
Good in da Hood

6 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 11
20 hrs
Light Schedule
Day Air Temperature
10+ conditions after
11+ nutrients after
Commented by
mulch mulch
6 years ago
Ok, apologies for being late with this update. The next one will follow pretty quickly even though we are talking the better part of 2 weeks since my last update so i gotta do 2 now. The pics are more balanced in time frame than the text at this point This update I was doing week 7 GH drain to waste schedule. Full strength. No problems with burn. I dropped the Epson salts as it didn't seem to do anything but to make my EC nuclear and I STILL had red stems. I have upped Cal/Mag to 6 ml gallon. I am doing full feedings every time (every day unless something stops me and i have to add an additional 5 gallon bucket of feed to ensure sufficient runoff), of everything including supplements. I am running a range of PH tho, and will likely adopt this strategy through the end of this grow, again in the future if there are no problems I can associate with that style of feeding For instance, one day 5.7, the next 5.8, the next, 5.9, the next 6.0 and then loop back to 5.7. Now, as far as "all of my bottles" that my secret crush @Mrs_Larimar pointed out and was concerned about, I think I shall go into a bit of an explanation of the "why" each bottle is there for those that think it is too much (and clearly 3.1 EC is VERY high, but that was part of the Epson salts, and I saw no physical harm from that stupid high EC. I wasn't willing to keep it that high, but it was both notable AND impressive that the plants seemed to respond to such high nutes with a "is that all you got" attitude). I first have to acknowledge that what i am doing is not AT ALL my invention as i had great inspiration to explore and perfect my situation that i am currently experiencing. so i must confess that i owe most of my personal results to the work of Ironhead who refined the Lucas and H3ad formulas that I have used as a BASIS for my study and execution of the botany of cannabis. I have to give Ironhead MAJOR props, because I worked backwards from his results, specifically, finding his experiences in achieving the exact results that I wanted. I wanted 2 liter bottle sized colas that I grew in coco from seed, and Ironhead provided a road map to get there using GH nutes and some very specific additives/supplements. I manipulated what he did based on that previous work to come up with my own method. Is it better? I don't know or care. My plants seem to love it and that first yield was more than satisfying (i still have over a pound left from last year, much of it sitting in jars between 58% and 62%) . While I am no longer seeking out 2 liter sized buds for a variety of reasons, I am refining what I have learned to get what i specifically want now, and never would have gotten to this point without Ironhead. If you ever read this, thanks dude. You introduced me to a whole new way of approaching this. So, if you like my results, I give a word of advice that I was given as an early musician: "dont get your inspiration by your own influences, find out who your influence was based on and get your inspiration from your own personal influences own personal influences. Go to the source. In this case, that, for me, is Ironhead. He will also direct you to his sources (Lucas/H3ad/GH schedule), but that will allow anyone who likes/questions/wonders about my grow to go to the important part: WHY so many many bottles, in this case, but to the reason why these choices are made, more generally. Ironhead will show you the path of where I am today with my grow and choices of nutes and sups. My current EC with hard water is around 2.1, which, while very high, my plants not only seem to tolerate, but to actually thrive on and almost make me consider pushing things a bit. Then I remember that I have a bag of dry Koolbloom that would likely be able to more than cover a few football fields in overdosed flower. in due time... I hope that this post into my specific nutes and more importantly, WHY I use them, in some part makes up, at least in part, to my anemic updates this grow compared to last. To show what I did, why I did it, and with actual photos of the results. I didn't just blindly buy things. I was looking for results, and am VERY happy with the results of my first grow, which is why I refined what I did last time. PART 1 GH FLora trio of grow, bloom, and micro: Not really an explanation needed about the specifics because if you are using nutrients, these are the basic macro and micronutrients. Since I am growing in coco, the medium is inert and has nothing. These are the basics and except for Cal/Mag (as the coco's cation affinity for those often