

6 years ago
LSD-25 Auto
Fast Buds
Growing it
Ok wow great trip FastBuds got to see two phenos one indica one sativa. Absolutely train these plants the take off T1 was hitting twice from the untrained T2. Have some scales by the time it finishes drying but as a first effort I am already pleased. BTW the buds on T2 today... black, not really purp any longer and seeing tricones and such difficult so down it came though I really wanted another few days it was not going to be. Should have taken the first cut earlier, lesson learned. On the effects We do not smoke so this was ingested, small T2 bud that was driest. Decarbed on 220 for 2 hours looked about a gram split between three people. Terp hit was in the roof of mouth at first spreading to lips and tongue. Relaxed highness after 20 minutes began, Mind is very quiet no stress no negative effects at all except red eyes. We use a lot of cannabis and just from effects would put it about mid or high teens on potency. I am going to put on some Pink Floyd and ride the Birkeland currents... 8 hours later it was gone. What a ride. This pot has some legs, trippiest canna I ever had the pleasure of consuming. Absolutely best time to harvest is all milky... lesson learned. Testing T1 buds yeah mid to high teens on THC, CBD hit also noticeable over the photo-period variety very pleasant and relaxing. We like this much better that what we are getting in the dispensaries. Have pulled a total of 6.5 grams , 3.0 from T2 -3.5 from T1 - weighted on powder scale for reloading cartridges lol.. scale be here Tuesday and these will be dry and cured enough for a weight. The more we use the more convinced how much more effective this is over dispensary fare. The effect we were looking for is there SO STRONGLY we have to cut dosing. Good job FB
The Outcome
Week 10
What's on the scales?
Bud dry weight
Number of plants harvested
Grow Room
Grow Room size
g / watt
g / mΒ²
g / plant
plant / mΒ²
watt / mΒ²
Tastes like
Feels like
40% Sativa 60% Indica

Positive effects


Negative effects

Dry eyes
Reviews. Nutrient
Going to get the kangaroots and dropping the synthetics
Reviews. Lamp
Commented by
rhodes68 rhodes68
6 years ago
Growing - 2 for 2 on germination wish others were as good / next grow for this strain will be outdoors looking forward to it. Ok it loves its water but not a swamp, it LIKES to dry out a bit before watering. Was on a three day rotation seemed to work best from early flower on. Could have taken more nuets for sure but starting conservative paid off when I made mistakes. Silica saved this grow when they were being stressed and I had no idea why (low humid) it makes a plant tough, stems were wicked. Humidity, humidity, low humidity at night (18% or so) in veg it does not like AT ALL shows up as boron def but really a lockout (thanks Ilovegrowingmajuana), late flower this does not seem the case, get instruments. It responds just as poorly to conditions as we do. In short Fast Buds knows its stuff on this plant just follow their guide.. kudos yall. Cons - she is a stinker and I aint kidding in particular in late flower and drying. Act accordingly I know I will next time. Thats it that is the worst thing about growing it. Heh Harvest - The staged harvest is interesting I know for certain some lower buds doubled in size over that 4 days between them. First harvest should have been earlier and I would have gotten more from the lower buds as it just could not go any longer. Harvest on all milky tricones, the psychoactivity is so high. Yield - "looks" (yeah I know no scales yet, I a poor bastid) about average for the strain with almost twice as much coming from T1 than T2 . Will have weights when I get scales :) Best thing is they didnt die.... :D00 Getting a vented hood, dialing down the lights for heat issues cost us yield no doubt. Prob averaged 450w during flower. Over drying cost us yield but next time we do better, have another harvest this week so this ends our little journey.
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Grow Questions
rhodes68started grow question 6 years ago
Looking for some advice on when to flush. Due to the temps here they only need water about every three days. So far I have received the following advice from enough to make it look reasonable. Flush begins at 25% amber hairs. What do yall think on this strain?
Techniques. Defoliation
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 6 years ago
in soil it's pretty simple : either #1 - three weeks plain water no run off or #2 two weeks plain water with 10-20% runoff, or #3 one week / 10 days watering only with additives like enzymes or chelation agents (humic/fluvic acids) ... the "amber hairs" cant really help you actually, sometimes they turn sometimes they dont, and for sure they all turn after the chop. You really need to time it based on the trichomes, maybe start the flush at 90% milky/full trichomes. If you really need to do it on the pistils then maybe start a two week flush even by the end of next week, one week more plain water wont really hurt. By the way now is a good time to add P/K boosters to get that fat nug with that frost on. Hope this helps ! πŸš€

