
TFTC: The Moons and the Black Orchids

Approved by Zamnesia Seeds
9 months ago
60x80x150 Broken Piece of Trash
Room Type
weeks 4-9
weeks 5-7
Grow medium
Black Orchid Automatic
Zamnesia Seeds
Growing it
Jobbie here at Jobbie studios. When we were working out which strains to grow, we read the disruption of this strain and instantly our interest was piqued with selling points like "Tokers are in for a real feast when enjoying Black Orchid, as it mixes seemingly incompatible aromas into a surprisingly pleasant bouquet", the flavours were... Special. I was getting hints of molasses and flowers, not so much of the citrus, the cheese was there in its sharp earthy tones, more of a background flavour that made the floral and thick sweetness quite confusing, but this just means you need to smoke more of it, just one more toke, think I pinned the flavour down there... one more then. I tried smoking this in a few situations, parties was a bad idea, well, it was fun and trippy, but then your brain starts analysing things, and the fun starts to go away, you still enjoy yourself, but it is like watching things through a TV, you just spectate and contemplate. Very cerebral strain, quite talkative too. Growing was pretty straight fowards, utterly no issues, I will be growing this again soon.
The Outcome
Week 14
What's on the scales?
Bud dry weight
What's on the scales?
Bud wet weight
Number of plants harvested
Grow Room
Grow Room size
g / watt
g / mยฒ
g / plant
plant / mยฒ
watt / mยฒ
Tastes like
Feels like
30% Sativa 70% Indica

Positive effects


Negative effects

Dry eyes
Dry mouth
Reviews. Nutrient
They work, Root Juice is handy but not the biggest difference, then again, with Autos I guess every seconds counts. Heaven is a must, Top max is good and Bloom is a standard.
Only use this for foliar feeding, works amazing.
Reviews. Tent
Commented by
Jobbie Jobbie
9 months ago
Here we are again friends, upon the precipice of something great, or is it just another episode of โ€œTFTC:The Moons and the Black Orchidโ€, brought to you by everyone's favourite friend Zamnesia: the only trip advisor I trustโ€ฆ well them and my friend Bob. Last week a full blown siege was just about to start, lots of fighting and bloodshed, let us see what this week has to offer shall we? -)(=-(๐ŸŒ‘)-===-(๐ŸŒ’)-===-(๐ŸŒ“)-===-(๐ŸŒ”)-===-(๐ŸŒ•)-===-(๐ŸŒ–)-===-(๐ŸŒ—)-===-(๐ŸŒ˜)-===-(๐ŸŒ‘)-=)(- They came at the city walls in a rush, little regard for order or battle lines, the only imperative in this operation was to get to the walls as fast as possible, after all it would only take one or two of these men to stop the gates closing. The rescue party rushed for the gates, Atyl threw water behind her in an attempt to slow the rush. It wouldn't be enough, they were too close and it took a while to close the gates, they were massive and needed mechanical operation, the sorte gate would be a diversion that would end in death. They were about to turn until they saw the Stewards guard riding out of the gate with their lances in hand, the horses lined up quickly and then charged. โ€œLights balls, they are going to finish the jobโ€ Aclas breathed, then above the charging horde and thumping hooves came a call from the riders, โ€œMove!!โ€ They rushed to the side calling to the rescue party to follow them to the sorte gate. Half expecting the Stewards Guard to swerve in their direction and follow, they were left in shock as they instead rode straight at the front runners of the horde: against light infantry in a loose formation, even the few cavalry would mow down a horrible number, the war horses being trained and bred to run full speed through people, crushing bones, rending flesh and spreading fear. The group reached the gate and slipped through. They could hear while entering the massive thud of the gates closing, the horsemen were going to die, there was no retreat. The forces of the valley threw themselves at the walls, but the gates were closed, thanks to the sacrifices of the horsemen. It was a massacre, but a short one. Without siege equipment the soldiers just huddled under shields while returning arrow fire, but people behind walls always beat people on the ground, the two Lodes moved to within striking distance, they were shielded by a retinue of Royal guards, they tried to throw fire, but walls donโ€™t burn very well, the gates were stone and Iron, the light shows kept some heads down on the battlements, a few people were blinded, but the efforts were costing them, in Lode energy and in troops. They withdrew after a short fight and settled in for a siege. A day passed until they came back, this time with quickly made ladders from the local forest. โ€œSiege towers would work betterโ€. Aclas said to her sister. โ€œSiege towers from untreated pine? Might as well put your men in a cook pot for us tooโ€ It did not come from Atyl, it was a wall guard standing near them who chimed in, they both turned their heads to stare at this old man, he was gnarled with a beard and straggly hair poking out from under a metal skull cap, he held a spear that seemed to be in a mutual learning exchange with the man. โ€œWhat? We are turning into pompous shits like those folks, am I not allowed to interject?