
First Grow - Humboldt OG Kush Fem Seeds

3 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 3
18 hrs
Light Schedule
9+ conditions after
Commented by
bSandersWitASteelChair bSandersWitASteelChair
3 years ago
5/28 AM: not much to say. Things look good. Plants seem to have handled to the over-fert without issue so far. Soil still moist near the roots from 5/26 watering, so will probably water tomorrow, with nutrients (at the correct concentrations) again on Monday. --------------------------- 5/26 AM check in: Things are looking really nice this morning. Got a little chilly last night (tent got down into the low 60's) but that didn't seem to slow anybody down. Getting pretty psyched with how nice these 2 little ladies are looking after such a drawn out, difficult start. The 'over'-fertilization hasn't seemed to hurt anybody yet. Watered with about 0.5L each (ph 5.7) this morning. --------------------------------------------------------------- 5/24 PM check in: Well, they seem to have loved the fertilizer! I swear that E grew to nearly where C started today, catching up nearly 2 days in ~14 hours! Or maybe my eyes are playing tricks 😀 In any case, today was a tough day outside of this grow, so it was nice to check in on it tonight and end the day on a high note. -------------------------------------------------------------- 5/24/2021: Start of Week 3 The ladies are looking nice! C is really starting to pick up speed and E is nearly finished unfurling its first pair of leaves. Looking forward to this week's developments! Sticking to my plan of introducing nutrients at Week 3. I goofed doing the numbers this morning and forgot to cut the overall numbers by half, so ended up feeding the full strength for week 3 off the schedule. Almost certainly too much. Will likely skip feeding Thursday/Friday this week and pick it back up next week at the correct concentrations. I fed about 8 oz. to each plant. That said, pH and TDS looked nice in the fertilizer mixture. No need to adjust pH after adding the nutrients. TDS slightly higher than I'd like but again, these nutrients should've been half what they were, so being slightly above range per the FF datasheet doesn't scare me too much. Our water is insanely hard to begin with (tap water comes out in the hundreds). Since we've only got 2 plants going, and they are really taking a while to get up to speed, I plan on probably letting veg go for 6-8 weeks at least. I want to try to get some nice bushy plants before flipping to flower, and I don't think 14 more days is going to do it. I've been making a lot of little mistakes that are slowing us down but chaos is how I learn! Lighting and Ventilation have been updated. I finally routed some duct to the carbon filter in the tent so the air is being sucked out from a much higher position, which has improved humidity stability by quite a bit. I also turned down the MH light last week to 400W, as 600W made it extremely difficult to maintain humidity in my tent. I picked up an HLG65 to propagate clones with (wife and I are trying out vegetables too) and since it was currently un-used, I added it to the tent. So we've got about 465W of light running (65 of which are LED) and an RH hovering in the high 40's. Temps stable in the low to mid 70's. It's a beautiful day in there now! I started some lettuce and radish seeds last week and they're already exploding out of the dirt.
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Grow Questions
bSandersWitASteelChairstarted grow question 3 years ago
I found some type of critter crawling around what was left of the root of a dead seedling. I'd love to know what it is, and what to do with the other 2 plants in the tent. I pulled this one and removed the bucket from the tent. Video in diary. Extremely hard to see in still photo
Other. Bugs
Roots. Other
Robertsanswered grow question 3 years ago
Can use a mixture of 1 to 1 of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide and water. Will kill anything like that in soil and also is good on root rot or overwatering. Do NOT get on leaves. Roots are ok. For critters on leaves the solution is much much more watered down. Good luck and happy growing
bSandersWitASteelChairstarted grow question 3 years ago
Please help me identify possible causes of this: small spots on leaves, minor color fade (not burn) along edges, and strange 'ripple' effect. A user commented that he thought my plants looked deficient but hasn't elaborated further yet. What might this be? Multiple issues?
Leaves. Color - Mottling
Feeding. Deficiences
Techniques. LST
1 like
InspireMeanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hi mate that looks like she needs some cal mag. Be careful when adding cal mag as it contains nitrogen so I'd lower your usual N dosage a little. Hope this helps 🙂
bSandersWitASteelChairstarted grow question 3 years ago
With ScrOG, during flower, how careful do I need to be about the pre-flowering hairs and early bud sites when I’m tucking branches? I’m trying to gauge how aggressively to keep scrogging vs just letting them go.
