
EasyBud RQS MarsTS1000

Approved by Royal Queen Seeds
2 years ago
Custom 75x45x180
Room Type
weeks 3, 7
weeks 7
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 2
20 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
T.A. Calcium Magnesium
1.5 ml/l
T.A. Seaweed
4 ml/l
B-52 - Advanced Nutrients
1.25 mll
4+ nutrients after
Commented by
Mr_Incognito Mr_Incognito
2 years ago
Installed Mars Hydro TS1000 on day 15 from seed. 30 cm from the canopy, dimmer at 50%. On day 14 from seed applied B-52, Vodoo Juice (1 ml/l) and PH Perfect Grow Bloom Micro (0.5 ml/l). I gave one day to adapt for new feeding and the day after added new light. The girl grows very fast with new light. Hope to see preflowers soon. On day 17 increased light to 75%, 35 cm distance. On day 19 applied Voodoo Juice, B-52 (1,5 ml/l) and Micro, Grow, Bloom (0,75 ml/l). 2 litres of solution with almost no drainage. Average feeding this week: 0,625 ml/l Micro, Grow, Bloom, and 1,25 ml/l Voodoo Juice, B-52. On day 20 second pair of leaves turned partially brown, most likely Calcium deficiency. Also, new leaves right above cotyledons became curly. On day 21 added T.A. Calcium Magnesium 1,5 ml/l and Seaweed 4 ml/l with PH Perfect Grow, Bloom, Micro 0,75 ml/l for proper PH. Watering 400 ml.
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Grow Questions
Mr_Incognitostarted grow question 2 years ago
On the next day after watering with 0,75 ml/l PH Perfect Grow, Micro, Bloom and 1,5 ml/l Voodoo Juice, B-52 the second row of the leaves (three fingers) became partially brown and the newest lower leaves above cotyledons curled a bit. Can it be some kind of nutrient burn?
Leaves. Other
Feeding. Deficiences
Mr_Incognitoanswered grow question 2 years ago
I came to conclusion that this is Calcium deficiency caused by too soft bottled water that I used. It has only 43-65 mg/l of Ca2+ and mineralization 0.23-0.35 g/l. Also, I was giving less than half dosage of nutrients recommended for this stage of growth and probably in combination with soft water this caused the problem. Next time I use tap water and give a bit more nutrients to compensate the lack of Ca/Mg. Unfortunately I have to possibility to buy a PH-meter or any PH-paper at the moment, but I hope PH is optimal because I use PH Perfect mix. Thank you all for the answers!
Mr_Incognitostarted grow question 2 years ago
Guys, anyone with Mars TS 1000 or similar? Is it ok to put light at 50 cm only 50% power on week 4 from seed? Pre-flowers are showing very slowly.
Setup. Lighting
Hashyanswered grow question 2 years ago
Download a phone app called photone. Check your ppfd you should be around 300ppfd and 20DLi for the stage your at. Then use the app to monitor what ppfd/DLi your plants like at various stages of growth and then next time you'll find it a lot easier to judge.
Mr_Incognitostarted grow question 2 years ago
In the morning the leaves on top are folded and the rest of the foliage looks like loosing turgor. Last watering was 4 days ago, about 4 litres of solution. The pot is 10L. The soil is covered with a layer of perlite and it’s not dry yet. Maybe it’s too much light? 460 ppfd
Leaves. Wilting
Plant. Wilting
1 like
Hashyanswered grow question 2 years ago
Hi there, had a scan through your diary and the plant looks good. I'm on week 6 of an auto and my ppfd is 400, which is about 25dli. I find my plants don't ever look great 1st thing when lights come on or just before lights go out. Probably an hour after lights on they look good and about half hour before lights off they look tired again. Only on 18/6 light schedule. Your in the correct ph range. I do prefer ph to be around 6.2 to 6.4 in soil. You probably don't have anything to worry about. Just keep your eye on it. Watering wise just water when top inch is dry, if it takes 4 days inbetween watering then so be it.
Mr_Incognitostarted grow question 2 years ago
Noticed dark areas on few fan leaves near the top of the plant. Can’t figure out what could that be. PH about 6,2 or less.
