
First Timer - Amnesia Haze Auto

Approved by Barney's Farm
2 years ago
Room Type
weeks 13
weeks 5-7
Grow medium
Peat/Spagnum moss
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow medium
Amnesia Haze Auto
Barney's Farm
Growing it
Overall, as a first-time grower, I found this strain to be very forgiving as I learned. Happy with the results both in potency and yield. If possible, I will update with more opinions after curing.
The Outcome
Week 14
What's on the scales?
Bud dry weight
What's on the scales?
Bud wet weight
Number of plants harvested
Grow Room
Grow Room size
g / watt
g / mΒ²
g / plant
plant / mΒ²
watt / mΒ²
Tastes like
Feels like
100% Sativa 0% Indica

Positive effects

Reviews. Nutrient
Affordable and easy to use as a basic baseline fertilizer for soil.
Reviews. Lamp
Definitely an effective light and I am happy with it. However, as a first-time grower, I don't have the experience to know how it may compare to others.
Reviews. Tent
Served its purpose without any major issues. I am happy with it. However, as a first-time grower, I don't have the experience to know how it may compare to others.
Commented by
SirSalami SirSalami
2 years ago
Thank you to all that have helped me along this journey. All of the answers, tips, comments, likes, and other diaries have been so very motivating to me. I originally started this diary only for my own reference but I'm so pleased to have learned that others have found it helpful or interesting, for whatever reason. If you're curious about equipment see the germination page and if you have questions feel free to drop me a line. So, without further ado: Jan 19 Day 105 Harvest day! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ Not really knowing how to tackle the situation, I started by cutting all of the fan leaves I was able to reach. Then, I cut each branch working from the perimeter inward - which due to the way she grew, was essentially the same as working from the bottom branches of the meristem to the top. Each branch was cut, cleaned, and handled individually before moving on to the next. Decided to wet-trim most of the branches, leaving 4 fairly untouched (only fan leaves were removed). Will be interested to see the differences, if any. They're all drying/hanging near the grow tent ~45%RH, 72F (22C). It isn't completely dark though, as some light is escaping the tent into the closet where they are hanging. I'm hoping this isn't terrible but I'll be keeping my eye on them. The process took the better part of an evening but I was cautiously learning, taking breaks, and generally being fairly slow. I'm sure I'll be faster and more confident next time. Jan 27 Day 113 Drying is complete, I think. Branches were hung and dried for 8 days in a consistent 68F (20C) 40% RH. They were determined to be dried after hearing a snap when bending (not breaking) large stems and buds felt dry to touch. Sugar leaves bordering on crispy while buds still had some give / fluffiness. The flowers from previously manicured branches were relatively easily plucked. However, the dry trimming process for the unmanicured branches proved to be a bit of a pain. They have been placed in a pyrex container to cure. I'm hoping flavors and aromas that are currently lacking will develop in time. 🀞 --- Stats --- Veg time: ~45 days. Flowering time: ~60 days. Height ~18in., ~46cm. Main Bud Length: ~9in., 23cm. Harvested 16 Hangable branches and a few extra medium/small buds. Bud Wet Weight, with stems: 242g, ~8.5oz. Larf/Popcorn Sugar-leaf Wet Weight (not counted above): 18g, ~0.6oz. Leaf/Waste Wet Weight: 38g, ~1.3oz. Drying time: 8 days. Dried Weight with Stems: 70g, ~2oz. Trimmed and Dried Total Bud Weight: 50g, ~1.75oz. --- Thoughts in hindsight --- Firstly, I can't believe I haven't tried growing sooner. So rewarding in so many ways! My initial hope was to harvest an oz., so I am obviously quite happy we could surpass that mark by a good margin. This is a testament to the plant more than me of course, as I was completely inexperienced and was purposefully as hands-off as I could be comfortable with throughout her growth. I can only imagine things will improve with time. Paper-towel germination seems to be prone to more stress for myself and arguably the seedling as well. Floating in 1% H2O2 solution seems to be ideal for me. I made bad soil choices. This mixture seemed to be too dense, leading to some watering/strangulation issues mid-growth. My 2nd grow consisting of mostly coco coir seems healthier and seems easier to maintain proper hydration. Coco might also be reusable while this soil definitely seems spent now. I didn't respect pH at first and initial testing was eye-opening. That said, after simply testing water and fertilizer readings a few times, I gradually felt more comfortable with guestimating during most