
Eel's 1st indoor grow-Meph 4AssedMonkey

6 years ago
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 10
20 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
PH Down Bloom
0.1 ml/l
1 mll
Regulator  - Aptus
0.15 mll
1+ nutrients after
Commented by
EelGrows EelGrows
6 years ago
Week 10: This will be the final update before Harvest: I will update post harvest after the dry and weigh. Day 64-66: Hmm these 4AM are a strange bunch lol. I seemed to have been wrong about 4AM#3 getting better in last week's update, after reviewing the pictures. After realizing this I decided to continue feeding the plants till the end albeit only Calmg and Boost(micro). I decided to give 4AM#3 a 125% dose of Calmg on Day 66. I was worried about root rot because even though she was a bigger plant she drank noticeably less water than the rest. I actually forgot to mention I have had a few fungus gnats during the grow starting at around day 35. I always let the plants completely dry out even until some leaves were really drooping from thirst, so I though I had them under control. I never noticed more than 1 or 2 at a time, which is also why I thought I had it out of control. Maybe they have something to do with 4AM#3's state, but I doubt it. Anyway, 4AM#1 and #2 are doing well. #1 has fully ripened with almost 95% cloudy trichomes, and some amber. #2 on the other hand could still use 7-10 days extra, but regretfully I cannot harvest then... #3 is at about the same stage as #2. Day 67-70: Sadly I noticed too late, but that extra strong dose of Calmg seemed to confirm my suspisions... 4AM#3 had a heavy calmg deficiency... It really is noticeably improving this time! Leaves are regaining some slight saturation! And she drank her water very quickly this time! So bummed about having to harvest this weekend... Day 73... Oh well next time I will be able to harvest more freely and at different times for each plant if needed. She still has a good bit of cloudy trichomes on her calyxes though, around 40-60%, and very very few ambers, but her sugar leaves are already full of them. As for 4AM#1, looking great! gona be the smallest buds but definately the most dank! 4#2's massive buds are still having trouble staying upright, but looking forward to those for sure! RED ALERT: Shiiiit... So as I was watering 4AM#3 on day 69, I noticed, what I'm pretty sure is, BUD ROT! Damn, I'll have a picture as part of this update. I had very bad experience with bud rot last fall(planted my autos too late in the summer, lost over half my plants and had to harvest early), but that was with 10C temps and 80%+ RH. I have FOUR fucking fans in this damn tent, and it's always over 20C! But I'll be honest, I knew if it was going to happen, it would be THAT part of the plant positioned closest to that oscillating fan I have on the peace of wood... The bud closest to it(in the corner) is in it's blind spot, doesn't get direct breeze on it. And that's the bud, and the ONLY bud that seems to have been affected. Strangely though, this bud rot feels different to the touch than the one I had last summer. Very dry, and like I said, very isolated to that ONE little part. I cut it out and have the rest of the bud drying as a tester in my room. And my entire room STINKS. I seemed to have been wrong about that last week also; The 4AM smells so much stronger than the White Cracks. See you after the Harvest!! ;) It's been awesome and a fun learning experience!
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Grow Questions
EelGrowsstarted grow question 6 years ago
The leaf twisting and contorting i'm seeing in the first set of true leaves; is that due to incorrect PH(my tap water has 7.7 ph)? Also the discoloration on my 4AM #3's second set of true leaves(only one has the discoloration), can anyone tell me what that is? Is it bad?
Leaves. Too many
Stickanswered grow question 6 years ago
Hi @EelGrows! I see the twisting/curling leaves you're talking about, and I also see you're already having some purple stems. What's your night temp? Are you applying a wet/dry cycle with quick rotations? In this situation I would buffer the pH to the optimal pH range for soil (~6.0-6.5 with most of the feedings at 6.2), try to raise the temperatures a bit (by 2-3 degrees at least), and try to stick to a wet/dry cycle, I.E. one day wet with nutrients, one day dry, one day wet with plain pH'd water, etc... I would also consider improving the airflow, my guess is that you currently don't have a nice & smooth continuous breeze onto your babies, so try to put a small rotating fan slightly blowing onto the canopy. If things don't get better after a few days, come back in here with more details&pics so we can help you out to refine the diagnosis and review your parameters. Hope this will help, keep us up-to-date and happy growing 👊
EelGrowsstarted grow question 6 years ago
So closing week 7 now and my 4AM are showing signs of deficiencies again. I watered(with nutes) ph'd around 7 past few times and the runoff has still been ~5.9, indicating acidic soil(nute lockout)?At this point, you think it's best I just flush with plain tap water(ph ~7.7)?
