
Blueberry (First timer)

3 years ago
Phlizon (110 cm x 110 cm x 200 cm)
Room Type
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Worm castings
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 4
18 hrs
Light Schedule
10+ conditions after
Rootzilla by Rootz (MX)
4 ml/l
Kelper by Rootz(MX)
4 ml/l
Forza Silica by Rootz(MX
2 ml/l
Commented by
dfj92 dfj92
3 years ago
Day 23: Apply .5mL of Rootzilla with .25 mL of Forza Silica at a pH 6.3 in 250 mL of dechlorinated filtered water around the base of the seedling and the whole medium. Day 28: Apply 1mL of Rootzilla with .5 mL of Forza Silica at a pH 6.3 in 250 mL of dechlorinated filtered water around the base of the seedling and the whole medium. Kelper was mixed with water and applied via Foliar Feeding (Sprayed on the leaves) right before the lights turn off to avoid a magnifier effect on the leaves because of the drops and direct exposure to the light.
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Grow Questions
dfj92started grow question 3 years ago
Aprox, how many days after planting them into the soil should it be expected to see the seedling rise? My BB showed mini true leaves in 24 hrs (after putting it into the medium), but my WW has not yet emerged.
Germination. Other
OneDropOfTHCanswered grow question 3 years ago
Its alright, depends alot on the quality and state of the seed. If in a week you still font see anything i would worry, till then its only normal. As you can see you WW is a bit slower than your BB, the tap root on the WW was much smaller. If you planted at the same soil depth you should begin to see her in 2-3 days max. Dont worry If she has already sprouted the taproot your chances just improved alot.
dfj92started grow question 3 years ago
What could be the reason why the White Widow seedling´s cotyledon leaf and the only 2 mini true leaves shrunk and look a little bit less alive? Background: 4 days after sprouting I removed the wet plastic film , day was hot (86-91F). Light 30 in from the canopy. Stems looks ok
Leaves. Other
Setup. Seedling
The8thChevronanswered grow question 3 years ago
Something is stressing her a bit, but don't throw in the towel just yet. Feed her just enough to stay moist. She is way more focused on building a root structure right now anyway and that's going to be what gives you results in the end. Don't overwater and don't hit her directly with a fan.
dfj92started grow question 3 years ago
What happens if a seedling looses its true leaves during the 1st week after germination but the cotyledon leaves are still alive and green and the stem is straight? Do another set of True leaves reappear? and how can this affect the perdormance of the plant?
Plant. Other
Organomananswered grow question 3 years ago
No, if it loses it first true leaves, that's it, no new ones will ever grow. Their "disappearance" was likely due to too high a humidity, especially if you had covered the newly hatched seedling with cling film or other humidity boosting cover. Cannabis seedlings do not need artificially high humidity to grow, but they do need good air exchange, something that can not happen when under a cover of any sort. Having a light on can also raise the temperature under the cover considerably, literally cooking any new growth or causing moulds or fungus to attack the plant. Cannabis is not a rain forest plant and growing seedlings under humidity domes/sweat lodges is one of the most frequent mistakes I see in Grow Diaries. Only cuttings/clones need extra humidity, and only for a short time while they are waiting to form a new root system. Just think about what happens in nature, cannabis grows in the open air, there are no little elves or fairies running around covering cannabis seedlings with little humidity domes or plastic film. Most Idicas come from the middle east, a very dry climate and most sativas come from equatorial countries and grow in the "dry" season, both environments are very low in humidity. Cannabis needing humidity is an outdated concept from the 1960s when pot was coming from South East Asia (and people generally had very little actual knowledge about cannabis), so people though "jungle", whereas the pot came from low land areas and grown during the dry season. This myth about cannabis needing humidity has strangely persisted for the last 60 odd years and is largely an urban myth. I also believe people are wasting vast amounts of money by unnecessarily having and running humidifiers in their grow tents/spaces. Cannabis actually prefers a dry environment from mid flowering onwards, and will produce the largest amounts of trichomes when its is arid at the end stages of flowering. Hope this helps, Organoman.
dfj92started grow question 3 years ago
I couldnt help to see that other growers´ photoperiods (BB strains) are taller, thicker and leafier than mine by week 3 and 4. Is it normal that mine by the end of week 4 is this size? Affects that the seed shell is still attached to the stem? Will appreciate a lot your comments
Plant. Too short
Organomananswered grow question 3 years ago
Transplant them into decent sized pots, those tiny cups are dreadfully under sized for proper root development and only really adequate for the first 5-7 days of growth. Pots about 4 inches across and 5 inches deep are far more suitable and have enough room and volume for great root growth and enough space for 3 weeks of development. You can't grow an elephant in a canary cage! You also need to start feeding them with proper grow nutrients, half strength to start with, the supplements you are now giving do not contain any major nutrients in any great concentration. Seaweed, silica and root stimulants will not provide your plant with the building blocks it needs to grow properly and they all lack adequate amounts of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium (the major nutrients) that your plant needs to grow. At the moment, what you are giving is like feeding soup broth to a cage fighter, who really needs steak and carbs to perform to their best. Soup broth may prevent death, but will not provide the energy needed to perform at A level sports. It is all about nutrition and an adequate and balanced diet. Hope this helps, Organoman.
