
Side-by-Side GDP: Fox Farms vs. Advanced

Approved by MSNL
7 years ago
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
Granddaddy Purple
Growing it
Unfortunately I will not get to grow these plants out to maturity. I was hit with a strong spider mite attack about 3-5 weeks ago and I did not catch it until now I am guessing. I cut them down after a few days of debate. See the week update for more details. They grew like champions honestly. Even the FF plant that was stunted and miniaturized bounced back at the end and I am about 90% sure the FF plant had root rot. These plants ate and drank pretty heavy, almost never burned, and were happy even at some pretty hot temperatures during a few heat waves. I would not recommend these plants for manifolding because they branch out so heavily and you end up having to remove too many tops as the side shoots grow out. I would definitely recommend this strain for growing but I will not be smoking it so I cannot give it a full review. Thanks MSNL. I am going to try switching to soil and autos for my next few grows most likely but I have these seeds ready to go in my little bank. Biggest learning point from this: Never bring outdoor plants into your indoor garden and change clothes if you are working in between gardens on the same day. I hope everyone can learn from my mistakes and everyone who wants to say "I told you so!" can do so now 😢 😢@B4RNS, and @Bigdaddyk
The Outcome
Week 13
Grow Room
Grow Room size
watt / m²
Tastes like
Feels like
50% Sativa 50% Indica

