
Milk and Qookies // Night Owl // RDWC

3 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 6
20 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
4+ nutrients after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
steadfast_grower steadfast_grower
3 years ago
Summary: Overall a great week six. The smell is starting and they are growing vigorously. Noticeable water levels dropping daily; I'm having to top off the res once or twice a day. PPM kept going down daily, I'd top up and it'd go down again signaling they want more. The goal was to get it steady - somewhere in 800 range by the week's end. Got the scrog net up and started weaving - I should have done last week. Switched out the heater for a spare dehumidifier and added a CMH light for supplemental heat and light - temp is way more stable and swings less. Struggled all week to find available time to defoliate and late scrog - one might think I was neglecting them. Ended up finding time on the last day of the week for a major defoliation session on both plants and even did a bit of super cropping to even out the canopy a little. Added some tees to the inside of the buckets for the waterfall. MQ3 is still stretching and MQ4 has stopped stretching. Will Lolipop the bud sites that didn't make the canopy on MQ4 in the coming days. After some research on Orca beneficial bacteria (looking at King Crab product), I read on their website I should: 1) Inoculate well before I add phosphorus (flowering nutrients) to minimize root issues in flower. 2) Apply directly to roots if possible. I've been dumping in the reservoir so I've changed my method: dump 1 liter of Orca beneficial solution into each plant site directly and spray about 200ml directly on roots with a spray bottle where I can reach without disturbing plants, likely twice a week. --------------------------------------- April 24 (Day 41) --------------------------------------- Tent: 75-79F (Day) / 68-71F (Night) Rh: 62% (Day) / 48% (Night) Water Temp: 67F-70F PH: 5.4/5.4 PPM: 630/590 Leaf Temp: 78f Added 10ml of Z9 (Pt 1 and Pt 2) with 1L of RO water. Calibrated humidity values for AC Infinity, inkbird and hygrometer. 15ml sensi grow a+b Defoliated mq4 for 30 minutes….again. Light defol on mq3. Added scrog net above canopy - need to start weaving. - should have added this earlier. Switched exhaust fan from t8 to t6 to eliminate reducer. Exhaust still whistles Will use t8 fan for 4x8 tent. Signs of plants eating and drinking; ppm dropped to 590 --------------------------------------- April 25 (Day 42) --------------------------------------- Tent: 79-81F (Day) / 68-70F (Night) Rh: 64% (Day) / 48% (Night) Water Temp: 65F-69F PH: 5.4/5.4 PPM: 570/680 Leaf Temp: 80f Added 2L of plain ro water top off in morning. Ppm dropped to 570 in evening. Added AC Infinity S6 intake fan. Added CMH 315 light to tent off to side for heat, will move into place over canopy in a couple of days. Added 15ml orca in 1L RO water Added 20ml of sensi grow a+b in 1L of ro water. Brought ppm back up to 680. CMH boosted heat - averaging 81f --------------------------------------- April 26 (Day 43) --------------------------------------- Tent: 79-81F (Day) / 68-71F (Night) Rh: 62% (Day) / 52% (Night) Water Temp: 65F-70F PH: 5.4/5.4 PPM: 680/620/700 Leaf Temp: 78f PH steady 5.4 More defol to MQ4. Did some weaving on scrog for both plants. Moved humidifier to front of tent because it was too close to leaves hanging over bucket on daily wilt before lights out on MQ4 - potentially causing PM. Temps outdoors are warming and I’m done needing heater with the CMH in tent. Remove infrared heater from tent. Fan that was sitting on infrared heater needs to be mounted in a better location now that heater is removed. Added dehumidifier to inkbird humidity controller to keep humidity under 70% from transpiration and will use the heat it produces for lights off. Temperature is so much more stable with CMH sitting at 81F almost all of the time, water temps under 70 by end of day. With LED only, i’m getting temperature swings. Moved CMH closer horizontally add additional supplemental coverage - easing it in so they don’t stress. Undecided if i want to tilt for dual spectrum both plants or just LED on one and CHM on the other. PPMs dropped to 620 throughout day. Mixed 20ml of Sensi Grow A+B in 2L water. Poured 2/3 in res - PPM settled to 700. Covered leftover nutrient mix - will stir and pour the rest into the reservoir in morning. --------------------------------------- April 27 (Day 44) --------------------------------------- Tent: 79-81F (Day) / 69-71F (Night) Rh: 62% (Day) / 52% (Night) Water Temp: 67F-70F PH: 5.4/5.4 PPM: 700/680/720/680 Leaf Temp: 78f Dehumidifer worked perfect keeping tent warm during lights off with cold morning temps. 