
Indoor to Outdoor #2

a year ago
Northern Light Automatic
Royal Queen Seeds
Growing it
Una planta con un crecimiento muy bueno Olores en floración como las Northern Light de la vieja escuela Muy resistente, no ha mostrado signos de estrés en ningún momento Creo que fue error mío empezar demasiado pronto el LST, y ha hecho que se quede una planta muy pequeña, porque creció muy torcida y la raíz presenta la misma forma... Creo que si la hubiese dejado crecer libremente, se habría hecho más grande y con una producción superior Me gustaría volver a repetir su cultivo en exterior aprovechando el buen clima del este de España!
The Outcome
Week 11
What's on the scales?
Bud dry weight
What's on the scales?
Bud wet weight
Number of plants harvested
g / plant
Tastes like
Feels like
10% Sativa 90% Indica

Positive effects


Negative effects

Dry mouth

Medical effects

Reviews. Nutrient
Buena relación calidad precio Le dio buena vida a mi cultivo
He abandonado Bio-Bloom y Top-Max a mitad del cultivo para pasarme al organico Leaf-Coat parece ha ido bien, pero es muy caro, por lo que la relación calidad-precio NO compensa Solo mantengo el uso del Bio-pH- para ajustar pH en las aguas de riego
Commented by
nonick123 nonick123
a year ago
Creo que estaba colocado el día de la cosecha, porque juraría haber colocado la review el día posterior, pero no está en el diario 😂 Al lío: Cosechada el día 80 Tricomas principalmente blanquecinos con alguno ambar (mi estado perfecto) Un peso en humedo en 57,86 gramos. Me pensaba que debían ser más, porque los cogollos se muestran compactos como piedras Apenas mostró senescencia y mantuvo un color muy sano hasta el día de la cosecha Como estoy haciendo esta parte del diario 12 días después de la cosecha, os adelanto que en el curado se empieza a notar el olor de las Northern Lights clásicas / old school, que te hace la boca agua 😁 Creo que volveré a repetir con esta cepa de RQS!
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Grow Questions
nonick123started grow question a year ago
Tengo una lampara QB LED de 50W a 30 cm de altura, pero las plantulas de los laterales del cultivo se estiran buscando la luz ¿Acerco más la lampara? ¿Las botellas de agua están disminuyendo el PPFD? Fabricante indica a 55 cm para esta fase Adjunto imagen de la configuración
Plant. Too tall
massivetidsanswered grow question a year ago
Because this lamp is not strong enough for this surface I would put the plants outside for now and use a fan with oscillating mode to cool them. For the next time I would use smaller cups for the first week. Then you can place them all under this lamp and place them all in the middle from the lamp with a closer distance from the lamp. But for now your only options are to use a stronger lamp that will cover the whole surface or place them outside.
nonick123started grow question a year ago
Cuando germino en exterior, todas las plántulas se mueren por estrés térmico El espacio es una terraza en el este de España, con altas temperaturas y poca ventilación ¿Alguna idea para evitarlo? NO puedo resguardarlas en horas centrales del día (estoy en el trabajo)
Germination. Substrate
massivetidsanswered grow question a year ago
Hello nonick123, I would simply use a fan with oscillating mode to keep them cool. And the first few days after germination you can keep them inside to protect them against the elements. Just move them into the sun when they start to strech searching for more light.
nonick123started grow question a year ago
Plantulas en el día #3 después de germinacion Se estiran buscando la luz Lámpara a 25 cm del substrato ¿Alguna idea? ¿Modificar distancia de la lámpara? CC (Crystal Candy) y NL (Northern Light) están justo debajo de la lámpara.... :-( ¿Sacar ya al exterior tal vez?