โ€ Aclasโ€™s face screwed up but felt the need to ask โ€œWhy?โ€ โ€œBless ya lass, but you wouldn't know being from the fancy monastery, but the wood is sap heavy, it will be supple, not good for making rigid towers, also the sap when it lights burns dirty, chokes you to breathe. Mind you, ladders made from the same stuff will be a ball ache to climb. Poor bastards.โ€ They stared at him a second longer, then it was killing time. The Guard was correct, the ladders were poor, it was a slaughter on both sides as the lack of numbers meant that a few places on the wall got breached, but the twins were soon there to drive them back and set fire to the ladder. It was another three days before something else happened, the two lodes walked out of camp, then knelt in the dirt, they each took the knife from their belt and stuck it in the ground hilt in the air. They just sat there and watched the walls, the wall guards got the twins to come and take a look. They stood at the top of the gate house watching them, confused by the scene, then a familiar voice piped up, it was the guard from the attack โ€œlooks like they want a fightโ€. Everyone looked at him, it appeared his thoughts on siege tools had become a rumour, some of the guards looked at him with awe at being able to divine meaning from these things. โ€œHow would you know that?โ€ Aclas asked with suspicion that he is more that he appears. โ€œWell young lady, it is because I am a living God, thousands of years old, birthed from the mountains themselves.โ€ Everyone stopped who was within hearing distance, only the wind could be heard whispering to people, almost a divine sign of his potency. Then he broke the silence with a loud shout, almost like he had hit his toe โ€œAhhhhhahahahahahaโ€, he continued laughing holding on to his spear for support as tears ran down his face. โ€œIs he the god of laughter?โ€ Atyl asked in a dry sarcastic way, Aclas lost it and joined the man in great rolls of laughter as she tried to explain what her sister had said. Everyone else was laughing now, some of them were relieved that no divine punishment had happened while laughing. โ€œSo wait, you arenโ€™t a God?โ€ A young guardsman asked him, a little confusing on his face. โ€œNo lad, I just couldn't help myself.โ€ โ€œThen how do you know what they are doing?โ€ Asked Atyl through Aclas, he looked straight at Atyl and said โ€œwhat the hell else is she doing? They came here to kill us, they have stuck the daggers in the dirt which is either a signal for what they want to do to you or saying no weapons in a straight fightโ€. โ€œHow did you know it was my sister whoโ€ฆโ€ โ€œI opened my eyes, you two always look at each other when speaking, and you can see your throat moving as though you are talking to yourself, it isnโ€™t a divine gift, just years of watching the world.โ€ The twins looked at each other, all eyes were on them as the guards' idea was the best one they had to work with. โ€œShall we?โ€ Atyl said through their bond, โ€œlet us not keep them waitingโ€ her sister replied. They walked down the killing field, it was covered in scorch burns, the blood had mixed with the water, dried and been absorbed by the earth, it had created a pattern of dark spots that decreased in frequency the further you got from the walls, as though the walls had exploded with blood As they walked closer, the two Lodes who were kneeling stood and walked towards them, around 20 paces away they all stopped, it felt like a good distance, pretty much the spot that they had met on the first day. โ€œCover me and I will try to get close, one good kick to the face should put them downโ€ Aclas said through the link, the two before them appeared to be making plans as well as they spoke quietly together. โ€œLook around for another ambushโ€ Atyl said, but the surrounding area looks unprepared, which anyone would understand is what an ambush should look like. Aclas