feedings, only testing sporadically later in her life cycle. This seemed to be fine and was a bit of a relief after early testing proved tedious every feed. I've been happy with Better-Gro orchid fertilizer. This is of course contrary to most advice, which I admit is probably for good reason. That said though, I didn't notice any major toxicities or deficiencies during her grow. So, these products seem to have worked for me and are so much more affordable than cannabis-specific fertilizers. I was quite weary about not having cal-mag, but this never seemed to be an issue in this particular case. However, I'll be keeping a similar eye on my 2nd grow in coco, which I understand may need it. Training and pruning is important. This plant was quite bushy and wild likely resulting in quite a bit of unnecessary larf/popcorn. Not to mention the additional time needed to trim when harvesting. Also regarding training, pipe cleaners can leave noticeable cuts in the stem they hold. Thickly coated flexible garden wire would likely be ideal. I need to get a loupe or magnifying attachment for the phone. Digital zoom with shaky hands is not great for checking trichomes and my 3x magnifying glass just doesn't cut it. I cannot speak toward potency or yield without more experience, but simply for the sake of a greener hue, I think I could've harvested her a week earlier. Because I left a few branches untended during dry, I was able to experience both the wet and dry trimming processes. Unless keeping leaves for extra humidity during drying, I seem to prefer wet trimming as the still supple leaves were easier to remove with less bud handling. I'll add more thoughts if/when they come. Thank you again for stopping by! πŸ‘‹
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Grow Questions
SirSalamistarted grow question 2 years ago
First-timer here with a new diary. If you have the time, please follow or just check out what I have so far. I'm excited to learn more about my plant, how to record/report progress, and growing in general. Any advice/comments/concerns will be very much appreciated. Thank you!
Other. General questions
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question 2 years ago
"I would've liked to have added perlite to the soil mix. Hoping to learn more about the possibility to add more to the existing mix before doing anything." Defintely.. perlite or similar should be 50% of volume. With coco, you can drop to 30% because coco holds less water per volume. A little less is no big deal, too. Best for roots and growth but will increase rate of irrigation. 2gallon pot may need more frequent irrigation at end, possibly daily, but doable. Better in a soilless context though.. toward end you may have to treat your soil like a soilless substrate and provide everything each irrigation for best results. pH in soil is usually easier to handle. it's good to pH balance anything you add, but many don't bother. They are probably lucky with some good tap water or RO system. 6.5-6.8 .. just keep it under 7, but even 7-7.5 won't be the end of the world in most cases. Still, keep it under 7 to be safe. Watering - change your perspective. this requires a little hindsight but after 1 cycle you can calculate it and mix up what you need with limited waste. Don't give a specific volume you choose. you give what it needs when it needs it, and you use the weight of the pot to determine when to irrigate. Allow top 1" to dry, feel weight of pot and irrigate until you get mnimal runoff to ensure the entire thing is wet. Dry pockets are no good over time. Repeat that process and be familiar with low-weight level... you'll find the volume on next irrigation that you can plan for per pot... then mix appropriate volumes based on that when fertilizing. You can irrigate more frequently (ie before "1" deep" dries), but always make sure some dryback occurs. if perpetually too wet it invites all sorts of problems. This is where the 50% perlite would pay off. With potentially big plants in small-ish pots, you'll know when you can get away with an early irrigation rather than let it sit overnight or something. As of day 6 that cfl seems to be doing well-enough. You can tell be internode distance -- length between growth nodes. If it stretches too much, you need more light. If it remains too compact, you need less light. Early on, you'll start low and ramp up as you observe the plant... While it won't be exactly the same for every plant, it'll be in the same ballpark. Take notes until it's memorized or comfortable observing/reacting. if far enough away and dimmed properly, can use the 100w sf light anytime you want. no matter what, you adjust to whet the plant dictates. This way you can really gas it when they ask for it and avoid damaging any that may take a bit more time to handle it.