71F / 52% RH steady during lights off and 77f / 62% RH with lights on - stable - no fluctuations. PPM dropped from 700 to 680. Poured rest of nutrient mix in, bringing PPM to 720 Not much time today but managed to do a few minutes of weaving in scrog for both plants. Of course maintaining MQ3 is way easier and more time efficient being topped than than MQ4 LST. MQ4 was lagging behind compared MQ3 growth, or I would've topped it as well. Added 15ml of orca in 500L water Added 10ML of Z9 pt 1 and pt 2 Tee fittings with NTP threads delivered. Removed screens I added last week to waterfall bulkheads on inside of buckets and replaced with tee fittings for better DO. End of day, PPM was back down to 640 Add mix of veg and bloom nutes tomorrow. --------------------------------------- April 28 (Day 45) --------------------------------------- Tent: 77F-79F (Day) / 68-71F (Night) Rh: 62% (Day) / 52% (Night) Water Temp: 67F-70F PH: 5.4/5.5 PPM: 680/630/740/680 Leaf Temp: 76f Still trying to get the environment dialed for transition. Dialed temps down to 77f. Added 10ml of Sensi Grow and 10ml of Sensi Bloom. - First dose of flower nutrients. Put PPM from 630 to 740. Note: In this 15gal system, 5mls of Sensi seems to equate to about 25ppm. Raised LED light to 20” - Was at 16” due to stretch. Light defol on MQ4. Managed time for a bit of scrog tucking but need a bit more stretch to tuck to next square in net on a few. LST to net. If they finish stretch too soon, I’ll work the net down further or supergroup a few of the tall ones before they start to stiffen up PH rose to 5.5 on its own. Some top-offs could have been the reason. I’d like to get some better airflow leaf movement. Need to rethink this fan setup or just buy some overpriced clip-on oscillating fans like in my other tent. I read up on Orca and it suggested applying directly to roots for better coverage and also suggested getting good inoculation before adding phosphorus (flowering nutrients). Added 8ml of orca in 2L water and pour half of solution directly to each bucket. Poured some of the solution into a small spray bottle. Opened buckets, reached in with PPE gloves on and sprayed the roots the best I could without disturbing plants. What could it hurt? I could also do a single top feed next time. Pulled some of MQ3 roots out of the elbow drain. --------------------------------------- April 29 (Day 46) --------------------------------------- Tent: 78-80F (Day) / 70-71F (Night) Rh: 55% (Day) / 47% (Night) Water Temp: 66F-69F PH: 5.6 PPM: 6440/630/740/690 Leaf Temp: 77f Brought RH down to 60% (daytime) and 50% (night) PPM climbed to 5.6 in morning. PPM dropped from 680 to 640 in morning. Water dropped below prefered level. Drinking and eating quite a bit. I’m going to try and get some balance going on with the ppms and water uptake by listening to them and I hear them saying they need more nutrients. Light defol on both plants to clear off shadows to bud sites - didn’t have much time to spend on defoliation, but some a few minutes is better than none. Need to do some major scrog tucking and lst some branches. Cleared drain line. Raised light about 2” in morning - they are sitting at 19” from canopy now. Slight spotting happening today on leaves - seems deficient because nothing else has happened. Added 20ml of Sensi Grow A+B in 1L of RO water to bring ppm from 630 to 740. I'll add more nutrients - maybe a veg/flower blend when they bounce to 700 - I reckon I’ll shoot for 800pm. Added 10ml z9 enzyme and cleaner in 500ml water. --------------------------------------- April 30 (Day 47) --------------------------------------- Tent: 79-80F (Day) / 70-71F (Night) Rh: 50% (Day) / 40% (Night) Water Temp: 65F-69F PH: 5.8/5.7/5.6/5.5 PPM: 660/620/740/690/830 Leaf Temp: 78f PH went to 5.8 today on its own. Finally made some time and did a major defoliation on both plants. I tried to only take leaves only pointing to inside of canopy and only took leaves shadowing other bud sites and cautious of anything on the last three noes of a branch. Slight spotting again on a few leaves. Added 20ml of Sensi grow A+B in the morning. Wished I had done a pre-stretch defoliation on MQ4. Could hurt the yield but no time coupled with crazy growth ftw. Finding some moisture between a few leaves during defol. Reduced humidity more during day and night. Added 8ml of Orca beneficials into two liters of water and dumped a bout 250ml into a small spray bottle. Dumped half of the mixture into each plant bucket. Sprayed the solution directly on roots on both plants. PPM going back down again - need to boost and get it steady so they eat and drink at same rate. Added 5ml sensi Grow A + B with 15ml of Sensi bloom A+B with 10ml of Big Bud in 2L water. Mixed well and dumped into the reservoir. Solution brought PPMs from 690 up to 850. Plants drank a lot today - added another 2 liter of just water which reduced the PPMs down to 830.
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