
First grow!! Regular dispensary seeds

3 years ago
Room Type
weeks 10
weeks 3
weeks 4
weeks 6, 8
weeks 9-16
Grow medium
Grow medium
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 15
12 hrs
Light Schedule
14+ conditions after
Mother Earth Liquicraft bloom
2.113 ml/l
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra
2.113 mll
Overdrive - Advanced Nutrients
2 mll
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
Eponymus29 Eponymus29
3 years ago
Just starting this week, my girl is looking bigger I guess it should be just 2 or 3 weeks more before harvest, most of pistils are still white but I want to be optimistic... I started giving her advanced nutrients overdrive since I couldn't get my hands on some mother earth floresssence, I really wanted to use the complete mother earth set although it smells like shit.
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Grow Questions
Eponymus29started grow question 3 years ago
How long should I wait before moving them into the bigger pots?
Setup. Seedling
ThinLizzyanswered grow question 3 years ago
Looking at your diary you have them in seed starting treys. You can transplant in 10-14 days after they sprouted.
Eponymus29started grow question 3 years ago
Does anyone here have any experience with mother earth fertilizer like liquicraft grow-bloom, florescence, etc...? I'm thinking of using them along with their soil but not sure...
Feeding. Other
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BraveheartGeneticsanswered grow question 3 years ago
Looks perfect for it...Great packaging too. Looking at what they put into their soil mix, the blend looks perfect. The brewers yeast is a surprise but perfect for breaking down that organic matter. Should be a great substrate for you plants. Good luck
Eponymus29started grow question 3 years ago
So I thought I had a little light burning in one of my girls first leaves this due to some foliar feeding a I did during their first week, but now it kinda looks like is spreading so I'm wondering if it might be some calmag deficiency?
Leaves. Color - Mottling
Feeding. Deficiences
1 like
Hashyanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hi there you are over watering/watering to frequently which causes problems like nutrient deficiency. I wouldn't worry to much about the lowest leaves as they do fade quickly into a grow. Let top inch of your medium dry before water/feed. I would start adding nutrients as well. Good luck
Eponymus29started grow question 3 years ago
Hi you all and TIA, yesterday I watered my girls but after a few hours one of them started to get her leaves down, so I checked pH on my reservoir and it was 7.9!! So my question is what to do now? Do I wait for a few days and then water again with right pH or should I do it now?
Feeding. Other
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Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question 3 years ago
Just mix up another feed at correct pH, feed til run off and a bit more. I’d go to about 50% run off
Eponymus29started grow question 3 years ago
Hi everyone and TIA, I'm wondering if I should defoliate a little before putting them on 12/12 schedule? BTW I'm fixing a little deficiencies they had... what's the experts advice??
Techniques. Defoliation
m0useanswered grow question 3 years ago
I'd fix your deficiencies before defoliating. Chances are some of the leaves will die off on their own, this gives the plant time to suck some of the mobile nutrients out of them and place it where its needed in the plant canopy on new growth. Thus an auto defoliation sorta. If you remove to many when its not ready it could shock it a bit. are you crunched for time to switch to 12/12? I'd grow them out a few weeks more? not needed but could help increase bulk. Defoliation should only be used in bigger fan leaves as well to increase airflow and light penetration. Best of luck
Eponymus29started grow question 3 years ago
Hi everyone I'm once again asking for your support *insert Bernie sanders meme* but I'm really worried, I was checking out the ladies after some watering and I think one of them might be a male? Any thoughts??
Plant. Other
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m0useanswered grow question 3 years ago
Now seeing you other Photos on the new grow question I think this is leaning more towards male. Give it a few more days to confirm. And watch out for plants that are presexing with Pistils and Balls from the bag seed. Cheers,
Eponymus29started grow question 3 years ago
Hi and TIA, well I switched this lady to 12/12 last Sunday after that I watered her and fed her with 3/4 of the recommended dose, pH was on range I think 5.6 or something close to that so my question is why is she looking down? Did I fed her too much?
