
Dark Star Diary

3 years ago
Growing it
DarkStar Kush was a challenge for a first time grower like myself. A lot of lessons learned, but all for me, the plant was wonderful! It grew easily, and matured well. I allowed it to veg for 10 weeks, which made it a large plant before the flowering stage was started. It became an absolute BEAST during flower, but not in a bad way. It stretched quite a bit during the initial switch, which made it so large because it was already a large plant. It was very resilient against increased heat, extra days without water, and nutrient deficiencies. I didn’t experience any true negatives growing this strain, and I totally plan on growing it again. Just not as big!
The Outcome
Week 21
What's on the scales?
Bud dry weight
What's on the scales?
Bud wet weight
Number of plants harvested
Grow Room
Grow Room size
g / watt
g / m²
g / plant
plant / m²
watt / m²
Tastes like
Feels like
0% Sativa 100% Indica

Positive effects


Negative effects

Dry eyes
Dry mouth
Reviews. Nutrient
I used the Flora-Trio nutrients for the entire grow once it was big enough, about a month into growth. I didn’t really develop any cal-mag deficiencies thanks to the CALiMAGic, and the feeding charts were easy to follow once I understood them. I’ve continued using the same on my other grows, but also going to try and add a couple more to help bud production. Overall, awesome product that’s also easy to use.
Reviews. Lamp
I couldn’t be happier with this light! I used one during the vegetative stage, and then added a second one for flowering. Heat was minimal, brightness was excellent, and results speak for themselves! Highly recommend this light to fellow growers.
Reviews. Tent
Commented by
The_Good_Twin The_Good_Twin
3 years ago
June 22nd - HARVEST DAY!! First and foremost, I want to send many thanks out to T.H. Seeds for the incredible top shelf genetics for this plant! Absolutely First Rate!! 🏆🏆🏆 I started the harvest on June 22, 2021 by cutting down all of the branches at or above the support netting I had in place. Trimming the first part took about 12 solid hours till I decided to stop for the night at 3:00 am. I wasn’t even done with it all when I went to bed; I had to finish the first stack the next day. The pics I’ve posted along with this report will go along with the whole process so you can all follow along if you so choose. 23 Jun 2021 After finishing the first stack, I finished cutting all of the remaining branches off to trim them as well. I have pics of it next to the buds I had already trimmed from the day before to show the difference. I trimmed this stack for another 12+ hours till it was all done. The buds on the top were more dense and colorful when compared to the lower branches, but their overall size wasn’t much different. They were virtually indistinguishable after everything was dried. 24 Jun 2021 I finally got everything switched around, so my other plants went into the big tent, and I hung all my trimmed bud in the small tent to dry. 30 Jun 2021 Fast forward 6 days…. Time to weigh my bud. First I’m going to explain what I did, how I did it, and why. I weighed the trimmed bud wet in order to get a before total weight so I could compare it to the dried bud later. I initially weighed the trimmed bud still attached to the branches so that the before weight, and end weight could be directly compared against each other. Then I weighed the loose bud again all by itself to get the TRUE weight of the harvest. Weight: Trimmed (wet) buds on branches: 21.777 ounces. Trimmed (dry) buds on branches: 8.924 ounces Final TRUE weight of loose buds (actual weight of harvest): 7.791 ounces (220.871 grams) *I also weighed my trim/clippings wet after I was all done. It was 13.465 ounces. I haven’t weighed it dry. After separating all the bud from the stalks, which was much easier than I had anticipated, I started putting all of my bud into pint sized Mason jars. I used pint jars instead of quart sized jars simply based off the price of the jars. A single quart sized jar was $ 3.40 each, but a whole 12 jar case of the pint size jars was only $ 9.99. 1 for $ 3.40, or 12 for $ 9.99 🤔? To me it was a simple economic no-brainer, so I got 2 cases. My bud filled 13 separate pint sized jars!! I must admit, looking at all of that glorious weed, and knowing that I was responsible for every bit of it was one of the most rewarding feelings I have had since I retired. It’s my first plant, and I started it from a simple little seed. Simply AWESOME!! Compared to many of you, I am really new to the world of marijuana. Allow me to explain. I had never ever even tried marijuana until a year after I retired! I was 45 years old the first time I smoked weed, and I was amazed. In just over 3 years I went from my first try to growing my own. That’s progress! Even more so; growing weed becomes legal where I live TODAY, July 1, 2021!! Weed has improved my life, my wife’s life, and our marriage. We decided to smoke if we get into an argument in order to calm down easier. If you’ve never tried it, I highly recommend it! Arguing turns into a simple discussion when the mind is calm, and makes for more understanding by taking the anger and frustration out of the equation. Anyway, this is my final entry for this beautiful, and (in my own opinion) bountiful plant. DarkStar Kush by T. H. Seeds!! I still have 4 more seeds for this plant, so I totally see a repeat grow in my future. It just won’t be as BIG as this one was! I love the fact that I have 7.791 ounces of top shelf bud, but that one plant was a beast, and I don’t ever want to have one plant that big again! Unfortunately I haven’t smoked any of this bud yet, because it needs time to cure properly. However, I can tell you that it’s mother (the plant that produced its seeds) was one of the best strains that I have ever tried! It’s a quick high that hits you in the head first, relaxing the mind immediately, and washing away any worries or concerns that you may be having. It slowly spreads out to the rest of your body giving you a total body high accompanied by stress and pain relief. It’s an awesome high that lasts for quite a while. It helps with appetite by giving you the munchies, so snacks are a must. The regular cotton mouth and dry eyes accompany it, and depending on how much you do, you could find yourself couch locked if you’re not careful. Smoking this weed was what gave me the idea to try and grow it when I discovered a few seeds in it. The funny thing is; I said earlier that I was new to weed. To show how new, the 7.791 ounces, or 220.871 grams I just grew is more weed than I have smoked in my entire life… combined! I honestly don’t see myself ever having to buy weed again. Except of course if I find a new strain that I haven’t tried before 😜! I hope you all have enjoyed the diary for my DarkStar Kush!! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed growing it!! Cheers!
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Grow Questions
The_Good_Twinstarted grow question 4 years ago
What do the different colors on the round nutrient graph indicate or signify after completing a weekly entry?
Other. Other
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BraveheartGeneticsanswered grow question 4 years ago
The colours signify each nutrient you have put in, and their percentage of consistency.
The_Good_Twinstarted grow question 3 years ago
I’ve been flushing my plant with properly pH’ed water for the last 2 weeks. Today the TDS runoff was 530 ppm. What is the appropriate TDS level to reach BEFORE harvesting the plant? What is a good TDS runoff level to determine if it’s good to harvest or not?
Feeding. Other
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The_Good_Twinanswered grow question 3 years ago
I’m rescinding the question. I decided to go ahead and harvest the plant, which is currently hanging up to dry. My TDS had decreased from almost 3000 ppm at the beginning to 530 ppm at the two week flush point. I asked the owner of a hydroponics shop in my town, and he said that I should be good to go, so I did. I appreciate the grower “hashy” for his or her response to my question. Thank you.