Plant. Too tall
1 like
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question a year ago
all you can do is adjust until they stop stretching. they look fine though. give it a second. too much light can be a problem too. if nodes don't space out at all, that's too much. distance or more power... 2 options for changing intensity of light applied to the plants. if you made a change recently, relax and see how it plays out. things don't always happen overnight.
nonick123started grow question a year ago
Experimento y resultado Maceta 11 litros. Germinación en interior con LED 50 W Día 2 = Se saca al exterior (terraza) con sombreado + media botella Día 3 = Plantula OK Día 4 = Plantula muerta Terraza este de España ¿Ideas para evitar esto en exterior? 😩😞😓 Gracias!
Germination. Other
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question a year ago
a free app for measuring light can be useful. they are not accurate measurements but they are precise -- meaning under the sun or any 1 specific light (or those with exact specifications) it will read a consistent and dependable value. measure X klux or Y "DLI" "PPFD" when it remains healthy (not really either on a phone, since it is technologically incapable of such measurements, these are simply klux factored by soem one-size-fits all value that does not fit all) -- these values, if the plant remains upright can be used in future to ensure you don't kill it with sunlight early on. Make sure to start at least thet low 'next' time. .. pay attention to how long it takes to adapt and how you increase intensity each day to toughen her up... same process.. keep using the phone app and track what you do. can fine-tune / improve it each time.
nonick123started grow question a year ago
Día 14 detecto que Royal Bluematic presenta un cambio de coloración en la parte serrada de las hojas ¿Alguna deficiencia? Tiene el mismo substrato, luz (18/06), 25 ºC 60% Humedad y riego que sus "hermanas" de cultivo, pero esta es la única que lo muestra ¿Debo preocuparme?
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Clutchanswered grow question a year ago
It might be the soil that's a bit too strong. I don't think it's overwatering because she doesn't look droopy. I would just give plain water now for a week but let her dry out for a day or 3 too. If it doesn't become worse u can start slowly with feeding again. Autos are very sensitive to overfeeding so a week whitout nutrients can be good. If all that doesn't help it can be PH too. A little flush can help than to get it back to anywhere between 6 and 6,5 Hope u can use any of this advice. She still looks good too 🙂
nonick123started grow question a year ago
Day #17. Royal Bluematic sigue avanzando A PEOR en la deficiencia que muestra en las hojas También muestra color morado en el tallo de las hojas Hace dos días se regó con 100 ml de agua embotellada + Bio-Grow de Biobizz a 2 ml/l ¿Deficiencia de CalMag?
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Leaves. Color - Dark-purple
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question a year ago
Ca and Mg are 2 different needs of the plant. they are not tied together in any necessary way. Mg won't show a deficiency for 4-6 weeks, so it;s a bit early for that. Ca is yellow-brown spots and Mg has rusty spots with interveinal chorosis. 2 distinct set of sympoms for 2 distinct elements of need to the plant. Purple petioles indicate a need for P, but purple petioles can also be genetic or even LED-caused. the coinciding symptosm do not match P-deficiency. potassium deficiency is possible. would need to see it progress more to be certain. calcium has an antagonistic effect on P and K. It is also possible that if oyu added too much calcium, this could cause a normally proper amount of P or K to be insufficient due to availability in the plant. check out my GD profile. there is a link to a google drive with a leaf symptom chart and mulder's chart. understanding these two things can be a great help to accurately diagnosing issues that you see. it's more complex than simply add this or that when you see a particular set of symtpoms what you soil is bringing to the equation is an unknown. pick a path, let it play out, and take notes to try something different next time. be ready to fail a couple times. definitely learn to do this yourself. you can trust yourself better than others.