SirSalamistarted grow question 2 years ago
Just a first-timer looking for guidance during week 3-4 as she seems a bit small. If you have the time, please check out my diary. I'm eager to learn, have been taking daily pictures, and have been describing a few concerns there. I'll close this question tomorrow. Thank you!!!
Plant. Too short
Feeding. Deficiences
Organomananswered grow question 2 years ago
Cannabis plants DO NOT take water "from the air", this is what the roots are for. Roots grow as soon as the seed sprouts, so if your plant is from a seed and alive, it has roots. Only clones don't have roots, at first. Misting clones and/or keeping them in high humidity prevents the leaves from drying out, but again, they DO NOT take water into the leaves from the air! Transpiration only works one way - water in through the roots, up the stem and OUT through the does not work in reverse. Your lack of growth is probably down to inadequate lighting, - if you are only using 24 watt veg lights, this is barely enough to sustain life. Low temps and/or incorrect soil conditions will also slow growth. A pH of 7.8 is definitely a problem, your pH in soil should be between 6.2 and 6.8. A pH of 7.8 will prevent the availability of nearly all the vital elements in the soil that your plant needs to access for growth. I am also not a fan of dry amenmants this early in a grow, they need a lot of time (4-6 weeks) to break down and become bio-available to your plant and I much prefer to use liquid nutrients that are instantly accessible by your plant. The pellet type nutrients also need constant moist conditions to break down and become activated and one thing cannabis does not like, is being constantly moist. The fertilizer you are using might be fine for tomatoes (4/4/4) but you should really invest in some cannabis specific, liquid fertilizers. Unfortunately, since you are growing autos and they are already approaching 4 weeks of age, flowering won't be far whether to continue or not is up to you...........but don't expect a bumper harvest. Next time, start with a balanced soil mix in the correct pH range (with less peat), use your LEDs from day one and invest in some proper cannabis nutrients and your grow should be much more successful and rewarding. I would also suggest growing feminized photoperiod plants next time, they are far more forgiving and YOU can determine when they flower, once YOU are satisfied with their size, health and vigor. Autos actually require a lot a skill to get the best results from and are not the best choice for new growers........despite what the marketing hype might be suggesting.............unfortunately. Hope this helps, Organoman.
SirSalamistarted grow question 2 years ago
Spotted white fuzz in my soil mix after balancing ph and adding nutes to the medium. Temps 72-81F, 40-45 humidity. Fan has mostly been pointed indirectly at side of pot/plant, rather than above. Should I be acting on this now? If so, what might be the best course of action? Thx!
Other. Mold
Robertsanswered grow question 2 years ago
It looks normal to me. You should be running a wet to dry cycle in soil. You may be watering too soon. If you continue it may lead to root rot. Just let it get dry not overly though.
SirSalamistarted grow question 2 years ago
Thx for taking a look! I know the obvious answer is going to be that I'm overwatering. However, it's been 3 days, the topsoil was super-dry and pot felt empty/very light. Sadly, this seems to be a routine when fed, with her perking up again in a day. Diary has details. Thanks!
Leaves. Wilting
m0useanswered grow question 2 years ago
If its dropping after watering its a sign its getting overwatered, or maybe it got under watered and is taking time to bounce back. One easy way to tell this is that the pressure in the leaf stems will remain flaccid when under watered and ridged when over watered while keeping the same limp looking leaves for both under and over watered. It is a bit dark and could use less Nitrogen but if its already in the mix just avoid adding extra or flush it out. a flush would prob not hurt at this point, might save you from other proglems down the line. The [better grow 20-14-13] is quite high in N and that's causing a lot of your toxicity issues. The Bloom booster at 11-35-15 is also not an ideal ratio. but is better then the first. You will want to look into something aorund 4-8-8 or 5-10-11 or 2-7-7 ... something with smaller N and equal or slightly larger K to P ratio. Can always mix and match some feeds to hit your desired target. Best Of Luck!

