
Maine Outdoor 2021

3 years ago
Room Type
weeks 1, 12
weeks 1, 12
weeks 1, 12-29
weeks 1, 12-30
fox farm ocean forest
Grow medium
Happy frog
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 21
14 hrs
Light Schedule
10+ conditions after
3+ nutrients after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
masterofsmeagol masterofsmeagol
3 years ago
8/2 Fed two gallons this morning and took some hurried pictures. Did SLIGHT defoliation of dead leaves. Didn't have much time to inspect things. I'll check things out later this afternoon. Need to go in at night and see what critters are about. Woke very late so it was a very hurried morning. Rained last night like I expected. It's 68 at 9:30 and looks like rain. 8/3 Nice and sunny and 80 at noon. Didn't water as it rained last night nor did I get a chance to defoliate. After seeing a comment about mites I decided to break out the ol 100x scope. I took random samplings of leaves on different plants. I found ZERO mites. Just because I didn't find any doesn't mean they aren't there but it brings my anxiety down a little. While looking I did notice something is munching leaves. I wanted to use something to continue treatment for WPM and any random bugs but I may need to use captain jack's. I have lady bugs and don't want to kill them but I might just have too. I don't know if earwigs are a big problem or the holes are from pillars or hoppers or whatever else. Observing the weather and the 40 degree mornings and the wind tunnel I seem to be in, I don't see mites setting up shop or sticking around too long in these conditions. Either way if I missed something the IPM will get it. I bought general hydroponics cool bloom that I'm considering switching from tiger bloom. My tiger bloom is from last year and it seems to be crystalized a little in the bottom. We shall see. This is the last year of liquid nutes I hope. 8/4 Watered this morning and defoliated dead leaves. Looking on the inside of the plants I've noticed what looks like small leaves by bud sites dying or being chomped on. Not a single fucking aphid anywhere. I think those earwigs got a taste for those sweet lower bud sites and may be causing damage. It kinda helped as all they did was lollipop a couple lower branches in spots. Still I believe it will become a problem if left unchecked. Plan is to treat plants tonight with captain Jack's. I have a little more research to do but I believe that's the route I'll take. I noticed some pillar holes and other assorted pests so I think now's a good time to hit them with the Spinosid. Plants are looking good though. I can see cola's forming and hairs coming together to make small buds. What a great time. I have so much to do but I'm so busy with the other things going on it's hard to keep up. I'll update as I progress. Plans are fluid. 8/5 Topsoil was dry despite the rain we had so I watered and defoliated what needed and pruned some inner branches I missed yesterday. I don't like leaving exposed matter when it's wet. It's not supposed to rain until around 1pm. I'm getting frustrated. I can't find the earwigs anymore and "life" had kept me from being the best gardener I could be. Last year I woulda been out with a spray bottle every night looking for them. I need to visit the garden at night. I think I need to lower my pH too. Hopefully the apple cider vinegar spray I plan to use will help some. The water going in is good so I don't get how the pH is higher at the root zone. I've seen random damage from different pests. Tonight I'm putting petroleum jelly on the stalks and anywhere the bugs can climb up. I also plan on spraying spinosid tonight. I will update as I progress. The traps I made haven't caught a single bug. A little frustrated this morning but the garden looks gorgeous. 8/6 Rained last night. This wet weather sucks. Found a couple spots where bud shoots had been eaten as well as other tell tale signs. It's got to be those earwigs. I've researched my ass off and have none of the normal pests I usually would this time of year. Especially aphids. I have lady bugs but no way they controlled pests this well. More likely the wigs ran out of food and got a taste for nice cannabis shoots and leaves. I can't seem to make it happen at night so this morning I liberally sprayed all plants with a gallon of captain Jack's dead bug at 2tbsp a gallon as recommended. Spinosid works good and I've used it in the past with BT. Should take care of whatever. I sprayed around the cage too but I couldn't find anything. I read Spinosid is good at controlling those fucking earwigs too. Did you know earwigs are 20 million years old and the only species in their genus. I certainly didn't. I see leaf septoria all over the foliage around. By around I mean just driving or walking in the woods. It seems bad this year. At least it hasn't gotten to my garden yet. Garden is away from most other vegetation. I have ONE plant In that 30 gallon tote at the back outside my cage