
"Ōdinus" C#5

2 years ago
weeks 18
weeks 18, 25
weeks 3, 16
weeks 3-8
Bone Meal
Grow medium
Blood Meal
Grow medium
Fish Bone Meal
Grow medium
Kelp Meal
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow medium
Dolomitic Lime
Grow medium
Basalt Rock Dust
Grow medium
Humic Acid
Grow medium
Mycorrhizae Innoculant
Grow medium
Worm Castings
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow medium
Shrimp Chitin
Grow medium
Crab Chitin
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow medium
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow medium
Hydroton Pebbles
Grow medium
Grow medium
Peat Moss
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 24
12 hrs
Light Schedule
Day Air Temperature
11+ conditions after
Commented by
Ultraviolet Ultraviolet
2 years ago
Added 1 tablespoon of baking soda per gallon to watering and we are back to 6.5 24 hours later and holding, Pottasium becomes much harder to uptake with low ph and it was starting to cause yellowing and minor dark spots common from ph potassium deficiency, more understanding I gain of ph and its role to each individual nutrient, I'm going to raise to 7.0. N is the most used mineral in plants, and K is most used in flowers, because of this they both share the big protein highway channels inside the stems, any flow of N then takes "Highway capacity" away from K, I'd much rather have 100 trucks delivering potassium during flower than 60 potassium/40 Nitrogen, simplified rationale but you get the idea. By dropping ph 5.6-5.8 the highways used to transport N&K have real trouble uptaking through the rootzones. Nitrogen & Pottasium are both "Mobile" nutrients, if the plant cannot absorb these nutrients through the rootzone because of ph drop, it can mobilize existing nutrient within the plant and distribute it to new more critical processes elsewhere "new growth" The plant will start to yellow leaves, this is when we hit back the PH to 7 over the course of the week. The plant will look to replenish the chlorophyll that was lost within its leaves and replenish the pigment with whatever pigment would provide the best photon capture for the controlled environment within the grow tent. Factors affecting pigments in plants 1 Genetics 2 Medium PH 3 Temperature 4 Genetics are blueprints/designs held in code 5 The pigment that makes a plant purple is anthocyanin, you must make the plant decide its in its best interest to replace chlorophyll with anthocyanin, I got no purple from these plants' last grow, seems to me you can control the environment the plant will alter the pigmentation to better absorb the high levels of blue/UV in a controlled environment. I thought in previous grows this may have been luck or a genetic fluke. These clones came from a previous grow that did not show any signs of purpling. Unless I got ultra-stoned and took cuttings off another plant which Is a distinct possibility! 6 Anthocyanin production requires energy from the blue/UV wavelength which is harvested by CRY, Phototropin & UVR8 7 Blue light also repairs DNA damage to cells from UV using Photolyases, once I realized this I decided to try 12 hours of UV exposure @ 280nm as opposed to the maximum recommended of 6 hours, previous grows did not cope well with prolonged 6 hours usage, These are fresh bulbs too so they are strong as sheesh, the damage is evident and with the plant under tremendous stress I am in no doubt yield will be affected, I'm not here for yield. 8 Photosynthesis: Rate of energy conversion 9 Photomorphogenesis: Plants show various responses to UV light. UVR8 has been shown to be a UV-B receptor.[11] Plants undergo distinct photomorphogenic changes as a result of UV-B radiation. They have photoreceptors that initiate morphogenetic changes in the plant embryo (hypocotyl, epicotyl, radicle)[12] Exposure to UV- light in plants mediates biochemical pathways, photosynthesis, plant growth and many other processes essential to plant development. The UV-B photoreceptor, UV Resistance Locus8 (UVR8) detects UV-B rays and elicits photomorphogenic responses. These response are important for initiating hypocotyl elongation, leaf expansion, biosynthesis of flavonoids and many other important processes that affect the root-shoot system.[13] Exposure to UV-B rays can be damaging to DNA inside of the plant cells, however, UVR8 induces genes required to acclimate plants to UV-B radiation, these genes are responsible for many biosynthesis pathways that involve protection from UV damage, oxidative stress, and photorepair of DNA damage.[14] 10 95% of uvr8 stress response happens @ peak 280nm this has also been proven to hold a synergistic stress response if coupled with a peak of 380nm. 11 Stress response @ 280nm is 10x that of 290nm. 12 Godfather 34% THC High Times 2022 Cup Winner. 13 Monster-cropped, Super-cropped. 14 Full 12-Hour UV supplemental program. 