
Skywalker x CDLC - First Grow!

2 years ago
Mephisto Genetics - Skywalker x Creme De La Chem FL
Room Type
weeks 2-9
weeks 4-8
weeks 5-12
Root Riot
Grow medium
Mephisto Genetics - Skywalker x Creme De La Chem
Custom Breeder & Strain
Growing it
She grew big and frosty. After the tiny bit of powdery mildew as flower started it didnt show up again after treatment. Only real issue was PH becoming difficult to manage as she progressed through flower with constant considerable drops overnight. Pulled a test nug which gave a giggly head high followed by a nice transition into a body stone. I'll be hanging her whole for a slow dry after a quick fan leaf trim.
The Outcome
Week 13
What's on the scales?
Bud dry weight
What's on the scales?
Bud wet weight
Number of plants harvested
Grow Room
Grow Room size
g / watt
g / m²
g / plant
plant / m²
watt / m²
Tastes like
Feels like
25% Sativa 75% Indica

Positive effects


Negative effects

Dry mouth
Reviews. Nutrient
Nute schedule ended up pushing the N too hard and caused lockout for a little while. In future I'd drop the Gro ratio sooner.
Roots have been strong and healthy throughout the grow.
Did the job when needed, after N lockout caused cal deficiency.
Reviews. Tent
Did the job for a first grow, but filled it out very quickly and it soon became difficult to access certain areas of the plant.
Commented by
Bobalo Bobalo
2 years ago
Pretty easy first grow, with a lot learnt along the way for next time. I believe not defoliating enough and overfeeding the nitrogen in flower hurt the bud density in the end, but I'm more than happy with the returns and as its vape use, dense flower is less important to me.
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Grow Questions
Bobalostarted grow question 2 years ago
Hi all! Brown spots are starting to form on the old leaf tips of this young lady. I've had contradictory suggestions as to wether this is nute burn or a deficiency. Nutes were started on d12. EC has been stable at .51 (PPM 360) for the last 5 days along with PH at 5.8. Cheers.
Leaves. Other
Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question 2 years ago
You’re gonna wanna crank them nutes a bit more. 0.5 EC just isn’t gonna cut it as your plant starts aggressive Veg growth in DWC. I see possibly a few deficiencies just beginning. I use flora trio regularly. Id probably be around at least 2-3 mL per gallon of each right now.
Bobalostarted grow question 2 years ago
I've just noticed some brown spotting on some older fan leaves. New growth seems fine. Calcium deficiency? Flora trio with silica on tap water, res change yesterday. Brown spots were visible before res change but less noticable. Should I wait and see or calmag? PH 5.6, EC 1.12
Leaves. Other
1 like
DutchDoobieanswered grow question 2 years ago
High Bobalo, There is nothing to worry about. I do not see any signs that is caused by any deficiency whatsoever. Your EC and pH are in the right range and I would not change anything about the nutrients for now! Happy Growing! 😋
Bobalostarted grow question 2 years ago
Roots seem clean and there doesnt appear to be anything in the res, but a white substance has began to form on the aquarium tube. Theres definately no light leaks in the res. Anything I should worry about?
Other. General questions
Hempy_The_Kidanswered grow question 2 years ago
Hard water calcium build-up. Should be fine unless you want to add filters on your water source.
Bobalostarted grow question 2 years ago
Keen to know thoughts on my current LST. Shes grown quite short and bushy so its been quite difficult to keep the canopy even. Any suggestions on how I could do it better? Also wondering if people would recommend a defoliation, shes on a growth spurt atm and getting cluttered.
Plant. Other
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
You know, it's not required that you keep your canopy level and at the same height... and it's silly to think that only GOOD growers do it this way! The whole point of LST is to get the secondary bud sites out away from the main stem so they can get more light.... if the plant ends up looking like a Christmas tree or a giant green, flat pillow, either is ok! Keeping the canopy even is a technique called SCROG.. for this, you need netting - so don't worry about it! As for defoliation, I've recently run across an article that is now included in my "bible" for all my grows... it tells you WHY, HOW and WHEN ... and backs it all up with the reasons and it's brilliant.... I'll give you the link - I think you will find it PERFECTLY timed for where you are in your grow (which looks great, btw!) Good luck!