dfj92started grow question 3 years ago
Last week (3rd) the green of the leaves were a bit darker, this week (4th) their green looks lighter /paler. Is this an issue? Week 3 pic on the left -- Week 4 pic on the right
Leaves. Color - Pale
1 like
Organomananswered grow question 3 years ago
Yes, this is a problem, your plants are suffering from lack of nutrition and no doubt starving. Please see my answer that I posted in your other question for more clues to guide you towards healthy and happy plants. After looking at your diary, it seems your light should be adequate, just your feeding is missing the mark, as well as the cups being a dreadfully unsuitable size for proper seedling development. Cheers, Organoman.
dfj92started grow question 3 years ago
Week 5: Did some research and many suggested that it is due to overwatering, which I kinda agree with . I was feeding around 100ml every 2-3 days with the nutrients. This week I added the Nitrogen nute. This week I installed a homemade CO2 DIY . Cotyledon shrunk and turned yellow
Leaves. Color - Pale
Plant. Too short
Feeding. Other
Manu76answered grow question 3 years ago
Hmm, not too sure here, but I have all pots that are plastic/ that don't let air in...are out of service for my weed experiments after my last issue plant will be harvested from it.. too much water can become a problem with little water, because the earth can't let the water flow and reach all parts.. (and suffocate a plant easily too it seems) I'm thinking of giving more and more importance to airy earth.. Good luck with the grows!
Robertsanswered grow question 3 years ago
I think your main issue all along was your ph in soil. I imagine it is still a issue. That is the root of all the issues. Make sure your run off ph is in acceptable range to grow in.
dfj92started grow question 3 years ago
The lower leaves keep turning yellow and look a little down. The conditions: Temp : (80-87F) Humidity: (50-65%) Light distance : 24 in Mexico is hot! Feed : once a week with Nitrogen nutes After trasplantation it ceased to be stunted, but still down see a rapid greener growth.
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Plant. Too short
HappyHarvestanswered grow question 3 years ago
Try and drop those day temps. Target 75-80. Best of luck my friend!
ChitownCannaChicaanswered grow question 3 years ago
Yeah looking a little better. No nutes yet
dfj92started grow question 3 years ago
The run off pH is 6, the ppm is 947. I have watered with pH 5.5 plain water, but the pH soil meter indicates alkaline solution. What do I do? Temps (80-85F) Humidity (60-70%) Light dist : 25 in
Leaves. Color - Yellow
ChitownCannaChicaanswered grow question 3 years ago
Get a real ph meter. Not an cheapo
Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question 3 years ago
I just looked over your diary and those have some stunting going on.. I’m not sure what the cause is but it might be worth popping some more seeds if you got em as back ups
Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question 3 years ago
That’s a pretty high PPM for a young plant like that. Probably just over feeding.. I’d be shooting for like half that as far as PPM. Looks like you’re in coco, if not properly buffered sometimes coco has high amounts of salts in it and needs flushed/buffered with calmag before .. especially if it was brick coco

Show by Week
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homerjgangiaweek 0
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
Lacrimaweek 0
Happy Growing ! 😊💪
Cannabeast40week 0
Wish you best of luck and happy growing 😊🙌
ThePassionForWeed420week 1
Buona coltivazione e felice crescita amico 👏 👏
KingCatfishweek 7
What medium are you using for your grow ?
@KingCatfish, Coco coir, perlite and worm castings
@KingCatfish, Is a blend of Coco coir, perlite, worm castings with a touch of mycorrhizea.
Antaresweek 11
Ahí va!!, mucha suerte bro
KingCatfishweek 8
Goodluck with your grow. I feel like you need to use something else apart from Coco coir possibly. If providing the base nutrients for the plants is going to be difficult. Since the lack of nutrient in Coco right. Pick a good soil mix. ( Super soil maybe ) ( take it as you will. I'm still begginner )
DoDrugs420week 5
sdoyleweek 5
Listen to Organoman! What he’s telling you is gold!
RapBoy26week 4
Yo what’s is up G! I would like to make one suggestion. You should drop down the light to about 40 cm as it is making your plants stretch and not get the needed light or reduced light spectrum.
How wonderful I hope a good development 🌱👍 Go through my diary and leave your opinion .
spyderweek 1
good luck with the grow....enjoy.