
Tent-X ultimate grow challenge / BudBrewerz

Approved by Fast Buds
7 months ago
Orange Sherbet FF
Fast Buds
Growing it
The Outcome
Week 16
What's on the scales?
Bud wet weight
Number of plants harvested
Grow Room
Grow Room size
plant / m²
watt / m²
Reviews. Nutrient
The lightmix is really something I love using, the consistency is so light , its perfect for the small roots to start growing in, and the nutrients that are mixed in have always been more than enough to feed the little ones on their grow and get them strong and healthy, in my experience that is... The power roots , in all honesty , is something i got as a sample somewhere... I only used it in a couple of Wateringse so imo im not qualified to judge this product and thus will give it the medium of three stars
This was the first time using this stuff. I used it when i transplanted to bigger pots and I have the feeling it helped for the plant to get strong again very fast and almost have no dip in growth or anything. Also its easy in use and got this very cool Dynamite packaging... Whereby the product should t be judged but it is a very cool plus 😅
I've been using this BAC blooming stuff for a while now on different plants and I'm really loving it now... When I first started using it on a previous grow a while ago , I had a problem with the cheap crappy ass dripping system I was using and trusting where I shouldn have, and the product got overdosed to my plants... Most of them recovered but some where scarred for life. So u should be carefull not using too much of it, but again it was dosed way too high, by my own fault when it harmed my plants. Ever since then it only did wonders for my blooming ladies and always has given them very dense shiny thick buds, something I really value as a big big plus. So a big thumbs up here
Reviews. Lamp
Reviews. Tent
When I bought this tent i first started it using it for like half a year in my garage which went great, super nice tent, easy to install and very robust. Then winter came along, temps dropped outside and i could not get and keep in warm enough permanently in there to grow. Therefor I had to get another spot and since the basement was warmer, bigger and 80% free this was going to be my place! Only down point ... Total height 1m80... The tent wasnt going to fit 😔... Since i had recently purchased a led light , i would t perse be using the Total height of the tent so .... Idea!!! I just flipped it sideways and grew some nice plants in there , but after having to do some unplanned tops and extreme bends on some of my baby girls, just because they got too tall, i decided that this 1m usable height thing was not going to work. I started building a frame under the stairway using two walls as its flanks and the existing ceiling as the ceiling , i then (although it broke my heart) cut up the tent carefully, creating the other two flanks with the zipper entrance and stuff like the airflow hole still intact and complete usable for my new closet. So all in all this tent was probably one of the best buys i did so far price/quality wise ever in my hobby growing career
Commented by
BudBrewerz BudBrewerz
7 months ago
***First off the current weight given is wet weight, before trimming and with some pieces of branches still attached.,I will have a more correct weight in a day or two when the usable stuff is a bit closer to the completely dried weight*** It has only been a couple of days since my last weekly update, so there wasnt much happening apart from some riping of the buds. Harvesting her however was awesome, she literally made me drool from the scent coming from her thick fat ubersticky buds as i trimmed away the "sugar" leaves. I'm probably gonna test some of the small buds way too early and way too moist just because they smell zoooooo freeking awesome. Im gonna try not to though 🤞

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