
Monstor Zkittlez by Zamnesia

Approved by Zamnesia Seeds
2 years ago
Monster Zkittlez
Zamnesia Seeds
Growing it
It’s really hard to give an indication of the ease of growing and resistance because I had 3 diff strains all in one room and it got seeded somehow. Not sure if it’s because of the genetics or because I didn’t tape over quite a bright red light from my smart power strip. I did try and look for where the pollen came from but I couldn’t see any ball sacks. Pretty sure by the time I actually realised it was seeded the actual balls had opened, pollen came out and they kind of disappeared. I have looked for balls since I realised but couldn’t see any… I’m pretty new to having to look for hermaphroditism and clearly not very good at it! They all smell fantastic but I definitely have suffered with yield because of it. The buds are noticeably less fat and the popcorn type bits are way airier and insane amounts of seeds. The actual colas don’t feel too bad in terms of seeds but then you go below that and you don’t even need to feel for seeds you can see them lol They do all smell v good though which I’m pleased about. I mistakenly thought that they had no odour because my carbon filter was doing such a good job and that’s not usually the case lol Also I don’t usually hang the plants in the same room I grow in - with a carbon filter. Therefore I’m ususally shitting it because my whole flat STINKS. I just couldn’t live with the paranoia this time lol Anyway I took some photos today and they have been hanging for about two days. I accidentally dislodged the humidifier yesterday so the humidity when down to around 50 but that’s no big deal. I’m lucky I live where I do with regards to drying rele. Up until my last grow I was just hanging at ambient temp and RH and iv only ever really had one plant that was unacceptably hay like and that was coz I was messing about with it. I am a bit annoyed about the seeds but as I don’t smoke it’s not a huge deal for me. It does make it a little more challenging to use my cannabis as a bartering aid and in terms of yield (which is a bit annoying). Hanging said that I don’t really grow for yield as I’m not selling. I grow for my own medication, satisfaction and the fact it really helps my mental health. I would go as far as saying the gardening probably helps my mental health more than the cannabis itself does, even though it was the cannabis that lead me to the gardening. It’s a bit like how I use my music playing and my art skills to help with my mental health. I play drums most days for about an hour and iv just started getting back into painting - which I took a loooong Break from after being released from prison. Well actually I guess it started on the lead up to being released after serving 4 years for drugs. It was WAY harder to get used to outside life than I thought and I was also going through some very hard councelling and trauma therapy as well as trying to cure an addiction so for a lot of the time I just wanted to die to be honest. It was awful. HOWEVER I’m so glad iv been through those horrible times because now I’m coming out of the other end and I’m accepting who I am and I actually like myself now. This is a bit deep but I recalled a repressed memory of being sexually abused, started dealing with it then I relapsed and ‘dealt with it’ in my own way which basically meant slowly killing myself by using heroin and benzos. I started going properly insane at the beginning of lockdown due to using so many drugs. It got to the point I didn’t know if I was awake or asleep and dreaming. I thought I was living in sons of anarchy and stuff like that. When I started coming to I genuinely thought I’d killed someone and buried them in the woods b it couldn’t really fully remember it. Just like a dream after waking fully. Anyway I don’t know how that links into these strains and how I like them BUT they smell fantastic and hopefully I’ll manage to not herm them next time! I guess there’s a first for everything… Oh and weight will be done when dry. Same for taste tests although the cheese plants really remind me of the smoothy fastbuds auto I grew. Really super musky and skunky with just a touch of that sour Chem smell. Stinking!
The Outcome
Week 14
Reviews. Lamp
I really like these lights. I was thinking about giving their ventilation system a go but honestly I’m just going to pay for the actual ac infinity one as that’s what they r a rip off of and I want their controller 69 lol
Reviews. Tent
Commented by
Rabidreject Rabidreject
2 years ago
Overall I know one of these zkittlez plants is absolutely Lauren with seeds which is a bit annoying. The tops don’t seem as bad so I’ll probably give them a dry squeeze then snip them, keep them and de-stalk then dry ice sift the rest. I have wanted to press some dry ice hash in my rosin press basically since iv had it so if I keep the tops then do that with the popcorn/seed Laiden yet sticky and trichomy stuff as well as the trim I should get enough hash to be able to press some. Honestly I really like hash as well so I’d probably keep some of that as well but I guess in reality I would probably use the rosin more than the hash as I now have an enail as part of my new Ceroma vape and I would obviously get less left over residue by removing those trichome shells which have wax’s and lipids and stuff in them so I guess it does make more sense to actually press it. It’s just hash is easier to handle in my experience that’s all
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Extremeweek 14
История твоей жизни захватила меня даже больше чем сам гроурепорт. Пусть это увлечение пойдет тебе только на пользу. Отличные растения. Удачи.
@Rabidreject, специфика сайта, по моему, должна подразумевать общение. Мы выращиваем не помидоры. Хотя, может, кого то успокаивает и выращивание томатов и орхидей. Я более двух лет сидел на ежедневном употреблении конопли. И вот уже как 6 месяцев не употребляю. Тест на THC перестал показывать после трех месяцев. И именно ведение дневника меня немного успокаивает, наверное поэтому и читаю не только про технику, но и про отношение ко всему этому. Пишу я на русском, потому что родом из этой страны. Могу на английском, но тут хороший автоматический перевод.
@Extreme,im amazed anyone read that tbh! I tend to use my diaries as a…well…diary lol The weird thing is I always think iv had a pretty good life and a happy childhood. I guess you kind of block the shit that happens out. Thanks for the kind comments and growdiaries translated really well! Is that Greek you are writing in there? Peace
McManusweek 8
Wish you all the best lucky growing😍
love_2_growweek 2
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
Kynarethweek 2
nice diary and nice grow