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DevilsBudweek 21
Congrats on your harvest enjoy 💪💪
@The_Good_Twin, you should be proud mate . Nice job 👌👌
@DevilsBud, Thank you very much. I’m very proud of it!
DogDoctorOfficialweek 18
Getting closer and closer 🤩 Nice one buddy 🙌💚keep it up 💚growers love 💚
@The_Good_Twin, nice , i myself do a 3 weeks flush to my girls, but you definitely getting closer to harvest 😅💚💨💨💨💨💨
@DogDoctorOfficial, Thanks. One more week of nutrients, then a week of flush, then hopefully a great harvest!
Belverdeweek 12
If this is your first grow, you're actually growing very well 👍 Keep it up and enjoy 😉🌱
You're welcome @The_Good_Twin, :) My one will be probably very different especially in size because, if everything going well, I'm going to use a 3,5l pot...through the end So, a little lady...but flowers can be the same 😉 Happy growing and have fun 🌱
@Belverde, Thank you very much. It is my first time, and I must admit that after seeing some of your previous diaries, and their success, I can’t wait to see how your Dark Star differs from mine. I feel like I’ve entered a new world, and I’m ready to explore and try new things. I’d appreciate you looking in from time to time with some insight if you feel I need it, or even if I don’t. I’m eager to learn and improve my skill set.
Ferencweek 1
Good Luck @The_Good_Twin
@The_Good_Twin, Okay mate 👌
@Ferenc, Thank you. I really appreciate that. I’m actually in the 12th week of my grow, but I just found out about this site. So, I am slowly going to populate this diary with all of my own logs that I’ve been keeping as well as the pictures I’ve taken along the journey. Check back in a day or two and I’ll have it all caught up.
Tweezerweek 15
Looking strong 💪 so far, good luck the rest of the way!!!
@Tweezer, Thanks for the compliment and encouragement. It’s greatly appreciated.
Lacrimaweek 14
Happy Growing ! 😊💪
@Lacrima, Thank you very much!
Grow3rPTweek 17
Que maravilha, espero uma boa evolução. E não final uma boa colheita. Se quiser passar cabelo, meu diary e deixe ou teu comentar :)
Growman2020week 21
Did you ever get any clones of the Dark Star to take?
@Growman2020, Then yes, 1 successful clone (on accident). I’m currently doing the same exact thing for my Blue Ox plant as well. When my Blueberry Muffin and Blue Ox were in my small tent, their branches would get jumbled. When I was turning it while watering, one of them got caught up and broken off. I quickly did the same thing with it and it still seems to be growing in a solo cup on the side as well. If you look through my pics they are in the front right hand corner of my tent. If you’d like to see them.
@The_Good_Twin, so you answered my question, yes you did clone it successfully, not deliberately, one time.
@Growman2020, No. Unfortunately all of my attempts to clone her failed. Luckily I still have 4 more DarkStar seeds for future grows. I did have one branch that broke off when I put my support net in, and I was able to get it to continue growing in a solo cup. I actually harvested it before the main plant. I’m actually thinking of creating a diary for my successful “Solo cup challenge”, but I haven’t decided yet.
Growman2020week 2
That sounds like a good idea
@Growman2020, Problem solving 101 (I guess). I had a plant that needed to grow, but I had made a mistake early on in the DarkStar grow where I left the runoff water sitting in the plant pot basin. It became water logged, with big fat, swollen leaves. It cleared up after I emptied the water. I figured a solo cup would need drainage as well, so I cut holes into the bottom of the cup, then placed it into another cup. It still needed a way to stay a little above the bottom cup to provide space for the runoff water. With the rubber band, it would provide added friction to the plastic in the cup and can be placed lower on the cup with the plant so that it sits higher in its collection cup which provides additional space for water to drain into, but also makes it easy to pull it out and empty the runoff water. Hence, freshly fed plant with wet soil and roots, but still allowed to dry normally by absorbing the moisture instead of just sitting in water and drowning. At least that how my brain saw the problem and developed the solution. The fact that it may help other growers is an unexpected bonus!