produces deficiencies), it is likely all you need to grow a plant from seed to flower. I chose GH because while they refuse to address our specific needs and are owned by Phillips, they had YEARS of experience on perfecting this for basic plants, and like it or not, we are dealing with an agricultural product. Using coco (which allows me to quickly correct any mistakes if needed if i tinker with the formula) provides a great flexible base while supplementing very specific issues/needs. Canna and/or House and Garden are probably easier at the least to our specific crop, and more specific at best than GH, but GH covers the basics well while allowing for manipulation of the basic formula quite easily. It is also pretty inexpensive compared to the more boutique products, but those are a couple of reasons why I why I chose GH (who also uses this formula to grow food) 3 part formula as the basis and as partial supplementation CalMagic: I grow in coco, which means I need this stuff, and tons of it. I always think I have enough and end up seeing reasons to add more. Don't underestimate this if you grow in coco or you will be sorry. ArmorSI: Silica, it turns out, has a ton of benefits for plants, including helping to protect against white powdery mildew, fungus, and even pests by strengthening the plant and cell walls. It also creates thicker, stronger stems and branches, better to hold fat fruits without bending, or worse, breaking off. It also helps regulate micro nutrients to prevent toxicity and help with absorption and helps the plant deal and survive extreme temperature fluctuations in the event it happens to you. Do a little research and you can clearly the see the benefit in this bottle (or just the additive itself, no matter where you obtain it.) Some grasses are over 10% silica in their total composition, so it is not open for debate whether plants can and do utilize silica. I added it later in my last grow, so hopefully the benefit from starting it from seed will be apparent at the end of this grow. It also makes your leaves a very lovely dark shade of green, which I like. I resisted using it the first time because "why do i need silica," but then I realized it was the ONLY supplement on the GH schedule that I wasn't using. I wouldn't EVEN THINK of not using it again because it's benefits are so massive for such a small amount used in the feed. If you haven't used Silica, whether GH or not, I suggest you look into WHY. It is "an ounce of prevention" for a shit ton of potential problems. Use it from day 1. Liquid Koolbloom: While Bloom has a nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium ratio of 0-5-4, Liquid Koolbloom kicks it up quite a few notches with a ratio of 0-10-10 in addition to the bloom nutrients. My plants were clearly hungry for more, so Liquid Koolbloom gives them MORE. While my plants are loving it, careful with this one as you can burn your plants with this one. When adding to your stack, I would advise starting at half strength to make sure your plants can tolerate it. If they do, pump it up to full, these are the nutes that make your big fat flowers AKA buds. Be ready with plant yoyo's, a wire cage, or bamboo stakes as the flowers do FATTEN for sure. Floralicious Bloom: I used Floralicious Grow all last grow because I didn't know that there were actually 3 types of Floralicious. There is Grow, Bloom, and Plus. I will only focus on Bloom right now, but I did use grow during veg. It fortifies the plant with Seaweed, minerals, vitamins, and GH's humic acid from Leonardite. Humic and fulvic acids provide enhanced absorption of nutrients through plant roots, as in you need less food when supplementing with fulvic/humic acids. I opted out of using GH Diamond Nectar because Floralicious provides the Leonardite humic acid, and I am more concerned with Fulvic acid and I found another delivery method. There is controversy about Fulvic acids, which I will cover below in the "controversial" additives, but I did want the benefits of Seaweed kelp, which I am not supplementing anywhere else and has tons of benefits, as well as GHs Leonardic Humic acid, so Floralicious was my choice for delivery. Floralicious plus is apparently concentrated and balanced for both grow and bloom, but I would prefer it to be more targeted to the grow cycle and less concentrated, which is what the Floralicious grow and bloom apparently do. I am happy with this supplement (even without definitive "proof") and would continue using it even tho I am after fulvic acid, which is addressed more in the "controversial" supplement part of this update. There is apparently a CHARACTER LIMIT on grow diaries and my post was cut short, SO part 2 of my bottles will be posted in next weeks update soon.