adjusted her stance to give her the best start in moving. Atyl did the same, flexing her fingers and feeling the pull of the water nearby, they had used the foray gate to refill the barrels and buckets. With a single twitching move it happened, everyone moved, fire blossomed towards them, a wave obscuring vision, the wall of water slammed closed in front of them bursting into steam as it met the fire, the steam rushed forward and met a wall of fire, then there was a battle of forces, a war of wills, fire pushed against steam and water, it looked like Atyl was winning as her force moved slowly towards the Fire Lode. Aclas darted to her left, right in time to avoid a beam of light directed at her, she ran in a spiral closing in on the Light Lode, she noticed that the feeling of searing light heat was no longer following her, it had been a ruse, the knew what she would try, the Light Lode had ran forward and to the side, letting her flank Atyl, she would be blind sided (pun intended). Aclas dropped low, herr left foot out to slow, right tucked under to pounce in the other direction, right hand keeping balance close to the ground, she leapt forward, speeding through the air, the audacity to turn their back on her irked, she connected with the light lode as she was lifting her hand, she was catapulted forward with a kick to the back, she tumbled but managed to sprawl and get into a crouch. The fight paused, all looking at her, surprised by her immense speed. โ€œRush them, we haveโ€ฆโ€ Atyl had begun to speak through the link, urgency in her voice. โ€œWe can hear you, how do you both do that?โ€ It was the Light Lode speaking. Everyone froze, โ€œyou can hear me?โ€ โ€œYesโ€, said the Fire Lode, โ€œCanโ€™t everyoneโ€ฆ oh wait, you didnโ€™t move your lips.โ€ โ€œCan you only speak to Lodesโ€ Aclas asked. โ€œWe have rarely been apart, have you noticed me talking to anyone else?โ€ Atyl mocked. โ€œPoint taken, is it just Lodes?โ€ โ€œAgain, how am I supposed to know? This is our first opportunity to knowingly meet one.โ€ โ€œFood for thought, but firstโ€ฆโ€ Aclas leapt forward again. The battle continued. They fought for a few hours, until each of them was barely standing. It was a stalemate. Over the next week there was slaughter, another two poorly planned attacks barely beaten with a hasty defense. Twice more the Lodes met to fight, same outcome each time. Soon there were no more attempts to scale the walls, just the Lodes battling it out, desperate for any advantage to break the deadlock. It had been around 40 days since they had arrived and spring was in full swing, watered with the blood of death and slaughter. -)(=-(๐ŸŒ‘)-===-(๐ŸŒ’)-===-(๐ŸŒ“)-===-(๐ŸŒ”)-===-(๐ŸŒ•)-===-(๐ŸŒ–)-===-(๐ŸŒ—)-===-(๐ŸŒ˜)-===-(๐ŸŒ‘)-=)(- Feels like this has been rushed, however this closet is boring and the show fills the time till the feeling comes back in my feet. Glad you could spend some time with us, thanks to Zamnesia, they are the one stop holiday trip shop. Check them out and find yourself another place of happiness in this crappy world. Until next time, friends, keep moving forward. -)(=-(๐ŸŒ‘)-===-(๐ŸŒ’)-===-(๐ŸŒ“)-===-(๐ŸŒ”)-===-(๐ŸŒ•)-===-(๐ŸŒ–)-===-(๐ŸŒ—)-===-(๐ŸŒ˜)-===-(๐ŸŒ‘)-=)(- ๐Ÿ”ฌ๐ŸŒฑZAMNESIA SEEDS - BLACK ORCHID๐ŸŒฑ๐Ÿ”ฌ Parents - Gelato x OG Kush x Ruderalis Genetics - Indica-dominant Flowering Type - Autoflowering Flowering Time - 9-10 weeks from seed to harvest THC - 17% CBD - Low Height (Indoor) - 110cm Height (Outdoor) - 150cm Yield (Indoor) - 500-550 gr/mยฒ Yield (Outdoor) - 50-100 gr/plant Sex - Feminized -)(=-(๐ŸŒ‘)-===-(๐ŸŒ’)-===-(๐ŸŒ“)-===-(๐ŸŒ”)-===-(๐ŸŒ•)-===-(๐ŸŒ–)-===-(๐ŸŒ—)-===-(๐ŸŒ˜)-===-(๐ŸŒ‘)-=)(- Notes: Cannot believe I am here at this point! Yes they are dead! Their remains are hanging in my cupboard. Harvest is always a bit of a hard one, feels like the work is done but really you have only finished the second event in a triathlon. Some might argue the most important part is to come.
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SlowpokeFuegobudweek 0
Happy growing!! ๐Ÿ’š ๐Ÿ’จ
@SlowpokeFuegobud, Let us hope it rains buds soon! โค๏ธ
Zammi_officialweek 0
I Just love to read the adventures our seeds have at your place! best moment of my day, to take the time and read! ๐Ÿ’™๐ŸŒฑ Happy growing
@Zammi_official, It is a pleasure, thank you for the seeds, they are keeping me entertained.
Sour_Dweek 0
Sounds like a great strain, happy growing buddy ๐Ÿ‘Š
@Sour_D, The plants look awesome in pictures... but then again there is no guarantee, can't believe every thing you see on the internet.
Anonymous_2022week 0
Good luck with your grow ๐ŸŒฑ
@Anonymous_2022, Thanks mate! These are being a bit awkward, but I have hope! ๐Ÿ˜
Ju_Bpsweek 0
Happy growing buddy ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐ŸŒพ๐ŸŒฒ
@Ju_Bps, I shall be happy when there is less to stress about, hate the first few weeks, I am not such a gentle person.
deFharoweek 11
Me gustan las imรกgenes, son รบnicas! "โ€œWhat does that mean?โ€ Aclas inquired with a hint of confusion. โ€œI have no idea, as you said, we have no clue what is going to happen, however to have this power behind us is a great strength for whatever will happen."
@deFharo, I will need to look him up. Love a nice piece of art!
@Jobbie, Thought loves the abyss! The images remind me of Gustave Dorรฉ. Forward! ๐Ÿ–๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
@deFharo, very much into my abstract and surrealist stuff, if it doesn't cause a mini mental breakdown, it isn't very good in my opinion.
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AsNoriuweek 3
Root juice on week 3 ????
@AsNoriu, Thanks buddy, I shall need to keep an eye on my bottles, six months is not a long time to use them up in a small grow like I have. Your advice is most welcome thank you.
@Jobbie, root juice is pgr, plant growth regulator, despite beeing organic version of push, its still a push ... Any biobizz bottle goes darker with time and oxidation, 6 month in dry, dark cool place is max you can keep open. Check manufacturers page for real colours, some vendors even sends out changed colour, aka old bottles. All the Best !!!
@AsNoriu, thanks for the tips, will definitely use it less next time, mutations can be annoying and now that you mention it, there have been a triple node, would have been good if I was topping, but I am not. BioHeaven is amazing, sadly I opened it recently and was hit with the overwhelming smell of rotten waste, yes I know supps smell odd, but my nose is rarely wrong, so half a bottle went into the bin and was needing to find time to go buy some more. Sourced now, so the plants are happy.
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BudBoutiqueweek 10
beautiful color - beautiful diary - beautiful grower ๐Ÿ’š
@BudBoutique, They have mind of their own, cannot take much credit for the plants telling their own story. ๐Ÿ’š
AsNoriuweek 7
girl on the right front is obviosly gets overwatering, she need a bit of extra potash too( red leaf stem, but could be related to watering that sign). Maybe she needs a bit less water or even she needs her own sheduel. i was playing with quantities to return all to same day, but ussually its better to water each when needed and with right amount for pot/plant size.
@AsNoriu, Thanks buddy, yeah I am learning a lot on this run, trying to figure my watering out.
SlowpokeFuegobudweek 5
You got this, bro! ๐Ÿ’š ๐Ÿ’จ
@SlowpokeFuegobud, Yep, Strike is over Pokey, got too bored as I tried watching Netflix but realised it was mostly shite! Back to writing and growing for me.
Zammi_officialweek 3
Love to the sisters '๐Ÿ’™
@Zammi_official, Girl power! They send their love in return.
Sour_Dweek 3
Looking good my friend ๐Ÿ‘Š
@Sour_D, Thanks! Shaky start but life is a lesson.
Ju_Bpsweek 2
Look a good start mate ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐ŸŒพ๐ŸŒฒ
@Ju_Bps, They are doing well thank you, future experiments coming up, really wanting to grow monster autos.
Ju_Bpsweek 6
Look happy ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐ŸŒพ๐ŸŒฒ๐Ÿ’š
@Ju_Bps, They are doing okay, new post coming soon... as soon as i edit photos and add my silly captions. ๐Ÿ’š
Zammi_officialweek 4
I don't think it is goin meh... they look good, perhaps a bit tiny still, but don't worry these little girls are fighters! ๐ŸŒฑ๐Ÿ’™
@Zammi_official, They are fighting like champions, to be fair with the grow tent I have and some of the issues my over anxious growing style creates, they are doing really well. Anything other than death is pretty good. :D
Growinminitentweek 14
Happy harvest buddy!
Lemonhazeloverweek 10
She looks very happy with your gardener's hand๐Ÿง‘โ€๐ŸŒพ Happy growing and good luck buddy โ˜˜๏ธ
Ju_Bpsweek 14
Congrats on the chop ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐ŸŒพ๐ŸŒฒโœ‚๏ธ
@Ju_Bps, Thanks friend, she was a tasty smoke!
Ju_Bpsweek 10
Look good, what's size of your pot ?
@Ju_Bps, It is between a 11 and 12 fabric pot, doing well but I do not feel that I got the most out the plants, this is likely as I am still pretty new to Autos.
PapaNugsweek 9
Wait, so what happened bro??
@PapaNugs, Well I am still alive. New post is up, new post will also be coming soon as I need to catch up.