Bobalostarted grow question 2 years ago
D34 Autoflower. Feel like I need to stop fiddling and leave her to grow but cant help myself from tucking, lst and defoliating the odd leaf. Wish Id done a heavier chop earlier in the week, worried doing it now will stunt.
Other. General questions
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CURATI_DA_SOLOanswered grow question 2 years ago
Direi che hai un altra settimana per defogliare (non pesantemente) magari farei un bel Lollipop (toglierei gli internodi interni dove la luce non passa) e poi ovviamente lascerei tutto come é!!! Comunque Veramente bella 😜🔥🔥🔥
Bobalostarted grow question 2 years ago
Noticed a few Pistils on the plant have started to dry up at their tips. Is this expected or an issue? Light is 16" away, but with the stretch she does get closer than that from time to time.
Buds. Other
Anonymous_2022answered grow question 2 years ago
Hi there I would say it’s normal some of the go different colours and do there own thing as they go through flower, If in doubt back the light off a couple more inches but they look good 👍 Best of luck 🌱
Bobalostarted grow question 2 years ago
Topped off the res with 7.5l of nutr water this morning at same strength as res. Have come back tonight to drooping leaves. Ph has remained stable at 6, EC at 1.2. Water level has dropped slightly. Lights out in 30mins. Anything to worry about? First image morning, 2nd evening.
Leaves. Other
EZMOKEanswered grow question 2 years ago
Perfectly normal, this is how you know your plant got enough light today, it’s just shutting down for the day and ready for sleep. Check again in the morning and it will be all perked up ready to go. Looks great! Plants will often shut down in the last hour if your maxing out it’s DLI
Bobalostarted grow question 2 years ago
Single branches top started to limp and smaller leaves lower are yellowing at tips while the rest of the plant is healthy. Theres no visible signs of damage, though I have pulled this about a bit to get light as it comes off the main branch though remains in shade. Leave or cut?
Plant. Wilting
Anonymous_2022answered grow question 2 years ago
Hi there It could just be lack of light its very dense and could do with a good bit of defoliation if photopieroid, Leafs will yellow and deteriorate if they get poor light, Also doesn’t seem much air flow fan wise? You want a bit of air pushing through it will give you more stronger branches/structure, Personally I would try to thin it out about witch would give better light lower down and better air flow, Best of luck 🌱
Bobalostarted grow question 2 years ago
Seeing a lot of contradictory info online as always regarding when switch to bloom / transition nutes. I've just done a res change and am unsure if I should just go ahead with a transition dose at this stage, or full bloom.
Feeding. Schedule
Oozleanswered grow question 2 years ago
I like to go full bloom a couple days after the 12/12 switch, but with an auto, when you start to see bud sites start. Ask what are you adding/changing when you switch to bloom? More P and K and a touch less N. The plants start to need more P at around week 2 of flower until 5-6. Then they switch to a more K based feed. The plants still need a good amount of nitrogen and calcium (especially early flower). Your plant looks like it might have a slight P issue, some red stems and the lowers are a little blue/greyish. Hard to tell with the lighting. Not bad at all though. I wouldn't stress about it and make the change when you do your next res change or on your top offs, use your flower feed schedule. My only other suggestion would be to do a little defoliation in the middle and the lowers to help air flow and increase top bud site production. Good luck!
Bobalostarted grow question 2 years ago
Is this PM? Do I need to spray the entire plant with milk water and cut the whole branch? This is the only spot its visible. How do I avoid light burn on the leaves after spraying?
Leaves. Other
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ernest_twwganswered grow question 2 years ago
Whoa now, hold the phone. You don't need to chop anything! Potassium bicarbonate, a drop of Castile soap(I use peppermint scent), and water. If you don't have potassium bicarbonate, you can use baking soda. I, personally, use potassium bicarbonate or Amazing Dr. Zymes. You can get a couple samples of Dr. Zymes if you are willing to pay the for shipping. It makes two gallons. Here's the link: I hope this helps.