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Grow Questions
mulchstarted grow question 6 years ago
i have eliminated ph lockout and also (i think) cation exchange issues with 2 25% feedings (50% being normal), both with MORE than 100% calmag epsom salts. is 5 ml/gal calmagic toxic both with and without epson salts. my ph is perfect, double checked but symptoms persist.
Other. Other
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 6 years ago
HEy mulch your light schedule is a beast basically kicken these into overdrive, so they're chewen up more sulfur, cal, mag and potassium. So what you're seeing a sulfur deficiency. You can get a lag sulfur supplement. Probably should dial down the lights to a comphy 18/6 you can always turn it back up closer to the end. hope this helps ! 🚀
mulchstarted grow question 6 years ago
Look @ week13 diary & pix.Leaves almost entirely orange,focused on upper leaves in bud,sugar leaves.Humidity is low & i have tons of airflow,rust is unlikely.I kept upping cal and mag (Epson salts too) and I think it is not a deficiency, but lockout. 8 ml/gal calmagic. Thoughts?
Leaves. Other
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 6 years ago
What I don't like is that cupping that the leaves are doing, you're using a host of enzymes, bacteria etc so i cant see root rot being in question. Thing is maybe the coco is buffering out to a higher PH in some pots, if PH is a tiny bit lower it could cause it to fluctuate. If you're using buffered coco it could be that. Yet I think that lamp to plant distance might have something to do with it, seems like the affected plants are all under the same light or wind corridor ? If so just dialing those back a bit will basically fix it. You can go ahead and carefully pluck the leaves that are damaged beyond repair 70%+ and see if and where new leaves are affected so you can sort of start ruling things out (look likes K deficiency sometimes... almost always nute companies put a lot of P in and not enough K for some reason) . Good luck man + thanks for killer descriptions + deets 🚀
mad_scientistanswered grow question 6 years ago
Hello @mulch ! It looks like with nutrient burn ( using fulvic acids like bio-ag can lead to nutrient burn even at low EC values ) It also looks like with a calcium deficiency or it could be potassium deficiency ( coco contains potassium which is chemically bound with coco and released at later stage and that can lead to potassium toxicity ) but with that kind of lights its really hard to tell. Anyway you should not worry about it since they are at the end of their life. In fact it looks like you should have already harvest. The buds showing signs of fox tailing due to over maturation. You better start flushing and harvest. Happy growing ! 👊
Athosanswered grow question 6 years ago
First, purple pictures makes imposible to tell the real colors of the leaves. To me it looks like nute burn plain and simple. For coco that run off EC is too high. I know you don't want to, but I would really consider a thorough flush, if that's not a possibility, then lower your feed strength to 0.5 EC (250 PPM)

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Mrs_Larimarweek 13
Hi, oumaan thats hard going away for a needed vacation, coming back to sick plants. I hope your conclusion wont be that to stay a t home now. I hope the plants get well and ejoy your Grow
Mrs_Larimarweek 8
open the section like :look at the right corner of your screen (down), there should be an "Paperplane" ( under the arrow) click onto the paperplane and the section opens Mrs_Larimar
Mrs_Larimarweek 11
Hi have been reading part 1 ( will do more often and did a follow) yes agree and thy for explaining that . I discovered that iam using several things too but in another form. like seaweed, aloe, silicea magnesium, calcium and carbs i calll it " kelpmix and all my flowers get it . my dogs too and me too^^ but with less algae. these are elemental parts of live that every creature use and drink to stay healthy.........must read more about humic acid and fulvic acid...
