
1st coco grow

6 years ago
Gorilla Glue Auto
Auto Seeds
Growing it
was easy to grow think i was under feeding her slightly at the end but other than that she was a easy plant to grow. Got so stoned trimming i put both the girls in one tub hahahaha. gorilla scout glue is what im calling that batch 😋
The Outcome
Week 16
What's on the scales?
Bud dry weight
Number of plants harvested
g / watt
g / plant
Tastes like
Feels like
45% Sativa 55% Indica

Positive effects

Reviews. Nutrient
easy to use no problems
Reviews. Lamp
Commented by
CapitanKush CapitanKush
6 years ago
easy strain to grow she probably could have done with more nutes but i was unsure if i was under or over feeding till near the end anyway im happy with my harvest.Happy growing💪0
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Grow Questions
CapitanKushstarted grow question 6 years ago
Hey All i am having some trouble bringing the RH down It sits at 70%-75% lights off. Anyone got any ideas to lower the RH on the cheap?? I can get a dehumidifier but i would rather spend on HPS lights
Techniques. Defoliation
Jeff123fishanswered grow question 6 years ago
Your better off buying the dehumidifier if your already having a hard time getting the rh down. Putting an hos light in will only increase the heat and humidity due to the increase in transpiration

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CapitanKushweek 10
i just want to say this is the best community on the internet i have ever found. a place that everybody just wants to help everyone be the best they can.... you guys are fucking awesome👍👍
Experimentgreenweek 8
Hey captain I dont know if this helps, but a friend who does nothing but indoor once told me that getting bud rot is relatively hard, maybe if you were in 100% humidity often. I think if you've got decent ventilation and the air on and around your leaves and buds are regularly moving you should do well. I know its frustrating having to buy more and more equipment, but if you're concerned, just get the dehumidifier for your own peace of mind.
@CapitanKush, Thats great, most places I read don't frown on a 50% humidity level. Also I saw you mentioning another seed germination which is probably perfect, a person on here said they did a harvest and a germination every 3 weeks, all autos of coarse.
@Experimentgreen, yeah i heard that too. i changed my tent intake up a bit and RH has dropped to 50-65 hope this is going to be enough. Happy Growing 👍
@CapitanKush, I hope it turns out good for you. I've heard that the autos are sometimes a little more resilient in certain ways so that may help as well.
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Chi_Town_White_Boyweek 12
Getting nice and frosty! ❄️ Some of those Fan leaves are full of frost!! Looks like you’re gonna get a massive yield!
cheers it has been a long grow for them autos. the pineapple express is a barneys farm auto just poped yesterday going to veg the killer queen and lemon pie for the life of the pineapple so they should get massive hahaha happy growing✌
@CapitanKush, dude - plants are lookn tight! Good for you! Trippy, I was literally looking at buying some Pineapple Express strains last night - I’ll def. Keep a watch on that grow. 👊👍
@@Chi_Town_White_Boy, i hope so😊 i just started up some lemon pie, killer queen xx and pineapple express so watch out for them on here hahahaha💪
TheBudWhispererweek 10
Hey dude, these are lookn thick and healthy. Good call on keeping the nute sched. Down. Glad u solved ur RH issue. Wish I had that problem as my RH is notorious for being wayyy too low during the winter months. As Long as ur hovering between 40% on the low and 60% on the very high ur in prime territory for flowering. Only suggestion and something to watch out for is airflow underneath the canopy to avoid bud rot. U got a ton of foliage there and think you could see some serious increase in budding if u defoliated some of the larger fan leaves. It’s not mandatory and contentious with some growers but I saw a massive increase in bud production when I gave my last auto a haircut. If u want some pics for demo purposes I can send em over to ya. Cheers and thanks for the view on mine. 👊
@CapitanKush, ***my bad, meant week 3 of flower in note above***. Nice, lookn forward to the next entry so we can see how they make out! Think u just primed em for a big leap in bud production dude! Lookn good
@TheBudWhisperer, thank you, you gave me the motivation to go into the tent and defoliate i been putting it off, so i defoliated the girl scout cookies pretty heavy and the gorilla glue only mildly just to see what happens 👍
@CapitanKush, well the “book” says u can probably take off 20% of lower growth without any adverse effects and I’d say that’s true for sure. No issues when I did and big change in buds. Still not sure? Ur in week 13 so Try trimming one back heavy and leaving the rest. Compare to the 2 beside it and see what u end up with.
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Newbie_Growerweek 10
Those look nice Capitan. As far as humidity issues, my A/C in the house keeps it down in my tent. I am using a 120mm computer fan on a temp controller to help pull that cool air in while exhausting at 200cfm through my carbon filter. You can put a bag of kitty litter or other desiccant drying media in the corner of the room. Just have replace the bag whenever the humidity won't stabilize. Just a thought.