Positive effects


Negative effects

Reviews. Nutrient
Love these products. Definitely will continue to use them. I am going out switch to soil so I am cutting out Voodoo Juice, Bud Ignitor, and CarboLoad. The bud ignitor just isn't worth it in my opinion and after adding the Recharge to my grow I do not need anything else for the root zone really.
FF produced some pretty miniaturized and slow growing plants. I was not able to harvest them so I won't have a weight comparison but I threw my bottles away. They also burnt the hell out of my plants early on like my last 2 harvests. They are just not balanced enough in my opinion and they leave a scummy, chunky, brownish-orange residue in the buckets each week. Not going to bother with any of these products again.
I was given this product as tester by my local hydro shop and I am so glad I tried it. Go back and look at the difference in my root growth around weeks 8-9 if you do not believe me. My root growth just exploded and there are so many beneficial compounds in it, I love it. I will never grow without it again. It replaced several products from the AN line saving me money and increased my root mass over voodoo? Sold.
Only put this in for one res change but I love this stuff. I will always use it in my grows.
Reviews. Lamp
Commented by
GrimbolTheDruid GrimbolTheDruid
7 years ago
So, sad day friends. I got spider mites and had to throw all my plants out. This is what I think happened: About 2-3 weeks ago I noticed some freckling on the lower leaves. I looked at it and thought it might be a cal/mag issue so I added cal/mag that week and went about my business. I saw it about a week later and it wasn''t getting any better so I added more cal/mag. This continued for about 2-3 weeks until I finally took off a leaf and examined it under my microscope. I saw little bugs crawling everywhere and my stomach just dropped. My fiance did some quick research while I was panic ripping leaves off (see pictures) and she correctly diagnosed it as spider mites. I debated with myself and my close friend and ultimately I decided to throw all the plants in my tent away. I know that there are a lot of people who will say that there are things I could have done to make it to harvest but what it came down to is the people I take care of and personal pride. I consider myself a caregiver and I give away product for free that I am not going to use to my family and close friends. I thought to myself "Would you smoke this?" and when my answer was "ehhh, I don''t know", I thought about how it would feel giving it away and immediately made the decision to destroy them. I take an immense amount of pride in my product and this hobby and if I am not going to stand behind it I would rather just start over. I grow from my heart (shout out to the Grow From Your Heart Podcast!) to help people and make sure my family is not getting unsafe product from sketchy people. To spray pesticides in flower that may hurt people and have little bug carcasses in there just goes against that in every way and is just wrong in my opinion if you are giving it away to others. If you are the only one smoking it then it is one thing to take that risk but not with your patients. I want my medicine to help people, not create or exacerbate health issues. It is also important to note that the mites had moved from my flower tent into my veg space and took over my auto berry as well. Damn things are crafty and fast. So that is why I made the decision to destroy them all after 3 months of res changes, pruning, and manifolding on a slow vegging strain. Feel free to chime in with your opinion but I do not and will not regret my decision. I threw out my new clones, mother plant, and auto berry I had on my veg side as well. Shout out to all the other growers out there that do the right thing by their patients. Caregivers > Cash croppers. For anyone curious, I removed everything from my tent and scrubbed it all with a 20% bleach/water solution. All equipment has been wiped down and stored in the garage away from any organic materials. I will give them until tomorrow (2 days) to air out and dry and then I will wipe it down again with bleach and wait another 2 days. Hopefully that will make sure everything is dead and will not come back next grow. That next grow should start in about a week. It sucks but sometimes it happens and you gotta be ready for it. Lesson learned. Never bring outdoor plants into your indoor garden even if it is after just a day or two. A bunch of people on here and Reddit warned me and I did not listen. Now I have learned the hard way and it feels like when your parents "told you so" haha. Thanks to everyone who stopped by along the way. Stay tuned for a new grow coming soon. It is going to be some cool new limited edition Mephisto Illuminautos. I am pretty excited. Good luck out there and always grow from your heart folks. -Grim
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GrimbolTheDruidweek 8
AN is Advanced Nutrients and FF is Fox Farms. GDP1 is running only AN while GDP2 is running Fox Farms.
@CBD_Sweden, I'm going to be placing a seed order very soon so I will keep you in mind bud. Happy growing!
@Grimbol, I´m glad to help. Hope you find a strain that you like. If you order something i´m curious to know what strain you choosed.
@CBD_Sweden, Thanks so much dude I really appreciate that!
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GrimbolTheDruidweek 7
Yeah I know that one experiment with only two test subjects isn't really the greatest experiment but it's honestly not even close any more. The FF plant is super miniaturized and growing extremely slowly.
@TheFBM, would be perfect to have around, my gf uses for that purpose! 🙃👌🏻 Cheers
@CANNASIM, GDP is great for pain and sleep! @Grimbol - Cool experiment and gorgeous pruning. I am excited to see your end results!
@CANNASIM, Thanks man! Me too!
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FFS ... men it sux .... I feel very sorry for you bro.... bloody spider mites 😔 I suggest you Sierra Natural Science SNS 217 for those bloody mites. You shall wait 9 days before starting a new crop. They reproduce every 3 days.
GrimbolTheDruidweek 11
I've had some problems here and there but can you be more specific? What makes them awful to you?
GrimbolTheDruidweek 11
Yeah I'm so impressed with this plant that I took clones just in case she is purple. I love how she grows, no nutrient problems, huge root ball and she drinks like a champion. About a gallon a day in veg! All that combined with the purple pheno and I will keep a mother of this girl maybe for a breeding project.
GrimbolTheDruidweek 2
Thanks for the advice man I will check that out!
Fun_Growinweek 8
Grimbol, whats up with your roots at week 8?? you should have roots like that by week 2 or 3, by week 8 you should almost fill a 5 gal bucket or more... are those roots pics from week 8 or am i looking at it wrong? im on my 3rd grow, and i had roots like that too, and every one died in week 2 flower! not trying to rain on your day :)
@FL_Grown, Yeah dude you know actually I bet that's what it is. My reservoir temps have been high ever since summer hit :(
@Grimbol, Duno if your using great white That and KLN helped mine a lot, lower temp would help me more :) I'll keep watching and growing w ya
@FL_Grown, That's a great question man. This site doesn't have a "seedling" stage and I don't count them as being in veg really until they have at least 3-4 sets of leaves and would have outgrown their solo cup. So I would say I'm finishing up my 4th week of veg right now. But I agree. The roots do look a little stunted in those pictures. They took off this week so stay tuned for a picture of that tomorrow
HOPEtrweek 11
ı hate this seedbank
@Grimbol, seeds r awful
@hopetr, Why is that?
Nice shaping bro 👍
@Grimbol,Patience is the key , it's true 👍
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, Thanks man. I'm really making sure her shape is perfect before I start flower. Patience is key!
She hates FF, curious to see how it will reflect on harvest! Both look very good and healthy despite the size difference!
@Grimbol, For sure! 👌🏻👍🏻👊🏻 Cheers
@CANNASIM, Yeah honestly I had a really negative experience with them on my first grow but I wanted to give them a chance. The Ff plant is looking healthy I would say but not really vibrant like the AN plant.
thrashordieweek 7
curious about its purple buds mate! when do you think for switch 12/12?
@thrashordie, Made my final tops today so probably 2-3 weeks until flower. I'm pretty sure I calculated it out and I can let them get to 14" before I need to flip.
@thrashordie, Hard to say I think I'm about less than a week away from their final topping then they will start to really grow upwards. From there I would imagine another week or two to reach 18" and then I flip them. My veg is pretty long but I really love sculpting the plants.
mellyweek 13
im confused. you know these plants thrive in the outdoors right? seems crazy to worry so much about bugs when they grow so good in the ground under the sun. i guess the problem is not that you have bad bugs in there but you dont have the good bugs which would normally keep the bad ones under control.
@melly, Yep there is a lot of truth to this. Where I live, I can only grow outside for 2 months of the year unfortunately.
BreakingBudweek 11
excellent work bro
@HOW_i_GROW, Thank you man! I really appreciate it.
Looks like FF is winning 😄
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, Haha definitely man! I might get a whole blunt off her!
How can the diference be so brutal... I'm perplex by your test...
@CANNASIM, I know dude it is pretty crazy.
You are an artist, aggressive on GDP2 ? 10 hours later she was ok 😄👍 When I touch my plants they need 1 week to recover from stress , I wish I could be aggressive like you are bro !
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, Haha yeah isn't that crazy! Hydro responds so fast I think.
nicogmweek 6
I really love main-lining... good luck on your growing bro!
@nicogm, Thanks man you too.
Autofweek 1
@Autof, Thanks!
artfullDODGER33week 13
Shame...Little can be done when in flower (Other than Molasses feeding)....However while in Veg it is possible to rid yourself of mites with a thorough regime of spraying every 4 days or so for 4 wks is sufficient with an Organic Fatty Acid Soap Based Spray onto the leaves top and underside especially...before returning plants to the grow room which you have sterilised with strong detergents. It is essential to repeat this process several times until all existing adults have been eradicated along with all eggs which have been laid upon the undersides of the leaves have hatched out and those too eradicated. Also apparently increasing the Brix levels within the leaves by feeding with Vinasse or Molasses will make you Plants less appealing to sucking insects it As stated a decision was made and More seeds can be started soon...No Regrets and Cleanliness is Next to Godliness...Never use anything from the back garden indoors not even a pot etc. belive me I know I have had Mites, Fungus Gnats and even Caterpillars chewing My leaves after a Moth got into My Tent unnoticed one night. You seem to have a good idea of what needs doing as well as some good cleaning of the general area where the tent was positioned within the house
TheFairyBudMotherweek 13
My condolences! If it's any consolation, I gave you one of my 3 votes because this is an awesome, well recorded diary, and has a lot of value because you experimented, took risks, learned some new things and shared it honestly and with humility with us. I'm looking forward to your next endeavor. I had those f'rs in Lilliput bud land. (We fae are little so we're pleased even with the small dank bud Jah has provided). I appreciate your words about providing good medicine and knowing what I now know, people put a lot trust into the folk who cultivate their meds.