that I can tell has leaf septoria 💯. I don't know if I should cull it or try to fight it. I'll pick up a copper based fungicide and try first. I'm at that point where this plant was just extra and neglected so maybe it would be better of somewhere else. I may just isolate it. Hurried morning. No time for defoliation not pictures. I will update as I go. I will start apple cider vinegar spray probably tomorrow after I feed. I'm researching how to check my pH with an indicator liquid. Maybe I can get a better idea of the pH at my root zone. Those soil meters suck. Update I went for a hike just to check out the foliage in the area. I'm lucky. Japanese beetles have stripped a lot of vegetation around here but have luckily left my cannabis alone. I've killed like four total. I also noticed tons of fungal infections in trees (different area from my grow but within a mile). Hopefully I can come to decision about treating or culling that plant. 8/7 Looks like it's going to be a good day weather wise. Like I said my tiger bloom has what seems like small crystals that rattle when I shake the bottle. I know it's probably better to use one line of products but I switched to GH liquid cool bloom 0-10-10. It came highly recommended so we shall see. Plants seem to be doing well with the transition to flower. They look healthy despite the little ones outside the cage and the one with the fungal infection. Even that has nice tops it's just the bottom that looks fucked up. I think I'll bring it away from the others and attempt to treat it. Luckily it was just an experiment and a bag seed. After taking a hike I realized I'm quite lucky. Local foliage has been skeletonized by japanese beetles. This relentless rain has brought about fungal infections in trees, shrubs and even fruiting plants like blackberries. Things could definitely be much worse. I'm picking up a fungicide today to treat that plant. PM seems to be in check for now but I'll need to stay on top of it. Also need to try to get litmus paper or something to test soil pH. Meter is junk. I have indicator liquid though. I'll update as I progress. 8/8 Its been raining almost every night. Another challenge for the outdoor grower. I defoliated more leaves this morning. I noticed previous damage on bud sites that appears to be from earwigs. Also dead sugar leaves on new bud shoots down low and inside. Glad I got the Spinosid treatment in. At least whatever ate it will be dead. Need to still figure out what to do with that plant and whether it has leaf septoria or just a more advanced powdery mildew. I'm in town now and I'm planning to pick up a copper based fungicide just in case. I may isolate the one plant and treat everything and go from there. It's a large plant but seems to have lost most of its leaves. Not sure if switching the nutes was a good idea as I read that tiger bloom doesn't really expire and it's made to go with the rest of the nutes I'm using. Next week I need to stay on top of treatments and continuing to monitor for PM or other damage. Other than that plants look healthy and are transitioning to flower pretty well. Sunny and Tempe reached 90. RH is stupid high
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Grow Questions
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 3 years ago
Can anyone help identify the issue on this leaf. Dreamcatcher is the strain and I can tell they were a reveg. It was root bound and I thought it was an issue with the roots. After transplant outside and sprayed with my IPM the plant has recovered but still has a few like this?
Leaves. Color - Mottling
1 like
Hashyanswered grow question 3 years ago
Nice plants in the background by the way. To me it looks like a slight magnesium problem.
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 3 years ago
I found what I believe is thrips. Anyone have experience dealing with them? I plan to use either LCPT, Dr Zymes, or Spinosid. That and pyrethrum is what I have on hand. I am also battling WPM and was planning to preventative BT. Looking for advice and what product to use. TIA
Other. Bugs
Experimentgreenanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hey friend, Thrips aren't the worst so thats good. I know they love onions, and some other outdoor plants so be mindful of carrier plants nearby. My best success with killing them dead and gone, was a combination of first using a spinosad spray at dusk, and a dr bonners/water spray bottle. The soap spray is perfect in health to the earth and plants and living things so be free and liberal with it. Dr Bonners is Castille soap so in my opinion safer and more effective than when I've used dawn dish soap. But any soap will do. Good luck and do a few applications a few days apart until you see lower numbers. Happy growing
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 3 years ago
Hey does anyone know how to upload edited pics? I have stalk pics but my tags are showing and I can't upload the edited pic.