mulchweek 7
@Mrs_Larimar Ask away if you have any questions. i might even be able to direct you to the source of where i got my info, and I am always willing to listen to suggestions. My lights do an AMAZING job penetrating to the lower leaves because of how many LEDs on each panel (despite being a "budget" LED setup), so I only am removing sick leaves at this time; the rest serve a purpose as far as i am concerned, photosynthesis factories for 20 hours a day of light through harvest and a source of nutes if i somehow neglect or miss what the plant needs. the bad leaves tell me what to do next and coco in a fabric bag allows me to fix it almost immediately if i understand what the problem is i love my lights, but i would have split the wattage into more fixtures for further control if i knew then what i knew now. that doesnt mean my lights arent going to work, but if i understood better, i could have achieved better results with my first grow. When it is time to change lights, i have learned enough to compensate, although again, a am VERY happy with my budget lights in the less than optimal configuration. i just know how to do it better next time when i reinvest in infrastructure. I am happy with my 1st grow and my new grow is on a good trajectory, so it wasnt exactly a mistake. i just could have optimized it better using MORE lights of less wattage to fine tune what i am giving my girls. the BIGGEST thing i can suggest is for people to understand and learn to love and control, no matter the cost or hassle, is Vapor Pressure deficit (VPD for autos, photos, or damn peppers or basil if that is what you are growing). I use the charts from "just for growers" and that covers a wide range or temp/humidity variables. it seems to me the secret sauce for GODMODE growing conditions, and science backs it up to fully exploit this, you will need to master temperature and humidity control, which is more expensive than all of those bottles as humidifiers, dehumidifiers (sometimes in conjunction), and dedicated air conditioning is critical, and somewhat expensive (more expensive than all those bottles in some cases, and i am a working man so those costs, bottles or VPD control, mean something to me), but my gut AND my experience says, worth more in the end. stacking those bottles, that are there with purpose, with VPD, produces greatness, in my experience. all those bottles simply support the insane gains when VPD is considered and attended to as a primary factor. i say that because i believe it is. it will take a few more grows to prove it, but to me, VPD alone is worth as much as every bottle i use. it just so happens that understanding the science of vpd, listening to the plants, understanding their needs, and adjusting contributions from all of those bottles makes it EVEN MORE effective Once i got an understanding of VPD halfway through my first grow, the plants exploded, responding in such a way that it was without question the importance. others on this site also stress VPD. but we are niche. we also pull 11 zips off autos, so take that for what it is worth When I am dialed in, my plants are very predictable in that they THRIVE. i think you will like this weeks pics as I bent all the main stems and the canopy is evening up big time. i am kind of busy with work (and emotions), but i this next weeks updates and showing off all the healthy white hairs bursting all over everywhere, despite my issues, in a very full and even LST canopy allows me to stress less on the potential "lockout" issues i was having to fix it my potential lockout issue from dodgy coco, i did two 1/4 strength nute flushes (with full strength calmag and Epson to fix the cations) 2 days in a row with about 30-40% runoff to purge excess salts screwing with the cation exchange to leverage the science of coco, along with more nitrogen (full strength according to GH charts, which is only about 1 ML/gal at this stage), as the plants seemed to want that, followed up by a nice strong 1/2 feeding ( 1.85 EC with full calmag and Epson) and the plants are thanking me big time, the stretch went further than i could have imagined since i downgraded to 5 gallon fabric pots from 7 gallon in an effort to control height because of the limitations of my tent, and the are stems are currently tree trunks with more strength than i seem to have since my emotional depletion. my favorite from last grow, NLxBB, is still on the smaller size, but it was smaller round 1 as well. its in its genes. i wish it got bigger and yielded more, but i am fine because it yields enough for my private reserve stash that as much as i would like 11 zips from it, i dont need it for the record, ALL 6 of my plants last grow had completely hollow stems (forcing me to buy plant yoyo's this run cuz the bamboo stakes from last run wasnt hacking it and made it more difficult to water and care for the lower parts of the plant) hollow stems are a VERY good thing, if you look it up. it means the plants were wanting for very little and had no "scar tissue" to fill the stems with, or close to that feedback. the downside is the hollow stems are weak when the buds