Show by Week
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StinkyBudzweek 0
Good luck with your amnesia haze autos. I’m growing 4 and about to give one the chop in a couple days. Check out my grow for any tips or mistakes I made that you can avoid. Like the nitrogen deficiency coming in about the 9th week. Good luck. Hope your plant produces some StinkyBudz
JamMAKEcanweek 6
Beautiful plant..i see u picked a beautyπŸ†
@SirSalami, only gets better brother.. Again a real beauty u got πŸ‘πŸ†πŸ†
@JamMAKEcan, Thank you! Means a lot to me, as a first-time grower πŸ€œπŸ€›
Inganjawetrustweek 5
Best of luck with the new hobby 🌱🌿
@SirSalami, Thanks
@Inganjawetrust, Thanks, bud! Having fun so far. I'm checking out your diaries. Wow! Very inspirational!
WhiteEdgeweek 14
Great diary, fantastic work , like when growers use this site for real diary with information on daily basis to help on future runsπŸ‘
@WhiteEdge, Thank you so much! Means a lot coming from someone with diaries like yours. Amazing!
love_2_growweek 0
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
My first time was on Amnesia too 🧠πŸ’₯ Looking so good friend wish you the best of lucks on your adventure πŸ––πŸ‘½
@SirSalami, thank you sir 🎩 Currently my favorite journal is "JUST WANT YOUR VENOM" ☠️ because of the format and the conversations we have in the comments. But if you ask for the strain I would choose Royal Skywalker or Hulkberry from RQS 🦁
@HappyWeeds, Thank you!! You've got some great diaries. Do you have a favorite?
KingSalomonsWeedweek 7
Ja, JamMAKEcan hat recht. Sieht super aus.
@SirSalami,Hallo zu Anfang war ich so. Aber dann hatte ich den furchtbarsten grow, mit den allerbesten Knospen und den riesigsten Ertrag!? Da wurde mir bewusst wie unglaublich Robust diese Pflanze sein kann. Ich hatte LΓΆcher im gesprungenem Stamm. Ich hole ihn fΓΌr dich online. Im Endeffekt kannst du nix machen. Die geben nicht klein bei.
@KingSalomonsWeed, You both are too kind! Sometimes I worry about how short and bushy she is. Sometimes I worry about how much she's drooping. Sometimes I worry I'm tucking the wrong leaves or tucking too often. I also worry about water, nutrients, and all of the other stuff involved, etc, etc. It's all very new to me and it's too easy to find too much information. So that I can learn the basics for the future, I'm trying to force myself to see what an easy-going plant looks like without doing too much to her (topping, lollipopping, defoliation, etc.). Your comments really help my confidence while I go down this path. Thank you!!
WearyCommoner057week 8
Looking good!
@WearyCommoner057, Thanks, bud!
JamMAKEcanweek 8
Hey friend may i say. During flower stage u dont want it to be too dry between feeding. 80% dry is good .. I've heardπŸ€”πŸ’¨
UnorthadoxDudeweek 14
Hey mate, I have been following this grow for a few weeks as a sort of indicator grow for my first auto grow. Your diary is the first one I have found where the growth rate for the first 3 weeks was the same. So I am watching your grow as a guide to see what I might end up with. Given all the problems my babies had in the first few weeks they are way behind many grows I have seen. In week 4 though everything seemed to take off - in my week 4 my plant is way ahead of yours (on same days, you put 7 days in germination I put those in week 1, so your week 3 is my week 4). I have to say I am really encouraged by your grow, I thought I had messed my autos up but what your grow demonstrates quite clearly is that autoflowering cannabis flowering schedule IS affected by environmental factors. These plants can be up to 3 weeks ahead of schedule or up to 7 behind - and that largely depends on how ideal their environment is. Take this auto you're growing, It is meant to have a harvest time of 65-70 days from seed. Here your plants are at day 98!!!! What more evidence is necessary? I just wanted to thank you for doing this diary really, because it has helped me overcome some pessimism and have some hope for my grow (mistakes and all). One more thing though: I would have harvested your plants last week when they started showing amber trichs, this is not a criticism I'm just saying your harvest window really opened a couple of weeks ago. I would recommend not leaving these buds on the plant past the end of this week - trichs change really quick at this stage and I would not be surprised if you're already at 10-15% amber trichs today. I think you're at peak THC right now, from here on out the head high reduces and the couchlock feeling increases. (IMO)
@SirSalami, I like the detail and ramblings, it's what I do myself haha. If you have a separate drying space crack on, I have to use the grow tent as I only have the one at the mo! I can certainly attest that buds develop better in the light! I will check out your other grow. All the best!