Feeding. Deficiences
1 like
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 2 years ago
Hey there incognito, sorry but i have to disagree with my growmies, this is the start of a magnesium issue, and it will become quite severe if you dont do something about it for example give calmag, or make a calmag spray and spray it on twice a week. If you manage to give enough calmag the symptoms will stop spreading and the plant will recover quite quickly. Hope this helps ! 🚀
Mr_Incognitostarted grow question 2 years ago
Hi growmies! Should I flip my auto to 12/12? First preflowers on day 23. Day 37 now but only new leaves, branches and few pistils, no flowers. CalMag def on day 34, cured with spray. I’m limited in time, 6 weeks max to go. If flipping helps to trigger flowering I’d try it. 🙏
Buds. Too few
Buds. Other
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 2 years ago
hey there Mr. Incognito, flipping might help flowering, but usually switching to flowering nutrients will work better to trigger flowering. With 6 weeks left on the runway it's going to be tough to cross the finish line growmie . reduce veg nutrients with N and increase flowering nutrients with PK , hopefully that speeds things up. Hope this helps ! 🚀
Mr_Incognitostarted grow question 2 years ago
Hello! I'm going to switch the feeding of my auto to flowering soon. I don't like the ratios recommended by AN, since it's for photoperiodic plants, that require more feeding. I calculated few recipes. Using soft water, so need more Cal/Mg. Want to hear your opinions/suggestions.
Feeding. Schedule
Feeding. Chemical composition
HerbalEduanswered grow question 2 years ago
There's nothing like auto need less nutrients than photoperiod, what count is what size your plant gonna reach, a small plant obviously need less nutrient than a bigger plant. If your auto get a vigorous growth the first few weeks of stretch (wich is not most people case here on growdiaries, for some reasons that are beyond my understanding many people f**k their first few weeks and end with rather small plants) you can feed it exactly the same as a photoperiod eventually a week or two delay with the feeding schedule and's that's all. i feed my auto exactly the same as my photoperiod and they both like it.
Mr_Incognitostarted grow question 2 years ago
Hi all! Noticed that the newest growth is slightly pale. I’m giving about 1,25 ppm Fe with feeding, and 60 ppm S. pH is 6,3-6,7. Solution ppm last watering 830 ppm. The plant continues its growth, forming flowers well. Currently in stretching phase, 4 cm per day.
Leaves. Color - Pale
Feeding. Deficiences
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
830ppm is pretty low... I think they're a bit hungry and you could up the amount of nutes you're giving them. This is the guidelines I use: PPM readings in soil. Early Growth: 400 to 500 PPM — You won’t see too many particles aside from what’s in your grow medium. Seedling: 500 to 600 PPM — The information above applies here, though any starter nutrients will affect the readings. Early Vegging: 800 to 850 PPM — This is when you typically transplant. At this stage, not a lot of particles are needed. Mid-Stage Vegging: 850 to 900 PPM — You’ll start giving your plants more nutrients at this point. Late-Stage Vegging: 900 to 950 PPM — Nutrient intake increases as your plants prepare to flower. Early Flowering: 950 to 1000 PPM — As your plants grow, they need to eat more. PPM readings will reflect the particles in the increased nutrients. Mid-Stage Flowering: 1000 to 1100 PPM — Your plants’ nutrient intake continues to increase at this stage. Late-Stage Flowering: 1100 to 1150 PPM — This is when your plants are eating the most, especially if you provide additives. End of Flowering/Flushing: 0 to 400 PPM — At this stage, you’ll be flushing your plants. Ideally, you don’t want too many leftover particles at the end of flowering. You also want to make sure the PH of your runoff is within the range of 6.0-6.5 with 6.3 being the absolute sweet spot. Good luck!
Mr_Incognitostarted grow question 2 years ago
Hi! I wonder if I can reduce stretching. It's too bushy in the middle and on the sides, lots of tiny branches receive too little light. Today I trimmed 5 lowest tiny branches that were touching the wall. Should I trim some more or give more light? It's about 540 PPFD 35,1 DLI.
Plant. Too tall
Plant. Spaces between nodes
Hashyanswered grow question 2 years ago
The taller colas I would bend 90deg to keep the height lower.

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Growtrollweek 9
What a beast!! Really impressive work Doc! Keepitup:D
@@Growtroll, thanks mate! :D
CRiSPrGrowweek 4
hey there, hope i answered your question, anything else you need just let me know 👊
@@Mr_Incognito, looks like the light cycle is a bit too strong, try to spray in just before lights on so it has time to dry nicely , it should be okay.
@@Mr_Incognito, you're going to have a hard time finishing on time growmie , nothing you can do about it , i know, but it's going to be tough
@CRiSPrGrow, God bless you! 🙌
Load more (6)
Growin_Ishweek 12
Week for week my Easy Bud is right on par with yours. Close to week 9. Thanks for sharing
@Growin_Ish, I bet you will be happy with her aromas and quality :)
Jamesweek 12
Nice job!!!! Send me a PM
@James, Thank you! :)
HerbalEduweek 12
Nicely done, happy harvest 😃
@HerbalEdu, finally %) Thanks!
Growin_Ishweek 11
What a beast of a plant!
@Growin_Ish, thank you 😊
Budnodweek 4
She’s looking good bro 😎
@Budnod, thank you! 😉
Kynarethweek 2
lovely diary
love_2_growweek 2
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