nonick123started grow question a year ago
Estoy mirando de comprar un medidor de pH (30 - 40€) y estoy entre las siguientes opciones: Milwaukee PH51 pH Hanna HI 98107 ¿Alguna preferencia entre ellos? ¿Otras opciones mejores en ese rango de precios? Gracias por vuestros comentarios! 😀
Feeding. Other
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question a year ago
short and sweet - so, are you using it out of OCD or is it needed? if you will evolve into less testing as you are more familiar, definitely go with strips. if you have to test all teh time, the ph pen/probe is a good idea. more reasoning added... you are better off with a cheap 100 pack of 1/2 pH resolution strips. (pH resolved by 0,5 with 4 colors for easy reading) the pens are nice. if you are going to test multiple things per day or just daily use, it may be worth it. with good products and a good SOP you don't need to test so often. 7usd for a 100pack that has lasted me 2-3 years and i still have 60-70 strips remaining. i have a well-buffered nutrient brand. my pH doesn't swing/drift. i used to test more often but it is not needed with good fertilizer brands. If you keep rez dark and relatively cool, you only need to spot check occasionally. At this point i use 3-5 strips per year. i'll spot check before germinating any expensive seeds, for example. but the 1000 or so i made, meh. lol. learned the hard way when i pissed 160 usd down he tubes bc my tap water pH shifted from 8,4 to 7,0 and i was not adding fertilizer so i had to add some acid to adust the assumed 8,4. ended up too acidic and 8 of 10 seeds died. 20 usd per seed... makes you think twice about being lazy. as far as the rez, i just have a regular maintenance and rarely test pH - just enough to avoid any issues. i don't even clean my rez that often. maybe 1 time during a grow but i've also gone an entire grow without scrubbing it down. my point is i'm a bit sloppy and i still don't have ph issues. This is an easy thing to avoid with some good choices of fertilizers used. if pH drift is occuring it is more likely the fault of the product than some external force. maintenance - you have to re-callibrate a pen. which means you have to buy and store stock solutions of specific pH. some are 2-point, some are 3-point callibrations. you need a solution to store the probe in to extend its life. you don't want to spend 50-150usd and then treat it liek shit and get fewer years out of it. the point is it seems easier on surface to test stuff, which it is, but there's a ton of maintenance and special needs that make you spent a lot more effort on a pen than strips. soil has it's own impacts on pH too. gives you a little leeway on it, typically. slightly self-correcting so, are you using it out of OCD or is it needed? if you will evolve into less testing as you are more familiar, definitely go with strips. if you have to test all teh time, the ph pen/probe is a good idea. (pasted to top)
nonick123started grow question a year ago
He empezado con LST ¿Harías también en topping? Me da miedo el estrés que les puedo causar
Techniques. Topping
massivetidsanswered grow question a year ago
I would only use LST for these autoflowers. If you want your plant to recover fast it is best to wait till they reach 5-6 nodes. Yours will (almost) start the pre-flowering phase already before reaching 5-6 nodes. Keep the branches at equal height with LST is the best technique for these autoflowers. Enjoy your grow!
nonick123started grow question a year ago
Es necesario aplicar defoliacion cuando aplicamos LST en exterior? ¿O la luz del sol es capaz de alcanzar a todas las ramas y hojas? Planeo sacar al exterior mañana, y tendré unas 8 horas de luz solar directa
Techniques. Defoliation
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question a year ago
No defoliation is needed. And on the LST front. Simple outdoors is best buddy the way you have it now. Hmmmm that'll be a headache and it'll grow much better natural. Defol is used for 2 things mainly To keep RH down (you don't need 2, you're outside. To get more light to buds after pre flower is over and general light direction, in sense, only needed cause leds are a static light. The sun moves, so no defol at any stage is needed, nor recommend. Only if your buds are super dense to allow airflow in between actual buds sugars can be pult up to allow air flow (only needed in high RH outdoors or if very rainy , also a good method for indoors to avoid rot)
nonick123started grow question a year ago
La superficie del substrato se me está secando muy rápidamente al sacarlas al exterior ¿Que me recomendáis para colocar encima? ¿Arcilla expandida (Arlita)? ¿Paja? ¿Otra cosa? Gracias!