@UnorthadoxDude, No need for thanks. You're welcome! I'm sincerely glad you've found some use for my bad pics and ramblings. If anything, my plant is proof that even a cheap, know-nothing amateur can have some level of success, with a little patience. And excitingly, my second grow is seemingly at least a week 'faster' than this one. To your point, I am considering a partial harvest but either way, I agree that I should likely do it soon. But honestly, almost all of the amber trichs I'm seeing are on the sugar leaves. Buds need just a bit more ripening, I think. Also, the reason I'm considering a partial harvest is that there is quite a bit of larf/popcorn in the interior as she was never pruned. I'll try to take some specific pics of that in case anyone is curious. Some research I've done leads me to think that gradually taking down the big colas might give the popcorn some time to mature with more light.
LokalGrenzweek 14
Looks Great!!
Thanks bud!
Banging diary bro girls are looking frosty as fuck!! Doing a banging job!!
Thank you, thank you! πŸ€œπŸ€›
Jobbieweek 9
I love watching the buds start to fill out, just so exciting dreaming of smoking them πŸ˜πŸ€©πŸ’œ
@SirSalami, Mostly all my dry trim which will include some bits of stem, sugar leaves and any popcorn buds that are just too small. I always have brownies in the freezer and oil in the cupboard. Fan leaves I put into soups or salads, they are quite nice. πŸ€€πŸ’š
@Jobbie, Sounds lovely! What do you use for your oils? Buds, kief, trim? πŸ€”
@SirSalami, Last night we were trying some new combination oil in baking for the first time and we smoked some of the latest grow, today I'm looking at my flowering plants dreaming of the harvest. 😍😍 Sweet torture!
Load more (1)
MagicoVerdeweek 13
Looking good bro πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸ‘Œ
@MagicoVerde, Kind words, thank you! 🀜πŸ’₯πŸ€›
UnorthadoxDudeweek 14
Oh 50g!! Not far off 2oz! Nice my friend, I am glad you got a bit more than you hoped for! :D
Jobbieweek 11
Nutrients can slow down as it is getting late in bloom, but you are on the home stretch, I'm excited for you! βœŠπŸ’š
@SirSalami, Sorry for the late reply, holiday season is weird for me. Keep an eye on the trichomes: mostly cloudy no Amber will give the smoke a more energetic feel, full cloudy with the start of a few Amber is ideal, lots of Amber will be quite sleepy. I can normally see with my phone if I take a photo and zoom in on the picture.
Thanks bud! I'm obviously excited as well. Was going to feed her nutes once or twice more, then only water for the remainder. I'm guessing maybe 2 weeks until she's ready to chop?
Jobbieweek 14
Good job with the Diary and congrats on the harvest, keep on growing brother!
Thank you!! I can't believe I've never grown before. So rewarding!
UnorthadoxDudeweek 14
Hey man congrats and I hope you enjoyed the harvest process. I reckon dry and cured you'll end up with about 2-3oz. Decent for one plant on a first grow!
Thank you!! If it ends up being more than an oz, I'll have exceeded my initial expectations. Hope you're right! 🀞