Bobalostarted grow question 2 years ago
She seems to have gotten a much darker green over the last week or so and leaves have begun to take on a different feel. Assume this is just part of entering full flower, but given it seemed to coincide with switching to flower nutes I just wanted to make sure its not a toxicity.
Leaves. Other
Anonymous_2022answered grow question 2 years ago
Hi there Your flower feed is rich in nitrogen thats all just keep an eye on it she looks nice and healthy at the moment but if they continue to get darker further into flower you might wanna cut down on the N 👍 Best of luck 🌱
Bobalostarted grow question 2 years ago
Did my plant herm?
Other. General questions
ernest_twwganswered grow question 2 years ago
Looks like calyxes to me. It's a she, for sure! But, keep checking those areas. She could turn into a hermaphrodite and that is where you'll be able to tell if it does.
Bobalostarted grow question 2 years ago
Is this the start of a calcium deficiency? Seen on the top leaves, just noticed today. Shes drinking a lot on standard tap water with fox farm trio in bloom.
Leaves. Other
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 2 years ago
Too much N at this stage of growth. Not calmag. Not yet anyways. I can see some rust spots. That comes from too much N in later stages of flowering. Use 1-3 ratios for these nutrients. .3ml grow 1ml/l bloom and micro can be 1ml also. But to much N for this Stage in hydros. Good luck.
Bobalostarted grow question 2 years ago
Would you go for a week 6 flower defol? Shes pretty dense despite heavy defol on D50 and is just coming out of cal lockout due to nitrogen tox with PH and EC stabilized on the latest res change. Dont want to stunt, but also worried she might end up overly larfy. Vid in diary.
Other. Other
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
Honestly, if this was my grow, I'd be defoliating! I've defoliated a grow right up to 2 weeks before harvest with no adverse effect... I'd want to be getting as much light into the lower bud sites as possible. But do it slowly - a little bit today, see how she is tomorrow... if she hasn't reacted, do a little bit more... etc. I trim off fan leaves that are either covering bud sites or growing towards the main stem... this will do a couple of things - along with getting more light into the lower bud sites, it will also tell the plant to concentrate its efforts on the buds themselves, not the leaves. You might want to take a look at this article which I find very helpful: Just want to talk a little bit about the nitrogen problems you've had.... the FloraMicro is LOADED with nitrogen and it's this particular nute I cut back on first... Honestly, I'd cut that back a bit more (if not cut it out altogether) if I were you and I'd bring up the amount of FloraBloom... leave the FloraGro where it is.... but FloraMicro has an NPK of 5-0-1 which really isn't very healthy for plants in flower so I completely ignore the feed chart on this nute... in flower, you want a lot more P and K and very little N.... Good luck!
Bobalostarted grow question 2 years ago
Hi all. Just wondering how much longer your reckon she'll run. First grow so trying to learn the signs for next time! Cheers.
Other. General questions
Youthmananswered grow question 2 years ago
Hello! I can see how the trichomes are still all transparent while some are becoming milky, so it will take another 10-15 days! When the pistils are pretty much all brown, then in theory the trichomes should be all milky, from there you can either harvest (for a more cerebral effect) or wait a few more days until 25-50% amber trichomes for a more physical effect! Anyway, you can start to flush :) Happy growing!
Bobalostarted grow question 2 years ago
Just spotted this little branch peaking through the hydroton in late flower which I thought was pretty impressive. She even has little triches forming on her. Taking votes on weather to snip her or let her grow!
Other. Other
delray_kevinanswered grow question 2 years ago
Indeed, life always finds a way. My vote would be "snip". I totally get that it probably won't make a difference one way or the other, however, you clearly took action to have a clean and clear understory on this plant. Presumably with the idea of directing all the plant's energy to the prime flower sites higher in the canopy. Why stray from that at this point? I'm not suggesting that leaving it would undo you previous efforts, but I am suggesting that to leave it would be counter to your initial intent/plan, and that this far in, it should likely take more than a whim to get you to do something else. If you want to see what happens if you leave things like that little guy, then start another seed and don't train or manipulate the plant, just let it be. My prognostication is that you'll get a range of buds, some of which aren't going to be beautiful, tight, or any of the other adjectives we use today to describe top-shelf flower, but that they will all "get the job done". Of course YMMV.