@The_Good_Twin, I was pretty sure you might ask that. It was related to week 2. The good idea was the rubber bands around the solo cup to keep the inner cup out of water.
@Growman2020, What does? Sorry, but this comment isn’t clear as to which idea was the good one, and I’m curious.
MrHightimesweek 21
wow nice work! blew my first attempt outta the water!!!! make sure to get some humidity packs in those jars asap!!!
@MrHightimes, Funny you should say that! I ordered some new supplements and started adding Floralicious Plus today in my Blueberry Muffin, and Blue Ox diaries currently growing. I also ordered the Liquid Kool Bloom, but it hasn’t arrived yet. I also already have the Ripen (dry), and DID use it on the DarkStar Kush. I’m very impressed with your contest success!! 6 awards (4-1st place, 1-2nd place, and 1-3rd place out of 11 diaries) 😳! I can only hope!! Anyway, I will begin following you, and we can become better growmies to compare nutrients and all other growing topics. Thank you very much, and have a great day!!
@The_Good_Twin, also love i have another GH buddy to compare feeds with! 😏 I recommend floralicious next, but i've added their whole line up! also really like Ripen for that finish week! also use that light for my veg and like it alot too! there 300 respec is a nice flower upgrade. ...But people will be offering u lots of lights on this website soon, you are doing great work!!!
@MrHightimes, Already there! I have small hygrometers inside each jar, as well as small 58% Bóveda packs to keep them right where they need to be. Curing weed takes patience; and I’m glad I’m a patient person. Thank you for your kind words, I truly appreciate them.
MrHightimesweek 11
wow. i think this week just encouraged me to try a scrog. those are some great before and after shots! really gives me something to think about!
@MrHightimes, If you decided to use a net, be mindful that some branches may be easily broken off when you’re manipulating the plant into place. I broke one completely off my first plant, then again on the Blue Ox when I moved them into the larger tent once I harvested the DarkStar. I bent/broke other branches as well, but not completely and taping it up provided enough support to keep it in place and continue to grow. Good luck if you decide to try it!
ThePassionForWeed420week 2
Buona coltivazione e felice crescita amico 👏 👏
y0shimitsuweek 4
Great job man 🙌🏻 thanks for sharing 🙏🏻 enjoy 💚🌱
@y0shimitsu, Thanks. I’m still uploading everything I’ve done so far, so check back soon and I’ll have all 12 weeks uploaded.
DoDrugs420week 21
Love it love it love it DarkStar 4 life.
MrHightimesweek 21
beautiful fade!!!
SegaYGriegaweek 19
Прекрасная работа , выглядит супер !!! Желаю отличного урожай👍посмотрите мои репортажи и оставьте своё мнение в комментариях😉
Mrs_Larimarweek 21
Nice journey with your darkstar. iam very courious if mine turns out so lovely. she was growing very vigor. and congrats to your Goldcup!
@The_Good_Twin. Thanky you i made several diaries with tutorials and reciepes you can see it in the titile of the diaires ( +Tuturials) and yes good i have seen your diary,iam better prepared now
@Mrs_Larimar, Thank you very much. I’ve looked through several of your diaries a while back and was impressed with your work. I have no doubt that yours will be awesome when it’s all done. Best of luck to you, and thanks for taking a look at my baby. I hope it helps you grow yours well. Happy growing!
AutoflowersSucKweek 20
How to you get such close up shots of the trichomes?
S2340420week 21
On yerself big chap 💯💪