Other. General questions
Hashyanswered grow question 3 years ago
Try naming the file/picture a different name to the one that refuses to upload.
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 3 years ago
I recently increased grow big to 2tbsp/ gal (from 1) and feeding to every 3 days instead of 5. I also sprayed LCPT. It has been 90's and I have to water plants twice a day. Could either of these contribute to the few yellow leaves on interior low and middle? Should I switch back?
Feeding. Deficiences
1 like
lefthandedJanswered grow question 3 years ago
Gotta agree with InspireMe, sounds like a little nutrient lockout. Only guessing that because I have the same issue, to a much lesser degree, and my medium is at an irritating 7.0 with some spikes. The plants I have showing yellow leaves just Ph'd the other day at 7.2, the ones without yellow still Ph'd at 7 even.
InspireMeanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hey mate, I had a look through your diary and I think it could be related to your ph. I noticed that you ate running at 7.4. I'd try and bring that down to anywhere between 6.0 and 6.8. They may be struggling to uptake the nutrients they need. Hope this helps 🙂
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 3 years ago
Interior lower and middle leaves turn yellow and die. Seems like nitrogen def. PH measured w soil meter read 7.3, 7.4, 7.5 at the highest. Plants are huge. Have the just used up soil nutes and I need to increase feeding or is it PH and how to fix. Water pH is good. Plz see diary
Leaves. Color - Yellow
1 like
Rap_a_capanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hi Smeagol, looking at your diary I can see only a gorgeous weed garden. I'm an outdoor grower too and little by little I've learned to don't care about falling of lower/middle canopy expecially if the plants look healthy and with the right tone of green. Looking closely I've noticed some leaves infested by mites. Sometimes lower leaves yellowish and fall because of a combination of factors like age, nutes deficiencies (is not your case), high humidity near the soil and parasites. In any case with senescence bottom leaves will fall anyway. Be relaxed and control the critters around. Cheers Bro
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 3 years ago
I try to add a new week and it will allow me to do so but it won't save. When I try to save it says "something went wrong". I've deleted and tried four times to reload and re-type everything. Has anyone else had problems using this platform? I'll go back to paper if this keeps up
Other. General questions
MrStinkyanswered grow question 3 years ago
We've been having issues with posts and questions recently (uploading pics especially), hopefully they get it fixed soon cause the app and community is awesome.
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 3 years ago
When do you outdoor growers that use liquid nutrients start switching to flowering nutes? I typically wait until after the stretch and slowly introduce my tiger bloom until they are on a flower feeding schedule. I'd be interested to hear how others do it. Especially with Fox Farm
Feeding. Schedule
Organomananswered grow question 3 years ago
For the last 25+ years, I have been giving/continuing with grow nutrients until there are small budlets formed, before switching to half grow and half bloom for the next 2-3 weeks, before changing to just pure bloom nutrients through until maturity. This seems to produce the biggest blooms on plants that do not exhaust themselves and end up canabalizing themselves to a sickly yellow colour. I will also give one dose of half grow and half bloom about half way through the "just bloom nutrient" phase as a plant booster, but probably one third grow nutes and two thirds bloom nutes would be a more accurate description. Cannabis does still need a good supply of nitrogen in early flower and switching to bloom nutrients when the first pistils appear will/can lead to a reduced yield and certainly reduced health in late flower, and seems to be a common rookie mistake amongst a lot of growers on this forum. The routine I use is the evolution of my experiences growing outdoors for 35+ years and the result of much research and experimentation. Others may disagree, but it works outstandingly well for me and in my situation. Hope this helps, Organoman.
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 3 years ago
Has anyone dealt with earwigs? I noticed some small damage on the top of a plant bud site Made the trap didn't work. Are they usually a problem if around? I'm sure they are under the wood cage but I'm hesitant to use borax as my plants grow through the bags into the ground
Other. Bugs
masterofsmeagolanswered grow question 2 years ago
Just so everyone sees this I'm answering my own question. Ear Wigs are horrible! They kill all cannabis pests and LOVE aphids. However after that they will ear your buds from the bottom up or chew the stem on a bud disconnecting it from the branch. They overwinter and are prehistoric. If you've built your a population move the grow.
