
'Melanie' Mexican Airlines Auto

2 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 3
20 hrs
Light Schedule
13+ conditions after
3+ nutrients after
Commented by
greenhousegrowgirl greenhousegrowgirl
3 years ago
Jan 3 (day 15): Start of week 3. Looking good today following her first feed yesterday and is still hydrated. More growth on each of the leaves and nodes. Still leaning to the right a bit, but I really don't think I should turn the light down below 20%, that just seems silly. Will give it another day and turn it down tomorrow, or raise it to see if that straightens her out. Jan 4 (day 16): Looking good still and I cant believe how much she is thriving (touches wood profusely). More growth both height wise and on the leaves and nodes. She's growing seriously fast. Soil still looks a bit damp around the stem, so will likely water tomorrow. I'm not going to make the same mistake I made with my first two plants and LST them too early. I did the second set of plants a little later on and their end shape was SO much better, so am leaving well alone until I get some bigger branches! I noticed yesterday that the two plants at the back of the tent have straightened out, but the two at the front are leaning (although they are a bit straighter now) I have therefore swapped Gertie and Melanie around at the front, as they are leaning to the left/right. Hopefully by swapping their positions, they will compensate and straighten up. Lets see 😊 Jan 5 (day 17): Still looking fabulous today with more growth on height, leaves and nodes. Third set of true leaves has 7 perfect fingers, the nodes are developing perfect little fingered leaves and they are separating from the stem and taking shape as branches. I noticed that whilst she is the shortest of all the plants, her second set of true leaves had 5 fingers rather than 3 fingers (like all the others). All the plants are all thriving and I couldn't be happier. I noticed a slight smell when I opened the tent door today which I thought I must have been imagining at this stage, but no....when I rubbed the leaves, there it was. I have the extractor on pretty low to be fair as the smell isn't problematic at the moment and I like it. In the later stages when I open the door and the smell slaps me across the face I will turn it up πŸ˜‚ Saves on electricity of course too! I rubbed the leaves of each of the plants and they all had an individual scent which is one of the exciting things about growing different strains. It's also another reason I name each of my plants as they all have their own little identities. I swapped her position with Gertie yesterday in a bid to get them to straighten up and hey presto, it worked! Granted, she is not perfectly straight, but you can see the difference in the photos. I rotated her a bit in a further bid to straighten her. I also measured the distance from Gertie to the light (she is the tallest of the four plants) and it was 30 inches. I raised it up to 32 inches and turned up the power from 20% to 30%. The soil looked dry on top and she hasn't been watered for 2 days, so I mixed up 500ml of water with week 1 of the nute feeding schedule. I watered them via the large syringe this time (rather than the jug) and it gave me a nice bit of control. She drank it all down and there was no run off. I had an enormous sense of well being whilst watering them all today. It's such a lovely process to watch something grow and care for it. I'm going to enjoy every minute as I know that at some point during flowering I will be stressed, confused and tearing my hair out again! Happiness level 10/10 😁 Jan 6 (day 18): Continuing to grow on strong πŸ’ͺ Growth to leaves and nodes and still looking nice and healthy. She seems ok and still hydrated after yesterday's feed. Still leaning to the side a bit, but is looking straighter than she was. Rotated the pot a bit in a bid to keep her growing upwards. She's still the shortest of the 4 plants, but looks well developed and sturdy, even in these early days. Her stem is nice and thick and she doesn't look to have stretched looking for light. I was looking at pictures of my first grow on day 18 and there is a big difference. In fairness, they were Dutch Passion seeds, so another reputable seed breeder so I won't blame genetics. I think it's mainly down to experience and getting the environment right from the start. Jan 7 (day 19): Looking well today and lots more growth height wise. I gave her a quick measure and she is now 5 inches tall 😧 7 days ago when I measured her last, she was 3 inches, so has nearly doubled in size! I guess when looking at them every day, you don't realise how much they are actually growing....CRAZY! More growth on the main leaves, but the nodes is where I am seeing the quickest growth now. She's not straightened up as much as I would like, so I may rotate the pot a little later today. She was ready for some water, but I have moved the feed up to week 2 of the nute schedule as I think she will benefit from adding the Fish Mix given her size. Gave her 500ml of water and week 2 of the nute schedule. Jan 8 (day 20): Looking amazing again today. Latest set of leaves have grown overnight, nodal branches are getting longer and their leaves are getting bigger. Some new nodes as well. Feed seems to have gone down ok, but always hard with organic growing as issues don't show up straight away. She's still looking healthy and happy which is the main thing and I am still shocked as to how big she is at this stage, its incredible! Jan 9 (day 21): End of week 3. Seems like its been a great week and the main feature has been the amount of incredible growth! She's grown 2 and a 1/4 inches in one week 😲 On top of that, there have been a few sets of new fan leaves and I'm now seeing the classic 7 fingers. Nodal growth has exploded with several new branches and good development on their leaves. The soil looked drier on top today and I was pondering on whether to water her. No drooping leaves, so I felt like she could go another day pretty comfortably. Even so, I put my moisture meter in to take a reading near the main stem which said 'normal'. So she's not 'dry', but not 'wet' either 😐 Moisture meters aren't always the most reliable, so I also tried the 'stick test' and put a wooden skewer into the soil to see how much soil surrounds the stick when you pull it out. Next to no soil stuck, so I decided to go ahead with the feed. Gave her 500ml of water and week 2 of the nute schedule, along with the weekly dose of calmag and microbes. I've realised after the event I have given too much calmag and it was supposed to be 0.15ml not 0.3ml 😳 How annoying. Hopefully its not enough to cause an issue and I only give it once a week anyway. She's still leaning a bit, but has continued to straighten out so I'm happy enough. Overall, a very good week and I am super happy with her progress. Happiness level 10/10. NOTE: Nutrient amount is the total amount of nutes given during the week.
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homerjgangiaweek 0
Good luck with your grow mate!πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ
Sour_Dweek 2
Best of luck! 😎
@Sour_D, thank you πŸ™πŸ»
Wackytabacky_420week 0
Best of luck and Happy Growing!πŸŒ±πŸ’šπŸ˜ŽπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ
Fast_Budsweek 6
Hey! Thanks for running this diary, Excited for your harvest, You got this! Happy Growing & Good Luck!🌱
Y0inkweek 0
When the going gets tough, the tough get going! Good luck! πŸ‘ŠπŸ½πŸ’ͺπŸ½πŸ’š
SkankHunTer666week 5
Nice strech nice growing
@skankhunter666, thanks mate! Yeah they have gone crazy, some of them doubled in size over the last week and grew 7 inches or so.
ZoobZoob_farmZweek 4
Good grow !!!πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ😜
@ZoobZoob_farmZ, thanks so much! I'm really pleased with how they are doing πŸ˜€
cannapassionweek 6
Looking great good Luck for the futur πŸ‘ŒπŸ’ͺ
Kynarethweek 5
good grow