Feeding. Schedule
1 like
m0useanswered grow question 3 years ago
The weeping effect of the plant looks like a bit of overwatering to me. Your in a soil and coir mix like myself. That's a common issue I get every now and then. The plants will need a bit of time before the next water, and when it comes do a bit less. I agree with what @ezzjaybruh is saying and think they look a bit hungry, but before you feed anymore I would get that PH up to aorund 6.5 This brand looks very much like advanced nutrients in its liquid line up. and their dry amendments is a lot like Gaia Green that I use. good stuff. Over all your grow is looking good despite this one set back, Don't forget to keep adding it small amounts of the Grow feed as well as the Bloom when you enter flower. and next grow try their dry stuff, it has a slightly different feeding/watering schedule but Its great stuff. Best of Luck and Happy Growing!
Eponymus29started grow question 3 years ago
Hi, I'm wondering if I can use great white myco to make clones but without any other product like clonex or cloning solution? Would it work if I just dip my cuttings on it?
Other. Other
Organomananswered grow question 3 years ago
No, mycorrhizae live in a mutually beneficial relationship WITH the roots. The mycorrhizae live on the roots and the roots benefit from the mycorrhizae breaking down nutrients into a more easily useable form for the plant to use. Mycorrhzae on their own will not encourage root growth on cuttings/clones. Honet supposedly helps root formation, but I have never tried it. You just dip the end of the stems in the honey, then plant into the rooting mix/cube etc. Cuttings will take root by just placing them in a glass of plain water, but it does take 3 weeks or so, just change the water every second or third day. Root development can be sped up with the addition of an air bubbler/air stone in the water. Best to buy some clonex, it works well and works faster than anything else.
Eponymus29started grow question 3 years ago
Hi and TIA, my plant is finishing week 5 of flower and I'm seeing some of the old fan leaves are turning yellow, so I wonder if it's a good idea to cut them or should I leave them alone?
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Organomananswered grow question 3 years ago
Congratulations on not defoliating, your plant needs all the energy that the leaves make, to be able to grow her biggest and best flowers. Only cut them off when they are really yellow. The reason they go yellow is that the plant is taking sugars, amino acids, starches, vitamins etc from those older leaves to be used for flower growing, as it is more efficient for the plant to re-use the pre-made elements from the older leaves, than it is to grow flowers and make those growth elements from new at the same time as growing the flowers. Had you cut off the leaves before they turned yellow, not only does this reduce the plants capacity to produce energy, thereby reducing growth, it also robs it of this vital resource of pre-made growth elements she has cleverly stored in her older leaves for use during the flowering cycle. All of the plants energy is made in the leaves. Less leaves = less energy production = less growth. Besides, cutting off healthy green leaves and forcing your plant to grow new healthy green leaves is stupid in my opinion, and no doubt, the plants opinion too! If the plant would not need those leaves, it would not grow them in the first place! Hope this helps, Organoman.
Eponymus29started grow question 3 years ago
Hi and TIA, So this last week some leaves at the top of the colas started to curl up and the color change to something a bit more yellow with spots on it... I want to believe is normal given she is close to the end but I would love to hear the experts opinion?
Leaves. Curl up
Robertsanswered grow question 3 years ago
She is calling for potassium and cal mag. She is saying too much nitrogen by tips clawing. The nitrogen amount can also be the issue. Or you substrate ph could be out of a safe range.
Eponymus29started grow question 3 years ago
Hi and TIA, I've just noticed that in one of the buds there is a pair of wild looking pistils like a little more thick I guess and not the typical white color, so my question is what that could be?
Buds. Other
Benzelsanswered grow question 3 years ago
Pollen sack aka bananas. Agree with fan off, wet tweezers or just pinch it off with fingers if your dont have sausage fingers. lols. There will be more elsewhere so go hunting ever day and rip em off the second u see em. It happens and even if some buds get seeds in em, once the bud is proper dry, u can just roll a bud between your fingers loosely and most of the seeds fall out. I had a lemon haze self seed and had half a pound of seedy bud, was still good thou. A pain to pick seeds out but hey thats how they did it in the big outdoor fields in africa and india back in the day. Seeds in bud isnt the end of the world ok. A pain in the ass, but you still get plenty of smoke out of it.

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