15 Do not fcuk with UV @ 280nm unless you understand the risks. 16 Do not fcuk with strain unless you enjoy physical/mental paraplegia. 17 It was all the Purpinator! Anthocyanins are a type of flavonoid, a family of powerful antioxidants that fight the effects of aging and oxidative stress. To date, more than 635 different anthocyanins have been identified. (2) What is the color of anthocyanins, and what does this tell us about where we can find them? The definition of anthocyanins is “blue, violet, or red flavonoid pigments found in plants.” In regard to anthocyanin’s structure, anthocyanins are water-soluble, glycoside pigments that can vary in color depending on their specific pH. The exact type of anthocyanin that a fruit or veggie contains is partially what determines how deeply red, purple, violet, blue or even orange it will be. This is one reason why the same food, such as eggplants or onions, can come in many different shades. Here’s the cool thing about most antioxidants: Not only do they benefit you when you eat them, but they also benefit the plants that contain them too. Plants produce phytochemicals like anthocyanin as a protective mechanism; phytochemicals help build plants’ resistance and protect them from being destroyed. For example, anthocyanin can offer a plant protection from being eaten by predators (like bugs, birds or rodents) and from environmental stressors like ultraviolet light, cold temperatures and drought. What do anthocyanins do inside the body once we consume them? We still have a lot to learn to about the exact bioactivity, uptake, absorption and roles of phytonutrients, including anthocyanin. We do know that anthocyanins seem to play a role in fighting free radical damage, which leads to aging and the formation of numerous diseases. (3) Beyond their capacity to fight free radicals/oxidative stress, anthocyanins have many other effects when it comes to protecting cells, tissues and vital organs that we’re still uncovering. For example, research suggests that anthocyanins have positive effects on gut health when they interact with microflora, which can help decrease inflammatory markers associated with many chronic diseases, plus they can support hormonal balance. What are the health benefits of anthocyanins? Some of the conditions that research suggests anthocyanins may help prevent include: Cardiovascular disease and risk factors, such as high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries Cancer Impaired immune function Diabates Neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia Symptoms of poor cognitive function, including poor memory and trouble concentrating Fatigue Poor recovery from exercise/physical activity Vision loss Obesity 1. Protection Against Cardiovascular/Heart Disease Overall, many studies have found that having just one to two(or ideally more) servings of anythocyanin-rich foods per day can protect you from problems from high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis. While it’s great to have antioxidant-rich foods every day, even having them several times per week can improve your health. One finding from the Iowa Women’s Health Study, which included more than 34,000 postmenopausal women, found that women who consumed anthocyanin-rich strawberries and blueberries once per week or more experienced significant reductions in risk of death from heart disease/coronary artery disease. (4) Another large body of research from the Nurses’ Health Study I and II, which followed over 46,000 women from and 23,000 men for more than a decade, found evidence that the those with the highest intakes of anthocyanin (especially from blueberries and strawberries) had a significantly decreased risk for developing hypertension, myocardial infarction and/or having a heart attack compared to those with the lowest intake. (5) This was true even after controlling for other factors like exercise level, family history and BMI. Anthocyanin benefits for diabetes and pancreatic disorders have also been unearthed in recent years, and again the efficacy is attributed to the multiple, simultaneous biological effects these pigments cause in the body, including prevention of generation of free radicals, decreased lipid peroxidation, reduced pancreatic swelling, and decreased blood sugar concentrations in urine and blood serum. (6) 2. Improved Immune Function Anthocyanin bioflavonoids may provide protection from DNA damage and lipid peroxidation, plus they have anti-inflammatory effects and help boost production of cytokines that regulate the immune responses. They have also been shown to support hormonal balance by reducing estrogenic activity, help regulate enzyme production that aids nutrient absorption, and strengthen cell membranes by making them less permeable and fragile. (7) 3. Protection Against Cancer Research suggests that anthocyanin can decrease the risk of developing various