@CapitanKush, I understand thermal dynamics very well, since that is the field I work in on an industrial level. So de-humidification, ventilation, and temperature are my expertise. I no lots of old school tricks for pulling moisture out and have to use them sometimes myself. I was thinking of doing the same thing. I might put a small duct off of my main unit into the tent. Set it up to kick my air on to lower RH. Figure 57 to 60 degree air for about 10 minutes when the RH climbs above setpoint would be enough. As far as the colas....All I can say is wow. Especially since I only have experience in outdoor bag seed grows and we didn't tend them. No nutes just mother nature at her best or worst. I never thought training and defoliating would make them do that. But after reading about it I had to try it. I topped one of them and i know your really not to top an auto and it didn't slow down one bit. In fact it looks like the colas on 4 branches are going to be atleast 12in long. The flowers are starting to close up tighter each day. The stretch has finally come to a hault. LED's are new to me and others so finding the right height was fun. And for cheap LED's they sure seem to work well. I have 2 Wonder Woman and 1 AK48 in veg now under a 4 bulb t5. I'm curious to see how the Wonder Woman does under LED lighting. My next grow I thing I will scrog got to do more studying on that technique. Thanks Capt.
@Newbie_Grower, cheers 👍 looks like your going to get some nice colas on your girls. i ended up buying a dehumidifier now i get the tent down to what ever RH i want. was more than i wanted to spend but hey
bobo420week 7
Nice plants ;)
@CapitanKush,you're welcome and thanks ;)
@bobo420, thanks yours are looking sweet too my friend
Chi_Town_White_Boyweek 11
Wow! Looking super good! Trichs are coming in nicely! How did your defoliation go? I probably need to start learning strategic defoliation -- my plants get so bushy!! I'm curious if you have any process you follow to determine which leaves to pull.
@@Chi_Town_White_Boy, yeah defol went good man, i just took off all the leaves that were blocking other bud sites. i left alot more on the gorilla glue just to see what happens.
Wifi_OGweek 11
Well that's a nice friggin bush bro! Good job on the defo man, I think i might do the same thing but it's my first grow... So it's kinda sketchy idk :/ Anyway keep up the good work man!
@Wifi_OG, its my first indoor grow too bro. don't be scared ya gotta learn some how, there's too many answers on the net some say yes some say no so i thought id find out it didn't slow growth any more than it has been so far👍
Chi_Town_White_Boyweek 9
Hey brother! Looking good here! I saw your issues with RH... hope you got that resolved. I had dehumidifier, and it was definitely helping. I couldn't get the tent down to 40-45% RH though. If I moved the dehumidifier inside the tent, the heat went up by like 10 degrees -- no good. What I ended up doing was moving the dehumidifier outside the tent, but I used flexible venting (like dryer exhaust venting) and ran them directly to the dehumidifier's intake and exhaust. I loaded it up with duct tape to keep it sealed, and that solved my problem. (If you look at the dehumidifier's intake, you can see a little sensor on there -- that's the humidity level sensor, so you'd want to make sure your flex vent hose is connected right over it to get the most accurate readings.) The dehumidifier is still adding 3-6 degrees to my tent, but that's actually okay because it is still just under 80 degrees. This setup seems to have done the trick and I can get the RH down to just about anything I want. Now, my trick is making some system to cool my DWC reservoirs! How are you keeping these autos in vegetative state for 7 weeks? My autos always switch to flower by week 4 the latest -- sometimes they switch by week 2!
@@Chi_Town_White_Boy, cheers man its been all good so far. i ended up getting a dehumidifier and put in front of my intake so RH is no prob now and its getting cold where i'm at so the little bit of heats good. As far as the 7 week veg yeah i don't know what happened there but they seem happy.
BigNate89week 9
Jeeze. These things have really stretched in the past couple weeks. Looking super healthy. In curious to know what kind of harvest you'll get! Best of luck 🌱
@BigNate89,cheers man. yeah they got their stretch on, looking good now, the thc eksit is working really good, heaps more bud sites now. wait till next weeks update
AutoSeedsweek 6
Great start! Can't wait to see more :)
@AutoSeeds, cheers you have some nice seeds, thinking about doing some berry ryder and kush doctor next
Outdoorkingweek 7
looking good mate, you have done the right thing giving them a flush if you started to see some burn. I had to do the same after my plants were getting to much N
@Outdoorking, cheers, yeah came back nice after flush no new burnt leaves. starting to really like coco
indianajones420week 13
these look pretty damn perfect man, as long as you give coco enough calmag they grow themselves.
CapitanKushweek 13
didn't even need cal mag this grow h&g cocos so easy to grow with
CapitanKushweek 8
my tent has plenty of air flow, i have a cf and can fan ducting outside and have the tent vents open. i think its just that my garage gets really humid
CapitanKushweek 7
if anybody checks this out let me know what you think i could do better its my first indoor coco grow
Minigrowssweek 16
Wow mate!! Awesome work. Could you help me a bit? Dont really know when exactly cut Cheers
@CapitanKush, Speechless! Thanks a lot!!!!
@CapitanKush, you legend!! Thanks mate, really helpful Love a couch lock tho cause i smoke only at night hahah Bless you
@ManuT, just checked your girls out on ya page yeah start flushing now your ready from the looks of it. flush for 1-2 weeks i flushed mine for one week but i was feeding them like 1ml for a week before flush. could have gone full strength upto flush but by dropping the nutes early i didnt need much of a flush, super clean burning and it tastes awesome. if you are gonna cure use boveda 62% they are great keeps your flowers so fresh and tasty
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TheBudWhispererweek 14
👍👊 - nuff said!
cheers couple of weeks and there done
Newbie_Growerweek 15
they are looking mighty frosty. Very nice!
IronWeedLadyweek 15
Woah flowers look really nice. Great job 👍🏼