Techniques. LST
Techniques. ScrOG
1 like
Burmeseanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hi there, IMO those trellis net holes size are much way wider for a cannabis plant and not strong enough to hold up rising branches.That's why I prefer to use net with small hole size or homemade one.But since you are already using, I would like to advice you to tucking branches under when they have enough length to cross over another hole.In that way, you'll have minimum damage to your bud sites.Since your plant is in strerching period, you can be done in every three to four days.Later than, let her growing happily until harvest.Good luck and happy growing... ✌️

Show by Week
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bSandersWitASteelChairweek 1
FYI those little germination trays suck. Will be germinating in solo cups or similar from now on. They're way too small and it makes it hard to transplant safely.
@MrHightimes, next time!
@bSandersWitASteelChair, just go right into the pot! no stress no worry
bSandersWitASteelChairweek 0
Thanks all!
homerjgangiaweek 0
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
Ferencweek 0
Lacrimaweek 0
Happy Growing ! 😊💪
Ferencweek 17
Nice tasty 😋 @bSandersWitASteelChair
Ferencweek 7
Grow3rPTweek 3
Que maravilha, espero uma boa evolução. E no final uma boa colheita. Se quiseres passa pelo meu diário e deixa o teu comentário :)
AutoCrazyweek 15
Looking good!!🔥🔥😎 I’d personally say judging by the looks of your ladies you have at least another week or two left. Pistils still look mostly white and the calyx aren’t completely swollen up as much as they could be. It’s all in preference but I think you have a little longer to wait. The breeders always set their harvest times on the lower side to make it more attractive to the buyers. In my experience you can add 7-14 days on to what they say. That’s just my 2 cents on that matter anyway. Like I said though things look great!!
@bSandersWitASteelChair, yeah they look great!! Although it’s always a bit sad cutting them down in a way. But we’ll worth it obviously 🤣🤣.
@AutoCrazy, yeah I agree - I am pretty much not going to harvest until at least 60 days. The right plant actually looks pretty darn good (I think you commented based on some slightly older pics) and I don't think I'd be wrong to chop that one in the next day or 2, but the left plant looks clearly young to me still. I don't have space to dry one and grow one, so I'll just wait for both to be ready. They are getting so heavy. I have never seen weed/nugs like this, since I've only ever bought it. IDK if the pics do them justice but I swear some of them rival the fertilizer bottles. I cannot wait!
AutoCrazyweek 9
Coming along nicely. Stretching out like champs! 🍻😎
@bSandersWitASteelChair, glad I could be of assistance 😎. Keep up the good work, they are coming along nicely 🔥🔥 Things should really start to pick up flowerwise very soon 😀 😎🍻
@AutoCrazy, cheers m8 they really are growing wonderfully. The pics don't do them justice. Learning so much on this grow, and you were a big help early on, so thanks!
AutoCrazyweek 6
Looking good!! Keep up the good work!! Finally looks like you’ve dialed everything in 😎🍻👍
@bSandersWitASteelChair, nice, loving them to death is the #1 mistake by new growers. Keep it simple and the plant will grow! Small changes are your friend!! Keep it simple and I bet you get some great results!! Cant wait to see those ladies in flower 😎🍿
@AutoCrazy, thanks for the advice! Things are feeling much 'easier' now. Learning to keep my hands off more often than not has helped a ton.
Sparklesweek 14
DoDrugs420week 11
Beautifull OG Kush!
@DoDrugs420, Thanks!
Good luck with your grow mate! ✌️✌️👊
@ELBICNIVNI, cheers! 👊
SegaYGriegaweek 14
AutoCrazyweek 13
Looking good!!
AutoCrazyweek 11
Coming along nicely 😎😎
AutoCrazyweek 8
50% humidity at this point in the game shouldn’t hurt anything. I have had it in the 60s late in flower and have never had an issue. So long as you’re grow room is clean and you don’t bring anything in from outdoors you are fine. Plants grow outdoor with high humidity just fine so..... some strains even seem to do better in flower if the humidity is at least 50%. Looking good! Cant wait to see these ladies in all their glory 😎🍻👍
AutoCrazyweek 5
One picture kind of looked like a little bite burn so just watch the nutes comrade. I read that you gave full strength nutes, missed that before, you won’t always have burning right away it can take a week to 10 days to show up in my experience. Remember it’s still in the dirt for the next few waterings as well. It doesn’t all get used up at once. Low and slow with the nutes. Just make sure you cover all the bases with nutes and you should be good to go. Looking good overall so if you make any adjustments make sure they are small and not a bunch at once. I’ve been guilty of trying too much at once and it backfires every time in my experience. I now live by the low and slow when it comes to making changes. And plants always take at least a week to show any changes when it comes to nutrient uptake from my experience.
Giggle_butt420week 4
Happy growing buddy