types of cancer due to its antioxidant, anticarcinogenic and anti-inflammatory effects. This has been demonstrated in both in vitro and in vivo research trials in humans and animals. Studies show that anthocyanins have the ability to naturally fight cancer by blocking cell proliferation and inhibiting tumor formation by interfering with the process of carcinogenesis. One way anthocyanins inhibit tumorigenesis by blocking activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways. (8) Anthocyanin - Dr. Axe 4. Improved Cognitive Function Studies have found that diets high in antioxidants like anthocyanin lead to a reversal in certain age-related deficits that affect neural and behavioral parameters, including memory and motor functions. Anthocyanins have been credited with protecting memory, coordination and neural function in older populations. One study out of Korea found that administration of isolated anthocyanins from purple sweet potato enhanced cognitive performance and inhibited lipid peroxidation in brain tissues in mice. (9) 5. Enhanced Exercise Performance and Recovery Antioxidants seem to improve physical performance by lowering exhaustion and the negative effects of excessive oxygen and radical accumulation during physical activities. In one double-blinded clinical trial that involved 54 female and male athletes, when one group was given 100 milligrams of anthocyanin pills per day for six weeks, the participants in that group were found to experience a significant improvement in their VO2 max (maximal oxygen consumption) compared to the second group that received 100 milligrams of placebo pills daily. (10) Some studies have also found that fruit juices that contain anthocyanins, such as 100 percent tart cherry and blueberry juices, have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that wind up positively influencing muscle damage following exercise and the ability to properly recover. (11) There’s even evidence from animal studies that anthocyanins consumed as part of a high-fat diet can help inhibit both body weight and adipose tissue increases. (12) 6. Enhanced Vision and Eye Health Anthocyanin has been shown to help enhance night vision and overall vision by protecting the eyes from free radical damage. One study found that oral intake of anthocyanosides from black currants resulted in significantly improved night vision in adults. Research suggests that the enhancement of rhodopsin regeneration and protection against inflammation are at least two mechanisms by which anthocyanins improve sight and protect the eyes. (13)
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love_2_growweek 0
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
@love_2_grow, Always brother!
NegotiatedBubbleweek 25
In which wavelength were those bottom photos taken?
@Ultraviolet, it looked a bit pink-ish to me. Some photographers use wavelengths during the shot that bring out certain features. The composite photos made out of different wavelengths are quite pretty.
@NegotiatedBubble, Urm I harvested the main flowers and left a few popcorn nugs at the bottom of the plant then put it back to veg, the bottom pictures are taken under a full spectrum lighting 400-700nm, heavily damaged from UV exposure PH tomfoolery.
Very interesting diary. I follow it so I don't miss anything. Good job mate and I wish you all the best on your garden 💚🚀🖖👽🤜🤛
@Ultraviolet, you will do a nice job as before 💪
@HappyWeeds, Well if it makes one person happy if even for a moment, thank you for your kind words I shall try not to mess it up! Toke on!
Zappdoggyweek 20
An excellent article on Blue. Many Thanks. Since I started playing with the other colours its nice to see the info getting out there. I'm completely convinced with adding more of the spectrum. I would love to see a well controlled comparative grow between with and without adding the blue or extra colours using a typical grow light like from Spider Farm or similar as a base. And thanks for all the links to those papers.
@Ultraviolet, I think I like your thinking. 😀
@Zappdoggy, You just gave me the best Idea ! Thank you zappy
TheFattyMcCoyweek 18
Loving all the knowledge you have on here! Excellent info. Is that girl your mother? ❤️ The Fatty McCoy
@TheFattyMcCoy, These are some clones from a previous grow, was meant to be a comparison between monster-cropped clones at varying stages of flower but they at this stage are growing equally well I can't tell the difference tbh.
Zappdoggyweek 25
MMMMM!. I have had some Godfather and found it to be very good for pain. Pretty heavy handed buzz too.
@Zappdoggy, agreed Surprised me that's for sure.
GrowthConsultantweek 25
nicely developed trichomes Well done 👏
Dabkingweek 25
Nice harvest. Also, you refer to the calyx, however I believe you are talking about the pistils.
@Dabking, Thank you for pointing that out, I edited it to correct it.