Bobalostarted grow question 2 years ago
Not sure if these are new bud growth or nanners. Pretty sure Im safe, but wanted to check with the pros! Cheers.
Buds. Other
Aldo90answered grow question 2 years ago
Banana, get some scissors and cut it off. It's a pollen sack, occasionally as the plant is nearing the end it will produce a banana as a last gasp attempt to be pollinated. Looks good, that's a sign it's nearly ready. If it had hermied that's another issue completely, just cut that little part off before it pops. Nothing to worry about there bud. I had a hermie on my last run which I was too late to spot, ended up with a seedbank.
Bobalostarted grow question 2 years ago
Water uptake has slowed considerably this last week. From what I understand this is expected as she finishes her life cycle. Should I continue res changes at full strength or lower the nute ratio to match her uptake? Trichs are still clear/cloudy with little amber.
Feeding. Other
Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question 2 years ago
The last seven to ten days in hydro I’ll bring EC down by 30% or so every couple days.. 1.5, 1.0, .6, .4 and finish last few days low like that.. a taper, not a flush. Just my 2 cents
Bobalostarted grow question 2 years ago
Finally starting to see some amber on the buds. Got a better microscope coming tomorrow as getting pictures on the phone is a nightmare. Should I be waiting for entire trichomes to turn, or will it only ever be the tip?
Buds. Other
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
Just the tips will turn amber... make sure you're looking at the trichs that are on the buds, not the leaves.... Good luck!
Bobalostarted grow question 2 years ago
Hang whole or break down into large branches? Shes pretty dense. 57% humidity at 18 degrees c.
Other. Harvest - Drying
1 like
Robertsanswered grow question 2 years ago
I would break it down in decent parts to hang dry with leaves on. To slow drying process. With humidity 50 to 60 percent and temp ideally 65 f. But I usually am around 71 f. I cut fan leaves off after a few days. They are left to slow the drying process. In all my harvest videos on YouTube I do this on camera. Feel free to check one out if curious to what I mean by decent size. I bag it in 6 to 8 days in a grove bag.
Bobalostarted grow question 2 years ago
14th day of dry. Temp/RH have been around 60/60, but not getting snap from stems. Did trim yesterday and took a good deal of dry leaves by simply pulling gently / running the scissors over them. Would you cut and jar at this point or leave until stems are brittle?
Other. Harvest - Drying
GrowCNanswered grow question 2 years ago
Drying until all the stems snap can may be too dry. To test trim off the stems and put some into an airtight jar with a hygrometer. The next day see what the humidity is inside the jar. If it's 58-62% that is about perfect.

Show by Week
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gottagrowsometimeweek 3
Man, if you had of gotten the right advice in the start. I can see you have low mag on wk 3 on the tips on the left side. And the spots are indicators things aren't smooth with your mixes. Did you get hard or the soft water trio bud? I really think its the wrong trio you have. Can be easily fixed though.
Hey there, cheers for the comments and feedback. I've just checked the bottles and the micro is marked as soft water. I havent noticed any yellowing since those first couple of leaves, and she went a good couple of weeks with no nutes as a seedling, so I think I just waited too long on that initial introduction. Since going for 10d res changes and higher nute doses she seems to be doing much better.
TeamQuality420week 9
Wow this is your first grow ?!? What ?!? Awesome 👍👍👍 May the grow Gods be forever in your favor 🍀🌱🌱💥
GanjaReaperweek 8
Good luck growing🙏🌱
GreenGlowesweek 5
Good luck with your gro! 😎
CannaBoy7week 13
GreenAutoConsumoweek 13
Buen trabajo..!!
DeepWaterGrowerweek 11
Nice plant. Bravo!