
Northern Lights Auto First Grow

3 years ago
herbies seeds northern lights autoflower FL
Room Type
weeks 3-8, 11-12
weeks 4-6, 13
weeks 7
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 10
18 hrs
Light Schedule
13+ conditions after
Commented by
Fallingthroughstars Fallingthroughstars
3 years ago
d1 I can finally stop being envious of other peoples grows who actually have trichomes! Patience is paying off. d2 8/20 d3 8/21 - she needed to bed watered today but i left super early and got home late so all i managed was to give her 2-3cups of phd water at about 6.3-4 she looks like shit. she isnt growing and the yellowing is spreading extremely heavily now. d4 i'm hoping the fact she looks so yellow and shit is because shes close to the end of her life. I need to get water so I can feed her. Wow yeah. all her leaves are affected now and the tips are dead and curled up. thought it was from nute burn but the fact she hasnt had nutes the past 2.5 waters and ik her ppm run off would be below 1k now i'm pretty sure its not the case since even her top leaves are getting it now. I guess i'll just give her 3mg bloom 1.5ml micro and some calmag? Idk. shes not getting denser nugs or looking even close to being ready for harvest yet she looks terrible like she this is when she should be ready for harvest. Bah. Okay so I finally got the magnifying glass and considering how yellow and kind poopy she looks all her trichomes that have developed are still white..not surprising i guess considering all her pistils are and her buds are tiny.. but she definitely took a shit turn between day 1 and 4 this week. I suppose it could be because i flushed her? but her run off nutes reading was really high the water before that and her tips have been burnt. d5 okay so i got her fed with 1.2ml micro, 3 ml bloom and 1.5ml calmag, PHd to 6.4 and still less than 500ppm. runoff was 6.3 and 1kppm. Trichomes and bud sights atleast seem to still be fattening up. D6 left her alone, she perked up and the yellowing stopped its crazy fast spread. D7 It's interesting to watch the buds grow. I am glad i didn't pluck all the lower growth and leaves before going to flowering so i can see just how small and popcornish the lower buds get and the difference between the levels, also just how dense she has managed to get at this stage. The gorilla glue baby I will try to lst and defoliate better before flowering and see the difference that makes in the taller buds.
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Grow Questions
Fallingthroughstarsstarted grow question 3 years ago
Is this a simple N deficiency or a lockout? I gave her more N last feeding but nothing seems to have changed. still stunted and still bottom yellow leaves. Should I feed her a micro/bloom mix or flush her??! Her soil ph seems to be correct and ppm so idk if its a build up of salt
Leaves. Tips - Die
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Plant. Stem - Red or purple
1 like
Hashyanswered grow question 3 years ago
Just had a quick scan through the diary. Looks like all the leaves are healthy except the ones you have pointed out. So it could be as the leaves are quite low down that they are not getting enough light as growth above it blocks the light. In which case remove the fucked up leaves as the lower down the plant you get the more airy you buds will be. Or you may have overwater/water to frequent, I can't see it being that as 99% of the plant looks great. Regards your nutrient I would contine with your micro and bloom but have the micro at 50% of the bloom so if you use 1ml/L bloom then use 0.5ml/L micro
Fallingthroughstarsstarted grow question 3 years ago
She's gotten alot more yellow since this morning. It's spreading a lot. Idk what to do. Is it a lockout or a deficiency? She seemed to have responded well to the just watering when i checked her this morning but 12hrs later and shes gotten bad. Should I water her nutes tomorrow?
Buds. Not fattening
Leaves. Edges burnt
Leaves. Color - Yellow
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Dapper_Budsanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hello. By the looks of it. Possibe lock out. But also looks like a N deficiency. Check run ph to be in the 6.0-6.5 range also run tds (950-1200)see what she’s at. If all check out. she is Defficient nitrogen and potassium.
Fallingthroughstarsstarted grow question 3 years ago
I lowered my light to take pictures and forgot to turn it back up. When I did notice it she was looking A LOT better than the last few weeks. Details in my grow diary. Have I been overlighting her? Should I keep it at like 40% strength?
Other. Other
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Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hmm, interesting.. it definitely looks better afterwards. Possibly the temps were higher with full brightness and thats what was stressing her, maybe thirsty? this stage of growth sucks up alot more water than early growth. I always recommend this app you can download on your phone called Photone - theres a in app purchase for an amazingly accurate light meter that will give you a PPFD read out. I did my reasearch on it and its within 10% of the apogee high end light sensors. Its a great tool I use often for setting light brightness and height. That will show you if you have too much light at full brightness. You want something around at least 500 PPFD, but ideally more around 1000 for flowering.
Fallingthroughstarsstarted grow question 3 years ago
I flushed my plant because of too high ppm reading from run off and now she seems to be going all yellow. Is this normal for this stage of the grow (all trichomes still white and small buds) or is this a definite nutrients deficiency during flowering?
Buds. Not fattening
Leaves. Tips - Burnt
Leaves. Color - Yellow
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HighRoller909answered grow question 3 years ago
bro, avoid mid grow flush. this is one of the critical mistakes when growing mj. Flush should be done at the end of flowering.If you have nute burn during earlier phases, just reduce amount of nutes you are giving to them and save the flush for later phase.When leaves start to fade to yellow after a succesful flush, it is impossible to turn them back to green as all vegetative growth was done and now there is no room for extra nitrogen intake as you are in flowering. Many growers learned it that way,including me. No mid grow flush,only adjust your feeding well and flush at the end of flowering prior to harvest. If you don't see signs of burnt leaves or stunted growth, high ppm won't hurt , you can flush all the nutes out a couple of weeks before harvest. now should just keep feeding it with bloom nutes until the end.
Fallingthroughstarsstarted grow question 3 years ago
Is there anything I can do at this point in the grow to help her along before harvest? I made the mistake of flushing her once last week when she seemed to be having nute burn/some type of nute lockout i couldnt get under control and I can't stop the yellowing. Any suggestions?
Leaves. Dropping off
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Feeding. Deficiences
ChitownCannaChicaanswered grow question 3 years ago
Yeah—- autos are fussy. Less is best! Ph the feed and feed less

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