pack on weight, but I am ready for that this time around; plant yoyos experience :) keep in touch my new friend. we shall make beautiful bonfires of the highest quality together. thanks so much for your input and engagement and have a wonderful evening and if you like edibles, i have some good scientific info to make them almost too potent when made from scratch it uses the same potency, but leverages bioavailability, to make them almost too strong for most mortals, even at the 10mg recommendation (I do have a t-check2 , and have taken measurements only on my tincture as the cannibanoid breakdown promised with the expansion kit is incomplete at this time, i am unwilling to beta test this on my own dime, until they fulfill their obligations and release the cannibanoid breakdown that i paid for in january. to be fair, 2/3s of their promises are now fulfilled. i will add some supplementary results from tincture that i made this week. but until they can not only test extracts, flower, AND cannibanoids specifically, i cant endorse nor do i have results from the tcheck 2 beyond my tincture . hit me up if you want more info. my edibles are almost too strong for anyone but me and if i sold any, it would likely be around $80 for a 1/4 cup of coco oil. its THAT potent that i have no shame on that price point namaste
@mulch, you got a PN
CRiSPrGrowweek 9
HEy mulch your light schedule is a beast basically kicken these into overdrive, so they're chewen up more sulfur, cal, mag and potassium. So what you're seeing a sulfur deficiency. You can get a lag sulfur supplement. Probably should dial down the lights to a comphy 18/6 you can always turn it back up closer to the end. hope this helps ! 🚀
@mulch, i've been there with the light schedule my friend, i know why you think it's a last resort but your ladies will thank you for it, and you can always up it during flush again. Up to you my friend, let me know !
@CRiSPrGrow, Thanks, I have been adding a little less than half a teaspoon of Epsom to the nutes for the mag, RQS says 1 -2 teaspoon per gallon should fix the sulfur issue. I will try 1 next feeding and if that doesn't help, 2 the following. they still are growing and drinking and have tons of green leaves (but each plant is getting like 2-4 leaves a day turning) and I am about to have to flip to every day feeding, so I am going to try that next feeding, although the Epsom drives my EC through the roof, they are barely showing signs of burn, even with Liquid Koolbloom. (most nutes still at half strength) I had a fear it was root aphids or fungal gnats so I put a bunch of yellow stickies on the floor and hung a few and they are thus far clean, so that makes me feel slightly better (SM-90 from day 1, methinks, plus root excellerator and photosynthesis plus) Thanks for your input. Dropping the light schedule is a last resort. I got all the way through with 20 last time, and I have seen others do the same with 24/0. Still want that killer yield. Have a great one!
Mrs_Larimarweek 8
One thing you can do for sure is to pic some leaves away who block the light to the flowers... 3-4 every time did not harm your ladies.... and one more question .. do you really need so many bottles=? there are 3 nutrients who are important N P K........Iam worried if i see so many bottles, i like it simple ( in nutes)
@mulch,dear mulch i really dont want to hit you... its great to hear that you know what to do with your stuff.its good to know that you got a plan. i just wanted to say that i dont know where fore are all those bottles are and that iam worried. its good to know that you have the knowledge and maybe i can ask you some things, i am always open to learn
@Mrs_Larimar, i hear you. seems like too much, but i am pretty dialed in on exactly WHY each one is there, and how to ration them, especially after the success of my first grow. if this one fails, i know my inattention and perhaps hubris caused it, but thus far, so far so good except, imho, char is garbage coco at the same price point as canna, which to me, is the top of the heap, for coco all that being said, for the most part, each bottle and each dollar i spent for each bottle, came with research behind it. i wanted specific results, and researching those who got those results, my "formula" basically wrote itself obviously, i cant test it scientifically, and worse, my current emotional situation diverts attention to my productive hobby that being said, i learned round 1 to just listen to the plants because they will tell you what they want and need if you are paying attention as far as so many bottles, i use most at 1/2 strength, and adjust based on what the plants are telling me my first grow, with an auto, got me 11 ounces OF BUD (yes some popcorn, but NOT trim) for a single autoflower using so many bottles. 