Hempy_The_Kidanswered grow question 3 years ago
They Normally eat rotting plant matter but they will eat fresh plants as well. I would exterminate.
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 3 years ago
I have an extra plant outside my grow cage and it has leaf septoria. It was neglected to begin with. Is it worth treating with copper based fungicide or should it be culled. I have no experience with this. Someone please help.
Leaves. Other
Organomananswered grow question 3 years ago
Whether it is worth treating and rescuing back to health is something only you can decide, but if it does have leaf Septoria, (or possibly powdery mildew) moving it far, far away from your other plants would be my advice to you. If it is growing in the ground directly and can not be moved, and if she does not interest you that much, then yes, cull it and throw it in the garbage and make sure it is as far away from your other plants as possible. Cheers, Organoman.
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 3 years ago
Anybody here grow outdoors in soil and use fox farm products? I was wondering if someone could approximate how much 2tbsp big bloom, 2 grow big, 1 tiger bloom would lower a neutral 7.0 gallon of water. I have drops but it's hard to see after adding bb. No meter. No money 4 one.
Feeding. Other
Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question 3 years ago
Mmm real hard to say bro but I’ve noticed that Tiger bloom is quite acidic and drops the pH significantly. I wish I could give you a guess of where it would be but it depends on your water so much. Here’s what I’d do is check your ph with your drops or whatever without the BB cuz it should barely effect your pH compared to the other ones, then add BB after you have a decent idea of where it is. Anecdotally, my pH was usually pretty low after my FF feeds were mixed up.. 5.5-6.0 so a lot of time I’d be adding a few mLs of pH up. Feel free to PM me if you’ve got any other questions about it.. I’m using GH for my outdoor grow now but I use FF for a lot of my indoor flowering plants.
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 3 years ago
Can inch worms do this type of damage? Destroying bud sites and the little sugar leaves brown and die? I was thinking it was earwigs but someone mentioned inch worms (which I had found) so I treated with BT. No tops damaged it's like they 🍭 branches for me. Ideas on culprit/tx?
Other. Bugs
masterofsmeagolanswered grow question 2 years ago
What was eating all the budsites were the earwigs. I'm mitigating that problem this year by placing my cage on tar. Try going through my sand moat and then tunnel through the tar you prehistoric bastards! I hope that borax did you some good!
rhodes68answered grow question 3 years ago
rabbits or other vermin, they only eat what they can reach, if you lucky
Organomananswered grow question 3 years ago
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 3 years ago
Losing a bunch of yellow leaves during early flower. I have WPM but it wouldn't progress like this would it? I think I may have just been underfeeding or my pH is off. What do you guys think?
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question 3 years ago
Yes I have noticed this happens more in outdoor grows and it’s quite normal and not as concerning as if you had yellowing dying leaves in and indoor set up. Several of my outdoor plants have started with some yellowing a dropping a few leaves also. I don’t believe WPM would have anything to do with this.. I also realized I was likely underfeeding a bit as you mentioned.. I’ve got some big girls outside and wasn’t used to their nutrient needs. That said I wouldn’t go slamming it with nitrogen - seeing ass your flowering has begun. Maybe up your source of N for one feed then go back to your normal feeding schedule!
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 3 years ago
I have a strain that some nocturnal insect (ear wigs) I think that have been STRIPPING lower interior branches. Last night I almost cut a branch that looked done. This morning I showed up and the bottom half of that branch was stripped. Try more methods or take a week early. Tia
Other. Bugs
Rap_a_capanswered grow question 3 years ago
Mate, sorry for this issue. I got the same with clematis. I use to spray on these bastards a solution of pure alcohol and water (1/3) and it works fine.
Hempy_The_Kidanswered grow question 3 years ago
You could make a solution of dishsoap and water and spray them off your plants, (use a pump spray for better pressure). I grow basil close to my plants which seems to keep most insects away.

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