Afghani Indica landraces, so there’s only 100% Afghani cannabis genetics behind it. Potent, sturdy and perfect for novice growers as well as more experienced enthusiasts with bigger demands. A resin production champion it can be conveniently used for hasheesh making! Afghan Original has been probated by hundreds of growers and proven a sturdy, fast growing Indica that yields heavily and can sustain minor mishaps. Afghan Original can be regarded as “the very Afghani cannabis” that any devoted stoner feels obliged to try at least once! Mostly grown out of doors, but Afghan Original works for indoor growing just as brilliantly. Perfect choice for hydroponic/aeroponic setups, green houses and even balconies! Provide at least 18-20 litres for a full-size root system if using soil or substrate. Feel free to make Afghan Original cannabis bushier by using any training techniques such as LST, FIM or topping, ScroG or SoG, mainlining or supercropping. About 35-50% increase in yielding can be expected after training! Resistant to molds. Insect pests are guarded away with aggressive hashy stench – another superpower of Afghan Original! Sometimes plants need supports further into flowering to stay vertical (weighy colas). Outdoor harvesting time is late September – early October.
Heat stress and few other issues. Was away for quite a few days so that hurt a bit. All things considered, she is doing great.
Yummy goodness can't weight to harvest these other plants phenomenal smoke 😋 👌 effects are very medicinal pain relief muscles relaxation creative stoney high nice smooth come down after a slight munchies fest this is one that keeps calling me back to the jar I have about 7 different choices and this jars calling me right now as said phenomenal smoke Fastbuds420 for the Win 🏆
###English below### Die Blüten werden dicker! Sonst, passiert nicht viel; Die ersten Blätter bleichen aus und die Pflanzen zeigen Phosphormangel (lila Stiele und ein paar braune Flecken) und evtl. auch Kaliummangel (gestreckte Blätter). Das vermute ich jedenfalls. Eventuell Mittlerweile betrachte ich die Trichome jeden Tag. Heute konnte ich die ersten Braunen entdecken. Es geht dann doch zu schnell. Heute ist die jüngste Pflanze 7 Wochen alt, die anderen beiden sind 2-3 Tage älter. Quick One benötigt laut Datenblatt 8-10 Wochen. War ich zu sparsam mit dem Dünger? Muss ich in Zukunft mehr auf den PH-Wert achten und evtl auch den EC-Wert ins Spiel bringen? Im Großen und Ganzen bin ich zufrieden mit meinem ersten Grow. Ich freue mich jetzt auf die Endphase (Wie lange wohl noch bis zur Ernte? 1-2 Wochen?) und in meinem Kopf spuken schon jede Menge Ideen für meinen nächsten Grow. Ich freue mich auf eure Anmerkungen. =) ###English### The buds become thicker! Otherwise, not much happens; the first leaves are fading and the plants show phosphorus deficiency (purple stems and a few brown spots) and possibly also potassium deficiency (stretched leaves). At least that's what I suspect. I now look at the trichomes every day. Today I spotted the first brown ones. It's going too fast after all. Today the youngest plant is 7 weeks old, the other two are 2-3 days older. According to the data sheet, Quick One needs 8-10 weeks. Was I too frugal with the fertilizer? Do I need to pay more attention to the pH value in future and possibly also bring the EC value into play? All in all, I'm happy with my first grow. I'm now looking forward to the final phase (how much longer until harvest? 1-2 weeks?) and I already have lots of ideas in my head for my next grow. I look forward to your comments. =) Translated with (free version)
End of week 6; Day 42 So far so good, Frost is setting in on the strawberry Gorilla. The cookies is stretching beyond belief and is about 55in tall from the floor up. The strawberry has stayed shorter and bushier than the cookies. Smell is also coming pretty strong. Happy Growing y'all
W16 (15-5 to 21-5) 15-5 Temperature: 27.4 degrees (lights on) 21.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 58% (highest) 43% (lowest) As its very hot outside i decided to turn down the light's strength to 50% so the temps will not be so high anymore. Opened the reservoir for a couple of minutes. 16-5 Temperature: 26.7 degrees (lights on) 20.5 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 60% (highest) 47% (lowest) Dry weight: Kush #1: 4.9 kg. Kush #2: 5.1 kg. 17-5 Temperature: 26.4 degrees (lights on) 21 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 60% (highest) 51% (lowest) No pictures. 18-5 Temperature: 26.7 degrees (lights on) 22.6 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 56% (highest) 43% (lowest) No pictures. Dry weight: Kush #1: 4.3 kg. Kush #2: 4.6 kg. 19-5 Temperature: 27.5 degrees (lights on) 19.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 59% (highest) 42% (lowest) No pictures. Opened the reservoir for a couple of minutes. 20-5 Temperature: 27.8 degrees (lights on) 21.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 58% (highest) 44% (lowest) No pictures. 21-5 Temperature: 27.4 degrees (lights on) 21.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 58% (highest) 47% (lowest) Dry weight: Kush #1: 4.5 kg. Kush #2: 4.9 kg. Opened the reservoir for a couple of minutes. (Only watering the Gorilla Kush #1)
Candy candy. One has a very strong cherry nose from the cherry pie cross. The sister has a more runts nose on it and sweet. Some cherry The Wolf is giving a Chem smell. Items my nose like mint menthol. Vix or something. I like it!!
Ladies looking really good 😎👌🏻💚🙏🏻 they are in two different tents but all from the same beans rdy to chop of at any time ! dense flowers strong smell !