
My first plant. Ever..

10 months ago
Grow Conditions
Week 10
18 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
Commented by
Shishio Shishio
10 months ago
This was a big week! I ended up following some advice I got from the question I asked last week. I defoliated the dead/dying leaves, increased my humidity to balance out my VPD, and flushed her with 10 gallons of water and 10ml per gallon with FF Bush Doctor. I am at a crossroads now Do I feed her tomorrow morning with plain water, or do I feed her a light dose of nutes? Some growmies said I could flush and continue, others said it's probably time as it is to flush and finish. Do I start feeding plain PH'd water at this point and let her ride until the end, or should I give her a bit of food, and see if I can't take her further? Which leads to my second dilemma. I am going out of town between the 22nd of December and the 27th. I can have a buddy keep an eye on her if I haven't chopped her, but I do not want to leave the plant past the chop point if she is ready just before I take off for 5 days. (Don't want to leave the chop and dry to my buddy) So, growmies, I seek your wisdom. If I am going to chop, it has to be by the 20th of December, so at max 8 days from now. Do I proceed with that plan and only feed her water, or do I let her ride until the 27th when I return and chop her then? (And have my buddy keep an eye on her while we are gone, hoping she will hang on through that period) When I look at trichomes right now she is showing a fair amount of cloudy, with a few clear, and a couple amber. (No verified amber on anything but sugar leaves at this point) So my gut says I could push for 15+ days. But if someone with more experience can weigh in I would greatly appreciate it! Her most recent photos have captions "Bulking up, and Looking thicc!" So that may give you a fair assessment of how well she is plumping up The close-up trichome shots are only a couple of days old and not much has changed on that front (A bit more frostiness, but not much in the way of amber production) She looks close, but I feel like Reddit would be telling me "Two more weeks!" in a half meme fashion So I appreciate any help! I am so excited and appreciate everyone's contributions and kind words so far! PS I have a photo with my current selection of Auto's and I need to know who grows next! I intend to either run 2 or 3 depending upon if I choose to run 5 gal pots again or drop down to 3. So vote for your favorites and I will tally it up and give it a go at the start of 2024!
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Grow Questions
Shishiostarted grow question a year ago
I posted three photos in Week 9 of my diary showing a drastic progression of some ailment. The issue has accelerated and I fear it will kill the plant before harvest. PH 6.4 watering about 64 oz every 4 days RH 39, Temp 67-73 Night/Day. around 35-45 DLI at 18H. What should I do?
Leaves. Curl up
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Leaves. Color - Mottling
1 like
m0useanswered grow question a year ago
Looks like your medium is locking out things from not enough runoff and to much salts, Foxfarms also advises you to feed at a concentrations that will 100% cause issues down the road, They do this because they want you to buy more of their product. Best if you invest into the EC pen and dilute your solutions EC down to the desired amount to prevent this. Run off is key in preventing buildup. Everything else looks on point, RH, Temps, Light schedule and DLI. Good Luck!

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Inganjawetrustweek 8
Good luck with the new hobby 🌱🌱🌱 ✌️😎💨
@Shishio, Yeah first grows are like your first child , hard not to get stressed out and over think ever little thing. But just like having kids , things get easier and less stressful as you go 😁 ✌️😎💨
@Inganjawetrust, thank you! It's been a blast so far, but man can it be stressful!
Lemonhazeloverweek 5
She looks so healty, happy growing and good luck buddy ☘️
@Lemonhazelover, Appreciate it! It's all her. She has been a dream first plant. Has demanded very little and let me really dig in and just make mistakes to hopefully learn from! (And still seems to be doing well despite it all!)
Sejanus21week 12
Just saw your final review. I have planted the seed today, and am even more eager to grow this champion. Thanks for the inspiring report!
@Sejanus21, I wish you good fortune and a bountiful harvest! I just finished the last of the Widow I had from that harvest and I am already itching to grow her again. Absolutely love the high she hits you with.
NewLevelHydroponicweek 9
And your using fox farm there feeding charts off and with auto whatever they say to give give them like a half and with autos bc that feeding charts is for general use not cannabis went threw it myself that was the first thing I grabbed a couple years ago when I started good luck
@NewLevelHydroponic, Sounds like the consensus has been a bit too heavy on the nutrients, VPD was a bit too high, and the plant is reaching its natural end as it is. I will switch to simply giving her 6.5 PH water and let her flush and finish. To answer your previous question. The issue is mainly happening on the upper most leaves, but it seems to be hitting the whole plant. (Lower and inner leaves show much less mottling, yellowing, and curling if any) Thanks for taking the time to reply!