11 zips of nug from an auto is basically unheard of, but check my first diary. im no expert, but i think i got the basics and am working, via science, on how those extra bottles make things better i think why it worked FOR ME is by understanding WHY i had each bottle, and how to make it work correctly, based on how the plant communicated with me. increasing, decreasing ratios at certain times based on certain reactions. i am still learning, but if i pay attention she tells me whats up i would love to hear more advice from you, as you obviously know your basics. i would also like to assure you that there are reasons WHY, that i have done research on, that i have so many bottles. its not "too much money" because i have gone without to get certain things (look up the price of roots excellerator if you want to feel pain, but i would NEVER not use it again, everything else unchanged; it is THAT worth it for results) its not "throw everything at it," because, like i said, i can tell you WHY each bottle is there, and therefore how to adjust ratios based on what the plants tell me i do appreciate the advice. we are all learning, and autos and coco are an entirely new frontier, with amazing potential. keep in touch <3
Green_Friends_Incweek 13
Your buds looking great, sorry to read of the problem! I think your on the right track by "restoring balance" before returning to heavy flower feeding. Best of luck I'll follow along with you! :)
Mrs_Larimarweek 7
hahaha... my little rebel wins... " common wisdom" sometimes you got to dare something. There are so many mares about automatics... some of them are right somes are shitty. If you have a vigorous growing plant, and you feeling says.. hmmm would be fine to fim them.. its not alwys wise to listen to "common wisdom" its totally strain related if you can do anything or not. its your descision to go the save path or jump put of the box and just do it ( a little) and very kind. greetings and get well ( emotionally)
bobo420week 5
Coming along nicely ;)
bobo420week 1
Good luck with the grow ;)
CRiSPrGrowweek 9
hey @mulch check your DMs : little arrow thing bottom right hand corner of your screen
@mulch, makes sense i suppose, could be any number of things, but sometimes symptoms hide not so obvious linkages... hard to say !
@CRiSPrGrow, my best guess as to what was happening and why, despite pumping in 4 ml/gal of cal/mag every feeding, is that the cations were latching on to the all or most of the cal/mag as there wasn't enough potassium to fill the sites so the it latched onto cal/mg instead. because my potassium was low strength, the plants gobbled that and weren't able to access it as additional cations that would be reserved for potassium that were instead grabbed the cal and mag. or vice versa Adding a large amount of potassium and cal/magreleased some cations, replenished it with the excess potassium, and probably stabilized them, which is why there is no evidence of new nute burn at 3.2 ec I don't know for a fact, but that was my guess as to why and the results "seem" to support that conclusion
@mulch, yeah man you got it. cal mag in foliar spray works faster ;-) just keep your buds dry
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CRiSPrGrowweek 10
great updates mulch very nice keeping us informed :-)
@CRiSPrGrow, i am trying. if i may explain why my posts have been anemic, while i thank you for paying attention and contributing to any success i might have, you are invited to read this wall of text (although not required cuz it certainly is tl;dr worthy and really won't help anyone improve specifically on anyone else's grow as it so both specific to you and i and general as a whole, including you and i) otherwise, discard the rest and pretend it is a part of my personal "diary" you accidentally found the diary in a drawer and ignore it; i understand completely because this is the internet and it is an unsolicited rant, so by no means do i fault you for skipping it. it may be more for than for you, but it certainly includes you. either way, here it goes my 1st diary was more like a bible or encyclopedia of what i did. this one has been like the cliff notes of a 3 page, ambiguous unfinished story, i hope this update changes that i loved doing my first diary of my first grow here. aside from odd memory issues on stable current chrome, for a year, this is THE place for this sort of thing anyway, my first diary had (as well as the plants, themselves) most of my full attention at almost all times, sometimes obsessing to get it right because i couldn't afford to fail considering how much $$ i invested on a first time grow. I was repeatedly and often opening the tent to look at them and make sure nothing was wrong every 15 minutes or so when i didn't actually need to, while also, most importantly, with no pain or distractions of any significance to make me not hear them when they were talking to me. i was a n00b and inexperienced, hoever i was present and available at almost all feasible times, and while i made some major mistakes i hopefully corrected this time (while learning new mistakes that i will correct next time) and was pretty successful partially because of it, this site encouraged me by helping me document measurable progress, helpful peer support, and experienced advice, among many other things. i was WAY happy with my results, even though i made a ton of mistakes that only experience can provide; one can't google one's individual circumstances