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 6 years ago
Hi Eel, you're experiencing PH fluctuations and maybe yes, lockout but mostly due to the very high PH of the incoming watering. This is causing mayhem in your soil . The PH of rain water is 5.5 never go too much higher than that, 5.9 is fine 6.0 is fine anything more than that will cause issues. That's because different nutrients are absorbed at different PHs starting with micro nutrients at 5.7 and up. So your soil is now struggling to buffer up to 6.5 where run off should be. Stop feeding it 7PH it's causing all your problems. Yep, simple as that ! The leaves already affected by phone fluctuations won't recover but the problem should stop spreading pretty fast. Hope this helps ! 🚀

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Electro19week 5
Good Luck on your grow, I’m following along. I am completing my first grow and had a 4AM in my tent. I will be harvesting in the next week or so. You can smell the grape crinkle for sure. I was also concerned with my watering schedule and wasn’t sure how much to give. After the seedling stage I began to water twice a week with about 1.25 L. I then switched to every other day for watering with an occasional 3rd day if they felt heavy still. I also watered them with 1.75L a few times when the smart pot felt too dry. I used 5 gallon smart pots and feel I didn’t underwater my plants but that I didn’t saturate enough of the outer soil to get full potential. This is also my first grow so I’m just learning too. Good Luck
@Electro19, I thought mine were growing a bit slowly at first too, but I think it's just the 4AM phenotypes that stay short more often than not. I doubt more veg nutes would help, atleast I doubt it would have with mine. I think maybe more/better light at a further distance during early veg would have helped them stretch at the start. I was afraid of overstretching my seedlings so I put the light rather close and I think that's why ALL(the White crack I'm growing alongside these 4AM) my plants stayed extremely short during veg and only showed stretch at the start of flower like yours. I'm measuring height daily not so I can see what's going on for sure. Seems they are still slowly stretching out a bit.
@EelGrows, I didn’t get the stretch I had imagined with any of my 3 plants. I felt I had the biggest stretch between weeks 3 and 4 which at the time I thought was the final veg phase but in reality was my beginning flower stretch. I had a little more growth after that but my 4AM stayed under 15” total. The Mephisto website says it is on the small side of medium but I’m not sure what that means. I will definitely give veg nutes earlier in the seedling stage next time to try and jumpstart the veg. I’m not sure if the smaller size is normal or if it’s something I was responsible for. Next time will only teach me more.
@Electro19, Thanks! Coincidence! I've been keeping a close eye on your grow mate! Since it's my first time I've been comparing my plant's growth rate to others around the same age. At the moment the only thing I'm a little concerned about is them not stretching much more. Right now they are about 28-30 CM tall, just starting to show first signs of frost. First time growing mephistos so I'm very excited. About the watering; Yeah I realized when I watered 2l and still didn't get any real runoff that I needed to up it. Decided 3l was a nice place to start next. I'd think I got something like 10-15% runoff with 3l, which I'm more than happy with. Will stick to 3l till the end of the grow now, probably will have to up the frequency. I gave em their first 3l watering on wednesday, thought for sure I would have to rush and feed them today after work(saturday), they don't feel completely empty yet, probably in 4-6 hours. I saw 1-2 fungus gnats this week so I want to let the soil dry out extra well. Will have to keep an eye out for them. You think I'm going to get a atleast a bit more stretch now that I'm in week 6?(Day 38 today)
Experimentgreenweek 2
Hey there I was just curious if your plants had any reddish color to them? I notice your question mentions discoloration and it could be the lighting giving #3 a red/purplish tint to the stems and what not?
@Experimentgreen, I just use imgur to post pictures, don't really use it to ask questions. But I'm sure you can.
@EelGrows, that imgur is can ask about anything on there?
@Experimentgreen, See my comment above with the imgur link. I have the spot in question outlined. Thanks for the reply though
DeaneRweek 11
Way to grow! Congratulations on your harvest! What's next?
@DeaneR, Thanks! If all goes to plan, this summer season outdoors I'll be doing 2x Midnight Mass(photo strain) and 2 auto runs(both will be 1x C4 Auto, 1x Sour Hound Auto, 1x Zkittlez OG Auto) spaced about 3-4 weeks apart.
StonedWolfweek 11
This is a BIG ASS harvest, 0.89gr/watt is awesome 😲 And they look delicious too
@StonedWolf, Thanks! I couldn't be happier! Only thing that kind of fucked up this harvest for me was driving into a random police checkpoint the day before... License is gone for now and probably a large fine(blood was taken for testing and i know my thc values are through the roof lmao). I've been driving for 14 years now and never had an accident and any large speeding tickets(at most 10kmh too fast on the highway). Sucks it being illegal where I live... Oh well live and learn. Atleast I got this great stuff to smoke for now! And walking is good for me anyway! 😅
OKgrowsweek 11
Looks so good!
@OKgrows, Thanks mate!
ROM101week 11
Congratulations mate great grow and result keep it up👌👌
@ROM101, Thanks mate! Hope to improve! Althought I'm far more than happy about the results!
DeaneRweek 2
What is the brandname of your pots? Will of luck on your grow.
@DeaneR, From where I bought them they just said "Air Pots" 10L
drzoidbergweek 1
looking good following this one also
@drzoidberg, Thanks man! Looking forward to sharing my first journey!
HighTVweek 1
Hope you don't mind me following along with these 😎
@HighTV, Please do! It'd make me try even harder! 😁😉
CRiSPrGrowweek 6
Great diary Eel loving the details , I see why you're trying to add 7ph water, but what matters is the incoming pH more than the outgoing pH, pH of rainwater is 5.5, go with God for best results you know 😉 anyway let me know if you have any more questions I ll do my best to answer.
EelGrowsweek 2
Thank you everyone for the answers. I have 2 fans blowing in the tent atm, the plants are being moved slighty by the breeze. Will get atleast 1 more, maybe 2. My night time temps are around 21 celsius. Day time 24 celsius. RH is 50-55 and now that i have ph down all waterings will be ph'd to 6.2-6.5ph. I'm not quite sure if i'm underwatering; they arent showing any signs of underwatering. I water every 2 days now. Will read up on applying rhizz as a foliar spray(havent done it as i was worried about the lights then burning the wet leaves).
EelGrowsweek 2
This is the spot I'm talking about in my question: