

4 months ago
Grow Conditions
Week 9
12 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
Commented by
LaFrenchCulture LaFrenchCulture
4 months ago
WEEK 10 @promix_growers_eur The one and only size of the session was made this week, for some plants that have a fast flowering, it was a bit late, but none showed any signs of weakness. The whole crop received directly a compost tea after that, because it is important to make a nutrient intake after training to compensate for the stress caused. Genetics today react well to these manipulations because breeders prepare them for this and we thank them. Generally speaking, ca**** is a very perennial plant that will be handled quite easily and pruning is a way to increase its yield (or decrease it if it is not done at the right times and in the right places on the plant). Going back to compost tea, it contains vermicompost, black molasses, flour worm guano and nettle manure. Living soil is a method that I like, I had never really practiced a grow in 100% living soil, the advantage is to have a soil already ready to feed and help the plants to start the growth to arrive in bloom with all the NPK elements and much more thanks to our compost teas poured 1x per week. In terms of smells in the greenhouse, it smells so good freshness! And on the buds and stems, we can clearly differentiate the varieties, singular smells that always excite our brain when they pass through the nostrils. Fruit formation is underway, it is the beginning of the show, enjoy comfortably the photos that arrive... SEMAINE 10 @promix_growers_eur La seule et unique taille de la session a été faite cette semaine, pour certaines plantes qui ont une floraison rapide, c’était un peu tard, mais aucune n’a montré de signe de faiblesse. L’ensemble de la culture à reçu directement un thé de compost après ça, car c’est important de faire un apport nutritif après avoir palissé pour pallier au stress causé. Les génétiques aujourd’hui réagissent bien à ces manipulations car les breeders les préparent à ça et on les remercie. De manière générale le ca***** est une plante très vivace qui se laissera manipuler assez facilement et le tailler est une manière d’augmenter son rendement (où le diminuer si ce n’est pas fait aux bons moments et aux bons endroits sur la plante). Pour en revenir au thé de compost, il contient du lombricompost, de la mélasse noire, du guano de vers de farine et du purin d’orties. Le living soil est une méthode qui me plaît, je n’avais jamais réellement pratiqué un grow en 100 % sol vivant, l’avantage est d’avoir un sol déjà prêt à nourrir et aider les plantes à démarrer la croissance pour arriver en floraison avec tous les éléments NPK et bien plus grâce à nos thés de compost déversés 1x par semaine. Au niveau des odeurs dans la serre, ça sent tellement bon la fraîcheur ! Et sur les bourgeons et tiges, on arrive clairement à différencier les variétés, des odeurs singulières qui excitent toujours notre cerveau lorsqu' elles passent au travers des narines. La formation des fruits est en cours, c’est le début du spectacle, dégustez confortablement les photos qui arrivent...
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jeejeweek 0
Dont you think your growing abit much? which city your gonna supply?:p
@LaFrenchCulture, lovely job done in germination stage :) haha you probbly smoke more then me! :) wish you an healthy and blessed veg stage!
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@jeeje, Thats my first time with this amount of plants, but i have 10 years of growing behind me so i'm not scared to have a big family tree ! I cant say nothing about the city haha, its just for my personal stash. Thanks to you buddy have a nice groww
gottagrowsometimeweek 0
Cracking view. I love the start of a crop. I rarely have all plants even near the same month. Damm I'm still popping and planted my 1st 3 months ago. Nice choice of strains also. Great breeder selection. Enjoy ur grow(s)
@gottagrowsometime Wassup man ? Im happy to read you, i hope the finish will not to much decade but i know this will not be the case. I'm going to visit your diaries ! Big kiss have a nice grow too !
Hempface86week 0
That's a good size run .. Goodluck and happy growing! ✌️
@Hempface86, Hello guy, yes this a big size and i put all of my heart to harvest the best ! Big up
gottagrowsometimeweek 0
Cracking view. I love the start of a crop. I rarely have all plants even near the same month. Damm I'm still popping and planted my 1st 3 months ago. Nice choice of strains also. Great breeder selection. Enjoy ur grow(s).
OrganicChronicweek 10
Nice work!! I grow with living soil as well and it’s crazy seeing how close our plants look. Healthy stuff. Cheers.
@OrganicChronic, Thank you bro, happy living soil i affirm that ! Cheers
Hou_Stoneweek 7
🤩Great diary ! Happy growing 🌠🙌
@Hou_Stone, Happy growing too 😎✊
valiotoroweek 7
Beau boulot frérot 😎#lafrenchconnection
@valiotoro, Merci ça fait plaisir 😜
Beautiful photos and clean set up, looks really natural. Well done man 💜
@CHILLING_RACOONS, Thanks bro, yes we keep it simple ! All nutrients from natural source thats the way. Big up !
gottagrowsometimeweek 0
Cracking view. I love the start of a crop. I rarely have all plants even near the same month. Damm I'm still popping and planted my 1st 3 months ago. Nice choice of strains also. Great breeder selection. Enjoy ur grow(s).