after all or pre google potential "issues" that pop up, so one must seek the root of the problem which was how i approached my first grow, to almost a laser focus... and i reported my results thoroughly on grow diaries and it was all good, from sprout to smoke, both documenting for sharing and experiencing while growing for myself. it absolutely fulfilled a need for me, that while curious about, didn't actually know that i needed i apologize to this amazing community, that i haven't exactly been the same as i was last grow and holding up my end of the bargain as far as detailing my experiences so that others can learn from my mistakes or success, and contributing my facts, speculation, and actual measurements/documentation as far as in communication with the plants, and to grow diaries, (which aside from some frustrating UI quirks that I wish they could address, such as memory/lag issues on current google chrome), i apologize as i am quite distracted and have been for weeks by sudden convergent external pressure that has to be dealt with immediately (i obsessed over the captions first diary, this grow, maybe 3 or 4 captions total so far, instead of 100% captioning) i absolutely adore (of course because of the rest of you who have embraced this platform for sharing and communicating and helping each other) grow diaries both in concept and execution, as well as being one of the most amazing internet communities i have ever been a part of (for reference, i got my first aol disk mid to lat 90s, so a community like this is nearly impossible to come by even back then.) whether via sharing a breadth of knowledge/experience and desire to see others succeed instead of needless drama, this place is SUPER high on the list of of communities I have seen since basically the dawn of the internet) and you, @CRiSPrGrow, are exactly one of the reasons why so here is the deal and why this weeks update, and your simple comment mean so much to me, personally. i have been under some consistent, persistent emotional & financial strain and loss from a variety of mostly benign sources that all, unfortunately for me, have converged on me at once over a short period just as i started watering the beans early august, so i haven't really been "present" this grow almost as soon as they sprouted so getting back involved mentally via communication with the plants and members of this community, such as you, this is a good thing for me in more ways than i can articulate to be blunt, your simple comment snapped me right out of my funk, and got me doing what i do best, thinking and executing. thanks for noticing the difference. this catharsis is as important as taking my girls to a proper and sustained cure. i will add a bonus pic of my new "additive" to my curing jars soon. hopefully i will caption it too :D things are likely to get worse for me emotionally (at least in the short term, only, God willing), but getting back to the "normal" me despite emotional fear/pain/instability is amazing progress so far. my attention to the girls and updates to this diary is proof this post from you, and our and others interaction last week helping me diagnose wtf was happening to my healthy plants, was invaluable the funny/sad thing is, i cant smoke or eat weed right now (i haven't tried my tincture yet since these events started), because even with my known and self imported genetics in mostly retail packaging, that i grew from those retail seeds myself, (indica heavy, high cbd ruderalis/auto heavy strains, that should CURE anxiety),it STILL enhances my anxiety and emotional pain (just like it enhances the good and fun things in your life. weed makes good things better, no question about that. but it also makes bad things worse, at least for some people, like me, right now) so i cant really smoke or eat weed right now even though i desire its ability to heal me however, the magical herb that it is, my garden is giving me structure and strength right now. and getting back to my old self, via this grow diary and structured attention to my girls, is very therapeutic. the irony is that i can't smoke it to medicate myself, but growing it it is healing me. go figure that even NOT using her directly can help people (like me, right now) what a wonderful plant. thank you, @CRiSPrGrow, for inspiring this realization that this update is a sign post that i can read, of me coming back to "normal" ("normal" for ME, at least). that this too, shall pass whether you realized or meant to or not, this simple comment connected some dots that i probably wouldn't have realized without you (such as being more active with my plants and this diary is more of me being me because i am me than i have been for how many documented weeks now, and that means i am healing and getting back to "normal"). thanks brother, i appreciate you just being you, when you knew you should be you and just were you, because you have truly helped a stranger to soldier on during some rough times. keep being who you are, because you are absolutely killing it at being you. thank you again namaste
WHAT HAPPENED ???????????????????????????????????????????????????
