
First Ever Grow! Error 404 Autoflowers!

3 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 7
18 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
VI_Cannabis VI_Cannabis
3 years ago
Start of the week it seems like it’s doing okay, continuing to grow away and get bigger, mid week and it’s still doing its thing, potentially getting a bit of light burn or ph problem again seeing as I still haven’t gotten the ph up or ph down. I did order a liquid solution tester and my tap water is around 7.5 so they have been getting that with the food I just got, but they were only fed one time so far and that was last week. Soil is looking moist at the bottom, my 3-way meter says it is decently moist still so I don’t see a need to water as I was told roots try to make there way to water so let it dry a bit more then I would think. End of the week I got my ph up and ph down. I also got some “wollammo!” Pure wollastonite. I decided at this point I may as well transplant the 2 error 404 plants into 5 gallon fabrics I received with the tent. I got my soil into the fabric pot, took the plant from its 2gallon pot and dusted root stim on the roots. I did this with both plants and then filled the sides in. I didn’t compact it to much as I figure the water will do that itself. I top dressed with 50 grams of wollammo! on each plant. I then got 3 litres of water, checked the ph with liquid solution from general hydroponics. I was sitting around 7.5-8 I’m guessing. So I added ph down, yes I did this without adding my nutrients like a meat head. I then added my nutrients I decided since I am going to switch them into flower probably the start of the week I would give it the recommended amount for transition to flower. I ph tested and obvcourse had a ph of 4.5 or so. I added some ph up, then some more ph down, then some more ph up then more ph up then ph down.. finally I got it to roughly 6 (solution was yellowish light green). It’s my first time, I started with 1ml amounts and went from there. Roughly added 4 ml of ph up and 3ml of ph down. It seems the ph down is potentially stronger I’m not to sure. Next time should be a bit easier now that I figured out roughly how strong the ph up and ph down is. I gave the plants 1.5l or so each of the nutrient water mixture. I fed more around the main stalks and as I will be watering more often now I will slowly drag the water out towards the edges to hopefully encourage the roots to grow more and fill the pot. I should have mixed up more then 3L so I could have tested the run off. On the next watering with no nutrients I will be getting some run off to test. I then decided to finish it off with some low stress training. Again this is my first time growing so first time training. I took the main stalk and bent that over first, gently so I would not damage it. I pulled as many of the new growth out towards the sides trying to keep everything as even as possible. I then tucked the bigger fan leafs behind the newer growth so they would get more light. I made sure no leafs were sitting in the soil as I read to keep them out of the soil. All in all the training seems to have gone okay. It was a bit hard with the fabric pot because of how much it moves but it wasn’t to hard. Depending on how they look tomorrow I will swap them into flower myself as I still don’t see any “pistols?”. I am also going to be ordering some clip fans to make sure I have enough airflow.
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Cannabeast40week 5
Nice that you are getting all issues fixed mate😀 Good luck with your grow 🙌💪😀
@VI_Cannabis,thats true, as long as you react, you are on the right path 😇
@Cannabeast40,it’s all a learning curve. I presume I won’t learn until the issues come up. Thanks for the feedback!
Ferencweek 13
Nice nugs mate @VI_Cannabis
@Ferenc, Check back in 5 min's as I do the diary on the computer and upload the pictures after off my phone.
DreamITweek 5
Enjoy growth mate 🍀👊🦄
@DreamIT, thanks man! I’ll put a update up after work.
fraankiieeweek 10
Bonitas plantas compañero. ¿Realmente necesitas tantos aparatos?😳 - es + Suerte broo.💪
@fraankiiee, I’m able to keep it at roughly 31 with everything on and Ac running. Our heat wave was brutal. West coast of British Columbia Canada.
@VI_Cannabis, más que en el sur de España?? 😅 Si controlas la VPD, regulando la humedad/temperatura, no deberías tener problemas. Échale un vistazo a mis últimos diarios, las tengo entre 31/32º C y la temperatura aparente es de 34/35º C y las veo muy felices. La cantidad de mis cosechas siempre ha rondado los 180 gramos en seco teniendo en cuenta que mi espacio de cultivo es de 0.60 m2. Suerte broo!!💪
@fraankiiee, thank you they’re doing well. Due to a massive heat wave for this entire week, I am very happy I have everything. I mainly plan on having a lot more plants in here so hence the initial investment into everything I may possibly need.
Thundrfukweek 8
Looking good buddy, I love the name of this strain. Watch your PH it is key, looks like you are getting it under control. Personally I would take it easy on the defoliation, every leaf is like a battery and power source. The less leaves the less energy it can process. I have noticed a lot of this going on here with many growers and noticed a major dent in the over all yeild.
@Thundrfuk,huge fan of the name aswell. Yeah I heard PH is a big thing so I’m waiting for the new tester to show up. I totally did not know that. I will try to do more tucking in the future instead of full on defoliation. I’ve been taking notes and checking other grows out to try to figure everything out. Thanks for the advice! Very much appreciated.
Thundrfukweek 7
Great job, good luck with the grow buddy! Everything is looking good, I'm growing another strain from this breeder and they are awesome.👊
@Thundrfuk, They seem to be pretty resilient. The one thing I've noticed is that they are not auto flower like the package said. Unless its a super late autoflower.
Lacrimaweek 5
Happy Growing ! 😊💪
@Lacrima,thank you! Glad to be learning so much.
DoDrugs420week 13
Pretty nice job on Error 404 by 34 Street Seed co!!