Setup. Substrates
1 like
Benzelsanswered grow question a year ago
I use sugar cane straw mulch but yes straw or any fine light mulch will do. Wouldnt suggest the clay balls as in the sun, they get pretty warm and pass the heat on to the substrate and can make the roots very warm with low oxygen -not good for the roots. So a light color straw mulch is best. Start with a thin layer and see how you go and slowly make it thicker until you hit the point it doesnt dry out too fast but isnt too slow to dry out either. Great idea keeping them in white containers too. Very good idea. 😊
nonick123started grow question a year ago
Las Orion F1 no están reaccionando bien al LST. El crecimiento está estancado. ¿Tal vez he empezado demasiado pronto? ¿La strain no lo tolera bien? ¿Debería deshacerlo? Las otras cepas están llevando muy bien el LST...
Techniques. LST
Bmollyanswered grow question a year ago
¡Hola! Me alegra saber que tus plantas se ven bien y no muestran signos de estrés. Aunque parece que pudiste haber tenido una ligera sobrefertilización en semanas anteriores, es alentador ver que los nuevos brotes se ven sanos. Eso es un buen indicio de que tus plantas están respondiendo bien. Recuerda que cada planta es única y puede procesar el estrés de manera diferente. Es posible que tu planta solo esté tomando un poco más de tiempo para recuperarse completamente. Pero en general, no se ve nada mal en tu cultivo. Continúa proporcionando un cuidado adecuado y observa cómo evoluciona en las próximas semanas. Siempre es importante prestar atención a cualquier cambio o problema potencial, pero hasta ahora, tus plantas parecen estar en buen estado. Sigue adelante con tu cuidado y disfruta del proceso de cultivo. ¡Buena suerte y que tus plantas sigan prosperando! Si tienes más preguntas o inquietudes, no dudes en hacerlas. Estoy aquí para ayudarte.
nonick123started grow question a year ago
Crystal Candy XL Auto está mostrando hojas amarillas en varias hojas de la planta Riegos alternativos con nutrientes según tabla de Biobizz ¿Deficiencia o exceso de nutrientes? ¿O algo normal por estar ya en floración? Gracias!
Leaves. Color - Yellow
1 like
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question a year ago
bit odd progression. starting low and mostly from the tip and progressing inward on leaves is typically Nitrogen deficiency, but it'snot uniformly progressing liek that. are you allowing top 1" to dry before irrigating? if you are watering consistently sooner that that, it could be a root-zone thing. if you have good watering habits, i'd bump N slightly and see how it goes. 7 of 10 instructions from marijuna brands are trash ... no idea what hte actual number is but they usually suggest some bat-shit crazy things - often too much so that you buy more. see problems and think you need to buy something else, lol. my suggestion to anyone that commonly runs into problems while growing... try a different brand. feeding a plant should be one of the easiest things you do. it should not require a constant shifting and adding and taking away... that's a sign of a poorly balanced diet. the urban myths sorrounding marijuana are often wrong. find some Ag brands that aren't dedicated to ripping off hobbyists.. i have no idea bout biotab / biobiz.. they could be good. i see an awful lot of burnt canopies with that stuff in the questions though. and other growers seem to do better. uncertain... when i switched to jacks... the problems i encounter are rare and small / slowly progressing with a clear and easy fix. no more ph-adjusting. no more concerns about pH drift, because it is properly buffered, which is not new knowledge... marijuana brands just tend to be startup companies with no real experience in biology, chemistry, or horticulture. The last one of those has a ton of horseshit mixed into it too, but a longer history than "bro science" .. too many people think like the advertising. my TSP says "improves roots" ... and it sorta does if applied in right balance with other stuff.. but it's not some fuckingmagic bullet that you spread out and all of a sudden rainbows shoot out of your roots. it's not that simple, but it is that simple with a good brand. anything that is a struggle to grow healthy plants from seed to harvest you should seriously consider dropping that brand like a bad habit.
nonick123started grow question a year ago
La Orion F1 se ha puesto de un día para otro como veis en las fotos! :-( Creo es quema de nutrientes Uso solo abonos orgánicos de Biobizz, el sustrato es todo organico (ver Semana inicial de Germinacion del diario) y pH controlado ¿Qué me recomiendais que haga con ella?