mulchweek 13
thanks for all assistance for my latest grow question. Unfortunately, I can't respond directly, so here are some responses to al lof your suggestions so far: @CRiSPrGrow i had issues of my plants getting too tall and heat building up last grow. Those issues have been completely remedied this grow. The little white disc you see suspended by plant wire over one of the plants is a Nest remote thermostat puck to tune my AC to. Heat is certainly not an issue, and since switching from 7 gal pots with no LST to 5 gallon pots with LST, along with venting the dehumidifier heat out of the tent, heat simply isnt a factor at all. 74 during lights on max, i have seen it dip to 68 during lights off. All within healthy range. to top it off, using my laser on the leaves closest to the light right now yields a result of 75, 1 degree above ambient. I am certain that the cupping is not from temp, light, or heat stress. @@Athos I think it is lockout (which likely prevented actual burn). I have been watching my tips and the burn damage on the tips are about a month old with no progression. The runoff EC tells me how hot the coco is (PH in runoff is concerning too, but the high salt content is likely resulting in such high POH in runoff and I know better than to use coco runoff as anything more than a loose guide), and I think it is because I pumped a shit ton of Epson salts in trying to cure red stems. Bad idea. My tap water is about 0.25 EC, so going that low is simply not an option. I am doing daily watering at around 1.2 EC (4ml calmagic, 2 ml micro, 4 ml bloom, and full dose of drip clean per gallon,) thats it right now, although I think I might add photosynthesis plus back in next feeding to maintain the microherd. I dropped 1 entire EC in runoff since yesterdays post, with no additional damage observed. I think I am on the right track, thank you. And yeah, I should have taken pics without the LEDs, but I have had an extremely busy week. It is what it is. The color is 100% consistent with calcium deficiency, just harsher. Thanks! @mad_scientist , I am DEFINITELY aware of how fulvic works (controversially) which is why I was so surprised that the plants seemed to handle such high EC with no apparent problems. I am pretty sure it is lockout. The plants that appear to be fox tailing just today started showing orange hairs for the first time. My kush from last grow fox tailed like you described, and I am pretty sure that this is not that (as heat and light stress WERE an issue last time but has been fixed). My 2 autoseemangos and 1 NLxBB look much closer to finish with mature looking calyxes and mostly orange hairs that look like they are about to retract. The ones you describe as fox tailing are still fattening up noticeably day by day, have immature calexes, and barely an orange hair to be found. Since I harvested and dried my plants all at once last grow(drying in the tent), having 3 out of 5 ready MUCH earlier than the rest does present me a logistical problem for drying the ripe ones. I will monitor it and yeah, it does look like my fox-tailing kush last time, but that one actually had mature calyxes under the fox tails and orange hairs before the fox tailing; these are still FATTENING, not fox-tailing, have immature calyxes, and only started orange hairs. I am confident they just need more time (as long as I fix the burn/lockout issue that I seem to be having). Thank you for your input as I can tell you know your shit NONE of the plants have anything close to cloudy or amber trichs at this point. All are glass clear. for what its worth, as I have heard and observed that the trichs of autos grown in coco under LEDs dont turn like other methods of growing. Thanks to all for all suggestions. Appreciated.