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Fast_Budsweek 1
Hey there! Good luck with your LSD-25. What Germination method did you use with the CBD Crack? Let us know if you need anything πŸ’š
@Mrs_Larimar, OMG thanks... heh paper airplane ... good one
@rhodes68,you can read your private messages if you look on the right bottom corner... there is alittle paperplane... click on it and a private section opens
@Fast_Buds, Still learning the Grow Diaries site, if you have any suggestions they would be most welcomed.
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rhodes68week 7
Well the boron lockout was a low humidity issue , not sure how long it had been a factor, cheap instruments and they sort of let me down. Wind stress also a past issue and they look identical
@CRiSPrGrow, Seems when you have a marginal environment, and yeah this is one, having mixed strains is a huge pain. One will be affected another not, seriously considering companion planting. But I sound like I am complaining about how things are going , I am not I am very happy with what Fast Buds has done with these gentics I just wish that all these breeders and seed companies could stop doing business in the criminal model (buyer beware).
@rhodes68, diagnosing a plant is a headache lol, could be any number of things, usually a combination of things and just when you think you figured out what it was you find out it wasnt excess but a lock out lol
Silverback_Guerillaweek 7
I think I'm in love with T2...yowsa, yowsa!😍
@Silverback_Guerilla, She was the most difficult along the way so far but yeah untrained and full purple they are gorgeous plants.
greennugweek 10
well done my friend great diary nice colour on the finished product
The_Projexxweek 5
Looks good ! It's always a pleasure to see @Fast_Buds genetics take off like they do :) Wishing you the best of luck on this grow and the many in your future ! -Happy Growing!
rhodes68week 10
Going by weight the trained plant produced just a bit more than untrained, problem with that was the light distance problems caused by the tall main on T2 which prompted me to let T1 also continue without further training.
CRiSPrGrowweek 6
hey hope i answered your question, anything else you need or if you want to know more just let me know i'll do my best to help ! πŸ‘Š
@rhodes68, yup ! these "rare minerals" is why i have this special micro made for growing, follow some of my diaries you can check it out next update (very soon !)
@CRiSPrGrow, Yes thanks you Right now they are flowering so heavily and its just going to be a thing here with the humidity till I spend bucks. (Suspect past borron def due to sub 25% humidity for a while) watching new growth closely as little may be as I am defoliating the dying water leaves to get some extra light. Heck at this point just glad not to have kilt it already ;)
CRiSPrGrowweek 9
πŸ† πŸ† πŸ† πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘
@CRiSPrGrow, Thank you too kind... next is gonna be better ;)
The_Projexxweek 6
They seem to be coming along quite nicely ! Keep at er :D :D -Happy Growing!
@The_Projexx, Thank you, they are actually doing better than shown my camera is just dying and I spent all my money on seeds LOL
GreasyLuigiweek 10
Bud dry weight..?
@GreasyLuigi, The 3500 LEDs? IF so thats plenty being 400w of led with full spectrum. I did this on a dimmable 600w HID that prob ran mostly at 300w during veg and 450w in flower due to damn things not being trained. That wont happen again
4x100w Cob Led, I hope it is enough and beyond for two plants..
@GreasyLuigi, Spend about a few weeks going through everything on the grow sites and youtube. ;) Seriously do not stress the plants, train them, and give them lots of light. Thats it man, though not stressing them is kind of big picture thing as all manner of things stress these plants. Almost did it on the Fastberry but a cold snap stressed them and it cost me. Ah well next time maybe
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SwedenXweek 4
Looking good man! Love the LSD, ive got the best result and more weight with no training at all of this strain, Best of luck n happy growing 😊
@SwedenX, Thanks for your interest. Gave them a good feed yesterday and the growth was impressive. Main problem I am seeing with not training the plants is just the height, this guy is already 13" , (33 cm), and ran out of room on the light height lol, Not complaining needed some stretch on the other plants so its all good. Hitting it with the MH bulb a bit see if this slows down some... nice problems to have. On the trained plant there are 21 cola sites at least getting hit full on by light so I am hopeful there.
@rhodes68, i understand. I dont think you gonna be disapointed, i loved the smoke from it!! Will sure follow youre diaries and se how it progress! 😊 Happy growing n best of luck
@SwedenX, Yeah they have started the ooodor :) Gotta get a filter lol My tent wont be in for another few weeks and we had to start this grow for medical reasons to see if the autos carry the same value to us as the photoperiod LSD. So far Im loving it
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Buddha2week 10
Congratulations! You really know what you are doing πŸ‘
rhodes68week 10
Yeah the jars were pulled out for burping thus the high humidity reading on one.
rhodes68week 10
Keeping leaves on the branches try and slow down the drying humidity is a real issue and humidifiers just problematic.