Leaves. Edges burnt
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question a year ago
1stly. Biobizz is 100% organic and wouldn't have any ill affect on your sub. No synthetic nutrients, cheat There is no Synthetic anything in biobizz. I would only use your neem oil on the lower parts of your plant. As I've read this can cause the plant to have difficulty taking up nutrients as it blocks their Stomata vents. So,if you're staying with it. Id apply it in sections or as needed, but leaving some of your plant to breath. Also. I see you're using BioGrow + biobloom. Idk if you just haven't had chance to change it. But, I'd drop the grow and just keep bloom and top max. 5-600ppm should only be needed. (This value is added to your waters ambient ppm) so if your water is 100ppm you then add that nutrient value to it. But, even that's high. But, with them been organic nutes they sound be okay. I would say your plants NPK is off. And instead of taking up what it needs. Its taken up what's given. Them spots are signs an off NPK. She's ran slightly over on N.. so, for the next few days. Just top max to keep it going. And she should fall back into range
nonick123started grow question a year ago
Estoy teniendo lluvias torrenciales fuertes y quiero proteger a las plantas No puedo estar todo el día sacando y metiendo las plantas de casa Había pensado en colocar una plancha de policarbonato a modo de tejado ¿Qué opciones pensáis que son las mejores? Gracias!
Other. General questions
morganfreeman420answered grow question a year ago
Un amigo cultivador de exterior adopto la misma medida de las planchas de policarbonato y van de maravilla!! el tamaño y cosecha no se ve afectado, de hecho consigue unos resultados excelentes. Asi que a por ello ;)

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nonick123week 4
@Sweet_Seeds esta Crystal Candy XL Auto me ha salido con un fenotipo púrpura / morado! ¿Es algo que está dentro de su linaje genético? No he visto ningún diario o seguimiento de esta strain con esos colores Por cierto, estoy encantado con este color! :-D
@nonick123, Nice! It is possible, but this is not a normal thing. Enjoy the view!
nonick123week 7
Gracias maestro @deFharo por otra semana de apoyo e información super útil! 🙏 💪 😃
@deFharo, no hay mejor actitud! Uno nunca debe dejar de aprender 🙏
@nonick123, nada de maestro, sólo un eterno aprendiz que no quiere dejar de serlo. Saludos! 🖐️👨‍🌾
nonick123week 6
Gracias gurú y maestro @deFharo por ayudarme en el camino de los fertilizantes orgánicos hechos por uno mismo! 👏 💪
nonick123week 9
Una actualización tras el fin del proceso de secado de las Orion F1 😁 Empieza el curado! 👊👍
resimaxweek 0
Good luck and happy growing!
@@resimax, gracias! Cualquier comentario es bienvenido!
Sweet_Seedsweek 0
Thank you very much for sharing a new diary with one of our strains. 😊 We hope you enjoy it. 😋 Sweet smokes, - Apolo
@Sweet_Seeds, gracias por el comentario!
love_2_growweek 0
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
@nonick123, 🤞🤞
@love_2_grow, gracias! Esperemos que continuen bien!
Da gusto leer tu seguimiento, al menos desde unos ojos inexpertos. Me quedo por aqui. Mucha suerte con la meteo!