RallosZekweek 5
Great lookin' plant there. Question: how's the lighting going? I have the same setup, and starting my 2nd grow (first one was meh). I noticed around week 3 veg you turned it up. What %? And what were your adjustments to your lighting now that you're in Flower?
@RallosZek, I have been playing around with my lighting this last week now that she is really flowering. At first I raised the lights about 30 inches above the plant for vegand ran them at max, but I was having some heat and VPD issues as she entered flower so I dropped the lights down to about 22 inches above the plant and lowered the intensity to 80%. (Getting around 40-60 DLI between the main cola and the rest.) I am also running a 19/5 cycle since that has helped keep the environment stable.) I am going to re-assess the lights after Thanksgiving to see if I can find the sweet spot for her final weeks of flowering.
stevejack3week 5
Great start - enjoy! ☮️
@stevejack3, Thank you! It's been quite a ride so far, but it certainly has been fun!
Jamesweek 0
Happy growing and good luck!!!
@James, Thank you so much! It's been a blast so far! Big fan of your White Widow genetics, they are extremely hardy. I have done everything I can to kill her and she just keeps coming back stronger. (Not on purpose of course!)
Sejanus21week 5
Good job!
@Sejanus21, Thank you!
Adkguerrilla44week 10
Wow dude amazing job very professionally done looks like anything you would see in a dispo nicely done man ill be watchin out for your upcoming if we can just get ya away from the fox farm lol
Sejanus21week 12
Congratulations! That is an epic harvest for a first time. Enjoy!
BarneyRumble420week 12
Great work man looks killer 😎🌿🔥🔥🤜🤛
Ganjagrandaddyweek 12
A great result for a maiden grow Bro. Nice work. just a thought , but that is a lot of products to use and autos are very happy with lesser feeds in my exp ideally the less is better than a huge combo of broken down elements. there are some very good nutes that contain everything needed in a couple of bottles/powders. The "industry " side of our hobby is a greedy market with so many breaking down complete feeds into smaller elements then add water to create a bottled "supplement" when in reality they just added water to the separated elements and sold them separately. I.e They buy a complete product , break it down into elements, add water, fancy bottle, great ad campaign and release it as an additional product to a range. We end up buying 5 or 6 products that would have been contained in 1 complete powdered product. I.e Megacrop, which has everything needed for the entire grow and is increased/decreased in strength to meet the plants stage of growth. Autos are great for ease and simplicity but the control and choices we get from natural ,feminised growing will be the a great one to try to. Using simple training and methods is great fun to see what these amazing plants can handle and produce too. All in all a great 1st grow amd don't be too gutted at the drop in end bud weight , a couple of oz per plant is a decent return on auto's. I love a good mess about with training , feeds and even creating my own hybrid strains has been fun. pop over to my diaries anytime and have a look around , I love lst,hst,training ect.. and have a decent mix of strains , techniques, mistakes that may help answer any curiosity about trying something different as you gain experience. The diaries here have been a great inspiration for me to try all sorts with more confidence. Good luck on the finished results.
AcidBurn_40week 12
Sehr schöne Arbeit viel Spaß beim verkosten 😋
smoker420week 12
Great job nice frosty buds i grew there photoperiod widow was crazy sativa high not smoekd anything like it
Dabkingweek 11
Good luck with your grow. 🙏
Inganjawetrustweek 11
She's come a long way, very nice work 👏 ✌️😎💨
Adkguerrilla44week 10
Grow the royal cheese!!
NewLevelHydroponicweek 9
Then flush it it's your last weeks of harvest you shouldn't be giving any nutrients it should only be ph plain water for the last two weeks
NewLevelHydroponicweek 9
And it's a 12 weeks from seed to harvest the yellowing leaves could just your at the end of the flowering stage they do that alot especially with auto the leaves turn yellow curl even sometimes fall off because you at the end of the flowering stage and it's using it last of everything to fatten up them bud but that pic was at 10 weeks don't give it anymore nutrients your buds gonna taste real harsh
Astroboyweek 9
you got that green thumb