@BENY_TRUBY, muchas gracias por tus comentarios! Todos empezamos por alguna parte! 😉 Intento aplicar todo lo que aprendo en growdiaries, en foros, webs especializadas, y las "grow questions" de growdiaries también ayudan mucho 😀 Espero que la meteo me vaya bien, porque me esperan dos semanas de lluvias (según previsión) y no sé cuando podré sacarlas al exterior 😵
Clutchweek 1
Nice to see the Bluematic. I got this strain free and if my purple seeds don't arrive soon I might germinate the Bluematic 🙂 Good luck with this grow, gonna follow along again Happy growing 🙏
@Clutch, gracias por el comentario! He leído que no se hace muy grande, pero si tiene el perfil de terpenos de Blueberry como dicen, puede ser una planta muy sabrosa Veremos como sale¿
Clutchweek 4
Plants are looking good. And yes, every plant reacts different on LST 🙂 Some strains handle it much better but they all benefit from it in the end. Almost flowering time too Hope they stretch out well 😃 Happy growing friend
@Clutch, gracias por los comentarios! Buenos humos bro!
Red_Rockst4rweek 2
Happy growing 😍 Enjoy 😜😘🙏
@Red_Rockst4r, Thanks!
MiyaguiOkPolillaweek 9
Vaya, a pesar del duro trabajo la genética resultó así... Tal vez sea una cepa poco resistente, pero aún así dio fruto, luchó hasta el final. Lo has hecho bien por lo que veo, pero gran reseña, siempre hay que ser sincero 🧠🎩
@MiyaguiOkPolilla, precisamente quiero probar alguna Fast Flowering en interior o en exterior el año que viene ¿Alguna recomendación?
@nonick123, exactamente!! Creo que fastflowering es el futuro
@MiyaguiOkPolilla, si, porque el marketing va por un lado y la realidad por otro! Aunque con las Autos ya se sabe el tema de la estabilidad! 😵
MiyaguiOkPolillaweek 11
Maravillosa cosecha, el peso en húmedo una maravilla, ahora a la mejor parte, un buen secado y curado para aprovechar todos los terpenos de la baby. Felicidades!!
@MiyaguiOkPolilla, gracias por el comentario! Ya está en proceso! A ver si salen esos terpenos de frutos del bosque me flipan! 😁
jomolhariweek 11
Looks yummy! 👍
@jomolhari, gracias! Me alegro de que te guste!
Hologramweek 11
🙌Happy harvest!! Enjoy the fruits of your hard work🙏, Buds look awesome👍
@Hologram, muchas gracias por tus palabras! Tiene buena pinta esta Royal Bluematic! 😃
XII_XII_MrGreenweek 10
Hope they gonna be very tasty my friend👊😎🌳
@XII_XII_MrGreen, espero que si! Aunque siempre me espero a los 30 días de curado para probarlos, para que estén en su punto!
Clutchweek 9
Hey man Too bad the plant didn't delivered that much. Sometimes we just have to accept it. U did so many things right so I'm sure if u try a different strain (maybe photoperiod) u will get better results. I really like the Lemon Haze from RQS, might be one for u 😉 I had same problem with a royal jack automatic. One was ridiculously small and the other one was huge so it really is a bit of a lottery too with the seeds. My purple strain from Dutch Passion didn't even make it past seedlings stage so it's still hard to grow a good plant sometimes On to the next round, we learn from every grow 🔥🤜
@Clutch, gracias bro por tus comentarios! Viendo el resto de Autos que estoy cultivando, y lo que estoy consiguiendo con la fotoperiódica de este año (echar un vistazo a mi diario de Zkittlez si no lo habéis hecho ya :-), creo que como dices ha sido tema del lote de semillas La parte buena es que a recomendación de @yan402 estoy hablando con James de RQS y parece que tienen un servicio de atención al cliente bastante bueno :-D A ver que sale de esa conversación :-) @Clutch me anoto la recomendación de la Lemon Haze de RQS. Si se parece la la Super Silver Haze que cultivé y fumé hace 20 años, debe ser una pasada de planta. Y leyendo tu diario, parece una buena opción para fotoperiódica el año que viene! Gracias de nuevo amigo @Clutch!
yan402week 2
Good luck 🤞🍀
@yan402, gracias por tus palabras!
DeepWaterGrowerweek 0
Good luck mate! 🌱🌱
Hydro_Hiebsweek 6
Looks good bro! Happy flowers 👊😁💨